IVF/ICSI Support Group

hmm..maybe just chicken essence or maybe omit LRD in your case? Other than that im not sure which other drinks are recommended to drink besides LRD..any other sisters can recommend in this case?
Egg factory, I finished one and the half tins before I finally realised that the vitamins in Ensure diminished with hot water. Really blur me....
Chrisl: thks for the advice.
Blur xuan: I love GR too, mine is a mini schnauzer. Just celebrated my cat's bday today. He is 8yrs old le. Pets are just like our babies. Got Padang ppl ever said it's becos of the pet occupied the seats for baby, that's y baby no come yet, bleh -_-

Bigbear: for bbt, also try to wak up at the same time for temp measurement. If u want to get up late sometime, set alarm to wake up at usual time to take temp. Otherwise wake up late, the temp will be higher even u measure before any movement.

Egg factory: I was given 3 types of med for insert after ET. 
- morning n night: progesterone capsule
- mid day: crinon gel + estrofem pills
oh just remembered you can try Raspberry tea, it's neutral (based on one of the sisters said she checked with tcm doc b4) it's said to strengthen the uterus.
Givemehope, I hope n wish I can give u the answer on how to keep our spirits high. Same sentiments here. Feel miserable for myself when hearing others preggy although of cos, m happy for them lah.
yeah there's an empty feeling inside me though yes feel happy for others cos when you see a preggy woman on the street, you'll never know what her ttc journey is like..who knows? she might be trying for more years than me...my method is i now seldom go fb cos mostly see updates on bbs, just concentrate my energy on other new hobbies or maybe reading up other people's ttcing journey online..i do my own 2 blogs..i rant there, took pictures, update...or just watch lotsa tvb shows ..or just cleaning the hse/packing my stuffs and oh i also bake and do cooking therapy..it works for me. I keep reminding myself that all these work have to be done before i get preggy...so mainline is to stay and think positive
*pat on shoulders* your turn will come de!
maybe till then got bb no time to watch tv or shopping therapy hehe lol
Chrisl, thanks. Will buy the raspberry tea. Actually, I share the same sentiment as you. Away from gathering. Happy for others esp. New borns. Next min, feel upset. N also no topics to share, they all start talking abt bb stuff.
Haha chrisl, 承你贵言. I also hope so. Nowadays I spent my days either gg c tcm dr, doing own nail art, cooking, sometimes baking, reading magazines, watching tv series, gg out tea with friends occasionally... I kind of enjoy. But of cos, money is an issue so I am trying to find a part time job c have or not lor.... I really really really wish, next year this time, I can hold my BB in my arms... Even my earlier batch of forum sisters friends all gave birth one after another... I'm one of the few who's still behind... Lolx... Nonetheless, keep trying lor! All sisters here! Dnt give up hor!! Jia yo!
Sisters, I share the same sentiment n me too had been avoiding gatherings for bb full mth, bb bday n etc for a few yrs. some insensitive ppl just being really annoying keep asking y not having bb, n some even give sarcastic comments like u r so ambitious in ur career etc. they dunno how much effort we had put in wanting a baby, and it all seem too easy for some of them to hv baby whenever they want. So we must keep the faith n jia you oh.
Mel.. Huh.. first time heard of tt.. tk e place of bb.. so many ppl gt pets n bb growing up tgt lo. Anytink oso can say lei they all.. I v stress coz DH is e only son in e family.. His 3 sis n mum always tok abt bb in front of him.. Hint for 3yrs.. so sickening.. not i dun wan its both of us gt prob we tried so hard. Sometimes i feel they juz wan me to give birth dun treat me as a family. Treat mi invisible sometimes. Their family is v old minded.. zhong nan qing nu.. if my first bb is a gal i duno how they will treat her.. so scare..
Joynfaith n mc007,

I have a Maltese who just turned 12 yrs old... My gal who just turned 2 will go run after him n he will run away from her like playing catching n sometimes she will go grab him and my dog treats her gently n tolerate her. It's also a good chance for us to teach her how to respect animals... My gal from newborn until now not afraid of his barks or him. She's also very friendly with cats. So it's really nonsense if ppl say have children can't have pets but i do agree that if I already planning for children I wouldn't go get a pet cos I know I would definitely neglect the pet at some point of time. Like now, last time before having children I'll buy tidbits n toys for him but now I hardly have time for it although he's well taken care of by my mum now going for his daily walks n home cooked meals.
if have a pet at home alrdy is ok.. if getting a new pet might haf a prob coz they need more attention.. if pregnant most of e tinks cant do and if e dog play till v rough is also dangerous.. pets need more time to teach when juz bought.. haf to tink carefully before u buy..
Blur Xuan and Eskimobaby,

i agree with you two

My Sasha is a Shetland Sheepdog and has been with me for 12.5 years. I am engaging a maid also due to helping me to take care and accompany Sasha as I know when baby comes, I need to spend less time with her and her poo/pee needs to be cleaned up immediately (she is paper trained but her stools r very soft recently and she poos on paper, around kitchen & living room too cos she needs to walk & poo) and she needs to be soothed when barking so that it won't disturb baby's sleep.

She has been sleeping with me for years and now when maid comes in June, need to train her to sleep in living room as baby is gonna sleep in my room. Sasha will bark to exit or enter my room, and of course there is the fur issue, so no choice, gotta have Sasha sleep in the living room. It is a painful decision but baby needs to be first priority.

