IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi gals,

i sincerely wish all of you success on your IVF. and may all be blessed with healthy babies.all the best

Hi Tany,

Ya, hopefully we can be cycle buddies. I have fixed the appt to see Dr Loh in this Sat so hopefully I will be given a green light. I tested my D2 hormone this round, the result was very bad. FSH went up to 9.8

I think we have another same objective, to loose fats. For me, it is impossible to achieve the idea as too far. Anyway, just hope that I can reduce at least 5-7 kg before starting this treatment
Hi Sunbelle ,

Nope.. u have to make appointment with KK to see a doctor from Fertility dept.. from there , the doctor will give you the direction of treatments. If they allow u to do IVF without trying other treatment , they will give u a consent form to KKIVF centre and all will start from there..

1st try , you are entitle to 6000 (Medisave) + 3000 (Govt subsidise).. the charges also subject to age and indivual.. usually fork out cash is only abt 1.5K and lesser (for blood test, consultation , lucrins.. i paid less than 1.2k..
many said better to eat hard boiled eggs.. fried eggs also can. my nurse said Spore's eggs are safe enough to eat it half-boiled. so, sometimes I ate 3/4 boiled egg whites when i am tired of hard boiled

I had my preggy test on 27 Feb. At TFC, BT is not required. Maybe I shd ask to take BT hor...
hi all
would only consider myself a "graduate" after 13 Mar when i hear the baby's heartbeat. i haven't told my family and inlaws of the BFP yet... want to be very sure la...
Hi Boon Boon ,

Stay positive.. it is determination to cut down fats.. i am on my 4th weeks or so for gym and swimming and it really work out to be healthier.. i still got 4kg to go before reaching BMI target .. I am hoping that with better health now, the result of IVF will turns better.. I dunno leh.. cos i get preggy so meaning IVF passed but i cannot withhold the pregnancy..
Hi Fresh,
even with the 1K transfer charges, still cheaper than doing FET at CARE.

Hi bee,
Some people advise better to announce after the 1st trimester. My friend's gynae also advise as his own wife m/c whenever she tell before 1st trimester. Even gynae are superstition about such matter.
hi develyn,

thanks for ur advice. it certainly helps to enlighten me on what to do next. mi oso trying to lose weight and also keep healthy. jus tat now after op, seemd like cannot exercise immediately
Hi Develyn,

Thanks for your encouragement. Sorry to hear about your past experience but I am sure you are reaching your goal very soon. I wish you all the best.

After seeing you so determine to exercise,I have also started a new execise plan so will try out from this evening :>
I guess it's not true for everyone cos some of my friends did tells before 1st trimester and still give birth to a healthy bb.

It can't work for us here cos we will be so excited for each other when it's near to BT and pregnancy test. Haaa....
Hi ladies,

have been reading this tread for a while and i am also in 2ww, day 11 now with KKIVF (Dr Loh). Just feels so encouraged reading all your posts, advices, encouragement and good news!

I can feel myself getting excited just like some of you here.... and a bit scared at the same time. would like to ask any of you if it is too early now to use a preggy test kit now? The GP who does my daily jab says it is too early now. the scheduled blood test will be on Monday...pray for positive result.

the waiting at home can be tiring... haha... thanks for listening ladies!
Hi Bee ,

I am flying all best luck to u...

Hi Fresh ,

Yes .. the whole thread is like celebrating when we hear from Bloated and Bee.. excited for them to see the 6ww heart beats..

rest well yeah

sheesh this thread moves faster then bullet train...

Tomorrow gonna to see my TMC and ask how to adjust back to let my menses come hehe.. so can start fresh cycle..
I was referred by Jurong East Sinseh to CARE, and my gynae at CARE is also Dr Paul, he's the Director of CARE, so all ER and ET will be performed by him too.

My IVF + FET cost me close to $18K (after 2times subsidy) as I need more dosage of Gonal F and I also have OHSS during my IVF, need to go back CARE every other day for blood test etc..

How many embryos did you transfer at CARE? I transferred 3.. Now at KKH, in order to get the govrn grant, can only transfer 2.. I still have not decided 2 or 3 to transfer yet, in a dilemma between cost, risk and chances. I'm also worried if we can react well to Puregon as compared to Gonal F. How about you?

