IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Panda, thanks. I will start doing that too. I also find it difficult to eat more these days. Hope to see good results at the check up next week.

I also started having pelvic girdle pain. When I turn from left to right at night, it's quite painful.

Panda actually nothing much at home for helper to do if they are nt cooking. Even with cooking, the helper still have alof of free time. Cos at least they will be awake for 15hrs, mine sleep for 9 to 10 hrs. So i give her tv time at night abt 1 to 2 hrs.. So rest of the time she will be working.. Where got so much thing to do.. Unless babies is ard..
Too late for me to go polyclinic nw..

Fruitree, What if warded to kkh but cannot get the subsidy.. So troublesome...

Spiffy, I'm only 29 weeks 3 days.. The twins is abt 1.2kg only.. I'm really worried abt having to stay in hospital or giving birth nw.
May I know the reason why you give birth at 30 weeks? How much is the bill?

Baby, I'm having contraction quite regularly last hr.. At almost every 10 mins.. Then I took my ventolin and the contraction come irregularly nw..the last time I have is abt 20 mins ago.. I think I might join u in hospital soon.. If stay in same floor then I can drop by and chit chat with you..
Wan, if cannot get subsidy then difficult. Some more if we want specific dr to deliver, then must take b1 or A. Then after that if really need to downgrade, got to try. Maybe it'll be possible, like spiffy said.

Spiffy, pls share with us the criteria for downgrading.
Wan, I had a low placenta which caused me to bleed. Went in a week before, where they put me on salbutamol (ventolin) and adalat. I bled almost every day and it brought on contractions. At some point we decided it was better to deliver. As you know, the meds make your heart race. There're other risks for mums of twins on this type of medication too. The twins were about 1.5kg when I delivered. What brought you to the hospital?
Fruitree i still got delivered by my own doctor cos I only applied after they were born. In fact, they helped back date it to the second day after they were born. Basically a social worker visited me and advised me in the procedure. Yes it's leceh cos you gotta produce your bank statements, payslips etc but given the huge bill we were facing, it's not that troublesome. Ask yr hubby to start preparing these now just in case.

As to the exact amount, it depends on the babies. One of my boys wasnt in NICU long. He was mainly in special care nursery (SCN) which costs less. The other was in NICU and NICU Step Down Unit for a month. I believe you can only pay medisave up to $450 a day. So in actual amounts, one was fully paid for by my Medisave. The other was Medisave + $6k only. They stayed for 5 weeks in all.
Spiffy, thanks. So do we need to request to see social worker or they will come automatically after delivery? And did u move to lower class on your second day?

Looks like one more thing to prepare. Will inform my hubbub abt this. By the way do u need to show statement for that month only or for past few months? Sorry that I'm asking too many questions.
Fruitree, my dr say cannot chose dr cos if you chose, it will be considered as private.. And cost will be high.

Spiffy, thanks for your explanation.. Nw I know at least the bills is nt as high as I thought.. But I don't have medisave.. So might have to pay full in cash.
I have contractions but it was the cramp that got me worried then dr pack me off to labour ward to do ctg and I stay for a night on drip. Next evening after contraction settle down then I was allowed to go home.
Btw, 1.5kg at 30 weeks is good.. I hope my girls can gain more weight nw.. Wanted to eat durians to pump them up but there is no durians until dec month end cos flood in Malaysia.. And I always hope my babies will be born in beginning of year so they have age advantage when they start schooling.. Hoping they can hang in there for at least 5 more weeks.
If u really have alot of contractions in an hr.. Better to cum labour ward for ctg.. Dr f mention before to me that it will be more managable if the contractions are caught early and med is given fast.. If wait too long and the contractions become more intense.. It may trigger water bag to burst or cervix to dilAte...

Dont mean to scare u.. But thats what dr f told me...
Now even on 35u..: im still feeling contractions.. I also dont know how...

Actually dr f should ask us to go polyclinic to get referral letter to go kkh like what panda did.. At least anytin happen can go straight to kkh.. No need to go thru mean test... Imagine gng to kkh but unable to downgrade... Defeat the purpose..

That time cos i been feeling contractions but i didnt know.. So after a while i bleed... Else i wont go to labour ward cos i didnt know how contractions feel like..

