IVF/ICSI Support Group

I have severe endo. I've went for 2 laps and got BFP with my FET. So don't be worried ok. However, do note that a few mths after laparascopy, you won't be able to do IVF cos need time to heal. But the good thing is that if you have endo, they'll be able to laser them off. However, do discuss with your dr on what he thinks is best. When I did my IVF, I had a cyst but my Dr monitored my CA125 and when it shows that my endo is not active, she suggested to do IVF instead of a lap. She said that doing lap will take time to heal plus since my cyst is in the ovary, the lap will affect my ovarian reserve.

Unfortunately for endo, they can't confirm unless you do a lap.
Hi, so u only know u have endo after doing lap? I'm in a delimma. I'm not sure if I have endo cos my mensus r regular and light .. Not irregular and heavy. How Long after ur lap did u get pregnant?

Hi, so u only know u have endo after doing lap? I'm in a delimma. I'm not sure if I have endo cos my mensus r regular and light .. Not irregular and heavy. How Long after ur lap did u get pregnant?

My menses was regular and normal flow - not heavy and not light. However, I had very painful period cramps. After a couple of years, my GP referred me to a gynae who then did some checks and everytime we did scans etc, they cannot find anything at all ie. no signs of cyst or anything. So she suggested lap. I was 19 then. I agreed and they discovered I had stage 4 endo and at that time, some of my organs/parts were stuck to each other. They managed to laser some endo off but had to leave some in difficult to reach areas. I took medication etc but gave up and decided to just go off everything. Somehow, my cramps were much better. Then in 2009 after I got married, I went to see another gynae and she saw 1 cyst in each ovary. Honestly, I had NO symptoms at all so I didn't realized I had 2 rather big cysts. I had another lap then. The outcome showed that my endo actually improved since my first lap.

Last year, when I went to my gynae, we discovered 1 more cyst and we found out I had adenomyosis also. But after discussion and monitoring, my gynae decided to go with IVF instead of lap. Took me 1 failed IUI, 1 IVF and 6.5 years to get pregnant.
hi ladies ..

can anyone share with me IVF process ? as planning to apply for leave ...
izit the same as IUI whereby
1. we need to jab daily from day 2 till ovulation day
2. need to go for scan from time to time to check for follicles and lining
3. jab to trigger ovulation
4. embryo transfer

thanks alot
Mine is medicated.
My first FET was medicated but bfn very likely due to embryo quality though transferred a good grade day 3 embryo.
I have usual regular ~33 day cycles and opk +ve around day 17 and always triple lining average 11mm before ET in previous fresh cycles. So second FET tried natural but had to abandon as freak cycle with a follicle stopped growing at 16mm, didn't ovulate and AF came on day 20. Then proceed with medicated FET, transferred two day 5 blastocysts & now 7w+ singleton pregnancy.

If you have regular natural cycles and have always tested opk +ve around 14 days before AF, and no history of lining issues, can try natural since your doc more confident with natural. Otherwise medicated FET is a definite viable option. Studies confirm that medicated FET does not yield lower success rates than natural FET while there are pros & cons for both protocols. There is no critical concern with side effects from medicated FET as you are given the estrogen pills which are similar as used in birth control pills while higher dosage to help build lining. The estrogen will be balanced off with progesterone support for the FET in the same cycle. After that cycle, your body would have time to recover natural hormones level regardless of outcome (as in you will rest before starting new cycle or if bfp, body hcg and placenta eventually takes over to support pregnancy).
All the best!

Thanks Dawn, think I will choose medicated ba since it is better controlled and less stressful. Be it BFP or BFN, just leave it to fate.....

Once again, congrats to you on your 7weeks :)... You transferred 2 day 5 Blactocysts, is it better to transfer 2 or 1 ? does transfer 2 yield higher chance of being pregnant or getting twins? Am thinking of transferring only 1 cos my womb not strong enough to hold 2 bbs... But scare transfer 1 will lower the chance of BFP , just like my 2nd fresh when I BFN cos I only transfer 1 that time....
Thanks Dawn, think I will choose medicated ba since it is better controlled and less stressful. Be it BFP or BFN, just leave it to fate.....

