IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

I brought my girls to shangri buffet... I didnt bring along my maid.. Only me and hubby and two girls... Kids below 12 is free... There even have a section buffet for kids.. The table is lower so kids can go take themselves... The pasta, vege all children appropriate... Have dessert section... Choc fondue for kids...

Yday went ntuc to stock food again... Bought purple carrot to try... And also organic baby corn...

Any new food or menu to share with me? :p
Im running out of new ideas.. Keep repeating the food combi..
Today lunch... Rice with lentils, potato, carrot, mushroom and pork...

U can try bringing yr trio for buffet... Thats when they can have a taste of lots of different food! Almost all buffets will be free for kids under 4... But not all will have a separate section for kids... if u wana bring along yr maid got to expect exp bill cos u have 2 maids... Or u can bring along yr parents or inlaws instead of yr maids to help u with yr trio... Family outing!

Actually i dont like to bring along my maid for outing.. Cos wana have private moments with my loved ones.. And wana break away from her.. Face her whole day v sick liao...
And also cos i only have 2.. Me and hubby can manage ourselves without her...
baby, i tried doing new stock and dish. stock i use pork ribs, organic black turtle beans and peanuts ...got this v nutritious and yummy stock/soup. i also used the stock to steam the rice for dinner. so its not plain tasting rice.

cooked chicken and veg stew for the kiddos to eat w rice. they enjoyed the change of taste .. i did a tomato based stew.. play cheat abit, bought a bottle of organic tomato paste thts salt n preservative free...

bought a new recipe book too.. meals tht can b prepared in minutes.. next week going to try some of the easier ones in there...

i went to the ntuc finest at thomson plaza yesterday n stock up on all the bb foods. quinao, millet, lentils, kiri cheese, yoplait etc.. my bbs dont like purple carrots leh! both times i cook they refuse to eat the porridge end up eat cereal! so i will stop for a while...

my bbs like to eat lentils, rice, broccoli, sweet potato n mushroom/cauliflower porridge....
i dont hv a choice, need to bring at least one maid along.. coz my in laws dont handle the bbs well... if all 3 fuss.. i will b v jia lat. my parents r vegetarians, so not suitable to join us for buffet.

hv to pick one maid to bring along also tough..coz bring one, the other dont get to go n eat also will feel bad...
grumpus, is it normal for the kiddos to b letting out alot of gas at this age?? my ones does leh! my mummy says she never keen bbs farting so much!

n my eldest v notti, everytime he farts, he makes the same sounds w his mouth! LOL...
alamaks..just googled and found this... it could b the amount of veg they are taking.. think i will try reducing it...

Eating a lot of high-fiber foods, like cereal, or fatty foods, like French fries
Some children's guts may be sensitive to fiber or fat. Take note of which types of foods bring on your child's bouts of gastrointestinal distress and try limiting them. You might also discuss his diet with your pediatrician, who could have other suggestions.

Eating certain vegetables
Like adults, children can experience additional gas when they eat vegetables like beans, broccoli, and cauliflower. If your child eats these healthy foods, that's a good thing. Just make sure you don't overload him with too many gas-inducing veggies at consecutive meals.
bbs burp n let out a lot of gas when young cos of an immature digestive system. by 1 yr old they shouldn't be burping n farting all the time. is it the food u're giving them? but anyway if it's not causing them great discomfort like cannot sleep properly etc then just leave it lor.

my younger girl has cow milk intolerance. if I take a lot of dairy n bf her she gets gassy. if she eats food with dairy in them she gets gassy too. if she eats dairy directly she vomits.
grumpus, my eldest these few days start his night wakings again. i also dunno what is the real reason.. few times a night he wakes up standing in his cot crying.. :S

my mum thinks its tummy upset.. i hv no clue coz he has been eating the same amt of foods for a while n only started the waking up after weaning off thumb sucking...

my ones used to hv cow's milk intolerance previously... i only put them back on cow's milk after 6mths... but since then they r ok.....

my maids also everyday tell me the bbs kept passing gas...so now i start to wonder if it shld b a concern....
Thomson plaza ntuc is the my fav outlet! Can get all good food for bb... Bad pt is there do not have fitti diaper...

