IVF/ICSI Support Group

This is my 1st time doing IVF. After 4 days of gonal f 450, my follicles size are only in the range of 8 to 10 despite the high dosage medicine. Have been taking a lot of eggs, LRD tea alternate days, 3 Brazil nuts per day. Now thinking of adding immunocal or ensure milk to help my follicles grow but a bit confused. Heard ensure milk powder is to be mixed with cold water but thought we are not supposed to drink cold water? For immunocal, is it supposed to be mixed with cold or hot water?

Appreciate any good advice :)

Gal my hubby had 39.6 deg fever on er day last year. Don't worry. Think sperms don't produce daily or get spoiled coz of these. I managed to have 6 grade 4 embryos that cycle out if 10 via icsi and bfp twice from those embryos. Was super stressed tat time also. Be positive and pray hard. All will be well.
I'm going to request for ice (thanks to hajar for the tip) and probably do it on the butt. Hehe...

The nurse that did blood test for me also ask me to change hand after searching for my vein awhile. Not that painful but clinic D side those senior nurses like a lot more pro leh.

I scared I fall sick at wrong time. Sneezing on off since this morning and abit on verge of running nose. Trying to keep it down with lots of water and fruits.
Haha I'm trying to think whether my thigh more sensitive or my butt. Never took a jab on my butt since 33 years ago? Haaa...

Definitely clinic D more pro. Though mine pretty painless, got small bruise.

You have vitamin C?
This is my 1st time doing IVF. After 4 days of gonal f 450, my follicles size are only in the range of 8 to 10 despite the high dosage medicine. Have been taking a lot of eggs, LRD tea alternate days, 3 Brazil nuts per day. Now thinking of adding immunocal or ensure milk to help my follicles grow but a bit confused. Heard ensure milk powder is to be mixed with cold water but thought we are not supposed to drink cold water? For immunocal, is it supposed to be mixed with cold or hot water?

Appreciate any good advice :)
I use room temp for my ensure. Till now i swallow abit 4 egg whites den i give up le.. Hahaha! Now i c eggs i phobia.. I m on 200 gonal f for 7 days den went for my 2nd scan my follicles 5 to 12.. Which i heard the nurse commented abit small during my scan.
After i went for accupuncture it suddenly grow quite abit
Haha I'm trying to think whether my thigh more sensitive or my butt. Never took a jab on my butt since 33 years ago? Haaa...

Definitely clinic D more pro. Though mine pretty painless, got small bruise.

You have vitamin C?

Clinic d nurse pro meh.. My first time blood test at clinic d the senior nurse poke 3 places lei n my hand ended up in big bruise! Lol!!! So far i nv kana any problem in my blood test b4 only when i came to kkh
Clinic d nurse pro meh.. My first time blood test at clinic d the senior nurse poke 3 places lei n my hand ended up in big bruise! Lol!!! So far i nv kana any problem in my blood test b4 only when i came to kkh
Wah u also quite Heng... I'm thankful for my vein... It practically pops out, like asking the nurse to poke it! Ha... Sorry a bit high on oxygen now, apprehensively heading to KKH for my trigger shot.
Ok the trigger shot is really not that bad. I didn't ice cause the nurse like wanna chop chop and my ice packs are no longer cool cause I went for dinner first.

But the nurse was the one who asked to inject my butt cause I have too many varicose veins on my thighs... Was born with it. Never been pregnant before.

But I think jabbing the butt really feels less painful.
Wah u also quite Heng... I'm thankful for my vein... It practically pops out, like asking the nurse to poke it! Ha... Sorry a bit high on oxygen now, apprehensively heading to KKH for my trigger shot.

Hahaha!! Wait we finish our shot den u feedback on ur shot k.. Later read le still not my turn i scare. Haha
Ok the trigger shot is really not that bad. I didn't ice cause the nurse like wanna chop chop and my ice packs are no longer cool cause I went for dinner first.

But the nurse was the one who asked to inject my butt cause I have too many varicose veins on my thighs... Was born with it. Never been pregnant before.

But I think jabbing the butt really feels less painful.

U done liao ah?
Hahaha!! Wait we finish our shot den u feedback on ur shot k.. Later read le still not my turn i scare. Haha
Haha manageable level of pain. Slightly more sting than the Orgalutran. But you continue thinking its going to be painful first, keep yourself mentally prepared. Then the actual thing will feel better. :)
Thanks humbaobao :)

The thought of drinking milk at room temp is not that appealing but for the sake of follicles, i guess no choice but to suck it up...hahaha! I'm supposed to go back in 2 days' time for another scan. Will try acupuncture next week. Thanks for the tip!
Ok the trigger shot is really not that bad. I didn't ice cause the nurse like wanna chop chop and my ice packs are no longer cool cause I went for dinner first.

