IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Happy hippo,
Hahaha u mean kaypoh mummy :p

I keep my half used veges in a lock lock box in the fridge. Can last for quite a few days. When I need carrot, pumpkin, zucchini, bell pepper etc I just cut out a small pc to use. The balance keep in the container in the fridge. These vegesr quite hardy n will keep well

Panda, you started giving 3 meals huh? Yes, it is extremely tiring and time consuming. That's why i can hardly find time to do much.

Usually what I do is cook the porridge in the late morning when they r asleep. Then I give that for lunch and dinner. Dinner time, just need to heat up and serve. Easier and saves time.

Baby, I also store the balance vege like carrots, zucchini and pumpkin in a container in the fridge. can keep well. But things like spinach must use on the day itself.

Yesterday I gave them pasta with cheese, broccoli and carrot. My boy ate it, but the girls gave me a hard time.

This morning I gave the traditional bread with cheese. My eldest and son refused it big time. I dip in milk also don't like! But my second girl loved it. Kept opening her golden mouth to ask for more.

Sigh! If only all 3 will like the same things!
fruitree, my 3 also all like different things!! i cant cook porridge for 2 meals coz my gal refuse to eat it. so lunch is a struggle coz i giv porridge. so dinner time has to be something she likes n the boys will accomodate her.

yup..i start giving 3 meals..but for the sake of giving, they dun eat alot, i still need to giv 5-6 full milk feeds, immediately after each meal they drink milk! LOL....
Mummies how do u intro meat like pork to ur bb? My mum made pork porridge but my gal gag when eating n refuse.... Stress when bb is vegetarian!!
Spinach also can keep. i wrap in newspapers. i just pluck out as many leaves as i need when i want to cook. the balance keep wrapped up in newspapers in the fridge. can keep few days too.
Anyone using calfornia baby pdts? Thinking to buy their bodywash, diaper cream, diaper wash and calueada cream range to try... Is it good cos my bbs has ezcema.. Skin not too good... Heard the range is quite good...Thinking to order thru agape...
Grumpus, oh i din know. Will try.

Panda, you're so good. Can do so many meals. I just let them eat what i cook. If one or 2 don't eat well, then I compensate by giving more milk. But if they totally refuse, then I'll puree the food and feed. Most of the times, they will eat the pureed version. Now they take about 3 - 4 full milk feeds a day.
hahah i was also thinking of getting calendula cream..
i heard that if bb skin not so good, u can try to boil jin-yin-hua in water and use it to shower baby. sorry don't know how to input chinese characters, direct translation is silver gold flowers.
maybe other mummies might hv heard of this also?
baby, i m using the calendula cream and also the calming body wash at night. day bath i use centaphil..

my younger boy used to hv mild enzema, but now ok already. i buy from agape too...

i use the calendula cream for all purposes, diaper changes, rashes, even mozzie bites...
fruitree, i m thinking its time to get them into the routine of 3 meals a day.. feed 3 meals no time go library n play play liao. these 2 days only went to nearby mall or supermarket for short trip n back. just came back from cold storage n all of them zzzzzz.....

my case is the opposite.. my ones dun like purees or porridge..if giv chuckier foods they love it..but problem is they cant eat much themselves...most of the foods end up on the floor!

u hv to keep trying..i read tht it takes up to 12x for a baby to get use to a new food or taste....

baby, i hv not given rice proper, only like sneak some for them to play when i m eating. but i tink they are ready since they can chew on pieces of macaroni... the issue is if they will like to eat rice....hahaha...
change my mind... making udon instead of rice.. cooked chicken stock in shuttle chef just now before i went out... later just use the stock to cook udon n serve! v easy...
Ok shall order thru agape.. Hope it can help with my bb skin condition..

Panda, what time u bathe yr bb? I now bath them at 5pm... Then before bedtime just wipe and change into pj... Scare bathe too late they will catch a cold.. Actually prefer to bathe just before bedtime... But thats abt 8pm..

