IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Dear Ladies, Can i know what is FTS for? Usually after FTS, do you see your dr for explaination? As Dr Loh is going on leave, thus after my FTS, i dun think i can see him.

The nurse said that she will call me with regards to the FTS date but till today (after about 3 workinf days wait) I still haven received any call. Do you all know whom i can call? The FTS needs to do within 1-2 weeks after 12 weeks right? Now i am in my 12 weeks already.

Thanks for your reply.

FTS is first trimester screening. You will be told to go to ADC(level 2)for the detailed scan. You will not necessarily see your doc on the same day as the scan date, if the 2 dates are different.
I also waited for about 3 working days before the nurse called me to confirm the date and time of FTS. Mine was done on 13 weeks. Dont worry about the call, I guess they will call you very soon. If not, you can call back the private suite number to ask.(you are private suite patient too rite?)
You may want to take a look at this webpage to read about the FTS.


stay positive, your baby will be healthy and fine no matter what.

thanks! My right hand has more or less recovered after 2 whole days of pain.

you can take a look at the piece of paper given with the pic of your embryos(stating the date of fertilisation and number of embryos ferilised and kept frozen)on the day of your ET.
For my case, the fertilisation took place on the day after my ER and so my ET was a day 2 transfer.
hi cale, bliss, emma
thanks.. yeah its during the detailed scan. the sonographer saw the kidney swollen and ordered for another sonographer to take a look at it. after subsequent scannings, the doc at adc recommended me to meet up with the paediatric surgeon that will take over my baby's case once the baby is born. so i had to go over the the children's surgery at basement to meet up with her. she explained to me everything i needed to know abt my baby's condition. one good thing though, she did say that its one/third of the cases need surgery. i hope mine's the other two/third.. its not uncommon for such cases to happen and that usually patients will recover and lead life per normal..
Wow you all have bought baby stuff so soon?? Hehehe I havent even started. Thinking of start buying after 7mths. Currently busy working part time as accountant. Feel bored if Im not working.

Hi Sam,
I hope everything allrite with you. Btw how the doctor going to terminate 2? But I really hope you can keep all 3.

Congrats of having a girl. My hubby and I always wanted to have a girl because girls clothes are so cute and preety. Where are you going for holiday?

Congrats of having a boy. Hope your placenta moving up. My sonographer never said anything. She will just said this is eyes, hands, heart etc. Sigh.....she is emotionless and not helpful.

Congrats with your twin girls. I have the same feeling as you regarding the sonographer. When r u seeing Dr. Loh again?

Stay positive. Pray that your baby will be allrite and there's no need for her to go thru operation. Its really painful to see baby have to go thru so much pain.
Hi ladies,
Sorry for the long post.

Hi Hopefully,
Thank you
me ok now, just tat tummy still feels sore and sensitive now...
urmm...the doc can't tell the size cos now bigger liao, cannot measure by cm, but they drew a chart-like graph to keep track i think...
Ya, Marieane is very sweet...dun worry, ur scan would come soon b4 you knew it. Cos tat time i was like you oso

She told me the head is down leh...thanks for ur reassurance, appreciate it
So far i keep feeling them pressing on my bladder each time they turn.
Oh ya, if can get rest earlier is better, cos by the time you are 5mths like me already very heavy liao...good to plan early then can tak to ur boss.

Hi yck,
Oic....thanks for your reassurance, i really hope they will change positions, maybe they know i worried, these 2 days keep turning inside, maybe trying to change position heehee...

Hi bliss,
Thank you
ya, i'm so excited abt their room planning etc now. Hope they will change positions, think my bladder would feel better oso

Aiyo, why are you still sweeping the floor now? i thot ur hubby doiing the hsework now?
Maybe you are not taking enough milk and calcium oso, or maybe too long nvr do hseworK? heehee...
How are you feeling no, better?

Hi Ponytail,
Thank you
haha...think i too pai seh to open my mouth, cos i oso worried if i ask her to press lighter, she may not scan accurately, so i keep quiet loh.
Did you put more moisturiser on ur skin?

Hi BabyOnBoard,
Wow, we have alot of gals around here heehee....congrats!
ya, me oso have not start to buy their things yet, butt got alot of free diapers sample liao leh. Cos i went kkh antenatal class and was given 2 brands, then last sat went for class and they have booths around, then get samples again kekeke...
My tummy still sensitive, trying nott to touch it too much...