Once again, congrats to you on your 7weeks :)... You transferred 2 day 5 Blactocysts, is it better to transfer 2 or 1 ? does transfer 2 yield higher chance of being pregnant or getting twins? Am thinking of transferring only 1 cos my womb not strong enough to hold 2 bbs... But scare transfer 1 will lower the chance of BFP , just like my 2nd fresh when I BFN cos I only transfer 1 that time....
No problem:)
I transferred 2 because of my age and having repeated failed cycles before. If can put three blastocysts I may even consider to put three but SG only allow 2 blastocysts max per transfer while max 3 cleavage stage embryos per transfer. My concern is more of getting to the normal embryos that would work than whether risk of multiples. Besides doc has no issue with my womb and always wish me luck to strike multiples.

If you are young and this is your first few cycles, doc usually advice to transfer 1 blastocyst. So perhaps consider which your doc is more confident of in your case.
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Wow, how painful was ur mensus? I used to have cramps until I couldn't wake up got to lie in bed until I feel better otherwise I got to take painkiller at least 1 pill before arrival of mensus. Sometimes pain until cold sweat broke out and would faint. But as I grew into adolences it got better and now I can withstand the cramps without painkiller but I will usually cramp for a week until arrival of mensus. I'm skeptical when Tan hh asked if I wana do a lap to diagnose wads wrong or if any scarring .. My u/s shows all ok as well. No visible cysts. My cramps usually subside once my full flow arrives
No problem:)
I transferred 2 because of my age and having repeated failed cycles before. If can put three blastocysts I may even consider to put three but SG only allow 2 blastocysts max per transfer while max 3 cleavage stage embryos per transfer. My concern is more of getting to the normal embryos that would work than whether risk of multiples. Besides doc has no issue with my womb and always wish me luck to strike multiples.

If you are young and this is your first few cycles, doc usually advice to transfer 1 blastocyst. So perhaps consider which your doc is more confident of in your case.

Unfortunately, I am not young anymore, nearing 40.... Got a BFP on my first fresh IVF but miscarriage in my 2nd tri due to short cervix and not able to hold the bbs, doc said it was due to heavy weight of twins, thus, she advised me to put in only 1 embryo next time, but I have no luck in 2nd fresh , ending with BFN. Now still deciding put 1 or 2 , for fear of getting multiples....
Anyone taking DHEA? Any symptoms after taking? Doctor just prescribe DHEA to me. And doctor ask me to stop taking folic acid. Folic acid is given to me when i visit polyclinic when i told the doc that i'm trying to get pregnant n he straight away prescribe to me. Any of your doctor stop you from taking folic acid while preparing for ivf?
Unfortunately, I am not young anymore, nearing 40.... Got a BFP on my first fresh IVF but miscarriage in my 2nd tri due to short cervix and not able to hold the bbs, doc said it was due to heavy weight of twins, thus, she advised me to put in only 1 embryo next time, but I have no luck in 2nd fresh , ending with BFN. Now still deciding put 1 or 2 , for fear of getting multiples....
I'm very sorry for your loss. The end goal is to sustain a viable pregnancy till life birth. I would think that if you have any condition that would risk sustaining a pregnancy even if bfp, then don't risk potentially 'wasting' a normal embryo/ blastocyst that may implant. In such cases maybe really not conducive to make haste. An embryo that grows to blastocyst does have higher chance to be normal & implant but it takes time to sieve out which blastocyst will really work by 'testing' in our wombs after ET since in SG we can't do PGD at will to test whether normal or not. For me due to concern with age, I was contemplating to do a next fresh with pgd in Thailand if my recent 5th transfer also fail.
One step at a time. Have a discussion with hubby too and align on the considerations before deciding. I wish you all the best!
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Anyone taking DHEA? Any symptoms after taking? Doctor just prescribe DHEA to me. And doctor ask me to stop taking folic acid. Folic acid is given to me when i visit polyclinic when i told the doc that i'm trying to get pregnant n he straight away prescribe to me. Any of your doctor stop you from taking folic acid while preparing for ivf?
I took Dhea at doc's suggestion but never told to stop folic acid or prenatal. In fact, so long as TTC, doc & nurses always maintain that minimum supplement is folic acid. Maybe confirm with doc again and if really to stop folic acid, ask him to help you understand why.
I took Dhea at doc's suggestion but never told to stop folic acid or prenatal. In fact, so long as TTC, doc & nurses always maintain that minimum supplement is folic acid. Maybe confirm with doc again and if really to stop folic acid, ask him to help you understand why.