Rem to take note of yr contractions ok... If really more than 3 in an hr... Go to do ctg... Dont wait...
baby, u r still awake at 2am or u slept n woke up? i turn n toss again until very tired before i could sleep last night as usual....

try ur best to stay hydrated..lotsa fluids is gd for us.. babies also need water for refresh of their amniotic fluids.


yes, as we progress, eating also becomes challenging too... for a few weeks, i hv been having brown rice porriage for lunches.. coz its easier to eat than rice. smtimes eat noodles soup...but can never finish the foods in one sitting..hv to break up in two parts....

when sleeping hv to rotate on left, right...if sleep on one side for too long, the pain will hit. i wake up v often for pee trips..so i will switch sides to sleep ...otherwise the pain will be so bad tht i cant move, hv to wake up my hb to lift me up....

hmm.. babies will be at home.. we figure tht there will be lotsa laundry to do.. esp so when we are using cloth nappies x3..laundry for the entire family.. n also cleaning up after babies bath, after my mil/mum cooks.... of coz plus daily vaccum and mop of the whole house? haha.. this is wht i tink lah..never hv stay in maid before... first time....
I was in B1 after delivery. The social worker came to see me on the 2nd day and by the time my husband submitted the docs, quite a few days had passed. But kkh very kindly backdated it to my twins' 2nd day (or 3rd) so we did not have to pay thru our nose. Yes they assign a social worker automatically, or u can request to see one. She was very nice and allayed our fears. I must stress that the ability to downgrade is case by case tho she said the hosp is generally kinder to multiples in NICU.

Wan your hubby has medisave right? They'll just use his. What was ex was my own bills... The CTG/labour ward charges were by the hour.
Hi guys
I wont be checking this thread much...got little ones to look after.
Please PM me okay? Take care and God bless.

Isit possible tat bb on breastmilk get constipation??

My girl is consipated for 4 days and we went KKH to see doc. But I find it weird coz she is on breastmilk most of the times and only 1- 2 feeds is FM.
Hi mummies previously on medicated ivf fet cycle,

Can you tell me when did u stop progynova? I search the Internet most would say week 12 but my clinic told me to stop now which is week 6 + . I wonder if this is too soon?
Many thks for reading this, I m pretty worried.
hi baby
how u doing? dont see u update as often. r u updating via iphone or laptop?

im gonna pop this wk/next wk. but dr f is away this wkend, so stressful, coz if baby decides to come out when dr f not around, then got to settle with either of his partner. wonder who is a better choice..scary
Baby, this morning I have 1in 10mins! Scared me.. Then dr ask me to observe if continue then have to go labourward. I take my morning ventolin then contraction stop. Only once in an hr or half hrly now but stronger than before. Last time my elder girl also started with 1 in 10 mins but with pain. This time only tightening. Now I rest at home first. See if oral ventolin will help. If still continue then afternoon I really have to be admitted.

Panda, my helper sweep the floor at least 3 times a day then hand wipe 2 times. I nv demand that, I think she nothing to do so she just keep sweeping and wiping.. Still alot of free time for her. I just ignore then she wanna read, she read, wanna rest, just rest.

Spiffy, My hubby also no more medisave. We use for ivf once then my fibriod surgery.. Haiz..

Skies, you might wanna change formula milk. And if they are 2 mths old, you can feed them china barley water. Maybe baby is heaty. But this is traditional method. Some mummies is uncomfortable with feeding barley water to infant. My Sis don't even feed her baby water. For me, I give my elder girl water since birth although she is fully breastfeed.

Happyhippo, jia you!!
thks! hope ur contraction calm down.

wanna ask u, altho i plan to breastfeed, but not sure if successful. thinkg of standing by one tin of formula milk. do u know if glen e will give us any formula milk to take home? or i better just buy one can to standby now. any recc which brand for newborn? thks.
Hi Panda,

Thz. Dr Loh said its normal to feel ribcage tightening..

Btw, was looking thru on braxton hicks and true labour contraction...still do not understand how to differentiate between the two. Any clues?

Getting very anxious as weeks passed by and EDD approaching in another 2 months plus...kinda freak me out. You are an extraordinary woman to go thru pregnancy for 3 and still can keep your calmness and cool. I salute you!
Gan, that seems like the "standard" answer. I dun no why the nurse said "you still taking it ' when I asked her ytd. I guess it is no pt worrying alone. I will ask her to confirm with the doc tmr when I go down for my injection.
Also wanna salute to the mummies here who are in anticipation of the arrival of your precious babies after reading your posts. All the best to you!!!
Im still awake at that time... Cant sleep... So watch tv...
I notice some nights i can slp well... Some nites are bad..
But i usually will catch up on slp during morning or aftn.. But always interupted cos got so many people coming in and out...

U are due soon! So excited for u mann!
Ya dr f is away this sat noon till 7th... I also feel insecure when he is not around... U mean u can choose either dr ng or dr kumar? I tot is whoever is free... Did dr f say whether u will likely to labour when he is away? Or u can choose to induce before he leave...

