IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Pink2015,

Me too not much symptoms, but today when I tried to wake up I was stretching my legs long and I think it stretches also the uterus, I could feel a sharp pain. I just hope my action didn't disturb the implanted embryo. My boobies still hurt but not as much. The frequent urination still continues..

I am actually facing other health issues before pregnancy. My high blood and also high sugar and so now will start on a strict low salt and GI diet. So lots of tests are being ordered for me.

Wishing all of us here a smooth and safe journey towards motherhood

Oh queby. That's tuff on you.
Take this opportunity to have a more healthy diet.

I did the same this morning. Stretch too hard and I felt a sharp pain at the side of the pelvic.
Blur la. Forgot I am suppose to be more gentle. The other day got out of bed too quickly and had similar discomfort.
I hope nothing happen too :(..

Am still feeling more thirsty than usual but not good appetite. Use to eat like a horse as I hv high metabolic but now.. Haizz!

It's good that u are back at work. I kiasu and took long break since this is my last try.
Empty mind make a devil workshop.
Kept worrying at home and am only sleeping for 6-7 hours each day since ET.

Can't help but kept worrying HB ultrasound, Wed Bt..

I prefer to have more symptoms. When it eased, I really get tensed up..

Like yours is nice. Can fall asleep.

Both you girls seems to have strong early pregnancy symptoms.


May I check if it's Dr or Stenographer that carry out HB ultrasound?
Will there be any other test after HB Ultrasound. Weak heart can't handle too many ;)o_O
Pink 2015

To what i know you will do the heartbeat scan and then after that see doc. N she will tell u how things r going..
Oh queby. That's tuff on you.
Take this opportunity to have a more healthy diet.

I did the same this morning. Stretch too hard and I felt a sharp pain at the side of the pelvic.
Blur la. Forgot I am suppose to be more gentle. The other day got out of bed too quickly and had similar discomfort.
I hope nothing happen too :(..

Am still feeling more thirsty than usual but not good appetite. Use to eat like a horse as I hv high metabolic but now.. Haizz!

It's good that u are back at work. I kiasu and took long break since this is my last try.
Empty mind make a devil workshop.
Kept worrying at home and am only sleeping for 6-7 hours each day since ET.

Can't help but kept worrying HB ultrasound, Wed Bt..

I prefer to have more symptoms. When it eased, I really get tensed up..

Like yours is nice. Can fall asleep.

Both you girls seems to have strong early pregnancy symptoms.
My husband actually want me to take long break too!

Actually not much symptoms so sure will worry... And ya, our next 2ww is for the scan!

When at home for past 2 weeks, I can't sleep much too
But back to work, guess mentally drained.

Yes, take the chance to adjust for healthy diet.
Good for you and babies too..
And think positive okay?

May I check if it's Dr or Stenographer that carry out HB ultrasound?
Will there be any other test after HB Ultrasound. Weak heart can't handle too many ;)o_O
For Kkh, it's the sonagrapher, then we will take the scan result and show doc lor...
Coz the scan machine at AMC is clearer
One more thing, any of you experience higher body temperature?

Usually my temp is 36.4-36.6

Past 4 days it has always been abv 37 but less then 37.5

OK or not?
My husband actually want me to take long break too!

Actually not much symptoms so sure will worry... And ya, our next 2ww is for the scan!

When at home for past 2 weeks, I can't sleep much too
But back to work, guess mentally drained.

Yes, take the chance to adjust for healthy diet.
Good for you and babies too..
And think positive okay?

Mine on same day...
Oh great Faith. I will have your company.
Mine at 2pm

CARE is in SGH. I am with Dr Yu.
I had failed twice too. Was previously with Dr.Loh KKH.
I am now 40.
Only 3 eggs pickup and 1 was empty. 14mm cyst were detected during baseline. Dr Yu decided to go ahead with low stimulation as I was turning 40 and will not be eligible for subsidy. I know the team of dr's and nurses have done their best and I am very grateful.

How old are you littlejo? Can try again. Don't be disheartened. The journey is not easy but I have met patients who tried many times more than us.
Are you planning your next cycle at Restructured Hospital too?
There are ladies here BFP with NUH too.
As for me this is my last bet in SG. We were considering Bangkok if things did not go our way. We visited Dr Wiwat from Safe Fertility.
It's very adv there in Bangkok. Many at my age succeeded.
I have PM u
One more thing, any of you experience higher body temperature?

Usually my temp is 36.4-36.6

Past 4 days it has always been abv 37 but less then 37.5

OK or not?
VCE could be good news. :) My last bfp cycle I had temperature ard 37 plus. It's just like basal body temperature where consistent high temperature means positive. Keep your hopes high.. :)
One more thing, any of you experience higher body temperature?

Usually my temp is 36.4-36.6

Past 4 days it has always been abv 37 but less then 37.5

OK or not?

