IVF/ICSI Support Group

Valteen, good luck tml
Martini, this 2 days stomach feel unwell. Don't know is cramp or bloat... V got discharge na like egg white, yellowish. And nipple sore like very sensitive. Its ok?
Thanks ladies. I mildly positive, largely negative but whatever it is, verdict is fixed liao. Just have to see it and accept it. BUT I still very scared and nervous!!! Arrrrrggggg...
morning sisters....
sleepless nite for me....

hi valteen,
=) we all hope for the best for u...
At least ur temp is high high... Which is a good sign...
Poor me, jus took bbt... Onli hit 36.32...
Maybe my insert never insert deep enough...
Bloat is good, sore nipples/boobs is normal.
Cramps that last long is no good, if it's only awhile is ok. I'm sure u have to go back to CARE for twice weekly BTs right? You can tell Ning about your symptoms. Anyway BTs & scans will assure you everything is alright. =)
Good morning everyone....

Valteen best of luck...yup normally is ard that time they will call..but sometimes u can call them ard 1 to find out...blood test maybe out ard there..;-)
Morning StickyBFP...y u got sleepless nite? too bored or too anxious...

One thing u r very brave to test everyday...hehehe..I dun tink I am that strong...hope to see + sign from u soon...;-)
hi nadia,
i think i am experimenting... haha...
i am actually keen to find out if my embbies are growing ma, or the growing but not implanting well... early +ve can tell me abit... =)
Buddy, our et is one day apart, how come implantation is same day tmr? Issit coz yours is frozen whilst mine is fresh?

Ladies, I know rest is important but I have decided to go out tmr. Staying home only makes me more stressed. Since implantation is not dependent on my diet or physical activity, I figured some walking may do me good. I am becoming extremely lethargic from inactivity.
Morning, sistas.
Valteen, sure BFP. Go & do something to distract yrself, don stare & wait for the phone call, hehe ;p
Sticky, don be too stress up. Now U started to take yr temp, don be naughty hor................
Serene-Gd la, then he know how U suffer. My hubby was lucky, he did not get to see, as I told nurse don need to demo.
morning all sisters..

all the best Valteen ... since u go early result might be out early too ... tat time I go b4 8am and got my result b4 12noon ... best of luck Valteen...
i also sian at home... inactivity very tiring de... but been walking at home... hi snuuggly,
ours very close... implantation might be same day too... take care and rest well... once they implant deeper... u can do watever u wan liao... =) light walk is ok...
yay nadia...
me very guai de... walk ard at home... rest on bed.... =)
but can bfp or not is another story... haha... i wanna go cruise.... nip went cruise and she strike twins... haha
Buddy, house very small, I walk back n forth from room to toilet to kitchen to room to toilet....sian liao.

Yeh I will go walk walk, take it easy. Else my embbies sleep liao, too lazy to burrow and implant...lol.
is it? how small is ur house? me walk until tired lorz, and mine 5room le... haha...
to comfort u buddy, there is no gravity in ur womb, so by right walking alot wont cause embbies not to implant... haha... but when u carry heavy things etc, ur womb contracts, so embbies cannot stick properly...
So sticky can find excuse to go window shopping lor. hehe.
Yesterday visited my friend that give birth to a baby boy, so cute. Felt like kipnapping him.
I am staying with parents in law in 4room flat ley. Not my own place, so place like even smaller!

No carry heavy things. The most energy I exert is at night when I must snatch blanket from under hubby....bey tahan.
Valteen: Good luck! BFP BFP BFP to you!

Serene: Good thing you drag your dh along…hahahah…I dragged mine to each n every check-up in KKH!
Gosh, so many of us wanna go cruise, we should really organize one together....heheh

Bluenose, not cute la...result of boredom....abit seow liao....lol
Valteen: maybe it's just some old blood/late implantation...give kk a call in an hrs time...dun worry so much...bed rest for now...
Valteen... Dun give up yet... Nip has spotting before bt & she still bfp with twins... Wait for the result... If bfp, faster go see gynae...
Hi gals
Just did my ET this morning. Transferred 3, and they said remaining 2 will freeze. I slept on the bed in the OT for one hour after the ET! Was so tired.
Now back home & in bed. Will not be doing bed rest from tmr onwards coz too much work to finish. But will definitely take it easy and try not to use tummy muscle.
Don't fret. Just get ur results first.
Bcube: Congrats ya. Hv a good rest.

Nadia/lynn/blue/happy/bcube, ya am resting and waiting for outcome first. Seem to have stopped for now. Crossing fingers. Thanks yah
hi bluenosebear, i did it! i injected myself. phew.. wondering tomolo morning i still remember e steps.must get my hub to go thru e procedure wif mi again. i definitely will b ur cycle buddy as i extend my suprefact jab for another 5 days due to my work schedule.

Serene, I was not on suprefact but I store syringes at room temp but the swabs I put in fridge also. They say cold alcohol swabs take pain away.