DawnBB, any symptom after taking DHEA? One of my friend told me it might lead to hair loss. I was a bit worry.
DawnBB, any symptom after taking DHEA? One of my friend told me it might lead to hair loss. I was a bit worry.
I didn't have side effects with 2x25mg dosage so I continued. A friend also had hair loss which is significantly more than normal hair loss and I asked dr Loh about it. He said that if got side effects like hair loss due to hormone issues after taking Dhea, the side effects usually are serious and indicate hormone issue so should stop taking as not suitable.
hi ladies ..

can anyone share with me IVF process ? as planning to apply for leave ...
izit the same as IUI whereby
1. we need to jab daily from day 2 till ovulation day
2. need to go for scan from time to time to check for follicles and lining
3. jab to trigger ovulation
4. embryo transfer

thanks alot
Just slight variation-
1. we need to jab daily from day 2 till trigger jab
2. need to go for scan from time to time to check for follicles and lining
3. jab to trigger maturation & release of eggs (trigger jab is administered precisely 36hrs before egg retrieval)
4. Egg retrieval (procedure under sedation)
5. embryo transfer

The above is based on short protocol for stimulation. If Long protocol, you will start down-regulation jabs on cycle day 21 till adding stim jabs starting from cycle day 2.

All the best!
Mine is medicated.
My first FET was medicated but bfn very likely due to embryo quality though transferred a good grade day 3 embryo.
I have usual regular ~33 day cycles and opk +ve around day 17 and always triple lining average 11mm before ET in previous fresh cycles. So second FET tried natural but had to abandon as freak cycle with a follicle stopped growing at 16mm, didn't ovulate and AF came on day 20. Then proceed with medicated FET, transferred two day 5 blastocysts & now 7w+ singleton pregnancy.

If you have regular natural cycles and have always tested opk +ve around 14 days before AF, and no history of lining issues, can try natural since your doc more confident with natural. Otherwise medicated FET is a definite viable option. Studies confirm that medicated FET does not yield lower success rates than natural FET while there are pros & cons for both protocols. There is no critical concern with side effects from medicated FET as you are given the estrogen pills which are similar as used in birth control pills while higher dosage to help build lining. The estrogen will be balanced off with progesterone support for the FET in the same cycle. After that cycle, your body would have time to recover natural hormones level regardless of outcome (as in you will rest before starting new cycle or if bfp, body hcg and placenta eventually takes over to support pregnancy).
All the best!
Hi @DawnBB just curious did u do anything different for this BFP cycle ;)
Hi @DawnBB just curious did u do anything different for this BFP cycle ;)
Only difference from previous cycle was going for day 5 blastocysts transfer instead of day 2 or 3 embryos transfer. I also skipped longan red date tea as I realised in previous cycle that it tends to cause excess heat after sometime. Instead I alternate between chicken and grass fed beef essence (self double boiled) during 2ww. I also cut or skip on the aspirin when I had episode of bloody nose mucus though I didn't have signs of heatiness. I never had nose bleed in previous cycles before. The rest I continued as per previous cycle.
Hi, I have the following to let go. Please pm me.

Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega + CoQ10 60 soft gels unopened (expiry July 2017) and opened bottle free, more than half left. $30

Used by Dr SF Loh at O&G for pregnancy:

1. MEGA Prenatal vitamins brand new in box (expiry March 2017) $5

2. DHA for mother 2 boxes unopened (expire March 2018) $30

3. Calcium 10 tabs (expire June 2017)

4. Utrogestan 100mg 45 capsules (expire Jan 2018) $30

5. Nifedipine 20 tabs (expire sept 2018) $5

Jiayou to all the ladies here!
I didn't have side effects with 2x25mg dosage so I continued. A friend also had hair loss which is significantly more than normal hair loss and I asked dr Loh about it. He said that if got side effects like hair loss due to hormone issues after taking Dhea, the side effects usually are serious and indicate hormone issue so should stop taking as not suitable.
Thanks DawnBB for sharing.
Just slight variation-
1. we need to jab daily from day 2 till trigger jab
2. need to go for scan from time to time to check for follicles and lining
3. jab to trigger maturation & release of eggs (trigger jab is administered precisely 36hrs before egg retrieval)
4. Egg retrieval (procedure under sedation)
5. embryo transfer

The above is based on short protocol for stimulation. If Long protocol, you will start down-regulation jabs on cycle day 21 till adding stim jabs starting from cycle day 2.

All the best!

Thanks DawnBB for sharing..
May I know when DH needs to submit the semen ?
Hi all, just an update, my light bleeding lasted from sat to Tues, then stopped for 2 days and all of a sudden just now I had spotting again. Tmr is my BT at kkivf. Just wondering if we get to see the doc? I think regardless bfn or BFP I want to speak to doc..
Only difference from previous cycle was going for day 5 blastocysts transfer instead of day 2 or 3 embryos transfer. I also skipped longan red date tea as I realised in previous cycle that it tends to cause excess heat after sometime. Instead I alternate between chicken and grass fed beef essence (self double boiled) during 2ww. I also cut or skip on the aspirin when I had episode of bloody nose mucus though I didn't have signs of heatiness. I never had nose bleed in previous cycles before. The rest I continued as per previous cycle.
Hi Dawn how r u? Hope u n little one are doing great and wish and pray that you have a safe and smooth pregnancy.

Would like to ask you if you actually stored your embryos on day 2 and for the fet let it grow till day 5 or was it blastocyst when u froze embryos. I failed 3 fresh and one natural fet. Am left with 2 grade 4 embryos. Would like to do medicated fet this time. Wondering if I should let the embryos grow to blast or do day 2 transfer. Guess it's not in my hands but am not sure if hospital will suggest growing to blast in embryo is good. V confused. Last 2 embryos...want to try best option. What's yr thoughts pls. Thanks.
I was doing high intensity exercises such as bodycombat and doing repetitive weights training during the first week of stimulation. Thereafter, I got too bloated to exercise and stopped.

After ET, you should just stick to casual walking at most and no heavy lifting. My nurse advised me to be on bed rest during 2 of the critical implantation days. They will give you a timeline after you complete your ET.

I'm terrified of injections too but somehow managed to get by. It's actually super easy and not really painful. You can try once in the clinic with guidance from the nurse. Just have to get through the fear barrier then you are good :)

Lufie, wow you are able to do that during the 1st week of stim. Not sure if I can continue with my zumba fitness. I guess I will know after stim.

I guess I just need to try to inject myself 1st. :) I really salute to those who are able to inject themselves.
No problem :) My hubby submitted on ER day.

Morning DawnBB

Sorry have few more questions :-
1. After ET procedure, roughly when we need go back to the clinic
2. Why trigger jab is 36 before eggs retrieval ? Cause for so-iui, the iui is the day after the trigger jab.
No problem :) My hubby submitted on ER day.

Hi DawnBB, your hubby collect from the room in the clinic? Nurse advise us to collect in the room that the clinic provided on ER day. But my hubby usually collect at home for semen analysis. Kinda worry he couldn't do "it" in the room provided.

Just to check the antibiotics to be taken by hubby for 10 days does it has any side effects? As my hubby is on high blood pressure medication.
Hi Dawn how r u? Hope u n little one are doing great and wish and pray that you have a safe and smooth pregnancy.

Would like to ask you if you actually stored your embryos on day 2 and for the fet let it grow till day 5 or was it blastocyst when u froze embryos. I failed 3 fresh and one natural fet. Am left with 2 grade 4 embryos. Would like to do medicated fet this time. Wondering if I should let the embryos grow to blast or do day 2 transfer. Guess it's not in my hands but am not sure if hospital will suggest growing to blast in embryo is good. V confused. Last 2 embryos...want to try best option. What's yr thoughts pls. Thanks.
Hi Mesara. I'm fine. Thanks :)
For my last FET, I had 10 day-2 grade 1 and 2 (1 being best according to TFC) frozen embryos. After discussing with doc & embryologist, we agreed to thaw 5 for culture to day-5.