Boon Boon
I went for my D3 blood test today for FSH, LH and E2, hopefully it has come down from previously.. keeping fingers cross. Else, I would need higher and longer dosage of Puregon.
Hope yours will come down after you exercise too.
meowmeow - welcum to the thread

fresh - i will only inform my family members and close friend till after 1st trimester

libby - hopefully ur blood test shows better result

sierra - im gg to be wiv dr yong from sgh
I will tell my mum and inlaws after 13 Mar and the rest after 1st trimester if only they ask..

Yeah! Congrats and rest well. Btw, the Donts still apply...
Consolidated info

Stage1 (Lucrin)
- Chicken essence

Stage2 (Puregon/GonalF)
- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- Chicken essence
- Soya products
- Brazil nuts
- Egg whites (after ET increase dosage of egg whites)

Stage3 (2WW)
- Continue egg whites for at least a week
- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- 2-3 pieces of Brazil nuts daily
- No pineapple and water melon
- No squatting or carrying of heavy weights (anything that stresses the abdominal muscle)
- No hot sauna or soaking of lower half body in bathtub
- No intercourse
- Do not stand or sit in a position too long. good to walk a bit to promote circulation
- No raw food and avoid oily and spicy foods as it may cause an upset stomach. High hormone levels cause bloatedness and hence add to discomfort
- No strenuous exercise
- No other medication (eg. TCM) other than those given by your Dr

After Stage 3
- Anmum Milk

Planning to do IVF/FET
WY Koo (6 Mar 09 will start Lucrin/Prostrap)
Libby (19 Mar09 will start lucrin)
Equin0x (End Mar09)
Piggy09 (Apr 09)
Fresh (Apr09),
Sierra79 (May09)
Develyn (Apr09),
zaza - Apr 09,
LYn (maybe May09 also)
Tany (maybe May09/June09)
Boon (maybe May/June 09)

Stage 1 (Lucrin)
Lina, twinstars

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)
Humbug (Waiting for menses to come then go straight into puregon stage)

Stage 3 (2WW)
Ladymiz, Ellsa

Bees, bloated
Hello ladies,
On Day 2 or 3 blood test after menses come but b4 e start of e IVF in KK, the test required is to check on FSH, LH and E2?

If the test results for FSH, LH and E2 are not in the acceptable range, will KK proceed to let us start the injection on Day 21?
Hello all seniors

I am coming back from 3 years'absence in this forum board.
Really need your BIG BIG help to educate me.
Me really dumb as at what I should do this and that.

Anyone of you above 35 overweight with PCOS, put two embyros get BFP?
How long can start IVF after seeing dr?
I hope to start the next month after making an appointment to see Dr Loh this Friday. Not possible to start too early,right? If so,I regret not making plan earlier, all thanks to my job stress

I wonder if seeing a private Dr Loh at Clinic D, not TPS can entitle Co-funding scheme?

Miracle baby at a loss
Hi miracle_baby,
It doesn't matter where u see Dr Loh at. At CLinic D or TPS, you'll still be doing ivf at KKH, so the grants will still be given to you.

If you've done all the necessary blood tests in the previous 6mths, and everything is cleared by the doc, you can start ivf the mth after. once your menses comes, can start with Stage 1 on Day 21. Oh, of course u hv to register 1st for to agree to go for ivf at KKH

Maybe u want to visit Dr Loh 1st and see what he says abt your conditiona nd when's best to start
Thanks,sierra79 for your helpful info

I guess have to wait for a few more months before start IVF, for one I didn't have pre-blood tests.Not only that,I think Dr need to observe my monthly menses problems before I can be fit for the IVF journey.
Too bad then for me as I always wish to have baby under the same year of animal as mine.
Oh I better not get too greedy.hehe
May I ask... ICSI higher success percent than IVF? Not sure about FET too.

