IVF/ICSI Support Group

My dear-syringe & alcohol prep can store in room temperature.
If U forgot the steps, can ask from here, I would try to help me as much as I can.

I find it no different la. But when U remove the suprefact from fridge, U can warm up abit by rubbing it with both palms. Try not to inject the cold med in straight away, as it can be more painful.
Just punch the area & jab.
Serene-Which means that U also would be having yr appt to CHR for blood test & scan on 15/2, & to collect the GonalF?
If like that hope that we can meet up on that day, haha.
ok. noted. thanks

normally, i will e side effect of suppression jab? coz now i feel crampy on my left side. i jab on e left. i wondering is e side effect or bcoz i m ovulating soon?
Serene: Yeah! U finally did it! Good job!! I think if you punctured a blood vessel then will have a little bruise there. Is it the bruise that's hurting?
Bluenosebear, not yet. Still under Prof. Will see him again on the 16th. i think by then he will have to assign me to other gynae. I will choose to stay put in NUH though it is a bit far. They have all my records so i guess it is easier.

When is your next visit?
hi bcube
Yeh and happy for u that u hv transfered.. Bfp after two wks k.. Rest well gal..;)

Hi val
Anxious and nervous for u.. Bfp bfp and pls give us tons of bb dust..;)

Hi snuggly,
How r u? Me going chin lee restaurant tonight.. Look forward to the good food..;) so coincidence, my dad says my grandpa knows the restaurant grandpa too but both hv pass away.. My dad say the boss may remember him.. Hee.. World so small... Then my dad say they sell 蚝煎.. Very nice.. Really they got sell now still? Maybe menu change liao.. Hee.. Btw, i will reply ur pm tonight after i get home k.. Wait for me..;)
Hi ladies thanks for all the encouragement but am afraid there's no bb dust this round. It's bfn.

Hv cried for a while and I am ok now. And haha, period come liao. So zun!

Now will have to come in often to find out what to do next and ways to tiao.

Sticky: now I will need to check out immunocal Liao lah!

Back to my exercise routine and build up.
hi valteen...
hugs hugs...
*sob sob*
i dunno wat to say... we really wan u to bfp.. wan it as badly as u wan it...
find ur dh... go bite him, punch him...
make urself feel better...
we be here 24hours a day. 7 days a week for u le...
StickyBFP, very busy with work lor...just got a little time to pop in & read.

Am now at lucrin stage and waiting for my AF report. Same as lynn going for BT and u/s on 31 Jan. By then hope can proceed to stage 2.

So how u spend yr time at home? Me also a Viwawa member but cant play during working hour leh.
Sticky: I have bitten dh liao! Glad he was with me today. 2mor going to my tcm, have to start drinking tonic wine and bai feng wan after my period ends. Other impt things I need to do ah?

Lynn/Leor: Thanks so much. Will full swing focus on tiao-ing now.

Have already made appt with sf lof for 19 FEb to see him. Then see how lah. Does it make sense to do fresh if I hv 4 embryos ah? The nurse sounded so surprise when I asked abt fresh cycle. Heehee...
Leor: Yah, I guess so. But will ask dr loh what is the grade and if it's worth doing FET or not.

If I pay cash for FETs, does that mean I still have another 2 rounds of govt for fresh cycles? Does it work that way?
Leor: Nah..didn't cancel my leave. Just thinking of going there earlier, hopefully can meet u there, settle everything and go catch a movie with dh before going home to do spring cleaning. Not sure will KKH issue the stimulation jab and if there's a need to bring cooler bag this time..?
Valteen... Hugs... But glad tat u hv braced up planning wat to do next... Will succeed de... 加油!

Why not wait till ur review w dr loh then decide? 4 precious embbies ley... Enuf for 1 fet...
yah valteen... was advise by nurse to pay this time FET by cash $1800-$2000 leave the cpf alone first (jus in case) cos if we uses cpf to pay they will consider 2nd time and we will only left 1 time to use cpf.
so tis time my FET i pay cash lor... now waiting for AF to arrive .... teng teng tennnnng
happybb: ya lor, will discuss with dr loh first. Was very disappointed naturally but spoken with hubby (and dad) and then felt better.

In fact I shared with dh that the most valuable thing I have done during this 2WW is finding this forum.
Valteen, yes u will still have 2 rounds of govt grant. See wat Dr Loh say then decide lor.

lynn, OIC...yap hope we can see each other. I hope am the no. 1 to do scan keke...bo bian need to rush back to work.

Btw, am wondering, if my menses dun report, will kkh still proceed me to start with my stage 2 or they will only start after my menses report? Anyone knw?
Thanks Jok! This is very impt. We will bear this in mind. Fresh cycle is the real real ex one. So better leave the govt grant for this if possible
lynn, i think we wont knw our bloodtest until afternoon wor. If by afternoon, result says can start stage two, think will need to go back kkh again to collect medicine wor...so am also headache abt bringing the cooler bag man!

Any sistas here can advise?
Valteen : I got the same question when I bfn should I use my 3 embbies or go for fresh .. Girls here told me that the embbies r innocent they should be given a chance too ;) n I hear them so I'm not giving up on them n go for the FET ;)
Valteen: Sorry to hear...see Dr Loh...prepr ur body and do FET...give ur 4 embbies a chance mah..at least not so stress during FET...;-)...

Leor & Lynn: During ur BT and scan u will purchase the Puregon on that day eventhough ur BT result is out in the pm...The nurse will teach u on how to inject on a dummy...so bring a cooler bag if u r gg somewhere after ur appt...Once u rcved the call...they will tell u when to inject the Puregon..normally it's 2 days after u will start Stage 2...
Leor: is your stimu stage puregon? And you are going back after work?

Piggy: Yes, wont want them to go to waste too. If they are deem to be viable to transfer, then will go for it.
Nadia: Thanks. And yep, will do that.

So far I have been going home with the med, so it's carrying them via the ice pack plastic bags for me all these while.
Nadia, my AF just started..let say if it continues until the day for scanning, the nurse will still proceed with the scan? Eeeeehhh..so yucky rite?
Valteen, no no...me not yet stimu stage puregon. I thought need to collect puregon in the afternoon after blood test result mah.
Snuuggly: when u going jb? Thanks ah.

Lynn: ya lor nurse specifically say got menses will still scan. Puregon comes in vial packed in a box each.
Joanne: tks for asking. Me feeling ok. Just very very bored. I wanna go ntuc with mil, but she asked me to stay home. Duh.

Small world indeed. Not sure if the oyster still have coz I never ate ala carte before. In fact, I went during cny last year only lolz....really hope u enjoy your dinner. Shall wait for your pm

Lynn: it's yucky indeed...my menses was still full blown when I had my scan..can't take it...but no choice..had to do it..hehehe I ask the nurse to pur more tissue during the scan...