The embryologist advised that on average 80% embryos are expected to survive thawing (embryos with 50% of cells intact after thawing are considered to have survived but logically the prognosis for further development is better with greater no. of cells intact). Then on average about 40-50% of embryos may grow to day-5. These average odds improve for better quality eggs and embryos to start with. So based on the average stats, they would only suggest culturing to day-5 if you have at least 5 embryos to start with in order to hopefully get at least 1 blastocyst for transfer. Even so they remind patients to be prepared for worst case where none make it for ET or any surviving blastocyst may not be ideal quality. The process is a viable option for eliminating going through several transfers when there are more embryos and hence save possibly going through several bfn cycles before getting to the one that will work.

I think with 2 embryos to start with, it would be too great a risk to culture to day 5. By transferring them after thawing, at least give them a chance to grow in your uterus and you do not have to worry about the risk of having nothing to transfer. Some people would choose to do fresh cycles to accumulate embryos in order to try culture to day-5 but this needs weighing against the costs as in SG no clinics provide discounted package deals for fresh cycles. It will be a good idea to have a discussion with your doc and embryologist to better understand their advice specific to your case to clear your doubts. All the best! Jia you!
Thanks @DawnBB . Yeah this round maybe don't take risk. Hope to strike this round my with the precious 2 embryos. Can I check how was yr medicated cycle done. Like cd wat scan started and wat medications given and roughly which cday transfer happens. Kk close think 16 Jan so unless menses arrive before tat can do this mth. Else next. Did u do tcm for bfp cycle gal.
Morning DawnBB

Sorry have few more questions :-
1. After ET procedure, roughly when we need go back to the clinic
2. Why trigger jab is 36 before eggs retrieval ? Cause for so-iui, the iui is the day after the trigger jab.
Good Morning Pimpim!
1. If your clinic requires you to do blood test for progesterone levels, you will usually return to clinic 7 days post ER date (regardless of ET date) to draw blood. If they need to increase your progesterone support, you may need to return on same day for progesterone jab and another jab one week later, or just return on same day for increased dosage of progesterone support meds.

HCG blood test (BT) is usually scheduled on 18 days post ER which is counted as Day 0 (e.g. If you do ET 2 days after ER, it will be day-2 embryo transfer and BT will be on 16 days post 2-day transfer (16dp2dt). Some clinics may do BT on different schedules, must check with your clinic.

2. 36 hours after hcg trigger jab is to coincide with the time required for maturation of eggs and for follicles to 'loosen' the eggs ready for retrieval after hcg hormone is administered. If ER earlier than 36 hrs, risk of immature eggs. If later, risk of over mature eggs and ovulation occurred meaning ER procedure cannot pick up the released eggs and cycle may have to be abandoned.

IUI can be earlier because you want the sperms to have swimmed to the Fallopian tubes waiting for the matured eggs to be released by ovulation. Sperms can survive up to 5 days in the female organs.
Hi DawnBB, your hubby collect from the room in the clinic? Nurse advise us to collect in the room that the clinic provided on ER day. But my hubby usually collect at home for semen analysis. Kinda worry he couldn't do "it" in the room provided.

Just to check the antibiotics to be taken by hubby for 10 days does it has any side effects? As my hubby is on high blood pressure medication.
Hi MiyukiBB. Yes my hubby collected his semen in the room at the clinic. If your hubby is unable to produce semen at the clinic, you need to inform the clinic as early as possible and check what are other viable arrangements. It may be possible to produce semen at home but there may be specific instructions on storage and time allowance for submission, as well as certain risks to be borne by the patient.