Hi Cale,
We had a chat on Sat liao, so no need to reply you here liao hor hee....

Aiya, sorry, now then saw ur posting on the warehouse sale....did you went?

Thanks pleasance

Hi merlenna,
Thank you

Think my sonographer is really more rough then the rest....but lucky we still managed to get the scan done eventually.
oh, such a small detail like the block tube oso can see ar, so amazing...oh dear, poor baby...i really feel for you, cos when they mentioned the white dots in babies' heart, i am super worried til now too. Pray hard that ur gal would be alright, remember that miracles do happen (to us!) ;)

Hi babymaking, congrats to you!

Hi juju,
Welcome back, nvr mind, come back here can continue to shop

I dun have cramps in the Am leh...you having constipation is it?
Maybe the tugging is ur baby's movement? If you feel very uncomfortable or pain then you go and see dr, when is ur next appt?

Hi Emma,
Thank you
ur EDD is early or late March? Not sure if our timing would clashed or not.
No problem, I'll pm you her number later.

Oh great to hear that, initially i was worried they got no space to shift position, so silly hor heehee...

Hi Imel,
Thank you
My next appt with him is 23/01/09, same day as another scan at ADC, they say twins must scan blood flow or something like tat...
thanks. i like gals cos of dat, plus i think gals more filial & obedient. jus hv to make sure MIL dun spoil her like the 5 other grandkids.
i jus came back from ho chi minh, vietnam.

cramps is just above the pelvic bone leh. dun think is constipation cos move bowels almost everyday
oh, tugging is baby moving? then ok le. cos sometimes feel the tugging like something going to drop out like that
since next appt is 2 jan, think i can tahan until then la.

sob... i haven't done my xmas shopping. today got time but coma from medication. dun dare to go out also cos still feel drowsy from meds... sianz...
my baby's blood flow was chked on day of DS. how come u have to go back again?
the sonographer i got for DS also very rough. baby din turn up, she use the scanner to press & shake my tummy. pain... but only dat day
I am feeling better now, right hand has recovered.
I have not been doing any housework except laundry for very long time. Have part time cleaner doing heavy housework all along. But then my cleaner injured her leg last week and did not come to my house to clean up. I was only trying to do very simple sweeping when I found the floor was quite dusty. I was very careful and intentionally exerted little force, so dont know why I hurt my right hand, so silly and funny. Haiz... Perhaps I accidentally used too much force and sprained my palm and so the muscles were inflamed. I was so worried when injured my hand, coz cant get much medicine or go to any massage from sinseh when pregnant.
Anyway, glad that everything is ok now.

It was scary to know that the sonographer is qutie rough during the detailed scan. Hopefully my turn will be smooth and ok...
Hi Cale - sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Yes, I have been having braxton hicks contractions since week 20, I'm now 21 weeks 2 days. At first I thought it was the baby's positioning, but after reading up on BH contractions, I think it is it. When I first read about it I panicked and remained in bed the entire day. I only notice them really when I'm lying in bed. I'm going to ask my dr more about them at my next appt in 2 weeks time. My baby's head not yet head down. When they diagnosed low lying placenta at 12 weeks I was told not to exert myself and preferably to stay off my feet, I was bleeding at that time, so was put on bed rest. At 20 weeks, it had moved up, but still low and dr. said to still take it easy. I still go out - just got back from Christmas shopping... but I try not to go for long. Luckily not working now, so I am able to rest.

Hi Maykel - so funny, I also been "collecting" diaper samples.... so far got 2 packets, one from magazine and other from hospital tour.... I start my classes at TMC in Feb so probably get some more
We will need as many free diapers as we can get.. hee hee

Babymaking - congrats on your BFP!
Hi juju,
oic...but i'm not sure if tugging is babies' movement leh, cos i keep gettng funny kinds of feelings all the time (cramp, tugging, tighness etc)and i've learnt to dismiss them as babies' movement, cos else everytime ask dr oso they say its 'normal'.....
If can tahan then tahan bah, but does the pain goes away after a while or is it persistent?

dun worry so much, pple would understand if you can't buy presents. Cos i early early oso announced that i may not be able to get. Eventually i started buying bit by bit from nov.

oh, the ADC said for twins must check again in wk25 and wk 30, but nvr tell me reason oso....ya, same loh, mine oso rub and press...guess cos my tummy now oso very tight, tats why i'm feeling the soreness longer.