Just now give pasta to my small girl.. She throw on the flr.. Give her bite she spilt it out...
The remaining vege keep together in one lock and lock or need to separate the diff kind of vege?

I also keep spinach for near to a week.. The leaves still ok..

So far i only give spinach and tomato fresh.. The rest are frozen puree... Once finish i will prepare fresh...
Panda, yah i also no time. So usually i just bring them out to nearby jogging track for walk. I'm sure they are damn bored of that place now.

Yup, I got to continue giving them pasta and bread until they like. Today I made white rice porridge with brinjal, pumpkin, tofu and silverfish. But din grind or make it very pureed. I left soft chunks of the tofu, brinjal and pumpkin. And they ate it! Except for my eldest. She very naughty.Don't want to chew and wants to spit everything out!

And then when I was eating green apple just now, both my daughters were eager for a bite. And I am shocked they both like green apple although it's sour! *Faints!
i keep all the vege in the same lock n lock
I tried California bb before, doesn't work for my elder girls eczema. but i like their bug repellent.
I just use cetaphil body wash n qv cream to moisturise
fruitree, oh yes, my bbs all like sour fruits! those v sour plums, green apples, natural yogurt also sour! but they will eat...

ur porridge sounds yummy n nutritious! i hv not made porridge w tofu yet...

baby, 3D cake usually v hard n difficult to cut n eat leh... although looks nice.. i went to pine garden, they are able to do partial 3D designs on fresh cream 2 tier cake. so will opt for tht instead ...n with 2 tiers i can pick 2 different flavour.

i bath them ard 6-630 after their dinner..cannot wait coz after dinner is war zone messy here. now i let them self feed breakfast n dinner. lunch is porridge so i hv to feed them.. smtimes they giv face n eat some, smtimes totally zip the mouth n refuse to open.....
Panda how much does pine garden charge for a 2 tier cake? I ordered a normal cake from
Glacé for my gal's bday celebration with Immediate family
Panda, yah I agree that 3D cake is difficult to cut and eat. But I tried my nephew's cake earlier this year. Was damn nice on day 2. The figurines no choice must throw

I thought of choosing one that is not so complicated. Must see how.
Gan, the premium cakes are like $36 onwards per kg. for 2 tier u need at least 2.5kg. for art work its another $25-$35 depending on the designs u want.

baby, just now i threw corn, carrots, sweet potato n chicken into the stock to make the udon. after tht i serve the udon w some of the veg excluding the corn coz i dun think my bbs can eat it. but nobody wanna touch the carrots or sweet potato.. so i gav them the corn. to my surprise, they all ate it happily! my gal chew on her piece of corn for 30mins! longest time she held onto a piece of food! n she only has 1 tooth! she also enjoyed the udon.. happily swinging it ard before eating it. n i let all 3 drink the soup...
Wow.. Sounds like our meal wor.. Haha

All yr bbs chew well... My girls each has 8 teeths dont like to eat chunks... Dont chew v well also...
How u serve the udon soup? U let them hold the noodle and self feed? Soup how? I can imagine the mess... Heee..
So how much did they eat?
Wow.. Sounds like our meal wor.. Haha

All yr bbs chew well... My girls each has 8 teeths dont like to eat chunks... Dont chew v well also...
How u serve the udon soup? U let them hold the noodle and self feed? Soup how? I can imagine the mess... Heee..
So how much did they eat?

The pine garden 2 tier cake is those normal cream cake that is stack on top each other? How much?
I also wana get 2 tier cake..
baby i scoop the udon n put in bowl for them together w the veg. soup for my gal i put into her pigeon mag mag cup she suck from straw. my 2 boys i use spoon to feed them.

i think coz my ones self feed alot, so they learn to chew along the way... they dun eat enuff to replace a meal..its more for them to taste n learn to self feed....

yup.. 2 tier normal cream cake stack on top of one another. $36x 2.5 + $25-35.. u also hv to provide ur own toy for the theme tht u want. i bought pooh n strawberry shortcake cake toppers for them to use on the cake.
True.. Yr bbs self feed so they learn to chew much faster..
I thk im a control freak.. Dont thk i can tahan to let them self feed.. Dont have patience also heeee..

