IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Fidgets need to pay $15 for unlimited play for bbs above 1yr old?? So later on when bbs turn 1.. Means got to pay $15 ah... Exp also...
yup most of these indoor playground charge for older kids.
fidgets is not bad already cos they dun charge membership n their playtime is unlimited.
this is the dec newsletter. it says it's for good. i asked the mummy who told me abt it and she forwarded me the info. she also called amazonia

think some staff blur, not updated yet? now u can tell them to read their own newsletter :p
I just called amazonia... Yes.. Free entry for below 1yr old with min spending of $10... Can go anytime! The promo is from mon to sun... Yeah!
julia gabriel programme? ur younger gal can go too?? heard its quite good.. is it costly?

following week i m ok too... Monday? hee..cant wait ! haha.. thts 5th Dec..

baby, i dont think its coarse.. anyway by now ur bbs shld b adding textured foods leh.. i used to eat it..quite smooth..i bought the red instant one coz i hv no time to cook early morning..just add hot milk n serve..

i hv push car pics.. n also the bb climbing pics.. the ballspit side i think i din take. but its just ballspit n slide.
Yes Julia Gabriel has classes for 6m onwards. Yes it's quite costly

Below 3 yrs old is adult accompanied, above 3 is drop off program. My elder did holiday prog n regular weekly prog for one yr before she started kindy.

They sing songs, art n craft, story telling, snack....
Thanks Grumpus! So is a blur gal who answered my query... I told her I saw on their website it's free n she still tell me she will let her management know n update! =s

Think I will bring grace there next Friday if I can take afternoon off... Afraid weekends wld be very crowded
Grumpus, can share the cost of the prog at julia gabriel?

i might b keen to send my younger boy..he is insecure..heard from my fren tht she sent her bb gal n it helped build confidence...

i saw on the website only playnest is suitable.

i suppose u find their programmes good to spend the $ n both ur gals are going?
Panda the holiday program is abt $300 plus for 1 week. Each week there is a theme. This will be a 5 days programme for the theme, each time 1.5 hrs.

Initially wanted to send Grace for the holiday program, more for her to have fun n play but not possible for me to take 5 days of 1/2 day so I drop the idea. Think there is 4 themes altogether, next week is the 2nd theme.
Gan, u mean we pay by week? each week 1 theme $300+? so if 2nd week another $300+?

alamaks, if all 3 of mine go one week cost $1k..faint...
For play nest, each term depends on how many days u r going. I m enrolling Grace for twice a week class starting Jan so that she can have a transition before going childcare in July next year. Think it is $800 plus for 10 weeks? Haven't pay yet, and each time is 1.5 hrs.
the holiday program is $300+ per child for one wk prog.
regular prog is abt $400+ for 10 week, once a wk class

my elder girl is very timid and shy but the teachers are able to engage her and get her to partipate in the activities. that's y i feel they're good. and it's not just one teacher that's able to do tat, most of the teachers can.
for my younger actually she's ok with anywhere but since we went JG for elder, so continue JG with younger la.

u can try bibinogs or growing up gifted. similar concept to JG. bibinogs is cheaper, GUG abt the same. u can go for a trial class and evaulate for yrself.
the holiday prog is a special 5 day (mon-fri) prog. includes excursion on one of the days.

the regular playnest is an ongoing twice weekly (english or mandarin) or once weekly bilingual program.
gan/grumpus, thanks for the detailed info!

it is indeed costly, esp when i hv x3 the $$...

my boy's not exactly shy..but PD says he insecure..thts y always superglue me...:S
gan, u found cc already??

i made appointment to go talk to the principal of the learning vision cc near my house... most likely will send them there when i go back to work. but hv not decided when it will be.. just get them on the waiting list first since i need 3 vacancies...
Panda I m sending my gal to Cambridge@novena... I just send in my registration form. When I went down to look see look see in sept, they told me my gal s on wait list for next July! Abit surprise cc also got wait list. Choose Cambridge coz 5 min walk from my home, for the ease of sending n picking her up.

Linus actually ok leh, I was smiling at him n he wld respond. He is quite a cheerful boy. Gor gor is more outgoing, he will flash his smile readily.

The sticking to mummy I m not sure is it insecure or a passing phase? Coz when grace is younger, she sticks to me n cried when stranger approach her...that was during her 5 month age... But later she actually outgrew that phase
Talking abt childcare... I also wana send my girls next yr.. Not so much abt taking break from taking care of them.. More of wanting them to social and learn...
Is it call preschool? I totally clueless.... Which ones are good? Those that can really help in their fluent english and thinking skills...

