IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Nancy....I repeated ur air con qn to my hb....he says of coz ok... In hospitals babies sleep in air con too... Hee....I never thot of this

Ya sure. If i found cheaper price let u know
Quite ex but can use a long time if u dun drop it. 2 years back my sister found the cheapest then was at Mustafa.
Bing hehehe yea will take it easy but nowadays i also can't shop long, after an hour, will feel very tired. Didn't shower or wash her hair for 1 month! Did your friend bf her bb? I am very scared i will get rashes if i dun shower coz i am scared of heat, also i am not sure if i dun shower ok to carry my baby

Pandawife, most prob i will sleep in air con and bb also sleep in air con...else will perspire like mad.

Just faith, the cot you shared also can convert to day bed, playpen...something like the 6 in 1 but cheaper. Think i will pop down Tangs to check out coz i got Tangs card...though no 12% now but think can have 8% rebate. By the way, this size is standard and we can get latex mattress easily right?

Cubeball welcome! I am also with Dr Loh
BH and fruitree,

You guys should sign up for the kk class lor. It costs $120 for weekday class for KK patients. Otherwise, it is $150. I enjoy the monthly workshop the most. Can lota milk samples and other baby stuff. Buffet lunch included.

Fruitree, you better sign up quickly. You are carrying 3... if you go at later stage, you might not be able to do some of the stretching exercise.

For me, already difficult to get up after sitting too long on the mat... hehe.

Baby, up to you whether u want to get the $269 baby cot or $199. It doesnt include bumper set. Think we can DIY the bumper lah. For NB, still early to use bumper leh.. For NB, I will most likely fold a cloth diaper instead of using pillow. Though I already got a pillow from KK workshop.

I plan to get from Ikea the bedding set. More colours and design to choose from.

Yeap. Quite easy to get latex 24 by 48. if you intend to upgrade the foam mattress to latex, they also have a upgrade price.

can do me a favour? can find out for me, if i dun upgrade, what is the price for 1 latex mattress. i intend to move the foam mattress to my mum's house :p

Was in class just now. Missed your posting. I am also with Dr Loh TPS.

Now 23 weeks preggy. Singleton. It's a girl :D

Nancy, I will let baby sleep in aircon room. But room temp at around 27 to 28, which is our current room temperature.
BH and fruitree,

BTW, the goodies bag that you will receive on the first day of lesson will include a $20 mothercare voucher... FYI.
just faith no problem, will check it out when i go tangs this weekend. The kk antenatal class got monthly workshop?

Pandawife, kekeke, i myself also didn't do some of the exercise....asked my hubby to do. =p
Just came back from Mrs Wong's class - I can't attend the third class so had to go for replacement class today. will attend the 2nd class this Sat. Suddenly attending 3 classes in the space of one week!

Btw, just to share with you.. someone asked Mrs Wong about Medela Freestyle pump and she said that one is not good... alot of complaints from mothers. Then we asked her which one is good, she said Medela Instyle Pump. Just to share with you gals.

Panda - the third class is on labour and birth... very icky and gross one. heheeee... my hb cannot tahan, some pictures he look away
my infant head support came with the car seat. it worked well for us so never had to source for other head supports.
Try to rest more if you feel tired. Don't over exert yourself. This is also the advice given by Dr Loh.
That friend of mine really never shower for 1 whole month and she was breastfeeding her twins baby! I really can't imagine how can one not shower evn for a few days in the hot weather here. Anyway, I've already gotten the green light from my mum and Aunty Eng to take shower during confinement.
But if I have to go for C-section, probably I'll just use a damp cloth to wipe my body clean for the first 2-3 days so that the wound won't get wet and cause infection.
On anyway, the experienced mid-wife from KK antenatal class said we should take shower during confinement to ensure that our body is clean and won't stink.
Nancy, yes baby sleeps in air con room

Bakaholic, why can't eat those? Beef is good to replenish iron le. I ate beef, chicken, fish, toufu, peanuts during confinement though maybe u all should avoid peanuts if worry about allergy.
im new here. been TTC for abt 3 yrs now, with no success. I think i dun wan to waste my more time trying and would like to go straight into IVF. Is there somewhere to read more about iVF and the charges?
Oic. My car seat doesn't come with a head support though it's for NB. I guess I'll need to source for a good head support.