Where u get the cake toppers?
How much u pay for the cake?

I open the link u give but cant see much tins leh.. I dont have fb acc.. Means cant see and order?
baby, i hv no choice. if dun let them self feed, every meal will b a pain n struggle for me coz they dun like the spoon!

self feed no need patience..haha.. i just sit there, watch, take videos n photos of them messing ard n having fun ;p

i ordered them from an online shop... they sell balloons, events decor n also cake toppers..dun hv the link anymore..but i think i shared this in one of my earlier posts ;)
Baby, I haven't decided on my design yet. Still talking to them. So not sure abt pricing yet. But I'm getting 3 kg. Should be around 300 plus.
Last night my younger boy from 11pm - 2am refusEd to let us put him in his cot to zzz! We carry he zzz put down he scream even though he is still sleeping! Me n bb take turns let him koala ! Eventually let him zzz betw us, he roll himself up onto my pillow n zzz next to me until morning 630am.... Haizzz...dunno what happen. He is usually ok w his cot or the playpen in my room.... We try not to let him zzzz on our bed coz scared he roll n fall down when we sleep. He is v active in his sleep n nowadays we r so tired smtimes might not detect his movements....
Fruitree, wow..300+ ! Thts quite costly! Can buy many nice toys for the bbs..to me now they dunno how to appciate the cake. So I m not indulging in it. A decent on is ok... Rather spend the $ get stuff they k appreciate now n hv fun with.

R u shopping for 3 sets of birthday presents?? ;) I just short listed one..still hunting for 2 more.
Panda, yes $300 quite pricey. That's why I'm still negotiating and bringing price down. What she quoted me was for the ones with lots of fondant figurines. I'm now askin her to reduce the 3D effect and see how much it will be. I think the design I choose was expensive. Got cheaper one.

We still haven't decided what to buy the kids. Dunno what to get. What r u getting?

Actually this party is more for my nephews and nieces la. They r all so excited about it and keeP giving me ideas to do this and that. One even said he has invited his friends for the party! If u ask me, my trio will not even understand what's going on. Ha ha ha!
fruitree, u r right.. the bbs r clueless whats happening! hahaha....

i wanna get a little tikes rocking cow... my younger boy tried a rocking horse at the studio n loved it! so thought of getting one. hv to think of 2 more presents... :p

i giv Paul's brand adult natural yogurt..add my own fruit puree...
Only see a few new ones le... Got any with u in it?

Talking abt bb waking up.. My elder girl also keep waking up these past nights.. Till she will sit on her bed or standing up.. Have a hard time rocking her bk to sleep... Shag out!

I tried the yoplait... Its v watery.. Not easy to feed bb.. Thou its flavoured.. My bbs still prefer yobaby... I also prefer yobaby.. Thicker.. Easier to feed... But harder to find..

Today for dnr i first time tried using fresh fruit.. I blend one apple with 2 plums... Let both of them share... So much easier lor.. No need to steam... But apple oxidise v fast.. After blend.. Awhile later the puree turns dark...

Gg to try pear too.. Today went ntuc to stock up.. Bot mini potato, broccoli for porridge... Pear, plum, apple, grape...

Actually also can blend grape hor?

Btw can bb take green apple? Is is acidic? Or its just sour? Wont hurt bb tummy hor?
baby, y wanna see me? hehehe.. this is a babies photoshoot not panda's photoshoot..LOL

i find yoplait ok.. coz i usually add meat or fish to it..so the texture just nice leh...

green apple is ok..
Of cos wana see u... See hows this gorgeous mummy with her 3 little ones! I always tell my hb abt u... Told him i wonder how u manage with 3 bbs... And still can whip up wonderful menus.. I have 2 aldry suck out all my energy.. Sometimes no mood to do any fanciful meals for them... Sometimes feel so guilty...