Is learning vision, patschool hse, Julia garbrial all the same?
What is play nest?
Gan, u r not alone. I registered my gal in July for childcare with eton house and My First Skool near my home, both told me i need to wait till august next yr. By then, she would be more than 2 years old.
childcare is full day care. drop off in the morn, pick up in the evening. includes teaching, milk feeds, solids, bath, nap

playgroup is a 1+ to 2hr program for below 3yrs old. usually story telling, songs, playground, art n craft n a small snack

learning vision n pats sch house r child care.
julia gabriel, bibinogs, growing up gifted r enrichment centres which hv play groups.
play nest is wat julia gabriel call their play group for below 18mths
Mik mik, how is Eton house? Why did u choose Eton?

Baby learning vision, pat school house are childcare, ie ur gal goes there 1/2 day or full day. Actually u can send them to kindergarten too, for 3 or 4 hrs of class.

Julia Gabriel, I dunno what is it classified as..hahaha... But I heard they have pretty good program. Play nest is just their classs for babies/ toddlers. 1.5 hrs each time
Gan, I dint choose based on liking or reputation. Just happen these 2 r within mins walk from my house. I don't drive so I need to find one near my place so that next time I go back to work, I will be able to fetch her and walk home. Seems so childcare enrollment has to start early. The principals told me some mummies already put deposit to reserve a place for their unborn child when they were preggy!
I am also looking for playgroups to put my gal in for short few hours, so that she can play with other kiddos. My gal is the only child and I am not planning another one as I am very old le.
Mik mik hehehe we quite similar situation....I dun think I will have number 2 due to age. But I do worry my gal will be lonely.

I also dun drive, so I chose Cambridge coz I can walk there.

I just checked Eton house, the school fees is very ex!
Gan, exactly same sentiments, I worry she will be lonely. My niece and nephews are big already so she has no one to play with. I bring her to the library a few times a week and she is often interested to mix with the kor kor or che che but they r not keen to let her join in on the table.

Eton is ex, so I no choice, I must get back to work when she is in childcare, else cannot get govt subsidy.
gan, linus is super super super glue! haha..the stickest kind! nowadays gor gor n mei mei oso copycat him. all wanna superglue. i m like a refugee in my house! cannot let them all see me together. otherwise they start a screaming competition!

u r right, gor gor more outgoing..he v garang boy ... go out start talking and waving at strangers... di di takes a while to warm up.....
gan how much is eton house?

learning vision 950 i already find exp! but its the only decent one near my place..the rest r those HDB void deck kind.
this linus day n night also wanna superglue. haiz.. charlotte is down w cough n runny nose, i wanna let her zzz in my room tonight. but linus from 1030 until now wake up 3x screaming for my bed. once put on my bed he will zzzzz. guai guai.. go back to his cot less than 10mins start screaming....faint...
Panda, Eton at newton, the fees is $18000 a year! My jaws drop

Learning vision near my place is $1200, cambridge is abt $950.

Mik mik, Julia gabrial at Evans is shifting to rochestor..my gal is going there coz I signed her up for mandarin class
Hmmm lately Grace wakes up 4 ish for milk n then want to be on our bed too... Roll around. Few times she fell asleep, I put her back to he cot, she will wake up, stand up n scream for us. =s dunno why like that
Gan, panda, your babies are learning to get their demands across by screaming and shouting. My gal as well during her 11th month. Now she is exhibiting the terror 2 behavior, very naughty.
gan, separation anxiety? coz after tht u go to work right?

linus confirm has separation anxiety.

learning vision not all outlets same rates? i saw on their website its 950... alamaks..eton really expensive...

if i go back to work i still need to keep one maid.. to do the housework n help me settle the bbs after work... 3 childcare cost plus one maid oso not cheap.. its actually more cost efficient for me to b at home with them! but cant forever hide at home w mummy, they hv to go out n socialise w other kids too... dont want them to form their own clique next time go school bully other kids!

mik mik, yes! my eldest lately v naughty leh..whenever i tell him "no no, u cannot do this" he will scream at me n start to bounce up n down throw tantrum! i cant believe my eyes leh.. he is only 11 mths..when reach the terrible 2 i think i will faint!