Can mummy and baby sleep in air con room every night during confinement? I heard that it's not too good for the mummy cos will introduce wind and coldness to the body? But I think you'll say it's ok since you break all the confinement rules..haha..
Panda, lucky u tested on your thighs and not your tummy... Lol. On e thermometers, pharmacies selling at $145 or $149..

Bing... Baby & I are sleeping in air con room... Not only that... When it gets too warm in e day, we'll escape into it too... :p My thinking is that it's same as hospital or colder countries mah... :p
Cubeball, congrats and I admire your perseverance.
I'm sure ur baby will inherit your character and be well.

Tanny, KKH will tell u IVF charges around $7-9k. There shd be another thread in e forum where e gals there are all TTC and u may be able to find out more about e procedures. All e best!

I bathed everyday and sometimes twice a day. June was the hottest month of the year and I perspired a lot everytime I bf.
working wife, is the entire 3rd class on labour and birth? since i will be going for C sect, i m actually planning to skip tht lesson..coz that sat hb is not free too......
Nancy, I was looking thru websites for the Braun ear thermometer, there are quite many different models.

hmmm... is the one ur sister using meant for babies? or its a generic one?

yeah lor..no choice.. i usually dun need air con.. just fan is very comfortable.. now the whole day i feel very warm!! even when raining and fan blasting away, my body generates alot of heat...
JustFaith, thanks for the info on KK antenatal class....wow, so many goodies! will look out this coming Sat when i attend the first lesson...

u mean got buffet lunch for the workshop? coz the timing is almost immediately after the morning lesson....very packed sia...still thinking of how to hv lunch
Congrats and welcome, cubeball !

Pandawife, Bing
Air con is ok. I live through so many winters, its colder than air-con, and I'm alright. Like Vi4n and Singapoh, I'm also not a follower of confinement practices. Since, hospital already encourage us to bath 1 day after delivery.
Since everyone is sleeping in air con room during confinement, I guess it should be fine. Yeah anyway, mummies and bbs stay in air con all the time in hospital after delivery.

I'm feeling very hot all the time now even when I'm wearing sleeveless. I'm not surprised that you feel hot carrying 3 bbs.
Bing, hahah.. i try not to move leh..just sit still..hoping tht way i feel less warm!! hahahaahah....

Bubbybear..thanks thanks.... using air con will be challenging for me during confinement..my mum n mil will be here to "cctv" me :S
mil already asked me not to wash hair as long as i can...

luckily during mrs wong's classes, she talked about this.. so hb is aware tht i can shower n wash hair... hopefully when the time comes, he can convince her.

Is it normal to have MS a few days and no MS the next few days? I was vomiting after every meal I had from last Sat till this Mon but yesterday and today I am totally fine...so wondering is it normal?
Air con is ok de.. But not fan... dun blow the fan direct on yourself. Air con is fine.. BUt try to sir the air everyday and let your air con rest...
and get some fresh air into the room..
Pandawife - the 3rd class is on labour and birth and then also summary and revision of first 3 classes. She will go thru the exercises we did in 1st class, then revise the topics covered in second and third class. So actually if going for c, then I think no need to go.

She also covered first aid, like what to do when baby is born outside hospital.
PrayHard.. yes.. MS can be "seasonal" some bad days and some good days.. no worries

Tickles, u r referring to confinement right? not now hor..hahahaha...

working wife, thanks so much! tink i will give the 3rd lessson a miss... the thought of being there from 7-9pm already makes me feel very tired! :p and u r doing 3 lessons in 1 week!
Panda - yalor... abit overkill! yesterday, towards the end of the class, really cannot tahan, had to lie down on the mattress to listen to the lecture
Yes. Referring to confinement. Actually my very first week, cos I only wipe myself with a wet towel. I try to stay 24hours in my air con room. But also I try to air my room every morn for a few hours when its not that hot. I switch off the air con when I bath/clean up the baby etc so she wont feel too cold changing in the aircon room. W/o aircon, u'll feel very sticky de lor. cos weather very hot and also cannot bath. I very guai, never bnath for 7 days only towel clean myself. But after that cannot tahan and bath everyday.. wahaha~
Thanks, PandaWife.

