IVF/ICSI Support Group

Maybe U should ask prof why only retrieved 7 out of 12 eggs. Is it because follicles has no egg or any other reason. When U triggered how many eggs are above 18mm. Some girls need 18mm for mature eggs. I do feel that 3 mature is very little and could it be a trigger issue? From my own research over the yrs using hcg to trigger is better.
I know is hard after doing so many things and can't even go through the 2ww. First cycle is usually trial n error and dr do make adjustment from there as he know how your body react to stim med and what should or should not be done for the next cycle. One failure cannot determine it is doom. Just hope next cycle will be better.

Thank you for your message...
I have yet to speak with Prof.
My last scan before trigger...3 @18mm, [email protected] and 1@17mm... the rest are slightly small between 13-15mm.
Yes...indeed painful not even able to have 1 embryo transfer...when we actually planned 2.

Hi ladies,

Need help to know more about medicated frozen FET process as this is my first time after a failed fresh cycle.

I was given given Norethisterone 5mg tablet for 14 days to induce menses (as my menses did not come after my failed fresh, last menses was 18th October till now & tested negative for pregnancy). History of PCOS & irregular menses between 45-120days.

Was told to call KKIVF when menses arrive & take ProgyNova 2mg for 2tabs x 5 days & 3 tabs x 5 days (med is with me).

I was hoping to time the egg transfer to the week before CNY and after my overseas trip which is 27-30Jan as follows:

9 jan start Norethisterone for 14 days till 22 jan
Menses expected to come between 2-3 days.
24th Jan (D1 of med) start ProgyNova for 10 days
1st Feb (D9 of med go scan?)
2nd Feb - 5th Feb confirm can do FET?

Could I ask if u ladies can share the process for medicated cycle,
1. How many scans and when is the scans usually?
2. Is it definitely able to transfer on D10-14 of the cycle if lining is suitable?
3. Any injections or ovulation required?

Lotsa thanks for the information
Hello ladies... Did a scan this morning and was told the lining is ready for ET. And then I was asked whether to transfer 1 or 2 embroyos. Which caught me by surprise coz we haven really thought about this question. So checking with the rest of you here, what were your considerations when deciding on this. Suddenly so nervous, coz I wasn't expecting it to come this fast.
Oh and also the sonographer was mentioning 8 triple when she scanned my lining this morning. I know the 8 means 8mm but what does "triple" means? Sorry, I'm such a noob at such stuff.
Hello ladies... Did a scan this morning and was told the lining is ready for ET. And then I was asked whether to transfer 1 or 2 embroyos. Which caught me by surprise coz we haven really thought about this question. So checking with the rest of you here, what were your considerations when deciding on this. Suddenly so nervous, coz I wasn't expecting it to come this fast.

Hi, may i know which hospital u went for ivf? :)
Hi ladies,
Just went for a scan yesterday morning and my lining only 4, how to increase the lining? Will be going through FET..... Been taking Red Bean Soup for 3 weeks seems no response at all...signz....
Am with NUH Prof PC Wong.
Started duphaston on 27th Nov.
Started 300iu gonal F on evenings since 12th Dec and on 17th Dec introduced Cetrotide on mornings.
Dosage for both jabs maintained throughout.
Suprefact jab on 24th Dec at 10pm.
Every blood test and scans results were satisfactory according to Prof.
12 eggs with biggest at 18.5mm 2 days before oocyte retrieval. Lining at 9mm. No major issues between DH and myself.
Oocyte Retrieval on 26th Dec 10am. Harvested 7 out of 12 eggs.
Received call on 28th Dec at 9plus am... informing 3 out of 7 eggs matured but NONE fertilised.
Anyone been through the same? Embrologist only briefly mentioned problem lies with either the egg or the sperm... seeing Prof soon for detailed information.
I went through like 20 over jabs... plus 4-5 blood tests... total bill almost 10k... yet... NO FERTILISATION.
This cycle ended just like to.
I don't know what's going to happen next...
Failed 2 iuis then this 1st ivf...
Hugs. I'm sorry you are going through this. Although I can't exactly advise what to do, my thoughts would be to have a discussion with your doc about what can be adjusted for next round. Also ask him what supplements you can take. I'm taking DHEA, COQ10 Ubiquinol, Omega 3-6-9, prenatal and folic acid. Dhea and coq10 is supposed to improve egg quality. But clear with your doc first before taking them especially Dhea. It takes 3 months to build up the quality, ie. What we eat now impacts the quality of the eggs 3 months later. Also do try TCM if you haven't. I'm with Dr Zou and she encouraged 2x per week of acupuncture to improve blood circulation to our uterus which help in eggs development and implantation. In the meantime, take heart. IVF is both an emotional and financial journey. So be strong and hold on to your dream of holding your baby for strength.
Hello ladies... Did a scan this morning and was told the lining is ready for ET. And then I was asked whether to transfer 1 or 2 embroyos. Which caught me by surprise coz we haven really thought about this question. So checking with the rest of you here, what were your considerations when deciding on this. Suddenly so nervous, coz I wasn't expecting it to come this fast.
Hi I was in a similar situation as you too previously. It was a very tough decision for us due to my age (I'm 41 and hubby 51) cos' if we strike with 1, then most likely we will not have a 2nd child.