One in 10mins is v frequent! Dont play play ok...
Dont bcos u scare to stay in hosp then hestitate to come labour ward...at least come to do ctg and monitor.. If dr f see the ctg and feels u can go home then u hv a peace of mind..
And dont forget dr f gng away this wkend.. So anytin try to catch him before he leaves...
U still walk ard the hse? Bedrest if possible ok...
Happyhippo, hospital will give you 2 bottles which is enough for 2 feeds after going home. If you plan to breastfeed then don't buy any formula first. Total breastfeed?? Personally I feel that feeding baby formula will affect milksupply. I nv give my girl anything until my milk supply come abt 3rd day. She lost weight but it's normal. Newborns has enough to tong until mothers milk supply come. Btw, alot of people might ask you to give up bf, but just persist! My ah ma and confinement lady even scold me wicked for not feeding her formula..
For formula milk, I give my girl Nan. But only start at 7th month before that all bm. Nan is said to be closest to mothers milk..
Baby, I think my current contraction same as yours cos once I walk abit then it start. Must lay sideway, not move ard then calm down.. Don't know if I can hold on for how long.. Now it has calm down at home but if later it happens again.. I really must go hospital. Btw, my girls are very active during the contractions period.. Wonder if they are stressed out. Do you feel more movement when you have contractions? And they love to kick the ctg probes.. Maybe they can feel those belts too. Can lay sideway while doing ctg?
skies, don't worry.....a few of us have encountered this before......and some have asked our PDs....u brought urs to PD rite? wat did the PD say?

We brought her to KKH A&E coz she is puking her feed too. Sometimes is merlion style which is quite a concern to us as she is not pooing and her feed actually reduces. She is not urining alot too.

The doc at d A&E told us either we overfed her or it could be another medical case. Say the milk prob cant go into the intestine so will lead to vomitting. She gave my girl medicine to insert into butt and she managed to poo (but quantity like not alot). Doc suggested to admit her & observe but we decided to bring her back.

I know that bbs on formula might have constipation but I seldom hear that bbs on BM have constipation.
u r rite, ya i dont think we can choose which doc. but maybe can tell him our preference.
doc is keen to induce me before he goes off. but i was thinkg if baby not ready to come out, do we really want to induce. but its a risk that it will happen when he not ard lor. very stressful leh, whenever crucial time, i encounter doc not ard.

i just worry i got no milk supply. so if after 2 feed, got no milk how? baby cry for milk how ah? no milk means no milk leh, cannot force it. can we ask hospital for more?
Spiffy, thanks for the explanation. Good to know that they are kinder to multiples.

Panda, wow, you really eat healthy stuff. Good on you. I have been having home cooked food mostly, but not sure about how healthy it is. I try to take more protein stuff to help babies grow.

Last night suddenly i felt menses like cramps. I woke up to pee and found it difficult to get off the bed. Got so worried that it was contractions and was thinking if need to go hospital. Waited for a while more and it subsided so went back to sleep. Don't know if it becos of the pelvic girdle pain or it was real contractions

I keep telling myself, just tahan another 5 more weeks.
It is possible for bb on BM to be constipated. Very rare but still possible. Sometimes if bb is very badly constipated it is possible they start puking cos they're so full of poo tat no more food can get in already. It's also possible she's not eating enough tat's y no poo.
Cos u said she's merlioning and not urining a lot too. Is it possible she has developed reflux? My girl had reflux at abt 2.5mths. She can't drink much at one time n frequently merlion out her milk too. We had to feed her very small and frequent feeds to make sure she gets enough.
I fed her abt 50ml each time but every 2hrs plus twice a night milk feed as well. She took abt 2 mths to outgrow her reflux
Skies, there was a period that my son was only pooing every alternate day when he only drank 1 FM (for last feed). And he was merlioning almost after every feed.....it's a reflux issue which I think may be wat the PD is saying the medical issue....

Dun worry too much ok??...jus continue to monitor...

As for the merlioning portion, do burp the bb more often, or give smaller but more frequent feed if u can.....I heard these will help...

Err, not many mummies will support this, but I do give my son ard 5-10ml of water sometimes....now he's on total FM, he will poo everyday...and if he doesn't poo, 10-20ml water will do trick.....30 mins or 1 hr later, I get 1 huge and smelly pamper!
Happyhippo, I think you can request for more but I don't know if they would charge you. Better ask first. Or you can buy a small tin from cold storage. Just in case you have alot of bm then the formula will be wasted. Once open tin, you can only keep for one month.

was the cramp very bad? how long did it last... my dr says if i feel very painful persistent cramping pain, then hv to call him. if its one time for few seconds and ease off type, its alrigh.

i hav healthy lunches coz my mum cooks. my dinner will be all kinds of foods..haha.. not so healthy one.

very soon, we are all counting down to meeting our little ones! u r also doing well ..and still can work! thts smthing very amazing...

Rose, i hv no idea how to differentiate betw BH and real contractions. i only read about them... BH will not be so regular, usually ease off when u lie down, drink more water.... contractions will come at regular intervals and no matter what u do, it will still be there.

not sure if its an accurate explaination...

everytime i ask my dr, he says i will know if i have contractions......then i will ask him if i have them...he says don't have....so i continue to blur...
We gave them water too. The younger one will drink but d elder girl will tend to spit it out. Mil will boil barley water for them.

