IVF/ICSI Support Group


My condition is more stable....not sure when I will do FET

What abt you? Soon?

Hi Itjabi/Baby,

Tonite I just jab my 200IU puregon, okie not very painful, but hor, tummy bleed when hubby pull out the needle. This morning inject lucrin, same thing when pull out needle bleed too.

I very brave liao didnt cry heehee, too immune to injection liao, though still can feel pain.hahahhaha......


Me inject lucrin for 23 days alone, actually i shd start puregon on my 19th day of lucrin injection one, but due to KK embroyist's tight schedule. I have to start on my 24th day lucrin injection.
So now I have to inject lucrin together with puregon for 7days. On the 8th day, I m not suppose to inject puregon, n have to bring the remaining puregon to KK, do scanning n see doc.

Normally I jab lucrin in the morning leh, so the my 8th day of puregon shd I jab lucrin??? I forgot to ask the nurse leh. Hmmmmm......

Planning to do IVF/FET
Libby (19 Mar 09 will start lucrin)
Equin0x (End Mar09)
Piggy09 (Apr09)
Develyn (Apr09)
Zaza (Apr09)
Sierra79 (May09)
Tany (maybe May09/June09)
Boon (maybe May09/June09)
Fresh (June09 will start lucrin)
LYn (June09)
Orangey (June09)
jas1982 (June09/July09)
Jane Neo (May09/Jun 09)

Stage 1 (Lucrin)
WY Koo

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)

Stage 3 (2WW)
Ladymiz (6Mar)
Ellsa (13Mar)
Krisz (16Mar)
Hi Itjabi, thanks

Good luck to humbug & chris too!

Most probably they will be proceeding with ER around the same day as mine too.

Twinstars, I also bleed recently when hubby pulled out the needles. I think bcoz too many injections near to the old injected area, so easily bleed now. We have injected lucrin for too long, so the old wounds are still healing, that's why. Stay brave yah

No worries, on day 8, don't inject puregon but you can continue to inject lucrin in the morning. Bring the remaining lucrin & puregon to KKH on day 8. For lucrin, we have to inject till nurse and doc advise further on ER. We have to inject lucrin to prevent the eggs from releasing. So just proceed with it as usual in the morning. The nurse will inject the purgeon for you at KKH. But if you didn't inject lucrin in the morning, the nurse will still help you to inject at KKH together with purgeon. Remember to bring your remaining syringes & also the puregon pen & needles. I forgot to bring them today, so the nurse only help me with the puregon. I injected the lucrin at night as usual. Your lucrin enough for the injection for the next 8 days? Make sure it is enough till you see doc on day 8!! Very important.

Remember to prepare a bag of ice to ensure the lucrin & puregon are kept cool during the journey from your home to KKH. Pass it to one of the nurses to put in the fridge once you reached KKIVF and place the scan form into the box outside the scanning room, then wait for turn for the scan.
Hi baby,


I bought the 2nd bottle lucrin liao, cos I know for sure not enough one.

Wah like that I still need to transport the lucrin n puregon (if i still need to further inject puregon) back to office wor.
Twinstars, your office got fridge?
If have still okay but make sure no one will remove it from the fridge. And make sure don't put in freeze. Normally I will head home straight when lcrin / puregon is with me as I will take leave.
Hi SunFlower, yup we are using puregon needle for stage 2, so it's the same as us. So you directly move to stage 2? No lucrin needed? How's your IVF flowchart like? Curious
Hi Sagimoo, I have 21 days of lucrin injection before I proceed to stage 2. So just endure 1 more day and you will be promoted to stage 2 too
Hi Ladies, for those who did not tell your boss that you are going for IVF, what reason did you give for the 2 weeks HL? I am still thinking what reason to give as I do not wish to let my boss & colleagues know..
Hi baby,

Yup luckily office got fridge.
Today I took ensure milk, but got LS leh, think i will still try to take for a few more days see whether my body can take it or not. Ate 3 brazil nuts too. for egg white I took 2. heehee I super KS.
Hi baby, Twinstars

I also do not intend to tell my boss abt my IVF. The ladies here advised me something like measles, chicken pox or Hand-mouth-foot disease.....

Dun think am going to use them as my MC is going to be prescribed by my gynea so will say something vague like 'women's prob, need to go for operation', and hope that he dun ask too much. Anyway, my MC goes straight to HR so boss will not know it is given by gynea but just to be consistent....

According to what I read, HL is usu given 2 weeks from ER.

BFP, BFP, BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!