Yr trio dont like purple carrot ah... V strong smell? Different from normal orange carrot??

Wahhh u always have new food and recipe... Feel so guilty..
U aldry try peanut for yr trio? I hvt.. Scare they will hv allergy..
So far i hvt try meat stock... Bought chicken parts but still inside my freezer... Wana try chicken stock...

Ya vege contain lots of fibre.. Fibre cause gas.. And too much fibre also cause constipation leh... Esp when not enough water intake...

My girls also love lentils... When i cook porridge with lentils.. No need to use stock at all... The porridge taste v nice and frangant with the lentils and the rest of the vege... Mushroom also make the porridge taste good... No stock needed too..
What kind of mushroom u use? I use brown swiss button...
That day i chance about a reading say mushroom has lots of preservatives... Hmm... Dont knw how true.. Cos i give mushroom quite often...
maybe try to cut a bit on the fruits n veges lor. do yr trio go through obvious growth spurts? my younger does, she will fuss for food all day n wake up multiple times at night crying . then after one week or so she's back to her usual.
my elder last time didn't hv such discernible growth spurt periods
mushrooms have preservatives? I dun think so lei cos they're kept chilled n treated like veges
maybe they're refering to canned mushrooms?
Baby the mushrooms with preservatives are the dry ones? I give mushroom quite often too, button, brown swisss, shitake.

Grumpus, when does baby drop 1 nap? I find my gal napping little..like this morning, she is up at 8am ...11am I coax till 12 pm then she sleeps...almost want to pull my hair
according to books bb only drop to 1 nap at 2yrs haha.
but my elder girl by 13mths or so already drop to 1. my younger girl still on 2. but my elder girl's one nap is 2-2.5hrs. my younger only 1-1.5hr

irregardless 1 or 2 naps. u count the total night plus nap time. if they're hitting abt 12-14hrs they shd be fine
Thanks! I am always pulling my hair over my gal's nap... Haha Coz my mum kept stressing sleep very impt till I m stressed.
Hmm only 2 year old than drop? Coz the 2 cc I visited, no morning nap... Only afternoon
Is it.. Hmm.. Maybe the reading refers to those canned mushrooms.. Heeee...

My girls dont fart... V seldom i hear them pass out gas...
The times when my elder keep waking up in middle of night.. I hear her fart... I suspect her tummy not well thats y keep waking up... So for dnr i will avoid food that cause gassy tummy like sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower etc... And also dont give too much porridge for dnr... Else indigestion..
Afterwhich my elder girl can sleep thru.. Thou some nights she will wake up once or twice... But so much better liao...
Baby when u brought ur gal's to buffet with u, u bring their bb food along to feed them? Or they just eat off the spread?
grumpus, no leh. mine dont hv obvious growth spurts. only smtimes will ask for their meals earlier..

ok i will reduce the veg n fruits n monitor.. i think if i ask my pd he will say giv probiotics everyday.. :p

baby, yeah i plan to reduce the dinner portion too... see if it affects.. the other problem is my eldest eats dinner at 6pm, and drinks milk at 8pm. v close interval. if i dont giv him the bottle before he sleeps, he will refuse to drink when i do dreamfeed at 10-11pm. once he zzzz he dont want his milk. n tht day's intake will b very low.. today i think the max he will take is only 400ml....
I brought along cereal... I will start to mix the cereal with milk once i sit down... Then will go see the food spread... Take those i feel is appropriate for them... That day i took fish slice and mash it up then add into the cereal and feed them... Wana take vege also but lazy... Heee... Cos mummy v hungry... Wana faster feed them so i can start eating! Haha...

U give yr elder dnr at 6pm... By the time he finish his dnr will be 630pm? Then milk at 8pm? Hmmm... I feel the interval too short liao... Possible to give dnr earlier?

Last time i give dnr at 6pm also.. The milk at 830pm.. Thats the period when my elder keep waking up... Then i change.. I give dnr at 5pm... Then drag bedtime milk at 9-930pm... I also reduce the dnr portion and avoid gassy vege...
Her sleeping improves... Sleep thru... Will usually wake up near 6am for her milk and sleep again... Occasionally will still wake up once...