Green apple ok huh... Okok gg to let then try...
Just now let them try grape... My elder girl can chew on it but my small girl gag and spilt out... For her i thk i will throw in with another fruit to blend...

Btw have u tried kiwi? I bot green and golden kiwi.. But hvt try yet... I thk the golden ones are sweeter...
haha.. i m a super haggard ah soh mummy struggling to take care of 3 bbs! my house everyday like war zone..every night the minute bbs zzzz, i drop dead on my sofa or bed!! n the whole house is in a mess w toys, bottles, hankies, bb clothes all over the place! hahaha....

my maids do cleaning from 730pm - 10pm non stop!

not yet try kiwi, just bought a pack this morning..got the yellow one.. will try to giv over dinner.. last night dinner was bad..nobody wanna eat... all screaming.. nowadays my gal dun even wanna b handfed. she only self feed if she likes the food... if try to handfeed she wil scream the house down.. her voice super high pitch de.. v scary when she starts her screaming...faint...

this morning i duno wht to gv her..coz everything she dun like. end up i dip cheerios in yogurt n cheese then she ate... i just bought organix cereal bars too for her to try.. these baby foods all so expensive.. n she always eat once or twice, then dun like liao....
gv the organix soft oat cereal bar to my eldest boy n gal.. they both liked it.. my boy went to snatch from mei mei after he finished his! haha..so funny.... now i hv one more item to giv for breakfast....
I like the video where u put Mei Mei next to gor for... They are smiling n talking to each other, so cute!!

I realized my gal doEsn't check out the food like ur bbs.... Whatever I give, she will just put in her mouth to eat!
gan, aiyoh..my ones scrutinise the foods one! i tried broccoli again today...as usual they touch n look so disgusted at the veg! then use their fingers to squash all the florets then throw on the floor! LOL...

ur gal is probably a much easier eater compared to my fussy ones... today i bo bian, i cooked 3 different sets of dinners! coz all different tastes.. n they each happily ate their foods.. *stress*

yes..recently my trio start to hv their private conversations in a language mummy dont understand..

my gal start to call my maid.. i call my maid siti.. now my gal will call her titi, titi...v funny!
No my gal is fussy!! Those food she self feed are biscuits n bread so she will happily eat... Feed her meat, fish she will scream, snatch the spoon .

Really cute to see ur bbs talking to each other.

Ur maid n mine same name
I thk most bbs are fussy eater! Must have alot of luck to have a non fussier bb... Heee..

My small girl also dont knw what she like.. What she use to like now dont like liao...

Today i give them golden kiwi... Blend one to let them share... I give my small girl yogurt with kiwi.. She ate half.. Abit too watery.. Add kiwi in my elder girl rice cerel.. As usual.. She finish up...

Panda, u bot the paul natural set yogurt right? I bot one small pot to try out.. Hope its thick like yobaby.. Cos cant find plain flavour at taka today...

Ya mann.. Bb food v exp.. Esp organic ones.. I ordered from agape yday.. Spent over $170! Faint...
aiyoh..i tink all the gals r fussy..

when u r free bring ur gal here for play play lah.. my 3 needs more company..

lately i feed 3 meals no time bring them out.. now i m thinking if i shld go back to 2 meals.. since they dun really eat alot.. v time consuming to b cookin n cooking....n whole day we r stuck at home coz of the meals...

u tried add fruit puree or yogurt to the meat or fish?? start slowly, n in small amounts.. like 3/4spoon of puree to 1/4 meat/fish.. n blend the meat or fish first.. then slowly change the texture....

it takes a while for bbs to get used to the taste...

baby, paul's brand is v thick.. thicker than yobaby...

my gal too.. one day love corn, the next day threw on the floor! now she refuse spoon oso refuse to let me handfeed. hv to work v hard to trick her then i stuff the food inside..but when its in her mouth, she will eat it! super stress trying to get her to eat... so most days i let her self feed ..if she dun want, i will ask my maid to try to trick her...if still cannot giv milk... coz i hv to handle my 2 boys who bullies my maids! if i dun sit there w them, they will scream in the high chair....