I think the decision depends on whether you are transferring a blastocyst or a younger embryo. They say blastocyst has higher chance of implantation. Also whether is this your 1st ivf. If you have failed b4, and older, they'd more likely encourage to transfer 2.

Having said that, It is usually not the doc 's objective to hv multiple pregnancy due to the possible complications associated with multiples. So putting all these considerations in (including the embryo grade), if your chance of implantation is very high, then go with single transfer. If chances not so high, then transfer 2.

Another factor I considered is do you have embryos for future transfer if you fail this round.

I only had 2 frozen blastocysts of good grade, so I chose to transfer 1 in the end. Reason being it was my 1st ivf and I wasn't confident of my lining. So I didn't want to put all eggs in 1 basket. In the end, it was a BFN for me despite transferring a grade AA d6 blastocyst. So glad we only transfer 1 in the end. If I have more embryos, I personally would transfer 2. So it's a very personal question that you and your hubby need to sit down to discuss. Also financially would you guys be able to adequately welcome a twins.

Whatever decision you ultimately take, good luck to your transfer and do keep us updated.
Hello ladies... Did a scan this morning and was told the lining is ready for ET. And then I was asked whether to transfer 1 or 2 embroyos. Which caught me by surprise coz we haven really thought about this question. So checking with the rest of you here, what were your considerations when deciding on this. Suddenly so nervous, coz I wasn't expecting it to come this fast.

If I were you, I go for 2 (Are you going for blastocyst? I believe in blastocysts) . Right now, it's not a matter of worrying whether you will have multiples, the first and foremost is to get either one embryo or best, both embryos to implant and get the BFP.

The rest can wait - one cannot get enough of worries, seriously.
Hi ladies,
Just went for a scan yesterday morning and my lining only 4, how to increase the lining? Will be going through FET..... Been taking Red Bean Soup for 3 weeks seems no response at all...signz....
High protein food like beef, chicken breasts, soya milk, black soya milk, black beans, red bean soup and light walking to encourage better blood circulation. Good luck!
High protein food like beef, chicken breasts, soya milk, black soya milk, black beans, red bean soup and light walking to encourage better blood circulation. Good luck!
thank you Towlayneo, ok will go n buy soya bean milk, i dont really fancy chicken breasts.... the eggs and chicken essence which i am having now, now I see eggs I wana puke. tat time i did my fresh everyday i ate 4 hardboiled eggs without the yolk for nearly one month...see eggs wana puke.... :p
Hi all

I'm new to this forum. Currently on last day of my 2ww and feeling really nervous for my beta tomorrow at KKH. Have not POAS yet and have decided not as scared to see the BFN.

Not sure what are my chances. This is my first IVF after a failed IUI and TTC for 4 years. I have PCOS and hubs have low sperm morphology. ER on 12/12 and ET 15/12.
2 embryos transferred on d3. Embryologist said 1 is a morula and the other of grade 4 (highest grade being 5). Out of the 12 retrieved, 2 transferred, 3 frozen and 4 more under observation as at ER day.

Been feeling af cramps throughout the 2ww and very sore bbs especially these few days. Keep having the feeling that af may report anytime soon. Also feeling warm and been having a slight fever at 37.3 for about a week. Guess it is due to the progesterone inserts.

Trying to relax and not think so much now! Crossing my fingers for tomorrow!
Last edited:
Hi all

I'm new to this forum. Currently on last day of my 2ww and feeling really nervous for my beta tomorrow at KKH. Have not POAS yet and have decided not as scared to see the BNF.

Not sure what are my chances. This is my first IVF after a failed IUI and TTC for 4 years. I have PCOS and hubs have low sperm morphology. ER on 12/12 and ET 15/12.
2 embryos transferred on d3. Embryologist said 1 is a morula and the other of grade 4 (highest grade being 5). Out of the 12 retrieved, 2 transferred, 3 frozen and 4 more under observation as at ER day.

