IVF/ICSI Support Group

aiyoz, i found the cause of my emotions and wet dreams...
Side-effects of progesterone may include gastro-intestinal disturbances, acne, fluid retention or oedema, mass gain, allergic skin rashes or urticaria, mental depression, breast changes including discomfort or less frequently gynaecomastia and changes in libido.

Hi bcube

Yes. Utrogestron can be taken orally or used as inserts. I took utrogestron as my progesterone support and took it orally. The side effects includes dizziness which I checked then with my gynae that it's one of the side effects of progesterone. Sleep it off and hope that u'll feel better 
Thanks for sharing! But I cannot continue feeling dizzy 3 times a day for 2 weeks. My DH was so worried when he see me in my fatigue drowsy state. On top of utrogestron, am also using crinone gel inserts for support. Does pumping so much progesterone increase the chance for implantation?
Good morning shoes
<font color="aa00aa">Hi hi Snuuggly....
What are you up to today? Just had a heavy breakfast and Immunocal ... going for acu later before Dr Zou leaves...</font>
Good Morning all...Phew raining days...outside ofis so dark dark...Nice day to cuddle cuddle...hehehe

How is everyone?

Iloveshoes: yoohooo...u r bk...Miss u dear..
<font color="aa00aa">Hi hi Nadia - yup yup haha, am starting to wind down already so slightly more time to hang around here

How are you? Doing anything for the break?</font>
oh...so u r away from werk alreadi...

me doing fine..Af just reported..haven't full blown yet..shld be by tomolo..then need to call KK tomolo liao...hmm nothing much to do this week..rot at home..and start to prepare for my 2ww home stay soon so at least will not get bored..heeeh

so wat have u been up to?
<font color="aa00aa">Me finish up work tmrw - oh yay!!!! good to know your AF here, so I think we can be cycle buddies - cos my AF supposed to be here 2nd

Busy wih work lor...</font>
ic..so u will be on leave after that? My co. tomolo half day...but can only go home at CNY closure lunch..then off for the week liao...short week this week...

yup we gonna be cycle buddies liao..same with ineedmiracle...hehehe

Hope all of us strike...
<font color="aa00aa">Nadia - yup, after that stop work for a while, this cycle very expensive, more than what I earn so better concentrate hahahahaa

Yes yes, cycle buddies with Miracle</font>
Oh ya...it's really and ex cycle indeed...so this time round free from werk is the best...good for u...;-)..remember to relax more k..

snuggly: oh u r at kk for prog bt..good luck..;-)
<font color="aa00aa">Snuggly - all the best - think you should hear back on the BT results about lunchtime. Am sure things will be fine. =)

Nadia, yeah, hopefully will relax more and not find projects to do. I very the cannot sit still type</font>
iloveshoes...try to find a new hobby to do mah..so at least away from werk...so ur mind is occupied with things to do...resist all temptations for werk...always think of baby...it will werk..
oh yes...wanna wish all Sistas here..Gong Xi Fa Cai...Hope our dream will come true this lunar new year...Hippitteee Hippittee Hop...Baby Rabbit Here I come...hehehe
skating...but during 2ww..can do skating meh?hehehe...well enjo ur skating..but dun drop k...must take care of ur womb...very important...
Hi snuuggly..u at kk too? Me waiting for dr loh to do et..seems like he will take some time n i hv to wait for him..is ur prog jab at ur thighs or butt? Is it same like pregnyl jab?
iloveshoes: then think of something else la..scrapbook...photo taking...revamp the house..but of cos not moving furnitures la..those small stuff..i gonna do scrapbook i tink to occupy myself..heheheh
Nadia, shoes, prog bt is no indication of pregnancy hor?

Rashal, I left liao to go eat breakfast. Be back later to collect mc which I forgot to take during et. Progesterone is not jab. It is inserts into vagina.
<font color="aa00aa">Nadia - Hmm good ideas...

Snuggly, prog bt not indication of preggie, but helps support healthy preggie la</font>
Snuuggly: i see..urs are inserts..mine is jab i tink coz in my paper it says subcutaneous..lucky itz space out for 4 days..me hungry too but nw i am full of water n dr loh nt here yet..

Nadia: gd to hear ur AF come already..soon u will join 2ww buddies..jia you!
Nadia, it is a good idea to keep yourself occupied during 2ww so you will not be bored. Scrapbooking is interesting...hope you can get something done during your 2ww.
I wanted to do spring cleaning on my wardrobe during that time but i guess i need to move around a lot so did not do so..
snuggly: yup like wat shoes says..high level or low level doesn't mean preggie...it's just a support only...dun worry so much on prog level...it too low they will give u additional support...;-)
Rashal: good luck on your ET...;-)...Hepi 2ww....Yup joining my buddies soon...

Su_yana: I did scrapbook before for my mom side family...it was really fun...this time round I will do for my own or do my cooking book...lots of recipe...nvr had a time to really do it..hehehe..wardrobe cleaning I have done it...so not so bad...hhehe..have u got for ur subsequent scan alreadi?
morning all sisters...

nadia gd ur af reporting liao .. mine very funny lei .. wat to come dun wat to come like tat ...
yday see some brown discharge no flow, but 2day no discharge but urine like a plain brownish .. is it mean af coming? any sis can advise? tks....
Rashal-Gd luck for yr ET. Nearer to 2WW.
Shoes-I think better try some other hobby ba.
Nadia-At last yr AF reported, so agar yr ET would be when?
Jok- any pain when passing urine? Just thinking, could it be UTI?
I did had this brownish discharge before for like 3days, then AF came full blown in 4th day.
Blue, so when are you going to start the jab? day21?

Lynn, so happy for you that you can proceed to stage 2. Hang it on!

Valteen, sure hard to get the engine started after such a long break! it ok, this wk, short short wk only.

Snnuggly, how is your BT?

wow lao, rain the whole day and office so cold!
iloveshoes: Dr Zou also got mentioned that she has this patient 41 yrs old..tried IVF many times..at last strike naturally...the lady couldn't believe...miracles do happen...

Jok: i tink ur menses is coming liao...have u check preg test if u r late?

Blue: my ET shld be ard 3rd week of Feb...1st scan shld fall on 14/2/11...I did tak Dr Zou med until half tru Lucrin..cos kena side effect of Lucrin..so I stop...will be taking this time round tru out my 2ww...;-)
<font color="aa00aa">Jok - observe a while and see?

Bluenosebear - yeah hahaha, I also think, if weather continues will just nua and watch tv la</font>
<font color="aa00aa">BNB, I'm intending to do acu only, not sure how CARE views TCM drugs wow...

Nadia, wow, that lady so blessed</font>
Hokkaido-I be starting on day 21, which is eve of CNY, 2/2.
Regarding the TCM med, I think I would discuss with my TCM Dr. Maybe also start when 2ww ba, becos with the jabs + vits, like so many things to take.
I don't want to be too stress also. Kept telling myself to relax......................
Holiday mood, but still raining, felt so nua at work lor.
Blue:thx dear..juz finished et..grade 3 embbies
Nadia,snuuggly:it turns out my prog jab at stomach..phew..i was in white tudung n colourful top..hw abt u?