My son was on 1 fm too. He didn't poop for 6 days. Doc said ok if not more than a week and when he poos , it's not hard type.

Now he is on tbf coz having diarrhoea. He is 6 months old now.
Panda, the cramps lasted for about 5 - 10 mins. Then i went to pee, drank some water and went back to bed. Then slowly, it subsided. Then after that no cramps. Looks like this could have been a contraction since it lasted for mins.

And you know, past few days, I've been feeling one of my baby's head or bum bulging out very very low down my tummy, near the end of the tummy. It always happens when i turn on my back after sleeping on my left side for a long while. I can feel the head. It's like protruding out. Must bring this up to doc in next visit.

Have any of you felt this before?
My bbs are v active.. So whether doing ctg or not they are moving alot.. And the nurses always have hard time locating their heartbeat with the probe.. Cos they keep on moving..
Yes i did lie sideway during ctg.. More comfy.. But sometimes lying sideway makes the probe shift then bb heartbeat might be lost.. Need to readjust again...

That time when im at home bedresting... I will feel contractions when im sitting down or walking... Then i thk i didint take notice of it so tats y i have bleeding... So u must be careful ok... Dont cum down frm bed unless go loo... Even eat also eat in bed better...

I just went dr f clinic for scan... Both bbs are 2.3kg! Dr and i v pleased with the weight... I may have chance to deliver at 35w... Dr say he will talk to pd and see how...
Dont know also.. Probably be wants to hear frm pd whether bb is safe to deliver at 35w not... Whether if deliver at 35w bbs needs special care not.. Tats my guess...
So u dont intend to induce before dr f leave? Did he say if u would to deliver when he is not around.. Which dr will deliver for u?

Do u find yr stomach funny shape where u can see one part bulging out and maybe some other part flatten? That's what my contractions look like. For a couple of weeks at home, I thought that was bb moving n their limbs or head sticking out. Turns out its contractions. But important thing to note is that it wld return to normal shape after a few seconds or mins. Then it will happen again. That's contractions.
Working wife,

Yes, I have been having that for weeks now. My stomach will be in funny shape. But I thought it cos babies are moving. But I don't feel any pain, just find the babies making major movements. But whenever that happens, i get breathless. So it's contractions is it?
Baby, great! So next week can see your babies.. 2.3kg is good weight. By next week they might be 2.5kg! My Sis 38 weeks baby only 2.8kg.. Moreover she is singleton. Your girls are growing well.. I hope can hold on til 35 weeks too.. At most if they need to stay only one week..
My half hrly contractions are strong now.. Wonder if they accumulate their strenght together then once and for all tighten..
What u experience is either tightening or contractions.. Its not bb moving.. Cos i will get breathless when i have contractions.. And it will last for a few seconds... U can touch yr bump when u get breathless.. U will find yr bump gets harden.. Then goes soft again...

Ya im also happy with their weight.. No wonder i feel so uncomfy... The bump weight is killing me plus the fast heartbeat... Dr f still keen to deliver at 35w plus or 36w... Hmm... Shall see how...
Is yr contractions getting more painful? Cos if yes, not too good... Be a good girl and go do ctg ok... Dont wait till its too late... At least do a ctg to make yrself feel more assured.. Then dr can give u more med to control... Like injections..patches etc...
Baby, I think maybe tomorrow I will call dr and ask if he give me extra medication to stay home. Rather than wait until I admitted then he give me med.
Dont know dr will give u med without seeing u wor... I doubt so.. Im sure he will ask u to come to do ctg...
Cos he also wana make sure yr contractions is not regular.. And maybe its braxton kicks.. Cos with twins and bump getting bigger.. Sure will have braxton kicks..
Carrying multiples really not easy hor... That time u carry yr dau not so xinku right... U put in two or three embryos this time u have twins? I put in 3... Luckily not triplets.. I will faint...
Baby, yes that's what happens. But only 1 side gets harden and moves. The other side is soft. So how should I monitor this and when is it time to go hospital?

Baby, I just email him and he reply! I sort of threaten him.. Haa! I say I cannot rest in hospital and rather overdo than nv do enough to keep myself out. He reply say patches is neccesary and some progesterone injections.. Haaa! But he ask me to observe overnight first. If intensify then have to go hospital.
He did ask me do ctg this morning but I nv go in. The last time I admit, he said he knew I'm the kind who won't offer myself until the last min so must catch me in when I did.
This pregnancy is really crazy one for me... My first is so smooth.. I put 2 embryos for both pregnancy. Twins pregnancy really not easy.. I already tell dr, no more 2 embryo transfer. Rather waste money put one.