Been feeling af cramps throughout the 2ww and very sore bbs especially these few days. Keep having the feeling that af may report anytime soon. Also feeling warm and been having a slight fever at 37.3 for about a week. Guess it is due to the progesterone inserts.

Trying to relax and not think so much now! Crossing my fingers for tomorrow!
The symptoms are looking great! Good luck :)
Hi I was in a similar situation as you too previously. It was a very tough decision for us due to my age (I'm 41 and hubby 51) cos' if we strike with 1, then most likely we will not have a 2nd child.

I think the decision depends on whether you are transferring a blastocyst or a younger embryo. They say blastocyst has higher chance of implantation. Also whether is this your 1st ivf. If you have failed b4, and older, they'd more likely encourage to transfer 2.

Having said that, It is usually not the doc 's objective to hv multiple pregnancy due to the possible complications associated with multiples. So putting all these considerations in (including the embryo grade), if your chance of implantation is very high, then go with single transfer. If chances not so high, then transfer 2.

Another factor I considered is do you have embryos for future transfer if you fail this round.

I only had 2 frozen blastocysts of good grade, so I chose to transfer 1 in the end. Reason being it was my 1st ivf and I wasn't confident of my lining. So I didn't want to put all eggs in 1 basket. In the end, it was a BFN for me despite transferring a grade AA d6 blastocyst. So glad we only transfer 1 in the end. If I have more embryos, I personally would transfer 2. So it's a very personal question that you and your hubby need to sit down to discuss. Also financially would you guys be able to adequately welcome a twins.

Whatever decision you ultimately take, good luck to your transfer and do keep us updated.

Thanks for the pointers... Will definitely consider carefully and discuss with my Husband. My only qualm about transferring 2 is the possible complication of twin pregnancy and whether my body is able to take it. So far my lining seems ok at today's scan and embryos are of grade 4 and 3. I have 18 in total due to PCOS- 12 grade 4 and 6 grade 3. Doc was mentioning that they would thaw 6 and then culture them to day 5 or 6. Let's hope I will be able to make a good decision. Kinda feeling scared now that the ET date is nearing, previously I was sort of taking it easy even though the injections were damn sian and making the 730am trips to Kkh were just tiring... So much so that each time dr Tan asked me how I'm feeling, I'll be like "u mean physically or emotionally?" Hahaha then I'll go emotionally physically slight crampy feelings....
Am with NUH Prof PC Wong.
Started duphaston on 27th Nov.
Started 300iu gonal F on evenings since 12th Dec and on 17th Dec introduced Cetrotide on mornings.
Dosage for both jabs maintained throughout.
Suprefact jab on 24th Dec at 10pm.
Every blood test and scans results were satisfactory according to Prof.
12 eggs with biggest at 18.5mm 2 days before oocyte retrieval. Lining at 9mm. No major issues between DH and myself.
Oocyte Retrieval on 26th Dec 10am. Harvested 7 out of 12 eggs.
Received call on 28th Dec at 9plus am... informing 3 out of 7 eggs matured but NONE fertilised.
Anyone been through the same? Embrologist only briefly mentioned problem lies with either the egg or the sperm... seeing Prof soon for detailed information.
I went through like 20 over jabs... plus 4-5 blood tests... total bill almost 10k... yet... NO FERTILISATION.
This cycle ended just like to.
I don't know what's going to happen next...
Failed 2 iuis then this 1st ivf...
Hugs @bbcaromel I know its painful after going through all the jabs. I also almost didn't have any embryos last cycle, end up with only 2 but also bfn. I'm going for my 3rd fresh with Prog Wong in Jan too. Can I ask, are you doing ICSI?
Thanks for the pointers... Will definitely consider carefully and discuss with my Husband. My only qualm about transferring 2 is the possible complication of twin pregnancy and whether my body is able to take it. So far my lining seems ok at today's scan and embryos are of grade 4 and 3. I have 18 in total due to PCOS- 12 grade 4 and 6 grade 3. Doc was mentioning that they would thaw 6 and then culture them to day 5 or 6. Let's hope I will be able to make a good decision. Kinda feeling scared now that the ET date is nearing, previously I was sort of taking it easy even though the injections were damn sian and making the 730am trips to Kkh were just tiring... So much so that each time dr Tan asked me how I'm feeling, I'll be like "u mean physically or emotionally?" Hahaha then I'll go emotionally physically slight crampy feelings....

