IVF/ICSI Support Group

a windy sunday, jus got back fm dr zou and she ask me to take tcm for 5days..suppose to help to regulate AF..

baby33: looking at the note fm KK stated:

Day 9/10 scan to to check lining & egg size
1-2-3 days interval scan
once egg reaches size 12mm above, start olvulation kit.
ET on 3days later after u tested ovulation.
17days later do pregnancy BT...followby BFP!!
huh wats tat may i ask ?? dun noe my level leh. always see u all talk abt beta but i dun noe wat is tat ? i will do bt next week to check the estrogen only according to nurse.

wat med support u on now ? i m on duphaston for the lining and dr zou's powder.
<font color="0077aa">JJ
according to what nurse sara told me, stage 2 can bd =)

touchwood!!!! touchwood!!!! no symptoms doesn't mean bfn....must have positive thought!!!!

will bfp bfp bfp+++!!!! =)
JJ, you are with KKH, We are supposed to practice safe S** once we start our jabs right? Can BD, but please don't "load bullets"...
<font color="0077aa">sesame
i remembered safe sex is for stage 1, thought stage 2 should be okie?
cos i rememebered nurse sara wrote on the ivf timeline paper...stage 1 -safe sex, stage 2 - sex as per normal....heee</font>

i noe touchwood touchwood, of course i hope for BFP. sometimes i have forgotten there r 2 little embbies inside me leh, how i wish they can hint to me they r still clinging onto me...
beta - preg test.

Have done 2 BT for E2 &amp; Progesterone.
I'm on Crinone inserts x2
Baby aspirin x1
Utrogestan x3
Progynova x6
Fraxiparine jab x1
Guess we've just got to hang on &amp; pray.
ineedmiracle, Orh, jus referred to the paper from KKH and it states safe sex from D1 to D21, did not state anything after that wor. So I assume it should be the same..oops! See la, I m so blur..
ya, lots of sistas in 2ww. kitty_chan 1st sista to test bfp (hpt)! Yahoo!

Next would be tokkie &amp; hopefulmummy to shower us with baby dust!

Most likely will go ahead &amp; test on the 5th, which is 12 day after my ET.
sesameoil, think NUH allow to load "bullets". I remembered nurse told us she came across a couple who got pregnant during the gonal-f stage.
<font color="0077aa">sesame
nurse sara wrote for me that stage 2 sex per normal. my paper, she write alot stuffs...lolz

so long no see you here...
you started your tcm with dr zou?

you mean NUH allows bullet since stage 1? hmm....</font>
ineedmiracle, *wave*

I'm seeing her tomorrow. Are you gg for acu?
Ya lo, they din mention about safe sex. So hb curiously asked if anyone got pregnant when they were undergoing this process.

How have you been doing lately? You using your Aug AF ya?
<font color="0077aa">pinkf
so tml will be your first visit to dr zou?
I've decided to go see her, and see how it goes. cos after hearing Jenn's success with oni 1 embbies, I feel that no harm go try out, if I really dun feel comfy, then will stop lor...
Made an appt with her on Thurs.

My gynae asked me to cycle with Sept AF, so will wait lor, use the 2 mths to prepare for all the needles...lolz...

You've decided to start in dec? not earlier?</font>
Yep, tomorrow will be the first visit.
Agree, no harm to try first lor. That's what I told myself too. In fact, for accu, will it also help in the egg quality?

I'm also not sure myself. Like not mentally prepared. Mabbi see what Dr Zou says first. *lol*
bbchloe : isit? Never knew that was a sign... I've been so thirsty that Ive been drinking so much water... and I never like H2O.... drink so much until at nite keep visiting the toilet.

Yah 2 more days... had to resist temptations from buying HPT just now at watsons...heehee... u gg to test on HPT?
<font color="0077aa">pinkf
now that we take supplements and trying acc, guess when results out, we also not sure which is the one that helps...haha

but i noticed that ever since I start taking supplements, especially after taking royal jelly... the two sides of the pelvic area, where ovaries are, seems to be aching during CD15-20...does yours ache?

could it be the follicles are more?</font>
<font color="119911">miracle, same here! I can't remember which day but I can feel the pelvic sides abit aching. I was also wondering if the follicles were growing but I thought I'm probably thinking too much. I'm not sure which supplements that is causing it. I suspect either the fresh royal jelly or fish oil?</font>
bbchloe : its ok... thanks anyway... will just continue to drink them anyway.... no harm in drinking water anyway... heehee...
<font color="0077aa">pinkf
i think should be royal jelly. cos I only started taking CoQ10 and fish oil recently. But the aching started after I take the royal jelly.
I think it started around D10 onwards..

And I noticed that this month, I actually have this sticky egg-white lookalike thingy when I urine. Used to have when I was in my early 20s. Then for years, have a bit here and there but not whitish, but this time round was stretchy and whitish..(oops...soory if my description sound gross)</font>
miracle, oic. But so fast take effect ah? I think when we have this egg-white mucus is when we were ovulating if not wrong. Another qn. Do you usually have sore boobs when your AF is coming? I usually will have sore boobs when AF is reporting. But not having this symptoms anymore.
<font color="0077aa">pinkf
my AF yet to report. so duno. But i also have sore boobs...hmm..i will take note when af reporting.

If i'm not wrong, it's only about 3 weeks since we started taking royal jelly...mayb because it is in the honey form, so really easily absorbed into our body?

how many times are you taking a day for royal jelly?</font>
Ya, 3 weeks coming to the 4th. I was told that its faster than normal capsule as it penetrates easier into the blood stream.

Every morning I'm taking about 2 teaspoon.
<font color="0077aa">pinkf
currently I'm taking 1 and already feel the aching, duno should try 2 anot. scared wait pain pain. lolz.....

you update me about your accu tmr. tell me pain anot.. remember dun wear dress... wear 2 piece. =)</font>
dear sisters in 2ww, no symptom doesn't mean no good, I don't have any symptoms, except getting hungry easily... don't think too much, don't stress yourself unnecessarily...
hi hi miracle,
you have not accu b4?
most of the time is not painful, except sometimes the needle may poke on the nerves or veins, then will feel a bit painful... relax don't think too much and you'll get used to it
yes, hope we, the symptomless can all BFP BFP BFP together !!!

can i noe which stage u in now, sorry din manage to read thru past postings.
<font color="0077aa">Jenn
accu before @ Dr Tan @ Clementi.
But diff dr mah, so duno dr zou will pain anot.
I hate the accu on ear. super pain.
Heard dr zou's one is 40 minutes..that's very long leh. =)

you went dr tan b4, her med same as dr tan? never like the taste...</font>
miracle - asthma I dun think can take royal jelly cos might trigger the attack. I only can take pure honey, not even manuka
<font color="0077aa">winnie
i read about royal jelly might trigger asthma. so i started off abit a day, now to a teaspoon. so far so good....*touchwood*

if anytime it really trigger, then the royal jelly will benefit my hubby le.. =)

tried manuka before, but too heaty for me.

things i cant take are soya bean milk, food with too much MSG, mangoes (abit still okie), ice coffee, bubble milk tea. These food will make me go breathless. Other than that, I always take new food in moderation, then slowly add on the quantity if my body or should i say my lungs can tahan,.. =)</font>
