IVF/ICSI Support Group

sticky: sorry ah...didnt know how to leave table..didnt know how to send message. Played first cards liao then saw your msg abt 5tais. Oops!
Stickybfp: how are u doing on your day 2? you seem like enjoying it hahaha

Snuggly: when is your BT huh ?
Sticky- able to advise the difference btw long n short protocol? It's decided by doc? On wat criteria. Then abt protein intake, do I hv to start now on immunocal? Do I still hv to take egg whites if I take 1 pack of immunocal.
Snuggly: hahaha okay like sticky la test everyday hee hee

Stickybfp: i wish i can join you in the 2ww
but too bad still waiting for my menses to come

Nadia: What did your doctor say about your mense?
this morning done with 2nd jab le. i noticed that jabbing on my right is always painless but on left is pain and sting.
So far so good....the last time i dun remember having much side effects, so hopefully, this round tripled the dosage also wont have any bah. but I tend to be very sleepy when i have jabs.
Looks like my DH can be pro medic liao. haha....
Hi gals,

I just embark my ivf journey with my injection of lucrin starting early this week. i'm with kkivf. Was pretty worried to inject myself. Hands was shaking when i inject myself in front of the nurse. But for the sake of baby, must REN! haha, and i conquer it. Now jabbing at home is such a breeze! Hope to learn from all of you here!

Hi! Remember me?
i actually went to buy 20 strips of those cheapo hpt online. haha... my dh say y i need so many..i told him I want test daily after d7. But I must first build up my heart till it is strong enough to tahan...hahaha
hokkiado: care to share ur experience with kkivf? i am starting in mar... yet to go for briefing, so quite clueless about the whole procedure. Which doc are u with?
Tcc & daintreez, you may refer to this link for the long protocol http://www.ivf.ca/calcu2.htm

In KKH, you will start suppression jab (lucrin 10iu) on cd21 for 2-3wks until your bt & u/s confirm fully supressed then can begin stimulation jab (puregon 200iu) for 1-2wks. During suppression stage, you will see af. During stimulation stage, you will go for u/s on cd8 and every alternative day until womb lining >8mm & 1-3 follicles size >15mm. Then you will go for midnight jab (pregnyl 10000iu) to induce ovulation & egg retreival will be done 36hrs later under sedated condition. Egg transfer will be done 2 days after retrieval & you will begin 2ww. The whole ivf process will take about 5-6wks depends how well you respond to jabs.

You may want to update & check cycle buddies in this link. There is also do & don't list complied by sisters in the same file. https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=tE4-ZdnV-3tUlOgBONoWmFQ#gid=6
I'm with Dr Loh. Guess 12bmon have explained in detail in her posting. The nurses there are pretty knowledgeable and have answered all my enquires....do relax and you are in good hands in kkivf.

Anyone knows when should I start taking immunocal and egg white? is it advisble to take now or shall i wait for the puregon jab?

snuuggly, yeah all thanks to your encouragment! Did you guai guai bed rest huh? Don't run around lor.
Hokkaido, I run around the house only lor. Since Tuesday morning, I never go out liao. Bored silly!

If u are at risk of ohss, guess start early is good bah.
i am back... troublesome sil and mil...
sil actually dun noe her own daughter's school address... can u believe it...
then she dun noe english and she hop on a malay cab... win liao...
my 2ww cannot give me some peace and quiet de le...

hi tcc,
hi hokkaido,
pls start ur immunocal once a day... way before the start of ur jabs... or once u started ur lucrin jab...
soft boil egg whites is very egg for the quality of ur eggs... do take them daily... whether 2 or more is ok... jus keep taking...
hi valteen,
i so excited for u... last cycle, most of my buddies strike le... dan, nip, happybb... and so many more....
wait till u hear wat my sil call me to ask abt... u will laugh till u drop...
one fine day last yr, she call me to ask me how to spell her dh full name, date of birth, and ic number... her own dh lorz...
another fine day, her dh call me to double confirm my niece full name.... and wat my niece ic number is.... all crazy de... i computer ar... if i noe, and i do noe... u as a wife, as a father... u dunno... crap...
Just finish appt... Dr Sadhana says wait for 1 more wk ... If menses still dun come.. Hv to go bk kk...hope it willcome... Shall wait patiently... She says ifstrike naturally then gd ... Hehe .. I wish....;-)... So all set for D5 trf will thaw 5 or 6 then will update.. She doesnt wan to thaw all at the same time... So for now I shall just n wait n c... Hope it will blow by this weekend... Cant wait to c my embbies...
hi nadia,
thats great... mine thaw 3, many died then take another 2 more out... then not good, take out another 2 more... end up 7...
Sticky: yah I read the archives abt many of the bfps and felt really happy when they post their success. I hope I share the luck and blessing they had. Never think I am lucky in this after my prev iuis. Seeing a 'no line' on hpt is real disappointing.

Anyway, really wana fall from chair re ur sil. How olds ur niece?? Her mum never go learn ds and dh particulars yet ah!! Wah I can imagine ur 'fun' at home man!