BTW, forgot to update you tat the antenatal class on sat was not bad, got many booths and we managed to get free samples etc heehee....the 1st part of the PM session is good for ur hubby to attend, oni 2nd part talk abt financial planning very bored.

Hi bliss,
Good to hear you are better already

Oic....think you better ask doc for calcium tablets if you really can't take milk. Me oso ask for calcium on my previous visit, hope that it can help my back pain. Ya, cos we are preg, alot of treatment cannot do, my shoulder and back extremely painful until unbearable but doc oso cannot do anything the most they say is eat panadol, but where got use right.....?

Hi BabyonBoard,
actually me oso 21wks 1day today, our dates are so near, Cale and juju oso

me oso having the same feeling as cale, got tightness on 1 side all the time. But was told it is babies' movements leh, aiyo, so confused now. But my feeling 1st started when i was in wk15, oso when i'm lying down. But now any position oso can feel leh...
i'm very worried now, furthermore my babies' heads are both down during my detailed scan last wk...
oh, 1 of mine oso got from dec's motherhood magazine heehee...

hi Emma,
Dun know why my email cannot login since Am. Will email you once i can login.
I share the same thought as Juju. I thought the day the egg extracted, they will do ICSI or IVF liao, so the fertilisation usually occurs on the same day as the ER.

I think if you confirmed expecting singleton and everything looks all right, can switch doctor anytime. However, I realised one thing good about Dr Loh is he tend to give lots of MC if he think that it's better for you to rest based on your condition.

I did go to the Gimmill sales on Sunday. May be it's last day of the sales, not much choice left for baby boy's clothes. However, the baby gals one is really nice and cute. The blanket (100% cotton) is cheap and comfortable at $4 each. Aiyah, I regretted just bought 1 blanket only.

Could the cramps be the braxton hicks contraction? I read from internet that it's quite common in the 2nd trimester. Maykel, babyonboard and myself also having this. Mine one started early at 14 weeks+. It's better to check with Dr during your next appointment.

Don't worry too much, sounds like your baby stand a good chance don't have to go through the surgery. I am sure everything will be fine. Please take good care.

My sonographer also kind of motionless, same like yours, just pointing and tell you the various body part while she scan. However, one thing good is she did not tap my abdominal when baby didn't turn. Just asked me to go out walk walk and come back to scan again. Luckily baby really turn liao.
During this tough time, you still can find part time job, not bad le. It's a good idea to work and the time will pass faster
. Did you join any pregnancy related class?

You are so good, still can go shopping har. Nowadays, most of the time i am at home, as doctor said can't walk too much due to the low placenta. Plus, i also having this BH contraction, so think better to follow doctor instruction. You also take care and have lots of rest at home. Hope that both our placenta move higher during our next visit
hi all
i'm also an ivf mum-to-be. i read briefly about some of the symptoms which i experienced as well. would recommend to see gynae to check it out...

i was admitted in to hospital when i was in week 18 due to bleeding - low placenta. stayed in hospital for 2 weeks then home for another 2 weeks under bedrest.

then in week 24, had tightenings and contractions. thought it was braxton hicks but gynae told me braxton hicks doesn't occur so early. i was admitted to hospital and put on ventolin drip. stayed in hospital for 3 weeks...now in my week 34, still under hospitalisation leave...got to be under bedrest. gynae checked my cervix daily when i was in hospital...the early contractions caused my cervic to open slightly. he had to wait for the contractions to stabilise before he had an op on me - to tie up the birth canal so baby would not come out...my baby's head was at the bottom, so i could feel the pressure of his head pressing down..when i was in hospital in labout ward, i've seen a case of a lady having early contractions and when got to hospital, was too late.

i don't mean to scare anyone, but as we had come a long way, maybe better to check it out with your gynae. my gynae told me early contractions, cramps and tightenings are not normal during a pregnancy...so i'm not having a normal pregnancy. i almost wanted to give up at times but my gynae told me that we had come so far, so should not give up then.

i've shared a lot in the premature thread here...if you want to know more, can read up from there.

ivf mothers-to-be, let's not take any chance, and rest well...
Hi Joanne,
Congrats to you. So how many wks are you now?
Ya, like wat Cale say, you can change gynae you wants to. Thou dr loh is busy, his appt still not tat difficult to get, oni thing is have to wait sometimes. But i understand that it is good to stick to him if you having multiples, he is quite experience and HL is generous cos he knows its not easy for us to conceive.
I'm oso under him since ivf, no regrets so far.
If you are seeing him in TPS, then the delivery charges package is the samw as any other senior consultant.