Don't worry about the ET. It is ok. just relax and have a full bladder. Good luck!
I don't know whether icis or not. .. cos they called me 2 days after ER... mentioned 3 mature buy not fertilised. I haven't seen Prof yet. Yes... it's a very painful feeling. I dunno what to expect from Prof when I see him... I dunno what went wrong. The feeling is lousy thinking it's due to poor quality of eggs. It's so unfair that women are the ones suffering...
Hugs. I'm sorry you are going through this. Although I can't exactly advise what to do, my thoughts would be to have a discussion with your doc about what can be adjusted for next round. Also ask him what supplements you can take. I'm taking DHEA, COQ10 Ubiquinol, Omega 3-6-9, prenatal and folic acid. Dhea and coq10 is supposed to improve egg quality. But clear with your doc first before taking them especially Dhea. It takes 3 months to build up the quality, ie. What we eat now impacts the quality of the eggs 3 months later. Also do try TCM if you haven't. I'm with Dr Zou and she encouraged 2x per week of acupuncture to improve blood circulation to our uterus which help in eggs development and implantation. In the meantime, take heart. IVF is both an emotional and financial journey. So be strong and hold on to your dream of holding your baby for strength.

Thanks babe...
I have been taking folic acid, royal jelly and calcium.. and occasionally vit C.
The thing is... my hubby probably take only vit C.
I dunno why... but it seems each time something happens, we generally think it's the women's issue.
I fear to hear what Prof is going to tell us... I fear the truth... indeed a very straining journey.
Hi ladies,
Just went for a scan yesterday morning and my lining only 4, how to increase the lining? Will be going through FET..... Been taking Red Bean Soup for 3 weeks seems no response at all...signz....

Hi, i have lining issue as well and avocado seems to work for me. However, i have to abandon the cycle as brown stain started on D23, and lining did not grow at all after that.
thank you Towlayneo, ok will go n buy soya bean milk, i dont really fancy chicken breasts.... the eggs and chicken essence which i am having now, now I see eggs I wana puke. tat time i did my fresh everyday i ate 4 hardboiled eggs without the yolk for nearly one month...see eggs wana puke.... :p
hahaha, believed the sistas here have phobia for eggs, but it's better to puke whenever you see eggs, than you puke when you see BFNs :p
Thanks babe...
I have been taking folic acid, royal jelly and calcium.. and occasionally vit C.
The thing is... my hubby probably take only vit C.
I dunno why... but it seems each time something happens, we generally think it's the women's issue.
I fear to hear what Prof is going to tell us... I fear the truth... indeed a very straining journey.
why do you fear? it's good to hear & know the problem and work towards finding a solution for it.
Hi ladies

I am now at 4dp3dt and my body feels lousy. I felt ferverish yesterday and the nausea was really bad. Today, a was breathless, breaking out in sweat, and my appetite isn't very good. Ever since OR, my lower back hurts and I haven't had a good sleep for the past 6 days.

I really feel lousy and I don't know if it is due to an overdose of hormonal injections/vaginal inserts being introduced into my body.

Has anyone experienced these symptoms?
I don't know whether icis or not. .. cos they called me 2 days after ER... mentioned 3 mature buy not fertilised. I haven't seen Prof yet. Yes... it's a very painful feeling. I dunno what to expect from Prof when I see him... I dunno what went wrong. The feeling is lousy thinking it's due to poor quality of eggs. It's so unfair that women are the ones suffering...
Don't blame yourself, its not your fault, it's a situation. See what Prof Wong says and move on from there. Every cycle is different, its important we build our health and fight on. 1 failed cycle don't mean failure, don't give up and we will find success :)
Hi, i have lining issue as well and avocado seems to work for me. However, i have to abandon the cycle as brown stain started on D23, and lining did not grow at all after that.
hih, avocado only blends well with milk n is very fattening....ok will try too :) thanks for the infor
Hello, I recall there were some ladies here who did ivf overseas? Can you share with me your clinic and experience? Like how often do you have to fly there, how much was the entire procedure? Does your clinic offer egg donor?

Failed my last cycle and wont be trying anymore as I am hitting 40 but would like to explore donor eggs as last try to give my gal a sibling. :(
Hi ladies

I am now at 4dp3dt and my body feels lousy. I felt ferverish yesterday and the nausea was really bad. Today, a was breathless, breaking out in sweat, and my appetite isn't very good. Ever since OR, my lower back hurts and I haven't had a good sleep for the past 6 days.

I really feel lousy and I don't know if it is due to an overdose of hormonal injections/vaginal inserts being introduced into my body.

Has anyone experienced these symptoms?