U still do dreamfeed?

Im not so particular over my girls milk intake leh... For my small girl as long she eats well... Her milk intake is around 400ml a day.. Im fine with it... I rather she eat more... Cos thats her main nutrients intake for her rest of her lifetime.. Sooner or later she will be wean off milk...
I even purposely drop her noon milk so she can eat more for lunch... So she only have 2 milk feeds.. Morning and bedtime milk... Each time 200ml... On some days if her lunch is v early then i give mid afternoon milk... Only at 140ml.. So wont affect her dnr intake...
When we dine out with the girls.. I will bring along cooked porridge in thermos and feed them once sit down... I will start preparing the porridge to feed while my hubby order food...
Once he finished ordering we will feed them.. My hubby feed one i feed the other...
Usually they will finished before the food comes... I will let them tax on our food also... Else they start making noise then i give them biscuit..

Today i gave them beancurd.. Both love it.. Keep crying for more when finished...
my girls take very long to eat too. I feed them n eat my own lunch/dinner at the same time if we're out. by the time I'm done they're done too. can't wait for them to finish first then eat, it will take too long
Gan, I also bring porridge in thermos. Will finish in not more than 20mins. When I see her porridge left a quarter, then I will or hubby will order food. When food is served, my girl will start pointing our food n get distracted. But i wouldnt mind if she didnt finish her food. But I will continue to give her biscuits to keep her occupied. my hubby is those that likes to eat with me. He doesn't like to eat alone. Lol.

I also brought my girl to buffet at swissotel merchant court. The waiter gave her plastic plate, cup, fork n spoon. She really enjoyed herself. Tomorrow hubby will take us to BBQ buffet at punggol marina.
baby, i used different types of mushroom: Shiitake, Oyster, Portobello, white/brown button ones..

i still dreamfeed leh..coz my gal n younger boy can drink 160-170ml at 10pm.. usually the 8pm feed both dont drink much..maybe coz too near to dinner time. but my eldest boy who refuses dreamfeed can finish 170ml at 8pm.

i m trying for dinner at 530pm.. coz last milk was 330pm.. coz they woke up from nap at tht time.. so 530pm only 2 hours.

i gave them cod fish pie with some macaroni for lunch today. they all had fun self feeding.. n of coz it was a messy affair! at the end of it, all 3 smell so fishy! hv to quickly bathe them..
I also use white and brown swiss mushroom... Use oyster before also... Prefers brown swiss...

Yday dnr tried baby corn.. My elder keep waking up at night! Gosh... She really v sensitive to alot of foods... My hubby say she has a sensitive stomach... He say corn is hard to digest.. Esp for my elder... My small girl has the same food but she slept thru... I have to avoid alot of food for their dnr.. Can only give gassy food for lunch.. Dnr got to keep to simple food.. Like squash, fruits, leafy vege etc...
Think my helper starts having pattern. Just asked me can she have a handphone so that she can SMS her hubby. She lately alot of calls, from hubby, cousins etc Told her no... Hmm. Once my gal goes childcare, dun think I will want a helper after this current one contract ends. Else not only must handle baby, work and also maid issue

Baby n panda, did ur maids ask for hp?
My maid brought along her hp when she came over to sin... She asked to buy a new one when her hp spoil... So we let her buy.. She paid for it. I brought her to petrol station and buy.. Cost at $80... She didnt buy sim card.. She still uses her philipine sim.. Can recieve sms but cant send out..
I feel its ok.. At least she remain some contact from her family member... Wont feel so lonely.. And she didnt request to call bk home.. Only call bk home once a month when we let her using our house phone...

My maid contrAct ending soon... Wonder whether i should renew or change a new one... Hmmm... Headache...
I definitely will need a maid.. Need another pair of hands with my girls...
Baby when we employ we told agent no
Hp... I have seen maids always on hp or SMS even when taking care of baby. I had her to help my parents, if she is always on phone, I am afraid she can't do
Her work properly. Now whether she calls home or her hub calls her, they talk at least 45mins.