Hi Cale,
oic...wow, sounds like the sale suitable for me, cos like many gals clothes. Ya loh, wasted, if the blanket is cheap and good, shld get a few more mah. Next time got these sale must go and see

Hi Emma,
Had pm you the CL's details.

Hi gg11,
Thanks so much for sharing despite ur own difficulties.
I'm having twins in my wk21 now. Also experienced a sense of bulging tightness since wk 15 til now. All along i take it as the babies' turning or moving inside. But when i heard Cale and BabyonBoard talk abt BH contractions, i am worried oso. But i read that it is actually known as a ffalse labor oso. Me having it very frequently now, can range from 8-12 times daily.
When i went for detailed scan last wk, was told that both the gals' head are down, so i'm worried oso, as i have been feeling a lot of pressure at my bladder. My tummy now very tight and heavy, can hardly. My next appt is 23/01/09. Do you think there is any cause of concern for my case? Shall i make earlier appt to see dr loh?

Thanks and pls take good care.
BTW, how do they tie up the birth canal? Is it necessary or can you CRIB til at least 36 or 37 wks instead?
Dear all,
want to wish all of us here a very happy Christmas. I am sure this will be a very special Christmas to all of us here, no longer the same as before, with our little ones.

May our babies grow healthily and be very sensible and happy children.
Hi gg11,
Thanks so much for the sharing. Doctor Loh also said it's the contraction which is no good when i told him about the tightness and hardness that i am experiencing at certain part (a few times a day). Plus, i am having low placenta, he gave me hospitalisation leave to rest at home until my next visit and prescribed with progesterone pill.
Glad that you are now at 34 weeks already. Another 6 more weeks to go only
. Btw, who is your gynae and which hospital are you with?

Hi Maykel,
Looking at the sharing by gg11, i think it's good to bring your appointment earlier and explain your concern to doctor. You would also need to highlight the pressure that you have been feeling at your bladder, see if he is concerned on this. It could be the twins that cause the extra weight and pressure.
Doctor may give hospitalisation leave if it's better for you to rest at home. I agreed with gg11, we had come a long way, and we shall not take any risk, better be more kiasu. Meanwhile, have lots of rest and don't walk around too much.

Hi Ladies,
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thanks, Cale and Maykel for your reply. I am also having twin but only in 7th week. a twin.
So, after hearing your advice, i think i will stay with Dr Loh then.

Maykel, concerning your case, i don't know if it is a good idea you just drop an email to Dr Loh for his opinion. Hopefully he can reply when he is back? My next appt with him is 10 Jan. So, i think he should be back before that week already?
hi ladies - merry christmas to you and your family, including your little ones
i havent posted in a few days cos i had bleeding again on monday. it happened in the afternoon and i went to doc immediately for check up. fortunately the bleeding stopped and doc confirmed my babies are fine. then mon midnight suddenly got bright red blood, quite a bit. lucky the bleeding stopped and i called the clinic 1st thing in the morning to see if i need to see doc. the staff nurse told me if bleeding stops, then try not to worry. i'm praying that i dont have anymore of these bleeding incidents, its really nerve wrecking and i was on the verge of tears.

gg11 - thanks for sharing. i'll be on watchful lookout. cale, maykel - hope your contractions will lessen soon.

i really hope the next 3 weeks can pass faster so that i can finish 1st tri and be more stable and move to 2nd tri...

Merry Christmas to all and may all your wishes come true
Hi Maykel
Are you working currently now? If you can, try not to walk too much and don't stress yourself. I realise that when i get excited or stressed, there will be more contractions. Must always be relax.

I didn't know the tightenings are abnormal as well. When gynae told me they were not normal, told him i always felt that and thought it was normal in preganancy. At that time, I had a bit of orangy discharge...very little only - like 1 drip on panty liner.

When I was in hospital on ventolin drip, i asked if the contractions are braxon hicks cos my friends talked about it and I read about it as well. I was told that braxon hicks doesn't happen so early and my friends also say they got it only in 3rd trimester.