VCE could be good news. :) My last bfp cycle I had temperature ard 37 plus. It's just like basal body temperature where consistent high temperature means positive. Keep your hopes high.. :)
Yea!!! My BBT was hovering between 37.0 to 37.1
Oh!! Darlings.. I really hope for the best.. Thanks for all that hope.. Rest well girls.. It's the weekend!!
Oh queby. That's tuff on you.
Take this opportunity to have a more healthy diet.

I did the same this morning. Stretch too hard and I felt a sharp pain at the side of the pelvic.
Blur la. Forgot I am suppose to be more gentle. The other day got out of bed too quickly and had similar discomfort.
I hope nothing happen too :(..

Am still feeling more thirsty than usual but not good appetite. Use to eat like a horse as I hv high metabolic but now.. Haizz!

It's good that u are back at work. I kiasu and took long break since this is my last try.
Empty mind make a devil workshop.
Kept worrying at home and am only sleeping for 6-7 hours each day since ET.

Can't help but kept worrying HB ultrasound, Wed Bt..

I prefer to have more symptoms. When it eased, I really get tensed up..

Like yours is nice. Can fall asleep.

Both you girls seems to have strong early pregnancy symptoms.
Hi Faith & Pink,
When are you due for your 2nd Beta & Scan? Next wed? Cos mine is only on the 17/6.. No 2nd beta so not sure how it is now..

Also sadly for me, I am actually diabetic prior to conceive.. Only did the glucose test yesterday.. Then cry until ~~ feeling bad for my bb. And hope my high sugar didn't effect bb at all. My diet has to be really strict from now on..
Hi Faith & Pink,
When are you due for your 2nd Beta & Scan? Next wed? Cos mine is only on the 17/6.. No 2nd beta so not sure how it is now..

Also sadly for me, I am actually diabetic prior to conceive.. Only did the glucose test yesterday.. Then cry until ~~ feeling bad for my bb. And hope my high sugar didn't effect bb at all. My diet has to be really strict from now on..
Don't stress yourself too much. Babies can feel the stress
Do manage ur diet from now on.
Refrain from white rice, white bread.

And eat several small meals instead of 3 big meals.

I don't have 2nd beta too. Next scan 17 jun
But just seen Dr Zou. Coz I seems to have some spotting (brown stretchy but don't smell of blood thou. Sorry, TMI)

Now thinking which gynae can and will give me extra hormones jab.

Wonder if Dr Loh will?
I won't want a scan now though.
Too early...
Hi ladies, does anyone here have constant cramps only on one side after ET
Hi Faith & Pink,
When are you due for your 2nd Beta & Scan? Next wed? Cos mine is only on the 17/6.. No 2nd beta so not sure how it is now..

Also sadly for me, I am actually diabetic prior to conceive.. Only did the glucose test yesterday.. Then cry until ~~ feeling bad for my bb. And hope my high sugar didn't effect bb at all. My diet has to be really strict from now on..

Hi queby,
Don't worry too much. I am sure your doctor will guide you along.
Agree with Fainth. Don't take too much Carbo, eat more protein rich food, fruits and vegetables.

My appetite and sleep have not been good.
Trying to see how I can try eating more. Always feeling full since BT.

Yes my next Beta will be this Wednesday, next & the following Wednesday..
Don't stress yourself too much. Babies can feel the stress
Do manage ur diet from now on.
Refrain from white rice, white bread.

And eat several small meals instead of 3 big meals.

I don't have 2nd beta too. Next scan 17 jun
But just seen Dr Zou. Coz I seems to have some spotting (brown stretchy but don't smell of blood thou. Sorry, TMI)

Now thinking which gynae can and will give me extra hormones jab.

Wonder if Dr Loh will?
I won't want a scan now though.
Too early...


Will you be able to get it from your current gynae?
My friend expecting twins had this symptom from day 1 till birth and KK gave her jabs and increase oral support.
Has it been more than 3 days?

Will you be able to get it from your current gynae?
My friend expecting twins had this symptom from day 1 till birth and KK gave her jabs and increase oral support.
Has it been more than 3 days?
I'm now at Kkh O&G, waiting to see and get jab...

Today seems Abit more.. Later see what the doc says...
Faith and queby,

Do you all have morning sickness?
I feel more sick usually in the evening if I were to walk or stand. If I lie down ok.
Brest won't be so painful in the morning but in the evening it will become very sore.
Pulling sensation once a while but not frequent.
Faith and queby,

Do you all have morning sickness?
I feel more sick usually in the evening if I were to walk or stand. If I lie down ok.
Brest won't be so painful in the morning but in the evening it will become very sore.
Pulling sensation once a while but not frequent.
Yes for me this morning I just wueh for awhile when I smell perfume, I play safe now by breathing thru my mouth.. I was wuehing in the morning at nuh women's clinic so Paiseh..

the nips are erected like Hershey's kisses. Not so sore already. Only very rarely cAn I feel the shooting pain now. The nurse say it is ok not to feel any symptoms cos just 4weeks. Ask me don't say too early we may kena jialat jialat in 6-7 weeks

I also don't eat a lot which is absolutely rare for me. I cAnt finish the salmon at ikea. And btw I started to wash my food with water when I eat out. I washed Yong tau foo soup. This is bizarre.
Hi ladies,

Can any kind soul share what short protocol is like at kk? Like when does jab start, which day to scan, and agar agar when will ER be? Need to plan leave, though just started new job :( i guess there's no perfect timing except god's timing. Thanks in advance!
Yes for me this morning I just wueh for awhile when I smell perfume, I play safe now by breathing thru my mouth.. I was wuehing in the morning at nuh women's clinic so Paiseh..

the nips are erected like Hershey's kisses. Not so sore already. Only very rarely cAn I feel the shooting pain now.