Grumpus which part of beef do u feed ur gals? My gal starts to take meat... Eating chicken.
Thinking of let her try beef. Fish she only eats the
Whitebait. We managed to get fresh whitebaits
For her
for beef I buy tenderloin n get them to grind to mince for me. I only buy beef from supermarket not wet market. the ntuc at J8 has a very good beef section. the butcher there also very helpful.
Gan, thought yr maid is indo? How come ask for hp? I wouldn't accede to her request if I were u. Or else, u will have new headaches.

My maid never ask for a handphone or never request to call home. She's so different from my ex fili maid who has both fili and spore sim card and can talk for hours on d phone before going to sleep. For this indo maid, I always make it a point to ask her every mth if she need to talk to her family. Then she will reply, "if mam ok, I will call." sometimes if she cannot reach her family, she also never bother to call again. I am using 1551 (mediaring) and I let her use my iPhone to call home.

Be careful when your maid start to own a hp.
Hi ladies! Hope everyone is well.

I was reading about all your babies' meal probs. Well, mine too have major prob. THey have become so choosy and are not eating as well as before.

Only my eldest is an ok eater now. I am wondering if I should cut their mid-morning feed.

They usually get up at 8- 9am, i feed breakie by 8.30 - 9. Then, they have morning milk about 120ml at 10.30-11 and nap. Sometimes, they won;t nap. Then feed lunch at 12.30 - 1. Then feed milk again at 3.30-4 about 180ml. Then dinner at 6.30-7. Then feed milk at 9 about 180ml and sleep. Then when they wake up in the nights for milk, I'll feed them. Usually about 80 - 120ml.

I'm wondering if they r not eating cos they are taking in too much milk? I tried cutting the morning milk feed once, but it din work. They were too cranky during lunch after that. Maybe should try again.

Then u got to manage yr maid.. Tell her u wont allow her to talk on phone as and when she like. Limit her calls to home once a month. Also limit the length of the call. Eg 10-15mins.
So far since my maid with us.. I didnt see her talk or use her hp... She also didnt request to call home. And didnt request to buy sim card. I even ask her whether she need to call home twice a month.. She say no need...
Probably cos she is unmarried.. No hubby and children.. So didnt miss home as much as those that have family... This is also one reason i choose a unmarried one... Pro and con i guess...

Try purple carrot for lunch later... Update u whether my girls like it not...
Rice lentils, purple carrot, sweet potato, baby corn and pork.

This morning run out of bread.. Then gave them quaker oats... Both love it.. Gave them 2nd serving... The last time i give them both dont really like it... Now i have another option for their bfast... Heeee
Just faith, told her last night no hp when she asked. Yes mine is indo. She said exp for her hubby to call... I was tempted to say u talk 1 hr or more of course exp. But I just told her SMS also ex, dun waste $. Haiz her eyes red red... Realize my helper very easily eyes red red..couple weeks back, she complained backache ... Eyes red red, I quickly bring her see doc.. But dr also dunno what is the cause of backache n gave her pain killers only.

U have a new maid now?
u can stir the mince beef into grace porridge. for me I will make into patty, or shepherd's pie or stir fry with noodles etc. basically any way u would cook pork u can do the same with beef

I applied for my ex-indo to come back to help me since 17 Jan. I havent regret since. She has shown maturity and more initiative after she went back for about two months. I also deduct her salary. She happily accept the offer. lol.
Dnr today is a record success.... For the first time both ate fast and really like what they are eating... Both ate a full chinese bowl.. I use vege stock and very little water to cook plain rice... Throw in cubes of butternut squash... End result is yummy squash porridge. I steam threadfin and an egg separately...
Tml will try carrot... Maybe now they dont like to eat those all in one kind of porridge... Haha..

The purple carrot lunch wiped out... I put one skinny purple carrot, one small sweet potato, 2 baby corn, pork and lentils...
The whole porridge turns out purple colour.. Look so werid.. Just like when u put red cabbage... Now i dont dare to use cabbage liao... Too gassy for my girls...