I was in CRIB in hospital but gynae still tie up cos the cervix was opening slightly. My gynae takes no chance one...he rather do more then to have any chance of losing the baby. The lady I mentioned to you about in my previous posting, I heard her gynae telling her that sewing up the cervix is a solution but it seem to be too late for her then. Think becos she went in too late.

I think you should try to book an early appointment. Think the gynae would give you ventolin to eat cos ventolin relaxes the uterus to prevent contractions. There are a lot of mummies to be who are on such medication. In the meantime, please do not walk around.

Hi Cale
I'm also on hospitalisation leave till I deliver. My gynae is Prof Christopher Chen at Gleneagles. He is super experienced and "kaisu"
, that's why my hubby and I feel safe with him.
The tying up of the cervix was done via an op. I was sedated...so don't feel a thing. No difference to me before and after the op.
Dear ladies,
MERRY XMAS to Everyone! I agree with Bliss tat its gonna be different this yr, with our darlings inside us. Hope you gals would enjoy ur day

Hi Cale,
Thanks for your advise, i'll try calling TPS 2mr or fri and see if i can get earlier slot. Yest i got sudden pain at my tummy, dun know how to describe, but i just suddenly felt weak and can't even walk due to the pain. After i sit down for some time, suddenly no feeling in the tummy. Hiaz....its unpredictable, maybe tats why i still dun know if shld make appt or not. Yes, i agree we can't afford to take any risk now.

Hi Joanne,
No problem, we are here to share and support one another. Wow, so fast can see 2 sacs already ar? My 1st scan at wk 6 can see 1 oni, wk 8 scan then can see 2 sacs

Me not very keen to email him already lah, previously emailed him couple of times to seek advise for my symptoms but oso no reply, mayb he's busy. So think now i'll just take Cale's advise and make early appt straight away. Ya, i read somewhere tat he's coming bk on the 2nd.

hi ponytail,
oh dear...sorry abt ur bleeding, but good thing is babies are fine. Dun worry too much, talk to ur babies and they'll be good, jia you ok? Time passes very fast without you knowing it.

Mine i still dun know contractions or babies moving yet hiaz...but its quite frequent loh, esp at nite.

Hi gg11,
yup, me working now. yes, i agree, when i'm stress at work, my tightness acts up more and it is so uncomfortable. Guess when there is tightness, muscles are tense oso, ok, will keep telling myself to relax relax....

wat causes the orangey discharge? I oso had some yellowish ones occasionally. Oh i see, i thot i read tat BH can occurs in 2nd trimester too? Think wat makes me more worried is the fact tat i had not seen doc for confirmation of my symptoms, think the best thing for me now is to see my doc soon....

Was thinking if ventolin relaxes the uterus muscle, is there a possibility it indirectly relaxes the cervix too?

Do take good care and rest well. Hope things will go smoothly for you all the way and have a smooth delivery when the time is right
Hi Maykel
Don't think the ventolin relaxes the cervix. The cervix was opening up becos of the contraction of the uterus.
hi gg11,
i read online, braxton hicks contractions can happen anytime during the 2nd tri til the 3rd. most of the websites will say that. its just that its not supposed to be painful. just a minor discomfort that's all. its even described as practice contraction. when i asked my gynae the last time about the tightening feeling, she was ok with it. said just relax more and don't over-stress myself. that's all.

anyway, you've got a few more weeks to go.. wish you all the best, soon you'll see your little one.

hi cale,
thanks for your moral support. i sure hope that its gonna be that way. praying that my baby will be resilient and take the chance to heal after she's born..

hi maykel,
thru the scans, the sonographer can see the swollen kidney. haha.. not the tube lah. they diagnose that could be the cause for the swollen kidney. but through the image of the water flow in the scans, its not totally blocked. just that the tube is probably narrow. even the paediatric surgeon said that its not totally blocked. so i'm keeping my hopes up.
Hi Merlenna
That's what I read too but my gynae didn't think it was normal for me. Also, not the tightening feeling. When I was put on the ctg to monitor, requested by the gynae, the nurses in the labour ward were also concerned.

Well, guess best to go to the gynae and hear their advice and not take any chance. Maybe there are other differences that we didn't know.
Congrats on having twins. It's the best christmas present ever
. Do take care of yourself. I am glad you have made your choice. Doctor Loh is more experience in handling multiples.