Which Stage you are now at? Are you seeing Dr Loh too?
Hey ladies, updated list

Planning to do IVF/FET
Libby (19 Mar09 will start lucrin)
Equin0x (End Mar09)
Piggy09 (Apr 09)
Fresh (Apr09),
Sierra79 (May09)
Develyn (Apr09),
zaza - Apr 09,
LYn (maybe May09 also)
Tany (maybe May09/June09)

Stage 1 (Lucrin)
Lina, twinstars, baby09

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)
Humbug (Waiting for menses to come then go straight into puregon stage)

Stage 3 (2WW)
Ladymiz, Ellsa

Bees, Bloated ....more more more

Bloated, Congrats!!!!
Planning to do IVF/FET
Fresh (Apr09), Develyn (May09)

Stage 1 (Lucrin)
Lina, twinstars, itjabi

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)

Stage 3 (2WW)
Bloated (2Mar), Ladymiz, Ellsa

Bees, ....more more more....
Hey ladies, updated list

Planning to do IVF/FET
Libby (19 Mar09 will start lucrin)
Equin0x (End Mar09)
Piggy09 (Apr 09)
Fresh (Apr09),
Sierra79 (May09)
Develyn (Apr09),
zaza - Apr 09,
LYn (maybe May09 also)
Tany (maybe May09/June09)

Stage 1 (Lucrin)
Lina, twinstars, baby09, itjabi

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)
Humbug (Waiting for menses to come then go straight into puregon stage)

Stage 3 (2WW)
Ladymiz, Ellsa

Bees, Bloated ....more more more

Bloated, Congrats!!!!
hey! ladies,
I've been readng the thread and some of u mention to drink Enmum milk. Wat is that for? ANd do we start it earlier? Also, I thought egg white is for bloatedness. Does it help of implantation as well?
Hi miracle_baby,
Yes I suggest u see Dr Loh 1st. That's the best thing to do so he can assess your condition and advice u what's best. Like u said, mebe it'd be a good idea to be under observation for a few mths 1st before starting ivf. I don thk it matters now aye, whether your baby will be an Ox baby or whatever. The important thing is to start on the ivf on the right footing

I think certain hospitals hv difft SOP abt ICSI. I'm with Dr Sadhana. I'm only starting my ivf in May09
When I spoke to Dr Sadhana, she said ivf automatically will hv ICSI. But I also heard that ICSI in KKH is done depending on the no. of eggs extracted after ER. Some hospitals, u can request for all ICSI or sumthing like dat. Usually ICSI is done if hubby's sperm quality is very low, so ICSI will increase chances of successful fertilisation cos the sperm is injected into the egg. But if your hubby's sperm quality is excellent,t hen ICSI may not be necessary, I guess.

The ladies here can give u further advice. They'r emore experienced as they have undergone ivf. me stilll waiting to start. hehehe.
Hi Libby, at CARE, I transferred 3 too in order to increase the chance of success. Moreover no govt grant at private. Since I've used up all my 3x medisave, I will opt to transfer only 2 at KKivf in order to enjoy the govt grant this time. No choice leh...

I guess you still have 1x medisave deduction at $4K, right? Plus another $3K govt grant, you have a total of $7K for deduction. Max cost of ivf in KK is ard $9K. So if you transfer 2 at KK will need to pay cash $2K and if u opt for 3 transfer will be $5K. Need to work out the budget with your hubby leh.

Can you decide how many to transfer after your ER cos you can determine the egg quality by then.
Hi sierra,

I think I will be commencing some where in April/May cos my AF will be on 15 April so 21 days from then, I'll start lucrin in May too.

Hi Blessw,

I can't PM you also. Maybe I'll email you cos I see your email add on your profile.
Hi all,

need info. anyone did natural FET with KKIVF? need to know the procedure, how frequent the scans and the total cost?

Thanks ladies. feeling the anxiety as my natural FET will enmbark soon
Hi Nicole,
If my AF doesn't screw up, I'm expecting my AF to report around 10-12Apr. So would start very early May. Not far from you! Can become cycle buddies!
Dear ladies, i juz back in sg from holiday! SO happy to hear good news from bee. Bee, congrats to u. Told u i have a gd feeling that u will get BFP. To those still in 2ww gd luck. This thread is really moving too fast, which i only remembered bee is due for blood test. Those lasies in 2ww pls 4give me.