But the nurse was the one who asked to inject my butt cause I have too many varicose veins on my thighs... Was born with it. Never been pregnant before.

But I think jabbing the butt really feels less painful.
What's the dosage of your trigger shot? Nuh trigger shot is all self administer de.. Makes me wonder whether is it less potent :(
Thanks humbaobao :)

The thought of drinking milk at room temp is not that appealing but for the sake of follicles, i guess no choice but to suck it up...hahaha! I'm supposed to go back in 2 days' time for another scan. Will try acupuncture next week. Thanks for the tip!
I accupuncture straight 4 days.. Den 1 day b4 et ask me go again
I accupuncture straight 4 days.. Den 1 day b4 et ask me go again
Wow, I only go twice a week but seeing my follicle sizes, the TCM asked me to step up acupuncture so tmr is my 3rd day straight.

I doing a lot of hugging the Buddha leg in the last min. Up my egg intake also.

But never drink ensure milk leh. I thot that was for post-ET.
Wow, I only go twice a week but seeing my follicle sizes, the TCM asked me to step up acupuncture so tmr is my 3rd day straight.

I doing a lot of hugging the Buddha leg in the last min. Up my egg intake also.

But never drink ensure milk leh. I thot that was for post-ET.

Jiayou!! Jiayou!! My ensure i only drink weekday cos i need take tcm med.. Weekend i nv drink.. Hahas! My tcm still 电say 刺激 my follicles grow.. Bo bian lun.. Lol
Jiayou!! Jiayou!! My ensure i only drink weekday cos i need take tcm med.. Weekend i nv drink.. Hahas! My tcm still 电say 刺激 my follicles grow.. Bo bian lun.. Lol
My TCM also run electric currents through the acupuncture needles. But I stopped the med leh.

Can refresh my memory on what we have to take for 2ww?

I can only rmb chicken essence?
My TCM also run electric currents through the acupuncture needles. But I stopped the med leh.

Can refresh my memory on what we have to take for 2ww?

I can only rmb chicken essence?

My tcm ask me drink dangshen wif longan red dates tea den alter wif 高丽参 wif red date drink through out the day..

I done my trigger le.. Tio pian she let me ice my buttock but she jab my thigh
My tcm ask me drink dangshen wif longan red dates tea den alter wif 高丽参 wif red date drink through out the day..

I done my trigger le.. Tio pian she let me ice my buttock but she jab my thigh
Huh? Haaaa I laughed out loud when I saw your last line. What happened? Is it an Indian nurse?
Settled mine too. Really chop chop...not really given choice so end up jabbed on thigh and without ice! Not that bad just a harder sting like what almondearie says.
Gal my hubby had 39.6 deg fever on er day last year. Don't worry. Think sperms don't produce daily or get spoiled coz of these. I managed to have 6 grade 4 embryos that cycle out if 10 via icsi and bfp twice from those embryos. Was super stressed tat time also. Be positive and pray hard. All will be well.

he has been having a fever for 3 days already.. i am so worried but i know there is nothing i can do about it, so i'm trying not to stress and let it get to my eggs! if sperm lousier, at least eggs must be good right lol. thanks @mesara! did your grade 4 embryos make it to blast? cos i doing pgd, so embryos must make it to blast stage!
This is my 1st time doing IVF. After 4 days of gonal f 450, my follicles size are only in the range of 8 to 10 despite the high dosage medicine. Have been taking a lot of eggs, LRD tea alternate days, 3 Brazil nuts per day. Now thinking of adding immunocal or ensure milk to help my follicles grow but a bit confused. Heard ensure milk powder is to be mixed with cold water but thought we are not supposed to drink cold water? For immunocal, is it supposed to be mixed with cold or hot water?

Appreciate any good advice :)

hello @bbhopeful77 ive been taking immunocal once/twice a day since the start of my stims. immunocal is a type of protein so cannot take with anything hot. i take it with a little bit of juice or vitagen. take out of the fridge for a while so it's not that cold. anyway the amt of liquid used to mix the immunocal is really very little (20-30ml only), so it won't be so bad even if u take it cold i think!

i feel the immunocal is very gross though!! it's like clumpy and milky. haha!
Hi sistas,

May I know how to keep our womb warm, every morning I measured my temperature, were up and down...sometimes 36.5, 36.3. 35.4, 36.2, this morning was 36, too Low... Like that how to conceive naturally:(
Ya.. Lavendar.. I seeing dr lim. Per time accupuncture is 20consultation+ 40 accupuncture.