Sorry to hear abt the bleeding. I totally understand how you feel. Last time I also bleed twice during first trimester and it's so worrying. As long as doctor scan ok, don't have to worry too much. Just rest well and you will be fine. I am also on hospitalisation leave from week 6 to week 11.

Hee, your doctor really quite kiasu hor. I believe the charges by christoper chen is quite steep right?

I also like you, give up on sending him email liao. Realised that he seldom reply email. I sent him a few times before, so far he only reply once only. It's good to let him see you earlier to clear your concern. Hopefully you can see him in early Jan and he can let you rest at home.

no problem, we are here to support each other. I am sure your wish would be granted. Meanwhile, just relax and enjoy the festive season
. Looks like most of us in 2nd trimester also experience this BH contraction and different gynae seems like giving different opinion. Hmm, why the inconsistent hor.
Merry Christmas to all Mothers to Be. And enjoy the last Christmas with your hubby alone hehehe. May we have smooth deliveries in the New Year 2009.

Sometimes I really can't believe Im pregnant. Its like a dream for me. I still remember last year during the New Year's Eve when I was told that my baby not growing and that I have to stop all the medication. Felt the world collapse but still have to remain strong because we just dun want our family worried for us. God has been good to us this year. Giving us back what was lost. I hope all the mothers to be remain strong and positive. We will make it this time and our dreams will really come true.

yep I joined antenatal class in KKH and aqua fitness. Thats the only 2 classes that I join.
sorry to hear about your bleeding. Glad that it has stopped. Must take extra care.

Enjoy this special Christmas with your little ones inside.

Dear all,
today is a busy day for me and my hubby again. My sisters have more tons of baby stuff for us! We are glad to be able to save so much on baby things, but at the same time, I am having headache on where to store all the things. My storeroom is fully occupied with all the bulky baby stuffs. And my empty room is full of baby clothes, at least 100 pieces(for both infant stage and after 1 year old)!! FAINT!! I will have to spend lots of time to wash all the clothes next year, hahaha!
Dear ladies,
would like to ask if anyone has been getting headaches since pregnant. I have been getting cracking headaches once every 2 to 3 days since I entered 2nd trimester( did not have this problem during 1st trimester). It usually occurs from the moment I wake up in the morning when I already had a good sleep and should be feeling refreshed. And the headaches usually last for the whole morning and afternoon. Sometimes it will subside during evening time. But there are times that the headaches lasted for the whole night too and I had to take panadol after bearing for too long and couldnt take it anymore.
I am quite worried, but quite sure that the headaches are due to pregnant, I dont have migraines or anything like that in the past. I also dont have high blood pressure even now.
Anyone knows any food that can be taken to help to reduce such headaches? I want to prevent myself from taking too much panadol...

hope everyone had a wonderful xmas!

Maykel, Cale & gg11,
noted re the cramps. will ask Dr Loh when i see him on 2 Jan.

Maykel & Cale,
next antenatal class this sat, rite? looking forward to seeing u ladies!
Dear bliss,
I had headache from 6 weeks onwards. Now on and off I still have it. It is usually after sleep and nap. The worst is after nap. I consulted my doc and he assured me it's pregnancy sympton. I occassionally take 1 panadol for it, but I try not too. How to curb? I just relax and lie down, listen to soft and light music. Don't apply too much medicated oil as I read somewhere that medicated oil has camphor, bad for baby.
Hi gg11,
Thanks for the clarification.

Hi merlenna,
I agree with you, i also read that BH contractions is supposed to be normal, its actually a false labour and it helps prepare ur womb for real labour later on. Initially i was so worried, but after reading more, i felt more assured

Oic....hee, sorry for the wrong misinterpretation. Yes yes, we should all be hopeful that only the best can happen to our babies now
Sincerely hope ur dearie would be healthy and well.

Hi Cale,
Ya, but at least he got replied you once, he didn't even 'entertain' me haha....
I called the TPS just now, but his earliest slot is on 16/01/09. So i decided not to make any appt, since my next appt is 23/01/09. Anyway, my fren oso told me BH is normal, so i just think positive and wait wait til my next appt bah....