Tml bringing them for chickenpox vacination... Will bring them for macdonald bfast first.. Heee
They are smarter now, since they are exposed to alot of other food, they have preference on what they want to eat. Just like my boy today, doesn't want to eat his food, want to eat adult food, so his lunch today turn out to be mee rebus ! My #2 likes all the asian tasting food, whereas #1 is more western. Today I made sushi for #1 school lunch, brought back some leftovers, #2 ate it for afternoon tea...haha...no wastage !
Wow... Mee rubus... Not spicy for them? How old is yr boy?
So far i hvt really let my girls take adult food as a meal.. Only let them tax... Wonder when is a good time to let them eat adult food as it is.. No need to specially cook for them... Can just order food and let them eat when we dine out.. No need to bring porridge out...

Hows tins going? Busy? Didnt see u here...
same as mine. my #1 western kid, cheese fries nuggets sandwiches r her favorite n she cannot take spicy. a bit also cannot. my #2 loves Asian, noodles rice etc chilli n curry all she can take!
funny huh how different they can turn out
pandawife, baby, justfaith, gan
need to ask mummies with experience engaging maids... for new maids coming in to sg for the first time, do you conduct phone interview with them first before you select? what do you ask them huh?
baby, i m going crazy w a cranky number 2! haiz..he has been throwing tantrums for now reason. just scream n wail non stop!! i hv no idea whats wrong.. can cry for 10-15mins..then suddenly stop n laugh n run ard...:S

bubblybear, grumpus, my trio start to show preference too! haiz.. number 1 likes rice, number 2 likes pasta, n now my girl likes porridge!! afternoon gav porridge, my younger boy scream the house down refuse to eat... dinner time gave pasta he cleaned up the bowl in 20mins!

happyhippo, r u getting filipino or indonesian helper?? my experience w indonesians first timer, their english is usually extremely bad. cant really do a proper phone interview coz they dont understand us. unless u can speak malay.

i will ask them about their their bb care knowledge n experience. but then again all of them lie!! so it boils down to luck really...
I didnt conduct phone interview.. I choose base on the video interview conducted by agent...

Maybe yr boy teething? Hmm... Seems like teething never ending hor. Haha..

Alamak now yr trio eat different thing now ah? No more luck in easy porridge for 3 of them liao ah...
Im still giving boring porridge for two meals a day...

Sometimes i wonder maybe cos u cook different thing for them so thats allow them to "choose" what they like to eat?

Now i seldom cook noodle or mee sua for them... Cos since they are ok with porridge then i just cook porridge.. Heehe..
Today dnr i use vege stock to cook white and brown rice... Throw in lots of carrots... Carrot porridge... Steam threadfin and a egg... Simple... All wiped out...

Lunch didnt use vege stock... Just water.. Rice lentils, sweet potato, potato, tomato, french beans and chicken... Finished too...

Hvt let them try rice as a meal yet... Cos my small girl not receptive on new things.. She v slow in accepting new food.. Mummy lazy to try new things.. Sigh... So guilty...

Btw u letting yr trio get hep A? Today just done with chickenpox... Choose the one dose... Cos another brand is 2 doses...
ohh..since u just did pox jab today, can share how much it cost? i m wondering if i shld switch them to GP for jabs.. more convenient here and seems to b cheaper than going to my PD.

i try to cook different foods for them since i m at home.. next time they go cc no such luxury.. want to expose them to different foods and taste.. i still believe the more they try now, chances are they will b less picky when they r older.. *keeping my fingers crossed*

my recent food attempts:
Hmm... Forgot how much i pay for mmr...
Today the chickenpox i paid $200plus for both...
GP charge cheaper ah? I tot only pd has bb vacination... Didnt know gp also have...
GP seems to b cheaper.. n they dont charge specialist consultation.

my PD charges $130 per baby for mmr 4in1, with chicken pox. thts excluding the $60 per bb consultation...mine x3 is v costly!

i m also looking at polyclinic.. mmr is FOC there.. now bbs r older, i m considering if shld go polyclinic so can save the $ ....
Panda not sure if they r learning to express their wants with screams? My gal has started her screams this week...gosh.loud sharp screams when she wants something and that was not passed to her immediately...or screams for attention. She was screaming and wailing at 5am this morning ....since yesterday till now, I have only 2 hrs of sleep, and just returned home from work. Super tired!

gp vaccination definitely cheaper n u dun pay specialist consultation. polyclinic is the cheapest cos no consultation at all. jabs r done by nurses