My MS is on & off...so very worry when there is no sign of MS out of sudden...but now I can't tahan hunger leh...once feel hungry must eat, or else feel very uncomfortable...
working wife, i thot mrs wong says 3rd lesson promote to chairs already?

aiyoh, the sit on the floor w mattress is terrible leh.....so uncomfortable...
Ladies with KKIVF,

1. How do you book appt with Dr Loh in TPS? My 2nd scan is next Wed, seeing him in Clinic D so moving forward how to change to TPS?

2. Do you know your bb's hb rate & EDD during the 1st scan? I know nothing leh...nobody tell me anything that day except there are 2 sac but only able to detect 1 hb...

3. I saw some ladies holding some booklets, when will KKH issue this booklet to me or I need to ask?

Thanks for answering to my queries...
tickles, my mum n mil sure anti air con too..... my cousin's wife just did her confinement...she oso stay in her room w air con.. and all the "aunties" are saying next time will hv this n tht problems! hahahaahah.. i just listen n keep quiet :p

prayhard, yes.. dun go hungry.. hav some crackers w u all the time.. best is to feed urself at regular intervals if u can.. so tht u dun get the hunger attack which can be very uncomfortable.
I ask u gals... If there is cl.. Usually cl will sleep with bb..
We should on aircon for them? Is it better for bb to sleep without aircon?

Cos my mum say cannot let bbs too used to aircon.. Else next time they wont feel comfy without it..
baby, if we deliver in Dec.. weather shld b cooling.... "keeping my fingers crossed*.... hopefully no need air con...

my cousin kept bb boy in air con room coz the house is extremely warm..coupled w the hot weather the last few mths......
usually those cl are used to not sleeping with aircon one. my previous cl told me dun even need fan, just open window very cooling already. for the 1st mth my girl slept with her so no aircon.
after my cl left my girl slept with me in the aircon room.
wa.. just managed to scan thru the posts yday.. U girls chatted on shopping and bp wor..

your avent bundle is really good.. Next time u use liao let me know if its good k.. If good, then maybe I consider that if I want to get a dual pump.. Cos I have my medela swing liao ma..

working wife,
Medela Instyle pump.. Never see b4 leh.. Maybe not available in sin? The usual ones I see are swing, mini electric, mini electric plus and freestyle..

I guess pumps, is quite individual de.. My fren who has been pumping for years swears by medela pumps and says its good.. But some others told me the avent is the best.. keke~ Anyway, gotta try and then we'll know..

Your on and off MS might be cos of the hormone levels ba.. Anyway, its good to have it then u know ur babies doing well right.. Its a happy problem.. Keke~ Oh, hungry then eat k... I heard eating crackers helps in soothing MS.. Try it..

Last nite I have craving for Calbee Prawn Crackers leh...told my dh to get it & he just simply ignore me...this morning, I got one pkt from 7-eleven the first thing in the morning..hahaha..
prayhard! hahahaha.. u r so cute leh....

wht my hb did tht time was stock up alot of different sorts of foods at home...... so when i crave ...he will try to giv me the nearest substitute.... then those tht i dun like, he will eat..keke.. at the end of my 1st tri, he is as "pregnant" as me! :p

Ya, actually I prefer to have MS leh..maybe some will say "when you get it then you know" but bcos I only detected 1 hb in my 1st scan so I am very worry..so right now I actually prefer to have MS so to know that my babies are doing well..
tickles, i agree w u tht the pump is very individual..... i just buy n use it w open mind.. coz i m clueless about pumps n breastfeeding now..LOL......

erm.. i think its up to u de.. my girl slpt with me with aircon since day 1.. But last round I never get CL la.. This time will have. but the room is usually kinda hot lor. Shall let her decide on fan or aircon ba. But then, after she leaves, I'll most likely sleep with us in aircon room. My house, if dun on air con will be super warm de..

eerm.. strange lor your aunties.. that time even my mom say aircon ok. cos only make the room cooler and no direct wind blow. so ok.. I forsee that u'll have a "BIG" problem with the aunties ard.. Dec confinement I still need aircon leh. My #1 is dec baby I also need. Cos my room too hot le. Then cant bath and feel sticky. In aircon room, not so sticky.