Never ever will I give Sasha up for whatever reason. She has been my loyal companion for so long and I term her as my daughter. Only those with pets will understand.

For those who do not have pets yet and yearn for such devotion and relationship with your pet, I'd advise you not to get when you are pregnant now or TTC-ing. Cos the commitment to take care of one is similar to that of having your own child. This is definitely not the right time to get one. The training time needed is one, secondly when your pet is sick/ needs grooming/ needs attention/ barks non-stop for whatever reason/ etc, and your baby is also needing your time and attention, you will be overly stressed. Not forgetting if any mishaps occur or when time is up, *touch wood*, the sadness is unimaginable. I cry everytime I imagine it, the past 10 years.

So, just focus on baby/ baby-making is the best for us now
This is what I think lo.
Hi sashamama.. My dog is call shasha.. haha. Same same.. she will bark if she wan to enter e room.. she always sleep wif us.. tink if i gt bb she will still sleep wif us but we wont closed e door ba.. She wont go n zzz outside.. wat i scare is midnite she will bark if ppl passby our maindoor.. not at everyone but still bark.. scare will scare bb if sudden bark..
Hi ladies, I'm at kkivf now waiting for my BT, was quite reluctant to come as this morning spotting turns abit reddish and the cramps are quite bad. Pretty sure it's neg. But DH say must come no matter what to close the chapter.
1BB, thank! Am planning to start in jun/ jul. will wait till my menses become more regular and take this period to tiao my body first. Hope our next try will be a successful one!
Morning Ladybuggy, Hugs! Keep an open mind ok. BT still must take no matter what. Hope you will be blessed with best of luck dear.

Yo Bigbear, replied your pm.
any finance people over here? I just got to know i have a dateline in early June which that period i should be on HL. What should i do? feeling so stress now.
Looking for cycle buddy....am on my 3rd day of Gonal-F & scanning tmr.

Ladybuggy, hang in there! You never know until BT is done.
Prosepina, try discuss with ur colleague and ur boss. I also face this problem during my 1st fresh cycle two yrs ago and it is our audit period.
blurxuan, sasha, eskimobaby: thanks for sharing and encouragement. I feel more determined and confident to keep my pets even if preg. DH is supportive too, so i think we cangonna make it with pets. =)

Welcome mitera! all the best to your ivf.

Ladybuggy: wish u the best. no matter what the result is, it's not the end, and we will be here to share your happiness or sorrow. be strong n jiayou.
Ladybuggy, keep an open mind. No matter what, you have done your best.

Prosepina, hv u informed your boss that you are going for IVF? I informed my boss about IVF and also informed her on the timeline and MC/HL needed. After i got clearance from her, I went on leave with a piece of mind.
Ladybuggy...dun despair...hugzz

Prosepina...maybe u can tell them tat u need go for a surgery and will be on HL, jus tat still waiting for hospital to confirm the schedule?

I didn't tell my co abt ivf too.

i think sometimes this 'ivf' thingy is very personal, finds it hard to tell the boss. and sometimes may also afraid the whole dept to know which u may not wan to disclose. but having to discuss with him/her will be easier to have an ease of mind to go on long HL leave. but prepare for the worst becos some bosses will be negative towards the long leave that they will be short handed. if he or she is really a family oriented person, then may be things is easier to say.

yes, hate the kpo part on the colleagues. so for me i have to think of reasons. u can say u going for a mini surgery, small procedure, chicken pox etc..or simply say u have some medical problems which u do not wan to disclose.
jus say its women problem and let them go assume..haha..thats wat happen to me..

i even jokingly say i will be much prettier and slimmer after that..haha
May I know for Organic Respberry Tea leave is to take before Ovulation or after Ovulation? Anyone take before FET or Fresh cycle and BFP?
Prosepina, U can go back to work on the 2nd week after ET provided ur job is not stress. But looks like if u need to meet the deadline then it will means that u will face the stress in the Office. What stage r u know?
sugary: agree with u.
mc: liked ur answer to ur colleagues. if they r kepo ppl, then let them guess more haha.

Prosepina: since there's tight dateline to meet, i think it's fair to inform your boss of ur real reason for long leave. if she is a family oriented person, she will definitely understand. That's what i did, and my male boss was very understanding, and he did not give me a single call during my cycle so as not to stress me. And even in any case ur boss is not a family person, u could still be frank with her, and seek her understanding to keep this personal matter between u n her. communication is the key. hope u can get peace of mind during ur cycle.

once u start ivf, think twice or trice if u wanna go back work after 1 ww. After gone thru so much, do u really wanna take the risk. just think it over and do not do sthg that might make u regret along this TTC journey.
MC: Lol, they very jialat..like so free not enough work for them to do. even my DH went operation they also ask around ask my lunch buddy see if they know what happen!

mel, you got the point! mine is female boss, not sure she's family oriented or not le! everyday work till 7-8pm one. If it is male boss better, i will tell them frankly but female boss sometimes very emotional.

sarah, yeah! hitting deadline is always stressful.
sugary, yeah! they are so KPO, and ho, we are not in the same function one lo, that's mean my MC or HL wont added load to their work, yet so many comments!
Tx Mel! Hi Nurul_huda. Am suppose to be on supp too but I opted for the short protocol and so went on straight to stim. How are u doing? Any side effects from supp?
M hesitating wat to tell my boss too but in the end, decided to jus tell her m having minor surgery for woman's problem. Am still pondering whether I should go back to work after just 1 week of rest too. Really feel bad taking so much time off work...sigh