My clinic only provided one time dosage of antibiotics for hubby to take after lunch 2 days before ER day and same for me but mine to take day before ER. My hubby also has high blood pressure medication and did not encounter issues from the antibiotics. As your course of 10 days antibiotics seems to be a different protocol, please do check with your clinic to be sure.
All the best!
Thanks @DawnBB . Yeah this round maybe don't take risk. Hope to strike this round my with the precious 2 embryos. Can I check how was yr medicated cycle done. Like cd wat scan started and wat medications given and roughly which cday transfer happens. Kk close think 16 Jan so unless menses arrive before tat can do this mth. Else next. Did u do tcm for bfp cycle gal.
Here's the timeline for my medicated FET
CD1 : AF started
CD2 : started 3x2mg Progynova (estrogen) daily
CD13 : first scan. Lining passed so no further scans needed.
CD15 = 0DPO equivalent: start 2x200mg Utrogestan (progesterone inserts) and 100mg Cardiprin (asprin) daily
2DPO : Thawing of 5 day-2 frozen embryos
5DPO : planned FET of day-5 blastocysts
17DPO (12dp5dt) : BT

The first scan can be done any day from CD12 to CD14 inclusive but depends on clinic practice. If lining is still not ideal (standard is usually min. 7-8mm depends on doc), need to continue estrogen and schedule further scans.

Dr. Loh also ordered 100ml intralipid infusion drip which I am to take anytime between CD13 (lining confirmed ok) and before the scheduled FET. I did it on CD16 (1DPO equivalent in my case).

The above is based on my FET with TFC. Do check if KKHivf has variation. Yes I continued TCM acupuncture since Jan 2015.

Hope all goes well & All the best for your FET!
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@DawnBB for your FET did you poas before your blood test?
Hello. Actually for this FET, I did poas for the first time in all my 5 cycles. Never have the courage as I always hope still got chance even when spotting before BT. Last FET I poas not because I was hopeful but in fact, I was preparing for it would be bfn. I already planned next cycle to do in Thailand and poas thinking to confirm bfn so that can convince hubby that we start action on our next cycle. I only poas the day before BT and was in disbelief seeing the '+' sign on Clearblue non-digital HPT.
Hi, so u only know u have endo after doing lap? I'm in a delimma. I'm not sure if I have endo cos my mensus r regular and light .. Not irregular and heavy. How Long after ur lap did u get pregnant?

Yup they confirmed endo only after doing lap. Unfortunately, regular and light menses doesn't mean one does not have endo. For me the only sign was painful period cramps but my period was normal flow and regular.

After my 2nd lap which was a mth after my wedding, I tried getting pregnant naturally but didn't succeed. Then I tried IUI which failed. I tried IVF last year and succeeded with FET. That was 6.5 years after I got married.

I think if dr suspected endo, then it's better to do a lap to get rid of all the endo in case any is really affecting your chances of conceiving.
Thanks @DawnBB. Medicated cycle will we ovulate? What if no ovulation? Btw where did u do tcm and how frequent in a week pls.
No, not supposed to ovulate in medicated cycle as the estrogen dosage is to prevent ovulation (hence control the cycle) while build your lining.

I have been consulting Physian Seah Ai Wei from Thomson TCM main branch. Normally once a week acupuncture session. There was only the 2 weeks after my second fresh when I had breakthrough inter-menstrual bleeding after stopping the support meds that I did twice a week session and took tcm herbs. After normal cycle recovered, I resumed to once a week acupuncture only.

My hubby saw Physician Gee Swee Sien at Thomson Katong I12 tcm branch. She was new at Thomson but very experienced and hubby thinks she is very good as she is very chatty & also initiates to explain the acupoints etc. Hubby's health and subsequently sperms improved tremendously partly due to her treatments. He would stop his over the counter tcm supplements and take the tcm herbs prescribed by Dr Gee a few weeks before each fresh cycle otherwise it's just weekly acupuncture while he took his own supplements.
Wow, how painful was ur mensus? I used to have cramps until I couldn't wake up got to lie in bed until I feel better otherwise I got to take painkiller at least 1 pill before arrival of mensus. Sometimes pain until cold sweat broke out and would faint. But as I grew into adolences it got better and now I can withstand the cramps without painkiller but I will usually cramp for a week until arrival of mensus. I'm skeptical when Tan hh asked if I wana do a lap to diagnose wads wrong or if any scarring .. My u/s shows all ok as well. No visible cysts. My cramps usually subside once my full flow arrives