Med i think is 300 for 1 mth supply.. 2 times per day
Thanks..yrs is in 1 package..?

Sisters,any tcm acupuncture whom u truly beleive has helped you in yr ttc? Can recommend?i never tried acupuncuture before and comtemplating to try 1. And for e hubby also if it does helps for acupuncture
Thanks..yrs is in 1 package..?

Sisters,any tcm acupuncture whom u truly beleive has helped you in yr ttc? Can recommend?i never tried acupuncuture before and comtemplating to try 1. And for e hubby also if it does helps for acupuncture

Mine is not package... My hb seeing her aso.. Slight improvement in his sa.. But still bad.. He jus did 3 rounds of accupuncture last week cos mon he need to give sperm.
I'm going to request for ice (thanks to hajar for the tip) and probably do it on the butt. Hehe...

The nurse that did blood test for me also ask me to change hand after searching for my vein awhile. Not that painful but clinic D side those senior nurses like a lot more pro leh.

I scared I fall sick at wrong time. Sneezing on off since this morning and abit on verge of running nose. Trying to keep it down with lots of water and fruits.
U can bring ur own ice pack in ur cooler bag that u always bring along ur dr assignment.Thats what i did.bcoz scared dey might not have time to grab those ice...at least ur own u csn ice longer while dey prepare those medicstion for u...
Hi sistas,

May I know how to keep our womb warm, every morning I measured my temperature, were up and down...sometimes 36.5, 36.3. 35.4, 36.2, this morning was 36, too Low... Like that how to conceive naturally:(
Same here...i gave up on temperature reading...only measure the ovu kit smiley version..Kinda cute see smile then do the deed.lol..
Mine is not package... My hb seeing her aso.. Slight improvement in his sa.. But still bad.. He jus did 3 rounds of accupuncture last week cos mon he need to give sperm.
Oic. I saw u type 20consultation+ 40 accupuncture i thought is 1 package :) all e best in yr upcoming egg retrieval :)
Thanks..yrs is in 1 package..?

Sisters,any tcm acupuncture whom u truly beleive has helped you in yr ttc? Can recommend?i never tried acupuncuture before and comtemplating to try 1. And for e hubby also if it does helps for acupuncture

hi @connie_hopeful! i go for tcm acupuncture along with my hubby. i can't say if it works for me because no obvious signs. except that my menses flow became smoother without any blood clots which i usually have. but for my husband, it seems like it has been very effective. his sperm count went up from 60mil to 190 mil in 5 months, motility 30% up to 89%!! on top of acupuncture, the tcm also gives some herbs which he took and he also started to bathe in cooler water. the tcm dr also asked him to swim 3 times a week, but he didn't lah. dont' think he even swam once. lol.
hi @connie_hopeful! i go for tcm acupuncture along with my hubby. i can't say if it works for me because no obvious signs. except that my menses flow became smoother without any blood clots which i usually have. but for my husband, it seems like it has been very effective. his sperm count went up from 60mil to 190 mil in 5 months, motility 30% up to 89%!! on top of acupuncture, the tcm also gives some herbs which he took and he also started to bathe in cooler water. the tcm dr also asked him to swim 3 times a week, but he didn't lah. dont' think he even swam once. lol.
Dear,thanks for e info. Which tcm did he go to?
Dear,thanks for e info. Which tcm did he go to?

we go to the tcm at clementi, tcm healthcare medical center - dr tan. he is the fatherly kind, old naggy but kind and encouraging. if you go during peak, the wait can be quite long though cos he has lotsa patients! alot of girls on this forum see him too!
we go to the tcm at clementi, tcm healthcare medical center - dr tan. he is the fatherly kind, old naggy but kind and encouraging. if you go during peak, the wait can be quite long though cos he has lotsa patients! alot of girls on this forum see him too!
Oic. My husband tried him before 2 times last august. Eat his medicine 泡生 but after that he cant sleep...he says cant sleep is actuali a unique case..then we stop visiting him and also cos of e distance.. i personallyhas tried everythg except acupuncture n immunocal for chinese intervention..

Maybi should give acupuncture a try..

Oic. My husband tried him before 2 times last august. Eat his medicine 泡生 but after that he cant sleep...he says cant sleep is actuali a unique case..then we stop visiting him and also cos of e distance.. i personallyhas tried everythg except acupuncture n immunocal for chinese intervention..

Maybi should give acupuncture a try..

when ur husband saw him previously, he didn't try acupuncture? oo did you try some supplements such as ubiquinol, vitamin c and e, zinc and selenium? heard from other friends that this helped improve their husbands SA too.