WY Koo
Hi ladies,
Just had ER yesterday, retrieve 17 eggs. Now having bad cramps so took HL since yesterday. When nurse told me to stand up to walk to the toilet i was ok. Then before i reach the toilet cubicle, blood trickle down my legs, spend some time cleaning off the stain. This nurse was good, she stood outside the cubicle and waited for me to come out.

Hi humbug,
I am not on wheelchair, still can walk. Hope your eggs grow quickly.

Hi libby and ltjabi,

hi develyn,
thanks for the prayer.

Hi bee,
do rest well and take care.
happy for you to have such a good number of eggs extracted! You must rest well and drink lots of water. The cramps will go away soon.
All the best and good luck for your ET on Sat!
You are one more step closer to seeing your baby! Yippee!

Jia You!
HI Lina, ER will bleed one huh? is result of poking of our ovaries thats why the bleeding? when bleeding will stop?

Requires full bladder b4 ER isit?
How's whole process like, how long was it?

Gd luck and baby dusts! very close to your dream liao!
Hello Lina,
Good luck for yr ET on Sat!

R u seeking IVF treatment in KK? So fast tey can tell u how many eggs retrieved? Tot we will only know how many follicles retrieved on e day of ER. N then on the day of ET we will only know how many eggs retrieved n fertilized. Bec I tink not all follicles will hv eggs in them lei..
Lina - take care and have a good rest before proceed to ET.

Baby - May I know how much to pay for the cost of operation (to remote the polys). I am checking whether it can claim from my company insurance as I just joined them not long ago
hi earthling,
the bleeding amount depends on individual and should stop next day. My previous try, i didn't bleed at all. ER is to make sure empty bladder but ET needs full bladder. It takes around 3 hours to wake up from the sedation. Normally ER should be morning time.

hi boon boon and equinox,
thanks. When i woke up, they tell the number of eggs retrieve to me and other ladies in the resting area. Heard others getting even more eggs.

i started my lucrin on 17/02 and was asked to go back for bt on 03/03. bt report shows that my hormone not suppressed yet. so i was asked to go back on 10/03 for another bt. then i was told to start puregon on 20/03, which is today..

if i dun remember wrongly, my last attempt i started lucrin and puregon at night so when i did my jab at kk (those loose ones) they just ask me to jab lucrin at the usual timing that i normally do. so i guess you still carry on to jab in the morning.
lina - gd no of eggs retrive and rest well for ET ... BFP ... BFP .... yeah2

develyn - been bz so just reading n no posting

Hugz for all
Hi Sagimoo,

Me also started Lucrin on 17 Feb 09, my BT is on 6 Mar 09, then they said schedule tight so I can only start puregon on 12 Mar 09.

Hmmmm you typo error abt the date 20/3 is not today leh, today is 13/3
HI Linda, thanks. So you will be going for ET on this Saturday? They are opened on Saturdays too huh?

so during ER, hubby can go along? 3hours is long! but the ER process is only half hour the most and they allow u to rest there til you wake?
HI I mean Lina, Not Linda haha.. for the message below

HI Linda, thanks. So you will be going for ET on this Saturday? They are opened on Saturdays too huh?

so during ER, hubby can go along? 3hours is long! but the ER process is only half hour the most and they allow u to rest there til you wake?
Hi lina, glad to hear that you have retrieve a good amount of eggs. What was your previous number of eggs retrieved?

Do rest well. Start to take egg white, milk and brazil nuts now.

BFP to you!
hi earthling,
yes open on saturday for ET. At kk, hubby cannot enter for ER, think some hospital allow hubby to follow for ER.

hi fresh,
Thanks. last time was 16 eggs, so about the same number.
Hi Lina, Glad that u have achieve the same numbers of eggs cos the KKivf nurse told me that normally egg quantity will reduce for subsequent fresh cycle and that worries me.

Hope you have more eggs fertilized. All the best to your ET tomorrow. You are proceeding nearer and nearer to BFP!
Hi Sunflower,

Not starting lucrin yet... need to see dr loh next week for check up and transfer back to KKIVF centre.

Hi Breezy ,

Haha .. hope that makes u smile and laugh through out the journey ...

Hi Chris Baby ,

How are u ? Haha.. i like very far away from u all ... came back to SIN , first thing is to read all the posts... :D

Hi Sierra ,

Great trip ! I went Tioman and Malacca .. end of the month then go cruise :p Keke

For the lucrins , the nurse did tell me honestly that it is due to the schedule of ER .. they have certain proctocol to keep
each stage with a max. pax. Dun worry la... the max , they can supress additional 2weeks... or not , u will jump to Dr's room liao..
I dun mind the delay but i do mind the result.. so, just keep yourself positive ! Btw, after ER , u will get 2ww hospitalization leave.

