IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Happy, mine too how hard I try it still drop. Mummies and advise what should I do??

These few days when I bath my gal she will cry. But after I carry her she is ok. Don't know why.

happy, my menses already came since feb but very little quantity. my bm has also dropped but cld be because i reduce the pumping...this morning after pumping for 30mins, only 100ml and this is after a 7hrs gap....but did latch my gal at 6am when she cried for milk.

Blissful, not giving up yet...until the supply is gone. is the water temperature not right, she is not comfie, that's why cry?
gan, blissful,
i wonder it has to do with me stopping fish/payaya soup, pumping, fenugreek.
does it mean our bm will eventually stop by itself?
i quickly pop fenugreek today.. lets see if it helps.
i heard about menses not coming as long as we bf. doesnt seem to be correct hor. my menses has always been irregular before i preggie, now lagi don't know when it will come.
if u dun pump regularly, definitely bm will slowly reduce and eventually stop.
hormones will suppress menses and ovulation provided we're bf-ing enough. it's still possible to get menses when bf-ing if hormones are not suppressed enough.
my hb handwashed all bb clothes. If stained, then i will dab some bb detergent and soak b4 washing.
My frenz told me must burping after each feed is vv impt in case of choking milk and so i confirmed must hear her burp after feed. Like most said, try various positions. If she dun burp after i change positions 3 times, i will put her down and continue after that. So far, it works.
In 1st mth, i din burp after each feed and she couldnt sleep well.

KKH told me their jab schedule r different from polyclinics. My gal 1st jab in 1st mth was hep B 1st dose. Next one is 3mth 6-in-1 and optional jabs.
Did ur gal get any fever after the jab? i believe
KKH gave 2nd mth 6-in-1 jab.
Gan, normally when I put her in the tub she will be very happy. See Tom how.

Happy, me taking fenugreek too...but still drop
Do u feed mostly bm or fm?
I duno my supply coz i only latch and din pump. Only initially i pump to stimulate.
How long do u pump to get 60ml?
Hi mummies,
I deposited $$ into my child's CDA in Feb. Till now no news of $ for $ match from govt. Anyone knows when the $ match will come in?
New mummies ,MTB,
iam in 30th week
iam experiencing kicks or hicupps of he bbay i don't know really low low ... way below the lower abdomen.. and today i feel some uneasiness in the abdomen.. my visit is due only next sat.
should i wait or can check with any general physician . they can scan and tell that everything is alright.?

iam so scared to go KK bco after 22 weeks we have to go to laboour ward.. so scary..

kindly advise.

dun worri bout gng to labour ward, better go if u feel uneasy. sooner or later u stil gotto go, go now can see how labour ward looks like.

mostly fm now, only latch on once durin nite feed. pump once in d day for 20mins, coz nothing comes out after tat. my nursin bra so loose nowadays... u leh?

cda account not very sure...havent deposit cash.
Day, u also need to go for growth scan at tmc? I Tot is only practiced in kkh..we decided not to go for 4d scan anymore. Y tmc dun recommend single 3d/4d scan? Nuh say latest is by week 28, initially chose Nuh cos it is the cheapest for twins..

Ya... Its good to get a Bp monitor at home to monitor. I do monitor in office at times cos my kolig has d machine.
Imp, actually all these weights are estimation only. Actual delivery weights might differ fm scan weights. This happens to a couple of my frens. Some actually differs alot. As long as yours is within d range Shd b ok..try to clarify with dr Loh in your next Appt..

Meanwhile tk more protein n milk n hope it helps!
Fancy, dun wori abt the labour ward etc, if really unwell pls seek medical help. Kk will put u at the monitoring CTG 1st, was told it's a std procedure. I complain of piles oso put me at CTG, only to learn I hv contractions. At least hv peace of mind to c wats wrong

Rostrum, ya estimates but stil they go on this basis to gauge. Next scan b growth scan by then I'll know where bbs weights r. Will continue to up my milk n protein intake. Last leg Liao, hehe.. Quite panic
Dr told me depending on severity of hi-bp, for some, it will affect blood flow to placenta thus affecting bb growth. Severe impact on us will be stroke. hmmmmm.. I dare not ask further but came back to googled
... Hb bought a bp gauge for me to monitor.