Your symptoms are similar to some others. Just try to rest more. I was quite nauseous, constantly cold all the time, I have such bad AF-like cramps during this period that I will wake up in the middle of the night between 3dp3dt - 6dp3dt. After being tested positive, my doctor took me off all inserts and medication and all these symptoms disappeared, so that's when I realized it were the inserts giving me these symptoms rather than my pregnancy.

Hi all

I'm new to this forum. Currently on last day of my 2ww and feeling really nervous for my beta tomorrow at KKH. Have not POAS yet and have decided not as scared to see the BFN.

Not sure what are my chances. This is my first IVF after a failed IUI and TTC for 4 years. I have PCOS and hubs have low sperm morphology. ER on 12/12 and ET 15/12.
2 embryos transferred on d3. Embryologist said 1 is a morula and the other of grade 4 (highest grade being 5). Out of the 12 retrieved, 2 transferred, 3 frozen and 4 more under observation as at ER day.

Been feeling af cramps throughout the 2ww and very sore bbs especially these few days. Keep having the feeling that af may report anytime soon. Also feeling warm and been having a slight fever at 37.3 for about a week. Guess it is due to the progesterone inserts.

Trying to relax and not think so much now! Crossing my fingers for tomorrow!
Your transferred embryos are the same as mine. I had a Grade 1 morula and a Grade 2 (1 being highest in SGH's context) 8-celled transferred.
As long as you don't see any heavy bleeding, it's considered good news. Good luck!
Your symptoms are similar to some others. Just try to rest more. I was quite nauseous, constantly cold all the time, I have such bad AF-like cramps during this period that I will wake up in the middle of the night between 3dp3dt - 6dp3dt. After being tested positive, my doctor took me off all inserts and medication and all these symptoms disappeared, so that's when I realized it were the inserts giving me these symptoms rather than my pregnancy.

I see. I didn't experience any cramping though. Is that a bad sign?
Hello @pammm. I didn't have any cramps, not even AF like cramps apart from a very short episode of very mild cramp or twinge in lower abdomen on 6dp5dt. Had 2 episodes of feeling nauseated on 8-9dp5dt and had sore boobs just as any other cycle due to progesterone which even subsided for sometime on 11dp5dt but got bfp BT on 12dp5dt.
Everyone is different & symptoms among cycles may also differ. I actually had more symptoms in my fresh cycles where I didn't get bfp than the last Fet which got me my first bfp.

Continue to rest more, eat healthy, get well hydrated and talk to your embies everday. Stay well & stay positive k. Jia you & all the best.
Hello @pammm. I didn't have any cramps, not even AF like cramps apart from a very short episode of very mild cramp or twinge in lower abdomen on 6dp5dt. Had 2 episodes of feeling nauseated on 8-9dp5dt and had sore boobs just as any other cycle due to progesterone which even subsided for sometime on 11dp5dt but got bfp BT on 12dp5dt.
Everyone is different & symptoms among cycles may also differ. I actually had more symptoms in my fresh cycles where I didn't get bfp than the last Fet which got me my first bfp.

Continue to rest more, eat healthy, get well hydrated and talk to your embies everday. Stay well & stay positive k. Jia you & all the best.
Your bt on 12dp5dt, sgh arrange for me bt 2mrw which is 9dp5dt, I wonder if I will end up negative bec it's early?
Hi Ladies,

I'm a new member. Have been ttc for almost 2yrs. Menses didn't come after I got married and tot was preggie but wasn't.
Did blood test twice and result showed my ovarian reserve is super low, in the range of MENOPAUSE. I'm only 34yrs old :(
Seeing a fertility doc in KKH, he told me 90 over percent won't be able to retrieve any egg. But the med he gave me to induce my menses work.
Currently I'm being very kiasu here as I feel my time is running up, seems like I'm really otw to menopause..so I started to go for acupuncture, took royal jelly and Blackmores Conceive well gold plus TCM medicine.
Doctor has also given me some contraceptives as he says it will help to thicken my lining. I will be gg to the briefing session in Jan and will be scheduled for IVF in Feb.
Has anyone come across similar experience? Is it alright to take all those supplements together with TCM and acupuncture?

Thank you for your message...
I have yet to speak with Prof.
My last scan before trigger...3 @18mm, [email protected] and 1@17mm... the rest are slightly small between 13-15mm.
Yes...indeed painful not even able to have 1 embryo transfer...when we actually planned 2.
Actually I've read somewhere, in order to have matured eggs, follicles need to be at least 16mm, some say at least 18mm.. Which proved to be quite true in my case..
