IVF/ICSI Support Group

*Hugs* Dearie, I hope you recover well physically and mentally soon & try again when you feel ready. Don't give up k. Persevere on and have faith it will come eventually.

Thanks dear. I feel better n had cooked lunch. I actually feel better now that for nxt week or so I do t really hve to be thinking Abt pregnancy n enjoy d season moods.

*hugs hugs* Sorry to hear that. Go take a break, go on holiday or something. Whatever it is, remember not to give up ok.
Do you have any frozen? Some ppl do better with FET than fresh cycle. So don't give up hope ok! Chin up and stride on! Jiayou sister.

Thanks dear. Yup moving on. Feel better after crying. Nope I don't hve frozen eggs. Guess hve to do fresh cycle n may consider freezing before transferring.
I'm going for et this coming Mon.so can I ask if I she bed rest or not? Many articles says bed rest after et is actually bad. Do u bed rest after transfer?
jts i had bfn today as well. still crying my heart out. and so, im also amazed by the ladies here and their unfaltering willingness to try again and again.
thanks ladies for sharing and encouraging one another here.
and may all have a bfp soon!
I'm going for et this coming Mon.so can I ask if I she bed rest or not? Many articles says bed rest after et is actually bad. Do u bed rest after transfer?

First couple of days I had bed/couch rest. Means not only lying down the whole day but sitting on the couch also. Just relax and watch dramas etc. I didn't want any stress. How many days MC did they give you? I did mine on Friday and just got MC for that day. The next week I took 5 days leave. So I rested about 10 days. :)

I did read articles saying it's bad but I asked my Dr and she said it didn't make any difference. I did take leave because I wanted to be stress-free. During that 10 days I did go out, go shopping, jb etc. Just be happy lor during that time.
jts i had bfn today as well. still crying my heart out. and so, im also amazed by the ladies here and their unfaltering willingness to try again and again.
thanks ladies for sharing and encouraging one another here.
and may all have a bfp soon!

*hugs hugs* Cry all you need. After that get up and try again. Don't give up ok! Must believe that your dream will come true one day!
First couple of days I had bed/couch rest. Means not only lying down the whole day but sitting on the couch also. Just relax and watch dramas etc. I didn't want any stress. How many days MC did they give you? I did mine on Friday and just got MC for that day. The next week I took 5 days leave. So I rested about 10 days. :)

I did read articles saying it's bad but I asked my Dr and she said it didn't make any difference. I did take leave because I wanted to be stress-free. During that 10 days I did go out, go shopping, jb etc. Just be happy lor during that time.
Did you have signs of spotting or bleeding which you want to share and what to do next. I think is good that you can share so can avoid panic for some. Thanks.
Did you have signs of spotting or bleeding which you want to share and what to do next. I think is good that you can share so can avoid panic for some. Thanks.

Nope I didn't have any spotting or bleeding. Some sisters do have them though. If you have spotting or bleeding esp near the end of 2ww, quickly call the hospital and ask for additional support eg. duphaston or jab etc.

I did have cramps though abt 7 days after my transfer (I transferred a D2 embryo). The cramps felt like period cramps but not exactly the same. I thought it was my period coming. So if anybody feel that, don't be alarmed if there's no bleeding or spotting.

During the 2ww, I was also always thirsty so I drank lots of plain water. I avoided colas etc.

One thing to note, during the 2WW, don't have showers that are too hot. I avoided cold drinks and drinks that are too hot (I mean hot as in the actual temp). I avoided dairy also. Wear socks when at home esp when sleeping. I ate golden kiwi and raisins daily. And figs on most days too.

Also, one thing I read, there was a study, just one study though that laughing after ET helps. It's got to do with reduced stress. So what I did was I bookmarked some funny sites and after ET, I just browsed thru and laughed and laughed. Then for the next couple of days I watched some comedies etc also. :)
jts i had bfn today as well. still crying my heart out. and so, im also amazed by the ladies here and their unfaltering willingness to try again and again.
thanks ladies for sharing and encouraging one another here.
and may all have a bfp soon!
*Hugs* dear, i feel you. All my 4 failed cycles, each time never less devastating. Cry it out. It is normal to address your emotions but then must also bounce back soon as you must keep yourself well for next try. This is a rough journey, all the more be kind to yourself, get well. Just do your best, hope for the best and no regrets. We will be rooting for you.
I'm going for et this coming Mon.so can I ask if I she bed rest or not? Many articles says bed rest after et is actually bad. Do u bed rest after transfer?
well, i think it's best to have bed rest at least the 1st 3 -4 days. If not, on the very day of ET, it's best to do a good bed rest with super minimal walking.