My menses was very painful. Before I discovered I had endo, every single mth, when I get my menses, I'm practically bed ridden for 2 days. My mother will have to bring me to the Dr for 2 jabs - 1 for pain and 1 to stop vomitting. Ponstan didn't work for me. Sometimes, in the afternoon I have to go back for another jab. The pain was so terrible that I'll vomit like 20 times a day and have cold sweat! I can't eat or do anything at all. At that time, the scans showed nothing. But apparently, I was actually in very bad state inside. My GP gave up after a couple of years and referred me to the gynae. Her last sentence then was - Don't worry, I don't think it's endometriosis. My gynae's first words after asking me questions were - I think it's endometriosis. Lol.

But after my first lap, it got better. Now as I get older, I take synflex to manage the pain.

The thing with endomestriosis is that not all the cysts etc are visible via ultrasound so you don't know what is happening until you do a lap.
Hello. Actually for this FET, I did poas for the first time in all my 5 cycles. Never have the courage as I always hope still got chance even when spotting before BT. Last FET I poas not because I was hopeful but in fact, I was preparing for it would be bfn. I already planned next cycle to do in Thailand and poas thinking to confirm bfn so that can convince hubby that we start action on our next cycle. I only poas the day before BT and was in disbelief seeing the '+' sign on Clearblue non-digital HPT.

Did you have any symptoms during your 2ww?
I kinda fall sick on my 2 half of my 2ww. Having flu, cough, sore throat, fever & stomach flu. Was on pregnancy safe medication including antibiotics. Af is round the corner hopefully she don't report.
So scare it will affect the chances of getting a bfp. :(
Hi, so u only know u have endo after doing lap? I'm in a delimma. I'm not sure if I have endo cos my mensus r regular and light .. Not irregular and heavy. How Long after ur lap did u get pregnant?
My mum always had painful period cramps but being ignorant, she thought it is normal women thing. She did conceive me naturally only after 8 years of trying naturally but she was young then still in her 20s. Her period cramps continued till she had massive bleeding with clot every period then she saw gynae. It was fibroid that was too late to treat with hormone replacement therapy and she had to have hysterectomy to remove her womb when she was only mid 30s.
So when I was teenage, she always check with me if I have painful cramps or any discomfort with my periods. I was young and didn't understand her point so took for granted. I never have much PMS, not even mild cramps and most of the time wouldn't know until see AF on panties. When going for fertility tests and tcm, fortunately I had no issues but I then learned that PMS and mild cramps are acceptable, but never ignore when you have bad cramps. TCM even believes that if body is in balance including hormones, you can literally have no PMS. I realised there's so little awareness about risks of fertility issues and till now, it's commonly taken lightly if someone has to take MC because almost incapacitated by severe PMS. Actually should get checked as early as possible to rule out any issues causing the painful periods.
Did you have any symptoms during your 2ww?
I kinda fall sick on my 2 half of my 2ww. Having flu, cough, sore throat, fever & stomach flu. Was on pregnancy safe medication including antibiotics. Af is round the corner hopefully she don't report.
So scare it will affect the chances of getting a bfp. :(
After experiencing bfn cycles and a bfp cycle, I can attest to the fact that having symptoms or no symptoms or lack of it doesn't confirm anything. Only the BT is the final call to confirm is implantation occurred. I read that if you have been pregnant before, then perhaps you will be more sensitive to real early pregnancy symptoms.

My last FET, really very minimal symptoms. Very mild cramp or twinge for very short while on 7dp5dt. Sore boobs which even went away by 11dp5dt. Had a few episodes of bloody nasal mucus though don't feel any signs of excess heat. 2 episodes of nausea. Most of these I also had in previous cycles. I even had more sore swollen boobs with visible veins in previous cycle but none this FET.