Develyn, i m quite sure that i will start in may. But i juz heard from my frd that now kkivf is very hot and have to quene up. Is that so? Then when shld i call kkivf to secure a place?
hi all...
had been busy at work and happy tmr is my last day of work as i will have on hospitalisation leave on my OR day (coming thursday)

any do/donts for these 2 days before my OR? advise pls

Added my name as well.
Planning to do IVF/FET
WY Koo (6 Mar 09 will start Lucrin/Prostrap)
Libby (19 Mar09 will start lucrin)
Equin0x (End Mar09)
Piggy09 (Apr 09)
Fresh (Apr09),
Sierra79 (May09)
Develyn (Apr09),
zaza - Apr 09,
LYn (maybe May09 also)
Tany (maybe May09/June09)
Boon (maybe May/June 09)

Stage 1 (Lucrin)
Lina, twinstars

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)
Humbug (Waiting for menses to come then go straight into puregon stage)

Stage 3 (2WW)
Ladymiz, Ellsa

Bees, bloated.
and as for the brazil nuts..tot recommended serving shld be 30gram which is ard 10pieces? and ensure can be consummed just 2-3x/week is enuff liao
Hi Sierra ,

Replied your PM.

Hi humburg ,

I think the thread is moving like rocket liao.. lolz :D

Hi Miracle baby ,

Welcome back
Read your concern ... since you have decided to do IVF in the next few months .. i suggest that you make an appointment with Dr Loh soon and get the consent form to KKIVF.. once u decided to go ahead then u bring the consent form
to KKIVF for the start of blood test.. the reason of doing so is that Dr Loh/KKIVF centre are both superz tied up now due to the grant..
Ermm.. i am the type of ppl that "once decided to do it , must start it asap" ... so dun like to wait for another 2-3months..
But is your decision as it depends on your preparation... As for IVF / ICSI , it is KKIVF protocol to do it depending on the quality of eggs
and sperms... Usually if sperm is weak = ICSI , sperm normal = IVF (some ppl do 50/50)... if thick zona = AH will be perform follow by IVF/ICSI..

Hi Lyn ,

I am quite sure that Bee has BFP by looking at her blastocyst embryo.. anyway, she is waiting to see the heartbeats on wk6 before she finalise and graduate to be tutor at this forum :p I am not very sure on my date as i need to see Dr Loh first on 23/03.. the problem is my BT result only last till early May so he definately need start me by then as i dun want to retake the HIV,Rebella,TB test... I see what Dr Loh says.. Btw, my colleague going on leave from 01st June - 10th June... i cannot crash with him as nobody will take over our job..

Hi Nicole ,

I think should start april.. not sure and i am waiting .. haha

Hi Ladymiz / Ella ,

Yupz .. i also just realise u are at 2ww stage... BFP BFP !
<font color="0000ff">Updates</font>
Planning to do IVF/FET
WY Koo (6 Mar 09 will start Lucrin/Prostrap)
Libby (19 Mar09 will start lucrin)
Equin0x (End Mar09)
Piggy09 (Apr 09)
Fresh (Apr09),
Sierra79 (May09)
Develyn (Apr09),
zaza - Apr 09,
LYn (maybe May09 also)
Tany (maybe May09/June09)
Boon (maybe May/June 09)

Stage 1 (Lucrin)
Lina, twinstars, baby09, itjabi

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)
Humbug (Waiting for menses to come then go straight into puregon stage)

Stage 3 (2WW)
Ladymiz, Ellsa

Bees, bloated.
Hi Meoww...me at kkivf too...now on D12 post FET...guess we are together....hehhehe but my beta is this fri.... i did a hpt yestday when i woke up...negative...intend to do it again tmrw...
Good luck babe...

Hi Develyn and Lyn...thanks for ur well wishes!!! Pray for us...wherever you are!!

Alyssa, I did FET at KKIVF and now in 2ww... i only had to come back once for the scanning after 10days of oral medication...it seems that my body responded well to the medicine..so the uterus lining was thick and ready at the first scan...then 3 days after that my FET was scheduled...soo now 12 days past transfer....waiting for Friday!