My doc said that there is no need for bed rest, but hey, just rest lor..
I'm going for et this coming Mon.so can I ask if I she bed rest or not? Many articles says bed rest after et is actually bad. Do u bed rest after transfer?
Hello dear. I didn't have strict bed rest. I tried to take afternoon naps daily and if couldn't sleep, I just lie in bed till usual nap time is up. Otherwise I was a couch potato watching TVs, surf net, do colouring but occasionally walk around water plants, get food or drinks from kitchen, or go for toilet breaks. Don't stand or sit for too long at one go. Should have walk in between to promote blood circulation. On weekend mornings, I would go out for breakfast, go supermarket & walk a while at nearby mall.

All the best for your ET and wish you a good start into 2ww. Jia you!
Hi... I am a 2x ivf mummy... I start of frm kkivf with 1 failed fresh cycle n managed to bfp on my 2nd fet. 3 yrs later I did another natural fet and am due on this sat.... my doc was frm kkivf n I follow her to thomson which is Dr. Loh clinic for all my ivf. I have endo for my case n blk tubes. All ladies who is trying hard.. pls keep an open mind n stay positive as much as u can.... Jia you. .. gambatte!!!
May I ask what is ur degree of endo? I have too but 4 cycles, never strike before
First couple of days I had bed/couch rest. Means not only lying down the whole day but sitting on the couch also. Just relax and watch dramas etc. I didn't want any stress. How many days MC did they give you? I did mine on Friday and just got MC for that day. The next week I took 5 days leave. So I rested about 10 days. :)

I did read articles saying it's bad but I asked my Dr and she said it didn't make any difference. I did take leave because I wanted to be stress-free. During that 10 days I did go out, go shopping, jb etc. Just be happy lor during that time.
Sgh says will give 2 weeks hospi leave, so will rest these 2 weeks. At least it's festive season now, work more toned down. And I also scared colleagues start asking what happened, so at least now got phs, maybe they think I just clearing leave.
@Wanbaby, kissryl, jia you and dun give up! Continue to eat well and prep for the next round! Fighting!!
*Hugs* dear, i feel you. All my 4 failed cycles, each time never less devastating. Cry it out. It is normal to address your emotions but then must also bounce back soon as you must keep yourself well for next try. This is a rough journey, all the more be kind to yourself, get well. Just do your best, hope for the best and no regrets. We will be rooting for you.
*hugs hugs* Cry all you need. After that get up and try again. Don't give up ok! Must believe that your dream will come true one day!

thanks ladies! felt better now..
tough journey for all of us! but no doubt a meaningful one should we bfp one day.
jiayou all.
as for myself, shall fight the battle when i feel better and ready for it. thanks ladies!!
actually they should inculcate BT into the whole medisave package because it's so damn pek cek to get a bad result yet receive the bill for the BT :(
I recall feeling NOT wanting to pay for the previous failed BT :p
even when i got over the bfn, i was still so damn reluctant to pay for the BT. Hahaha...."kan bu kai"
i think im totally like u. haha.
my hub even was saying can dont pay the ivf bill? jokingly of course, trying to cheer me up.
still trying to get over the bfn.. still feel u ladies are courageous to go through all these.
im still undecided for what i should do next.
Hi ladies,

Anyone want leftover gonal F of 150iu? I have some lucrin too! Don't want to waste so giving away. Please pm me if interested!

All the best to everyone here, hope we all fulfill our dream of parenthood soon. :)
actually they should inculcate BT into the whole medisave package because it's so damn pek cek to get a bad result yet receive the bill for the BT :(
I recall feeling NOT wanting to pay for the previous failed BT :p

BT bill I think still OK.
I cry father and mother over the insurance costs
Especially when transferring 3 embryos, can feel heart bleeding also
It will happen! Have faith and be positive. I have severe endo ie. stage 4 and adeno also. In my 6.5years of marriage, I also never strike even once. :-( I did IUI but failed. Then I did IVF with delayed ET ie. FET. And succeeded.
Not only me,my DH have sperm issues... I hope u are right. Grabbing bb dust from you!
Dear sisters, wan to find out, since success rates of FET is higher, is it recommended to do ER, but do FET later on? For me, I always only have 1 or 2 embies.
Dear sisters, wan to find out, since success rates of FET is higher, is it recommended to do ER, but do FET later on? For me, I always only have 1 or 2 embies.