Really at this stage, there is very little you can do to influence your embryos and chances assuming you do not have known pre-existing conditions in your womb that doc advised may affect implantation. Consider third world countries and stressful cities, normal embryos that are meant to survive will survive.
When you have done all you can, the last best thing you can do is to stay positive. All the best :)
Here's the timeline for my medicated FET
CD1 : AF started
CD2 : started 3x2mg Progynova (estrogen) daily
CD13 : first scan. Lining passed so no further scans needed.
CD15 = 0DPO equivalent: start 2x200mg Utrogestan (progesterone inserts) and 100mg Cardiprin (asprin) daily
2DPO : Thawing of 5 day-2 frozen embryos
5DPO : planned FET of day-5 blastocysts
17DPO (12dp5dt) : BT

The first scan can be done any day from CD12 to CD14 inclusive but depends on clinic practice. If lining is still not ideal (standard is usually min. 7-8mm depends on doc), need to continue estrogen and schedule further scans.

Dr. Loh also ordered 100ml intralipid infusion drip which I am to take anytime between CD13 (lining confirmed ok) and before the scheduled FET. I did it on CD16 (1DPO equivalent in my case).

The above is based on my FET with TFC. Do check if KKHivf has variation. Yes I continued TCM acupuncture since Jan 2015.

Hope all goes well & All the best for your FET!
Hi, u did acu for how long before ET? How they know ovulation is day 15? Did OPK?
My mum always had painful period cramps but being ignorant, she thought it is normal women thing. She did conceive me naturally only after 8 years of trying naturally but she was young then still in her 20s. Her period cramps continued till she had massive bleeding with clot every period then she saw gynae. It was fibroid that was too late to treat with hormone replacement therapy and she had to have hysterectomy to remove her womb when she was only mid 30s.
So when I was teenage, she always check with me if I have painful cramps or any discomfort with my periods. I was young and didn't understand her point so took for granted. I never have much PMS, not even mild cramps and most of the time wouldn't know until see AF on panties. When going for fertility tests and tcm, fortunately I had no issues but I then learned that PMS and mild cramps are acceptable, but never ignore when you have bad cramps. TCM even believes that if body is in balance including hormones, you can literally have no PMS. I realised there's so little awareness about risks of fertility issues and till now, it's commonly taken lightly if someone has to take MC because almost incapacitated by severe PMS. Actually should get checked as early as possible to rule out any issues causing the painful periods.

Sorry about what happened to your mum.
I so agree there is lack of awareness on this. Some think it's normal to have painful cramps. But actually there may be underlying issues which if detected earlier, could prevent things from getting worst.
After experiencing bfn cycles and a bfp cycle, I can attest to the fact that having symptoms or no symptoms or lack of it doesn't confirm anything. Only the BT is the final call to confirm is implantation occurred. I read that if you have been pregnant before, then perhaps you will be more sensitive to real early pregnancy symptoms.

My last FET, really very minimal symptoms. Very mild cramp or twinge for very short while on 7dp5dt. Sore boobs which even went away by 11dp5dt. Had a few episodes of bloody nasal mucus though don't feel any signs of excess heat. 2 episodes of nausea. Most of these I also had in previous cycles. I even had more sore swollen boobs with visible veins in previous cycle but none this FET.

Really at this stage, there is very little you can do to influence your embryos and chances assuming you do not have known pre-existing conditions in your womb that doc advised may affect implantation. Consider third world countries and stressful cities, normal embryos that are meant to survive will survive.
When you have done all you can, the last best thing you can do is to stay positive. All the best :)

Thank you @DawnBB! This FET I don't have much symptoms except for some cramps & tight feeling at my abdominal area plus I got very light spotting on my 2dp5dt onwards for 3 days. After that all feel super normal, no cramps, no sore boobs, nothing till I fall sick. Today my 10dp5dt & chances looks really slim as I did poas & it came out negative. Can't help feeling disappointed that this cycle gonna fail. But will try to stay positive till my beta.
Hi, u did acu for how long before ET? How they know ovulation is day 15? Did OPK?
I started acupuncture since Jan 2015 after failing first fresh cycle and have continued with Physician Seah since then for all my cycles. I never stop between cycles.

For medicated FET, no ovulation and no need to test opk but the day you start progesterone support before ET is counted as ovulation equivalent date so they will count from there to schedule the thawing and ET depending on the age of your embryos.
