IVF/ICSI Support Group

Valteen: stay positive ok? Dunno what else to say but you know where to find us if u wanna talk to someone. I accept pms, so feel free to MSG me.

I am going jb tmr. Have decided to stop facing 4 walls and go immense in the cny festivities.

Lynn, I was told to go between 730am to 430pm. I prob will be there ard 830 before 9am bah. U?

Hello... :D

I just took my BT and U/S this morning after 18 days of lucrin jabs. Still waiting for the nurse to call me with the result

anyway...i heard the nurse saying "lining is 4". Can anyone tell me...is it good or bad?
Sticky: dun worry, you can also go next week Liao. It's just that me nottie la. You guys will constantly be on my mind coz I will remember to take it easy and no carry heavy things....
Snuuggly: I should be there between 7.30-8.30am, hope i can wake up hahahah…

Ladies, I'm having my AF now but it seems much lesser than the normal flow. Is it normal? Is there anything i should take to increase the AF flow? I'm worried if the flow is too little does that means that the old lining is still inside then the success rate will be lower rite?
@nadia: the nurse just called me and she told me that everything is normal...everything is good

pheeew... :p

she said i can start puregon on CNY..3rd feb :D
Val, *hugs*

Pravda, lining 4mm @ lucrin stage is ok. Most likely you can proceed puregon stage soon but it all depends cos last time my bt & u/s shows I'm fully supressed but still need extend lucin for 1wk cos doc schedule overpack.
Val: A big big hug. I know it means alot to you but just take it this time is not the right time and when you do, AND I KNOW YOU WILL (just like all of the strong ladies here), it will be perfect.

Sticky: You tested today liao? I have intermitten cramp throughout the 2ww. Don't read too much into it.

Snuggly: For the cruise, I even went out shopping at Penang and Port Klang for 2 consecutive days. I think that helps cos I was too busy looking at things and eating that I really did not think about my 2ww.

I am seriously craving for junk food now...burger, fries, burger....sigh, can't stop myself...think my twins will became food junkies...
Leor, snuuggly: we definitely should wear/do something special for easy identification hahahhaa…

I read previously that stout can helps with thinning the lining. Should I drink that now? Will it be in time to shed the old lining? I will definitely cook some black fungus tonite and make ginger tea also. Hmmm..ginger tea how to make? Throw the ginger into boiling water and put sugar ah?
hi lynn,
drink take stout... the way they brew the beer not good for us... =)
black fungus will work... can steam with chicken and seasame oil...
ginger tea,
1 palm size ginger smash, no peel, no slice
brown sugar
some red dates
throw everything in and boil... use 1 litre water and boil left 500ml... or 1 cup... abt less than 1 hour...
Nip, did you eat everything? Or u were still very mindful?
Hearing what u did make me more assured that going out is right. I need some shopping to ease the mind and soul...and pocket...lol
You better eat what your babies want, else next time they are drooling babies....heheh old wives' tales.

Leor: I am in 2ww now. Monday is progesterone bt to see if support enough.
sticky: thank you so much! Hmm..you think bai feng wan will help also? I heard from my friend when she take bai feng wan, her af flow like nobody's business..not sure that will work or not.

The ginger tea needs to drink for how long and how many cups a day?

Snuuggly: ok..i'll go find something special also..hahhaa..mayb i put electric blue eyeshadow and bloody red lipstick hahahah
hi lynn,
see ur body can take ginger ma... one to 2 cups can liao... 500ml is abt 2 cups...
for us, is not good to take bai feng wan... bai feng wan onli for normal gals without any probs...
we are extraordinary gals... we dun take such ordinary drugs... haha...
better not take... black fungus will work well... take for 2 days... take abit more... will work fine...
Ya lor, blue. ultimately still hv to go back, sianz. if bfp at least partial offset the sianz part. Me starting monday. this is my longest break in my working history. go tour also dare not take this long.
Valteen-sometimes is easier than said. But it would take time to heal.
After U reviewed with Dr Loh then plan for the next step. Rest & tiao yr body before U move to next step.
Eventually would be BFP one, is a matter of time.
I keep having cold feet (literally!). Is it because my blood circulation no good?
Also been feeling cramp and tummy bloated. Called CARE and they said to monitor.
I go back to CARE for progestrone jab daily, sunday go to 24-hr clinic. Yup, twice a week BTs. You're right, Angela said symptoms is good sign. Btw, which gynea do you go to? Is it good to drink fresh milk now?
mill dun mind to chk ... u on progestrone jab everyday for support huh? seem like many after ET or BFP still need alot of support hor? my last fresh cycle after bpf(mc at 5th wk) only oral support lei.. thk tis time got to ask Dr LOh increase more support hor? sisters advise?
Stickybb... Fyi... Kk prescribed the following supp for 2nd tri onwards... Natal care plus (tuna oil & acids), caltrate (calcium) & prenaforte (multivits)... 1st tri still folic acid & duphaston...
Hi all,i juz did my er today..so far the cramps has eased a little aft sis nadia advise to put heatpad..question us i can sit on a bike for a short ride to mkn dinner? Quite hungry nw..
Sticky: What does red date/longan/wolfberries drink help in? Can drink anytime as a general drink? Cos am thinking of trying as and when able to.

to warm the womb... is a heaty type of drinks... need not drink daily... gets very heaty de... can mix and match alternate days with ginger and red dates tea... or can skip a couple of days in a cycle...