Hi Snowwhite , yupz.. the thread is superz fast !

Hi Humburg ,

Sad ... i have limited access with msn... old birdies... pls come back...

Hi ttc ,

I agree with your hubby to take the medication for a few days more... Well, we went thru' failure and we are proud that you
are picking yourself up to see the gynae.. take sometime to cry and stand up again.. That's what i did too.. if u fall , stand up again..
let's try again together... god will see that we are determine .. hugz okie..

Hi Baby ,

I think mine is 400IU leh.. it pasted on the box $284.xx ... Btw, you can use womb infection/virgina infection for HL reason.. dun forget that your HL is from KK ... so u cannot go too far like chickenpoxs..etc.. haha

Hi Lina ,

Rest well now.. 17 eggs ... great ! All the best to ET !
Twinstars, try to drink a cup of ensure milk everyday. Sometimes I skip. For egg whites, I ate 2-3 daily. Very scare of eggs now. Coz I eat everything no taste. Now I eat egg whites with salad sauce, else cannot force myself to eat.

WYKoo, very difficult for me to say muscles, chicken pox or Hand-mouth-foot disease, etc as HL from KKH mainly is on women's problem right? My HL will also go straight to HR but my boss will ask. Headache!!! Oh I didn't know that HL will be given once we started ER. Got to clear my work fast.. stress!!!

Lina, wow 17 eggs is a lot.. good good. How many mm is your biggest egg? When you going for ET? Rest well and get ready for ET

Boon Boon, let me go home and check the bill then I update you again tonight. Because I can't remember but I think should be 1K plus.

Develyn, this thread is moving so fast that I need to slowly read back the updates everyday! Take your time. Thanks for the suggestion on HL reasons.. think womb infection/virgina infection for HL reason sound good to me

I am starting to feel anxious for the ER!!!
went to see gynae this morning for bad vagina itch and doc said probably is infection. was comtemplating to do the BHCG test but decided against it..got to endure 3 more days...till monday.

Pray pray pray!
Thanks for the blessing.

Thanks for effort to post breakdown of charges.

Congrats to 17 eggs retrieved. How many has been fertilized and through ICSI? Good luck to your ET.
Hi Baby ,

Good luck to your ER..

Hi Micky ,

Try to get the vargina infection cure asap as it might cause complication to the womb , if it is serious... will pray for u that all goes went...
wah... the thread is moving at rocket speed!

Dosb - i am at 6 weeks 3 days since BFP. My first scan was two days back (Wed)and will be on weekly scan for the next few weeks. Hv been instructed to bed rest since there was some bleeding the past few days. I like my gynae at TMC. She is not the pushy type and gives good advice. She is also very patient and even help to write a letter to my insurance agent for some hospital claims. But she doesn't do IVF. I am currently seeing Dr Cheng, my IVF doc till at least week 12 before I go back to my gynae.

Snow white, are you referring to my gynae at TMC?
here it is

Dr Joycelyn Wong
ACJ Women's Clinic
TMC, #03-03
Tel : 6353 2033
Lina - Congrats that your ER was smooth beside the little blood and that u hv 17 EGGS retrieved! All the best for ET tomorrow. I rested about an hour in this awkward position, lower body n legs up before they 'released' me. Not sure if KK practised this. If not, u can do it at home urself. Put a few pillows to lift up the lower body
Hi Tany, libby, bee and develyn,

Hi fresh,
maybe my previous fresh ivf is really long time ago to affect the quantity. The last try was 8 months ago in Jun 08.

Hi baby,
i going ET tomorrow, largest size is 18mm.
Hi Baby,

Good luck to your ER, hope you have many eggs as well.

noted your message. Thank you. Btw, did you claim from your company insurance or at your own insurance?

hi kimberly
Thanks for breaking down the cost and wish you have a smooth delivery ahead. Meantime, rest and eat well.

Hi Develyn,

Good to hear that you were enjoying your trip. BTW, did you realise after you came back the thread is moving faster compared when you are absent :>
Hi Boon Boon / Bee ,

Yes lor.. superz fast ... when i came back from holiday.. which is only Friday evening - Thursday morning .. i read for an hour for all the past postings.. haha...

Hi Bee,

Hope the bleeding has stopped..
Hi Chris, Baby,

I stimulate using puregon but do not need to go back to KK for sperm transfer on ovulation date. Mine is not ivf, its just doing super-ovulation and try to conceive naturally. But i have to go back KK starting from Day7 to Day12 of my cycle to monitor egg growth. The reason y i'm doing is not to waste next cycle while waiting for May's IVF.