Actually, I read success rate for FET is lower than fresh.
However, I think some ladies fared better with FET becos there are no jabs, lesser meds hence less taxing and stressful on both mind and body.
Dear sisters, wan to find out, since success rates of FET is higher, is it recommended to do ER, but do FET later on? For me, I always only have 1 or 2 embies.
Hi, Personally I think it all zoomed down to the quality of our eggs. If the fertilised embryos have no chromosome issue and able to survive till day 5 blastocyst. Then high chance of implantation of the embryo would take place in our womb.
Dear sisters, wan to find out, since success rates of FET is higher, is it recommended to do ER, but do FET later on? For me, I always only have 1 or 2 embies.
You need to check with your doc cos there is a chance that if you freeze the 1-2 embies, there is a risk that they may not survive the freezing & thawing.
Hi, Personally I think it all zoomed down to the quality of our eggs. If the fertilised embryos have no chromosome issue and able to survive till day 5 blastocyst. Then high chance of implantation of the embryo would take place in our womb.
Agree, in a way, the freezing & thawing process is like shortlisting the strongest embryos for transfer.
Hey girls, do you all do accupuncture? Been doing few weeks at dr zou once a week but dont feel very comfortable when the needles are poke in and with the electric current on....wonder i have to continue...as amk is far for me too.....seeking advise....
Hey girls, do you all do accupuncture? Been doing few weeks at dr zou once a week but dont feel very comfortable when the needles are poke in and with the electric current on....wonder i have to continue...as amk is far for me too.....seeking advise....
i didnt do any as i also think the journey is too far for me..
hi ladies.
been reading the forum. Im going for my first ET next tuesday. Only have 1 embryo. Doc say will see if the embryo can survive the thaw. Got to insert progesterone from sunday, 3 times a day, do we really have to lie down for 1 hour after insertion?
thank you.
Hi... I am a 2x ivf mummy... I start of frm kkivf with 1 failed fresh cycle n managed to bfp on my 2nd fet. 3 yrs later I did another natural fet and am due on this sat.... my doc was frm kkivf n I follow her to thomson which is Dr. Loh clinic for all my ivf. I have endo for my case n blk tubes. All ladies who is trying hard.. pls keep an open mind n stay positive as much as u can.... Jia you. .. gambatte!!!
For pte U don't have to wait. You can consult this month and start the next month. U just need to know when he is away on leave. Dr Loh is a workaholic he usually only take leave end of dec or cny period. I remember I have a briefing on ivf process when I first do at Tfc but I don't know is it because that is my first ivf cycle. Maybe if U have done it before it is not necessary?
I'm going for et this coming Mon.so can I ask if I she bed rest or not? Many articles says bed rest after et is actually bad. Do u bed rest after transfer?
May I ask what is ur degree of endo? I have too but 4 cycles, never strike before

Hi.. not sure my degree of endo. But I rem it can't be totally clear after doing the scope n tube is blk.
jts i had bfn today as well. still crying my heart out. and so, im also amazed by the ladies here and their unfaltering willingness to try again and again.
thanks ladies for sharing and encouraging one another here.
and may all have a bfp soon!

Hey dear. I know it's tough. Hving a bfn I cld very much relate you. But hey cheer up.
I feel better after crying. Dear husband bought me ice cream n teh Tarik all d food I cldnt eat during tww. I'm taking a month break. GOnna njoy festive n new year first. Hey we are doing our part to conceive. All d injections hormone imbalance must have taken toll on us. So let's relax n start d engine again.

You can do it dear. If we wives r down imagine husbands their mood will be down too. So let's help ourselves n our husbands. Let's all jus njoy d year end mood. Go dear hve some fun back into yr life.
I'm supposed to start my Ivf cycle but my menses has not arrived and is overdue by five days. I tested with the hpt but turn negative. Should I go do a blood test? Will kkh entertain me if I just walk in?
Hey dear. I know it's tough. Hving a bfn I cld very much relate you. But hey cheer up.
I feel better after crying. Dear husband bought me ice cream n teh Tarik all d food I cldnt eat during tww. I'm taking a month break. GOnna njoy festive n new year first. Hey we are doing our part to conceive. All d injections hormone imbalance must have taken toll on us. So let's relax n start d engine again.

You can do it dear. If we wives r downas we imagine husbands their mood will be down too. So let's help ourselves n our husbands. Let's all jus njoy d year end mood. Go dear hve some fun back into yr life.

Dearie, many hugs to u!! For the 1st time my hubby break down as we were very confident .. 3 failed ivf n 1 fet...well we cried together n told ourselves we are not giving up... lets brush it aside.. n enjoy the festive mood n look forward to a better 2016!!

Its difficult..esp seeing all the preggies n kids.. but we will push on!! To a great 2016!!
Can I check how many mg folic to take? I currently take 5mg, need increase after the et?
I have checked with my Dr cos i m taking blackmores conceive well in preparation for ivf. She said it's ok to continue with the 5mg folic acid + the conceive well even after ET. But i thonk 5mg of folic acid is sufficient...
Hey dear. I know it's tough. Hving a bfn I cld very much relate you. But hey cheer up.
I feel better after crying. Dear husband bought me ice cream n teh Tarik all d food I cldnt eat during tww. I'm taking a month break. GOnna njoy festive n new year first. Hey we are doing our part to conceive. All d injections hormone imbalance must have taken toll on us. So let's relax n start d engine again.

