IVF/ICSI Support Group


Take care. Have a restful sleep tonight.


I'm logging off for the night too.
Good night, all!
Morning baby

Morning Miracle

Morning Janice

Morning Shoes, hope your pain has gone

Morning Sticky, Dawn, Blue, Sun, Joanne, Piggy, Leor, Karen .....

Morning everyone
Morning gals

Baby 8dpt is dam too early to test hpt lah. Remember I test 12dpt -ve lor. So dun think so much k. Will BFP de
Morning girls !
Morning flower !

Baby don't test anymore on the hpt till 13dpt if not u will bring unwanted stress n negative thought for yourself ;) cheer up a bit n relax okay ..
Morning, girls!

Morning, Flower! So sweet, great each one of us by nick.

Baby, 8dpt is very early. Don't worry about symptoms, yeah? I think VioVio had no symptoms too and she BFP. Her HCG level was very high too - over 1000!


Are you feeling better today? Do you need a progesterone jab today?
<font color="aa00aa">Morning,

STill in pain and still can't walk..but at least today can flex foot! Praise God! I'll be lying in bed today for sure...Ning was very sweet, still texted to check on me at 10:30pm.

Starting to get a little anxious about tomorrow but been trying to meditate and be calm....

Dawn, still need p jab today but defo in the rear end</font>
Now I understand why Angela warned me that it will not be pleasant if they adjust my protocol to hopefully avoid my cramps. I will likely be a member of the butt pain club.
My fren's wife had P jab on her thigh last year. Till now, whenever my fren touches tat area, she will still feel the pain.... Hw are you gg to GP for next P jab?
<font color="aa00aa">Miracle - been doing it from home actually. Ning asked me to go down today, dun think that's possible!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Dawn, some people (like me!) have a tendency to have more reaction to P in Oil...my last cycle ended up the same too...raised red itchy patches all over the entire bum...

just can't help it!</font>
My butt felt sore (at least not painful) from the HCG jabs. I only had P jab once after my ET but Ning was very skillful so I felt NOTHING during the jab and just a little bit sore that afternoon.

Am feeling very tired today. Was planning to wake up earlier as my resolution for Lent but failed.
Miracle, Shoes,

Are you planning to arrange to go to CARE around the same time tomorrow?

I have a full afternoon meeting tomorrow so guess I'll have to wait till after it's over to check the forum on your bfp news.

It'll be an exciting day on the forum tomorrow!
morn sistas!

shoes, it has been a week since my last P jab and i still feel pain when i touch... few days back i went jogging... omg... so pain until cannot jog properly also...
Morning flowers.
Shoes- sayang.
Baby- don't be naughty. Yr Bt date think is the same as me on 18/3 le. U test too early Liao la.
But hor u also very brave to test on 8dpt.
morning sisters ...

yup piggy was at Dr Zou there yday nite but was there from 7-8pm.. u there meh? yday we special appm one lei cos yday she closed one mah...

so u doing ET tmr????
On average, if you are expecting
Triplet, +ve seen from 8dpt/9dpt
Twins, +ve seen from 11dpt
Singleton, +ve seen from 13dpt
Of cos sometimes miracles do happen on bhcg day oni... All the best sistas!!!!
Leor: Thanks!

Jok: which one is you ? I was there too
Hahaha Im the one that wearing short and purple top.. Ya my ET tomorrow super early morning
So hopefully today will be my last acupuncture with Dr ZOU hahahaha