Nowadays getting kinda stress at work. Its not so much of the workload, but more of the management side. So many changes, the problem here is, you get penalised without even knowing the reason. Maybe they are tired of being'nice' to me for my pregnancy. But i accept tat fact, cos i know sooner or later, someone would comment or think that i am getting paid but not working as hard as before. But come on, of cos we thot they would understand but apparently its not going to happen for long. Am just very glad that i had planned AL in Feb, or hopefullty dr loh would pity me and give me HL on my next appt (still dreaming haha...) tahan tahan tahan.....

Hi Imel,
haha...ur tummy shld be quite big already, so you better believe tat ur baby is growing healthily inside kekeke....but i do agree, tat things happen so fast, like a sweet dream coming true for us...I oso believe that God would gives us back wat we had lost, cos i had couple of m/c b4, so now i'm getting back 2 gals at 1 shot heehee....

I oso signed up for aquafitness, can i ask you whether the water contains any chlorine and do we need to shower after the session?

BTW, i didn't managed to try the massage from Maya, so long already (>2wks) and she still can't arrange an appt with me! I can't imagine taking her for post-natal massage, sekali always change appt. Think i will continue to go to House of Javanese for my pre-natal massage, much easier to get appt.

Hi Bliss,
Wow, so lucky of you to get so many stuffs, i think i got nobody to hand me any clothes leh. But lucky yest 1 of my fren said will ask her sister for me.
Maybe for certain clothes or items that are needed oni at a later stage dun take out 1st loh. Put in bag and squeeze in store-room? haha...you better start washing them batches by batches loh lucky gal ;)

Oh yes, i've been getting bad headaches for the past few wks. I thot it was cos of my back pain and i can't sleep well. Also got shoulder and neck pain, so i guess the nerve are kinda connected. I had oso took panadol a few times when i cannot tahan. I oso experienced giddiness esp when i just lie down or just get up. Forgot to ask dr the reason...
Do you have any aches and pains like me? If yes, then maybe that could be the reason for headache oso? I think a light massage may help.

Hi juju,
oh thanks, help me to ask him when you see him hor
Yes, see ya 2mr. Remember to wear pants, cos i think need to do exercise for this wk's session.
hi Maykel,
noted. tights also can ba? cannot wear track pants alrdy ;p
yes, i will try to remember. very bad memory nowadays. hee...
did u try to call 24hr & ask them if this is ok?
feel worried for u...

i hv been having mid to low back pain the whole day. shld be due to the increasing weight, i hope
Hi Bliss,
I am not sure of headache, if this is the pregnancy symptoms, i guess, it will go away after sometimes. Meanwhile take care, and try not to take too much panadol. Too much medication is not good for baby also. I understand from the class i attended, the max dosage allowed for panadol is 8 pills per day.

Hi Juju,
Yes, see you tomorrow. I am not able to do the exercise as doctor advise me better not to. So may be tomorrow i will just sit there and watch your do

Hi Maykel,
May be is becos of the holiday that Doctor Loh took for 1 week, that's why so hard to get the earlier appointment. Regarding work, think you have to take it easy and prepare for the worst appraisal liao. Anyway, next year economic is no good, so don't think will get big bonus, so bad appraisal didn't have much impact also.

Yes, hopefully he will give you hospitalisation leave. So far, i find him very generous in giving hospitalisation leave le, should be no problem.

Sorry to hear about the spotting, hopefully it will stop very soon. If not, better go 24 hour to see a doctor and don't take any chances. I am really worry for you too.
i think Dr Loh is on leave for 2 wks bah... heard some ppl say so
no probs if u can't do the exercise. can try to remember so dat u can practise at home next time when u r better
Hi Juju,
I heard from the nurse that he on leave for 1 week le. Hmm, i not sure also. You so late still not sleep yet har, tomorrow will have bear eye liao
Hi Maykel,

Hope you are ok now? Did you go to the 24hour clinic? Stay positive ok. Your girls will be strong and healthy!

Bliss, i think the headache is due to heatiness? I heard that from 2nd trimester mummy will also take on babies temperature thus will be more "hot" than normal pax. How about taking more water and fruits juice to help?