Dr cheng will send his patients for growth scan on Wk32. The leaflet from their fetal assessment unit indicated that 3/4D scans must be performed with fetal growth scan and a single 3D scan is not recommended. This is to ensure that proper care is provided for us and our babies. I called them up and they said to do growth scan together with 3/4D scans and they need letter from doctor.

I went for acupressure which is like pre-natal massage with tmc-tcm. Initially I went more to fix my horrible back pain and found the sessions relaxing and soothing. The therapist specializes in pre & post natal and she even massage our boobs n the sides of our tummy which is suppose to create bonding btw us and the baby. But i told her to not to massage my tummy as I am skeptical.
day/grumpus april meet up may not be possible coz my helper is finally coming this weekend! so need to train her before i return to office and there is noone where i can leave her for sometime when i am out as my mum is in hk this month

Happy can still bf unless you are taking medicine that is not suitable for bf.
Imp, in a few weeks time, u will hold your bunnies in your arms.. Do whatever to beef them up!!! Dun panic.. Jus follow doctor's n nurses' instructions when d time comes. Dr Loh is really v experienced in delivering twins so u r in safe hands!

He told me he delivered 3 twins naturally last week. The other one mummy no confidence n opt for c sect else he will try try natural for her too. It somehow boost my confidence to try natural too...

Jia you Jia you!!! Everything will b alright...

I now tell u dun panic.. When it's my turn, I dunno I will panic or not?
happy in fact when we bf when we are sick, the bm has the antibodies against the virus, which is beneficial to baby. but maybe wear a mask when u bf (if u latch) so that you won't pass the bug to baby.
I think when we are sick, may affect milk supply. my ss dropped alot when i was having UTI in end feb...but sadly after i recover, the supply never pick up
Day, not sure aspirin will help in Bp n blood flow to placenta? I hv been on aspirin since week 20. I ask fm dr loh n he says no harm tking.. Perhaps u can chk with dr cheng in Yr next Appt.. If u tk aspirin, dun tk ginseng as both hv d same effects of thinning blood.

Oh... Din kw 3d/4d scans cannot b performed individually...no wonder dr Loh dun encourage...bt he give me another reason...
Try to take more red meat especially beef if u want to beef up your bbs. Drinking a few glasses of fresh milk everyday helps too. During my 3rd trimester, I was taking a lot of fish, beef, fresh milk, yoghurt & ice cream to make sure that my twins have enough protein to gain enough weight to be at least 2kg each so that they don't need to stay in NICU.

I should be able to take a few hrs off on weekday mornings from next week onwards. Since Grumpus and Gan can't make it next mon, shall we postpone it?

I brought my babies to botanic garden at 5pm to avoid the sun. Anyway, the trees there also provide shade so no sun block is required. The air there is also very fresh so it's ideal for family outing. I saw many parents with their kids on strollers having picnic there.
Day, Grumpus, Gan, Bing,

Ok to meet up anytime... How abt we postpone to Fri? Day, if the rest can't make it, I'm ok to still meet... We can always hv another session later.
Gan, still not sure why my gal fuss. Last night when I went out dinner with my hub n son, my gal fuss till all 3 (my mum, dad n bro) almost can't handle her.
Thanks for the info. I was previously on aspirin too but Dr stopped my aspirin dosage due to my spotting/bleeding episodes. Will ask him again when I next see him.

Onz on next Friday - 15Apr. Am fine with any timing. Shall see if the rest can make it then.
Iam ok.. now.. I went home from office and lied down for 3 hrs and gladly my baby assured it was fine , it was kicking nicely and then got up had dinner and lots of water and after an hour again rested.. iam feeling ok now.. somehow managed to avoid the KKH visit. But iam slowly realizing I should visit one time atleast before the actual delivery time.. I don’t know y iam scared to go there.

Ya, Iam realizing only now that I have that phobia.. scared to enter labour ward… my god.. I should mentally prepare myself for delivery..

No no I knew it was not contractions but still some uneasiness which was irritating me yesterday…

Really even for piles they put u on contractions testing.. hmm.. ok .. u take care and rest so that ur baby grow fast .. wow u r the one popping next ??
U brought a picnic mat? Where did u buy it?
What kind of food u prepare? Yr bbs lie in the stroller?
Is it windy there? Cos my bbs sure irritate if the weather v warm...
thanks Bing, Rostrum & Day.

Rostrum, yes he told me at 30weeks he delivered 5 pairs of twins on that week too. n told me so confidently ala one head down, he can natural. this inspires me tho I m still worried hehe...

