Hi. Yes, I'm taking revosit too. Was told bananas and watermelon papaya pineapple are not advisable as it is cooling n causes uterine contractions I think. Will check on other natural sources of progesterone. When I went for progesterone test on 5 days after 2 day transfer, progesterone was ok.
For my cycle, retrieved 20 eggs.18 mature ones, of which 13 fertilized. (I do one at TMC where embryos are graded 1-4 I think ) 6 embryos were grade 2. Was told grade 1 and 2 have similar success rates. Sound ok? Perhaps my blood circulation Is poor.
Gonna catch Gynae tomorrow on failed discussion.
who's your gynae?
i guess it's hard to pinpoint what makes a cycle work.
it's quite interesting to see fertility hospitals in the west encouraging their patients to continue their daily lives normally. some don't even issue 2 weeks of bed rest, or a list of do's and dont's to their patients. they even encourage eating all the cooling foods we are supposed to avoid during tww.
do share with us what your gynae tells you okay. :>