Hi Lina,
Congrats! hope you have alot eggs being fertilised.

Hi Develyn,
Oic, maybe we will start around the same timing.
Hi Sunflower ,

Yupz.. btw, i am having some problem.. my colleague will be on leave on 01st June - 8th June ... i am just praying hard that i am not on HL at that time.. :p
Libby & Boon boon, Not at all.. I had a smoother walk in the same journey because I have many support from friends (and my Abba Father), so I can only do so much for all of you here.

All best & safe as you walk this path.
Thanks Kimberly for the detailed breakdown of ur ivf charges done in RH. Thanks Bee for ur gynae contact, how're u feeling now? REST REST REST pls. Lina-wow 17 eggs retrieve is awesome! hope to hear good news fr u tomorrow. Take care n rest well too. For those in 2WW or BT soon, GL & BFP..BFP..BFP, do get the ball rolling.

Updates!!! (Revise) {I have made some minor changes, hope u guys don't mind; the last portion need to be updated ASAP so that we can keep track how far they are now preggy

Planning to do IVF/FET

March 09
(1) Libby (19 Mar 09 start lucrin)
(2) Equin0x (End Mar 09)

April 09
(1) Piggy09
(2) Develyn
(3) Zaza

May 09/June 09
(1) Sierra79 (May 09)
(2) Jane Neo
(3) Tany
(4) Boon

June 09/July 09
(1) Fresh (start lucrin in June)
(2) LYn
(3) Orangey
(4) jas1982
(5) Snow-White88

Stage 1 (Lucrin)
WY Koo

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)

Stage 3 (2WW)
Ladymiz (6Mar)
Ellsa (13Mar)
Krisz (16Mar)

Blessings On The Way
Bliss Tan (blisstan) 29w2d
Kimberly Kurek (kimkurek) 22w0d
Bee (new_bies) 6w3d
Dobs (dobs) ?w?d
Hi Snow-White, Thanks for the update. I like "Blessing on the Way" to be use for those who got a BFP.

Anyway, I've added Sunfl@wer, Jane and Bloated in the list too...

<font size="+1">Updates!!!</font>

<font size="-1">Planning to do IVF/FET</font>
March 09
(1) Libby (19 Mar 09 start lucrin)
(2) Equin0x (End Mar 09)

April 09
(1) Piggy09
(2) Develyn
(3) Zaza

May 09/June 09
(1) Sierra79 (May 09)
(2) Jane Neo
(3) Tany
(4) Boon
(5) SunFl@wer (May09)
(6) Jane Neo (May09/Jun 09)

June 09/July 09
(1) Fresh (start lucrin in June)
(2) Lyn
(3) Orangey
(4) jas1982
(5) Snow-White88

<font size="-1">Stage 1 (Lucrin) </font>
WY Koo

<font size="-1">Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F) </font>

<font size="-1">Stage 3 (2WW) BFP!!! BFP!!! BFP!!! </font>
Ladymiz (6Mar)
Ellsa (13Mar)
Krisz (16Mar)

<font size="-1">Blessings On The Way!!!! </font>
Bliss Tan (29w2d)
Kimberly Kurek (22w0d)
Bees (6w3d)
Bloated (?w?d)
dobs (?w?d)....more more more
The thread is really moving very fast. I was like, omg where did I stop this morning?

Lina, congrats! So many eggs retrieved! Good news on the way!

I am hoping that when I see Dr Loh, I can get a earlier slot to start IVF before my initial June 09. If can start April will be best. Can't wait!

Hope you had a great trip. Wah .. got another trip coming up also ah? Good good .. must enjoy while you still can

I'm meeting Dr Sadhana on 20Mar. Think gonna confirm with her lah, that all my results are a-ok. Gonna submit to her my hubby's latest SA results as well done at CARE and let her re-evaluate for a more holistic view. Then hope to be able to confirm with her that there'd be no issues abt starting on the month I wanna start. I also quite scared lah, now that they're running at full capacity, scared that their standard might drop. I mean .. when u're overwork, u tend to make mistakes and God Forbid, I really don't want that to happen to any of us. So if got to extend Lucrin also never mind lah (but shucks, means got to fork out more money oso for more Lucrin. Waliao). As long as they don't tell me to POSTPONE my whole process can liao.

Just had my AF yesterday. Looks like my AF coming slightly earlier than expected month on month. So think next cycle, my Day 21 might hit end-Apr instead of early-May as initially projected.

Sorry .. don;t think I saw your reply abt the gathering. So still on for 19Mar at Marche, Vivo?