Fancy, gd that u r feeling ok nw.
yalor.. I told them I m here to treat the piles leh, why monitor bbs heartbeat etc? they told me is SOP once u go delvy suite, u will b put on that 1st for 45mins to monitor b4 they treat u for ur complaints.
Ya I think I m next after JJ?
i brought along my small pillow when i was at delivery, can put under tummy, back or neck if needed. kkh pillow std one, if deliver got back pain at least u got small pillow standby.

oso i realise if u kena delivery suite that is deep inside one, beri stuffy. i asked nurse on aircon they said oledi on, but still stuffy n umcomfortable, end up my hb rushed to buy a small battery operated fan to clip on bed for me. dun b fooled by kkh delivery suite reception tat its nice n coolin, if kena inside suite, si bei jialat. dun noe if u r with kkh or other hospital...
and its not becoz pregnant woman feels warm, my hb oso said air no gd, like dusty n stuffy. d jackets we brought was not put to any use...i entered delivery suite many many times coz i was induced for couple of days before popped...had gone in to various delivery suites...done many CTG n cervix checks till i say tolong tolong...
Rose you were induced? how come?

Bing, we brought our gal to bishan park one sunday at about 10ish...the weather was very warm with sun, was afraid the sun will damage my baby's skin that we quickly went to the restaurant for our brunch instead of continuing with the walk.

Blissful, maybe is a passing phase? my gal not a fussy baby when young but lately getting fussy..
(opps!!) maybe i praise her too much. =P
Rose, I agree on the stuffy delvy ward. I asked hb if they on the ac? He said on liao, I asked him to turn on higher. so u basically stayed n zzz in the delvy ward for few days b4 delvy?
hiyo the cervix check was really ouch!
Really I thought it looks very good from outside.. i saw the ward when i went for ADC scan. oho sounds like delivery ward is not that great.. so i guess i will also go one time before delivery to check :)
10plus sun not too good... Early morning sun better..
I still dont hv the courage to bring my girls to park.. Scare too warm... Even staying at home alrdy v warm.. Hee..
i latched abt 6 times a day, only in daytime...supplement fm during lunch and dinner coz only me and hb ard...so need the time to do chores and eat...
nite time give more fm. My gal sleeps thru the nite, ard 6-7 hrs, so no midnite feed till early morning.

i dun wear nursing bra, juz the big bra bought during pregnancy. Jus remove bra and latch lor...if in living room watch tv, close curtains..lol

I was induced a day b4 delivery oso...how come u took a couple of days?...

My show started ard 11pm that induction day..but i blur blur waited till 12am call delivery suite for help...by then, oredi 5cm liao!...then delivery suite told mi no available bed!!...till 1+am then i got a bed...then 1 more hr b4 i was given eipural coz late nite diff to get doc...i really felt the pain sia!!
Day, Grumpus,

Ok let's meet next Fri, Apr 15 then. Suggestions where? I would prefer afternoon, say abt 2-4pm? Can have coffee. Grumpus, u bringing yr kid?
Working wife,
Can meet at united or novena square. There're several coffee joints around. I'm easy, although I personally prefer the bb room at united square.
Bb will definitely be coming along cos she's breastfed, no choice glued to me. Elder one I may bring along depending on how tired she is after school n whether she needs a nap.
Grumpus & working wife,
Wow!! Am seeing yours cuties ;) I m okies with united sq too.
Will leave u all a FB msg by next thurs on exactly where we should meet.
Day, grumpus, working wife,
I can only take some time off before 1pm next fri. It will be great if we can meet in the late morning say around 10am-12noon. Otherwise u guys meet up 1st.

I got the picnic mat from my mum. I think she redeem at the petrol kiosk or something. U should be able to find such mat at carrefour. My babies lie in the stroller and picnic mat. I also carried them to walk around, look at flowers, fish and tortoise in the pond. They were really happy. It's quite windy that day. My babies are also afraid of heat but they didn't feel hot that day. I bought kfc and had dinner there with my 2 helpers. They enjoyed themselves too.
gan, bbhopeful,

Coz d medication inserted doesnt open my cervix, every day put in medication but cervix still not dilate. Think I total cervix check 6times...it was very very very painful lor...esp the last few times I got a bad phobia...that I requested epidural even before I last entered delivery suite. during that period I hated dr loh...coz he checked the last 2 times lagi d most painful...shhhh...dun let him know.