You can do it dear. If we wives r down imagine husbands their mood will be down too. So let's help ourselves n our husbands. Let's all jus njoy d year end mood. Go dear hve some fun back into yr life.
Dearie, many hugs to u!! For the 1st time my hubby break down as we were very confident .. 3 failed ivf n 1 fet...well we cried together n told ourselves we are not giving up... lets brush it aside.. n enjoy the festive mood n look forward to a better 2016!!

Its difficult..esp seeing all the preggies n kids.. but we will push on!! To a great 2016!!

thanks very much ladies! it's really not easy, just kept wondering if i had not did anything right during the 2ww or isit that i had not eat right. even though mentally prepared, i'd still hope my grade 4 embryo could have sticked on. cause it was a grade 4 embryo..
have promised my hub to move on and fight the battle again. meanwhile, also not giving up trying naturally. and even though i haven't got my best xmas gift this year, hopefully next year when i do it again i'll have it.
it's nice to have here to share our feelings out cause you ladies are the one who truely understand how we are feeling thru all the injections, bfns... and im very thankful for the support and advices!
I'm supposed to start my Ivf cycle but my menses has not arrived and is overdue by five days. I tested with the hpt but turn negative. Should I go do a blood test? Will kkh entertain me if I just walk in?
Maybe you need to call KKIVF and see if they entertain you
hi ladies.
been reading the forum. Im going for my first ET next tuesday. Only have 1 embryo. Doc say will see if the embryo can survive the thaw. Got to insert progesterone from sunday, 3 times a day, do we really have to lie down for 1 hour after insertion?
thank you.
Yup, that is what was instructed to us
Hi all. It's my first time here though have been lurking around on this thread for the past few weeks. :D
Recently starting on my ivf journey at Kkh. However as I am suspected to suffer from OHSS, will be going for FET instead. Kinda disappointed that I can't do fresh but can't be helped I Guess. Hopefully my eggs can survive the thaw.... Such a scary and exciting journey ahead.... Wishing all luck!!
Just to also ask: is there anything that I can do to prepare for FET? Esp in terms of diet like food to take and avoid. Mine should take place around mid Jan as my menses just "reported" yesterday.
Hi all. It's my first time here though have been lurking around on this thread for the past few weeks. :D
Recently starting on my ivf journey at Kkh. However as I am suspected to suffer from OHSS, will be going for FET instead. Kinda disappointed that I can't do fresh but can't be helped I Guess. Hopefully my eggs can survive the thaw.... Such a scary and exciting journey ahead.... Wishing all luck!!
hello! me also same case as you :( you had many follicles too?
today is 3 days after ER already but the lab say that my embryos are still under observation. why it takes so long?
hello! me also same case as you :( you had many follicles too?
today is 3 days after ER already but the lab say that my embryos are still under observation. why it takes so long?

Hi-five @ChasingRainbow!!!
I had PCOS so I had many follicles... did my ER on a Saturday and went back to Monday to do a blood test (I presumed to test for OHSS), met up with doc a while and he then sent the nurse to check with lab and told me I had 19 embryos. Small percentage considering I had 47 in all... :(
How was yours?
wow! 47 eggs! i only have 24 eggs. Did my blood test on Friday (full blood count to make sure I don't have OHSS). Didn't see doc after my blood test. I wonder why my embryos need to be under observation for so long.
wow! 47 eggs! i only have 24 eggs. Did my blood test on Friday (full blood count to make sure I don't have OHSS). Didn't see doc after my blood test. I wonder why my embryos need to be under observation for so long.
wow! 47 eggs! i only have 24 eggs. Did my blood test on Friday (full blood count to make sure I don't have OHSS). Didn't see doc after my blood test. I wonder why my embryos need to be under observation for so long.

So how many were fertilised??
For my case, the embroyologist called me on 11/12 to tell me about the results, that I had total 19. So probably you will be receiving a call soon as well.

I asked her about the grading then she told me. Said I can opt to collect the report from them or they could send by post. I opted for post since I don't have time to make a trip, but have not received it yet.

So how many were fertilised??
For my case, the embroyologist called me on 11/12 to tell me about the results, that I had total 19. So probably you will be receiving a call soon as well.

I asked her about the grading then she told me. Said I can opt to collect the report from them or they could send by post. I opted for post since I don't have time to make a trip, but have not received it yet.
haiz... i still don't know how many fertilized yet.