LFB, Is Ru Yi Yu considered as medicated oil? I have been applying to my forehead and above chest since few weeks ago as it helps to make me better when i dun feel too good.
Dear Hopefully,

check the ingredient content. I read in one of the thread in this website that camphor is bad for baby. You can check with your doc. I just take precaution.
hi gg11,
yeah perhaps, different scenario for you. hope everything goes well for you..

hi maykel,
haha, no worries. hope you feel better too.. and the spotting is nothing..
LFB, hopfully, maykel and Cale,
thanks for replying. I will try not to take panadol as far as possible. Still getting headaches every morning when I wake up. But sometimes the headache continues for the whole day, sometimes it stops after a while.

just went to the japanese buffet at Suntec with hubby and mil for dinner. The snow crabs and lobsters are quite good, however I did not eat much of them. Anyway all of us were very very full, ate until they closed at 10pm, hahaha, we were the last customers leaving. My hubby ate lots of crabs, he is simple crazy about the snow crabs!

ya, I am lucky to have so much baby stuffs pass to me. Just got a baby rocking chair, bouncer, another car seat, sarong set, electric milk pump from my 2nd sis. My eldest sis also just passed me some new milk bottles and teats, and also mattress. My 2nd sis has more to give me, another 2 bags of baby girl clothings and shoes. She will pass to me if the gender of baby is girl (will be known in 2 weeks time).
My 2 sisters have more to pass to me later, lots of toys, more clothings, flash cards, storybooks. I have been busy tidy up all the things... My house is messy now.
Just went to the Toa Payoh Industrial Park with hubby this afternoon to buy a big portable cabinet with 5 big drawers for baby clothings. May not be enough for all the clothings, may need to buy another one next time.

Sorry to hear about your spotting. How's everything now after seeing doc? Hope everything is fine. You must rest well and take extra care.
Wow, you really save up a lot with all the passing down baby stuff from your sis. Good for you.
I also have some passing down from my sister in law but not as many as yours
I am also thinking to buy a cabinet to store the baby clothing. Is the cabinet that you bought good? How much you bought? Where did you buy it?

Nice to meet up with you in the antenatal class. Remember to ask doctor loh about the cramps during your coming visit. Will only see you again in another 3 weeks time

Did not see you turn up for the class. Quite worry for you. Hope everything is alright for you.
maykel - hope your spotting stopped. worried for you.

ladies- did u experience painful arm cramps ? my whole right arm was so painful i couldnt even move. i pasted a lot of 'goh yok' for past 4 days. but just read from above thread that camphor is no good for baby. oh no...!!!! the pain is like i muscle cramp after overexercising. my doc says its due to poor circulation, but so many days already still never go away.
boo hoo
as far as i noe, all 'goh yok' need to ask doc before applying. dat's why bearing wif all my aches & pains, not using the plasters
I bought the cabinet from TOYOGO factory outlet at Toa Payoh industrial park. It is quite useful as it is portable and multi usage. Can use it to store toys or other things next time if no need to put clothes. I bought at $55, but my sisters told me that they bought the similar one from NTUC(during promotion) years ago at only $29 plus!! I was so 'sian' when heard that, how can the factory outlet sells so expensive after so many years.
Anyway, I will be looking for another cabinet in much bigger size.
I did not experience any arm cramps but I notice that my right arm does easily get overstrained ever since I injured it weeks ago.
Think you should avoid using the medicated plasters. Perhaps can do some gentle and simple exercises on your arms, may help to improve the blood circulation.
I also still having headaches, now have become everyday le, so uncomfortable, really affects my daily mood and energy.
dear gals,

have a list of questions,hope someone can help.

1)from positive beta hcg, how long more before yr next appt/scan with yr IVF doctor? esp those with KKH? can it/should it be brought forward?

2)the scan done at the amc (where is the amc?) is it abdominal or transvaginal?

3)on which day after egg retreival, can you see the heartbeat of the embryo?

4)for those who have twins/mulitples, when did you find out you were having mulitples? what was yr beta hcg levels then?

5)we already went to a pte gynae for a scan and saw the sac last week (on tue). however, i still have 8 more days to 1st appt with SF Loh and am having nightmares/sweat every night that something went wrong. how to deal/cope with this fear? i'm thinking of weekly scans but it's kinda ridiculous and costly.

been reading some pregnancy books and online stuff and instead of being reassured - end up being more aware of the zillion things that can go wrong. how to deal with this type of anxiety?
Dear MTB/Mummy
Need your advise, may I know anyone of you who took tcm while you were on Suppressing n Stimulating jabs and got positive result after 2 weeks?

Thanks in advance!


have you taken your HCG jab yet? logically not possible to get a positive unless u are already positive BEFORE you started on suppression jabs.