I also don't eat a lot which is absolutely rare for me. I cAnt finish the salmon at ikea. And btw I started to wash my food with water when I eat out. I washed Yong tau foo soup. This is bizarre.
Queby your symptoms are quite strong. I thinks it's good. For me not so. Hence I tend to get worry if all are still well.
I don't feel anything growing or moving. Like very empty. Scary!!

Nips only erected in evening. Morning not so.
Like flattered overnight.
Wash Yong Tau Foo..I only feel food are all saltish but have yet to wash. Good idea!

I only feel like throwing out because of smell once yesterday. It was nothing just water vapor from ground after rain with hot sun. Just smell very awful. Aside to that just very sensitive to smell. I don't use to smell anything but now everything..

Each day can only sleep max 6 hours and can't stay asleep

Queby, why are u in the hospital today? It's Saturday leh
Good you are there. I think their emergency + O&G are quite pro. Probably need to increase support as our hormone fluctuates..
Going do another BT to check if hcg increases
And from there might do another more detailed scanning

Doc say no need jab coz don't have bleeding wor.
Going do another BT to check if hcg increases
And from there might do another more detailed scanning

Doc say no need jab coz don't have bleeding wor.

Oh good. They are monitoring closely.
I think during BT for hcg that will also check progesterone and e2. Than can see if more support is needed.

Hope you feel more relieved now..

I think my friend with twins was bleeding not spotting. Twins girl & boy very healthy and cute now. Wasn't easy for her. She frequent a&he so often. Cause heavy bleeding.
Queby your symptoms are quite strong. I thinks it's good. For me not so. Hence I tend to get worry if all are still well.
I don't feel anything growing or moving. Like very empty. Scary!!

Nips only erected in evening. Morning not so.
Like flattered overnight.
Wash Yong Tau Foo..I only feel food are all saltish but have yet to wash. Good idea!

I only feel like throwing out because of smell once yesterday. It was nothing just water vapor from ground after rain with hot sun. Just smell very awful. Aside to that just very sensitive to smell. I don't use to smell anything but now everything..

Each day can only sleep max 6 hours and can't stay asleep

Queby, why are u in the hospital today? It's Saturday leh
I was asked to go every wed and Saturday for the oil jab at buttock leh.. You all don't need? Maybe different protocol
I was asked to go every wed and Saturday for the oil jab at buttock leh.. You all don't need? Maybe different protocol

So good ah.
I remember VCE mentioning she have seen patient with multiple returning to CARE every 3 days for injection too.

Not for me. Only standard 3 times Duphaston ever since ER. They gave me another months supply. I ask TCM at Raffles, she say this is western "An Tai" Med :p
Well ladies, wait till your HB scan.. Singleton it will abit easy on you but if you are carrying multiples i have seen the amount of trips ladies pregnant with multiples have made to CARE.
Medication collections
Hi ladies,

Can any kind soul share what short protocol is like at kk? Like when does jab start, which day to scan, and agar agar when will ER be? Need to plan leave, though just started new job :( i guess there's no perfect timing except god's timing. Thanks in advance!


Short protocol is about 8-12 days of jabbing depending on how fast your follicles respond to the med. Alternate days morning 7.30am must go for scan though scan only starts at 8am. Long queue. Go late n u have to wait very long.

Then will be your trigger jab. In KK you have to go to O&G whichever time the nurse state even can be midnight to get ur trigger jab

About 36-48 hours later will be your ER.

In KK you will be given 19 days HPL (hospitalisation leave) right after your ER until your Beta test.

Hope this info helps.. Do let me know if you need to know anything further.
Faith and queby,

Do you all have morning sickness?
I feel more sick usually in the evening if I were to walk or stand. If I lie down ok.
Brest won't be so painful in the morning but in the evening it will become very sore.
Pulling sensation once a while but not frequent.
Don't have morning sickness yet...
But feeling light-headed these days.

Dr Zou say good and important to take red meat to 补血.
Also to take longan red dates drink daily
Then once or twice a week to take red bean soup too...
Don't have morning sickness yet...
But feeling light-headed these days.

Dr Zou say good and important to take red meat to 补血.
Also to take longan red dates drink daily
Then once or twice a week to take red bean soup too...
My 2nd beta back... Phew... Looks fine

Waiting to do a scan using better machine to check and ensure all is okay.

Really diff hospitals diff protocols for support

Kkh is duphaston twice a day, other than folic acid..

Awesome HCG Faith:oops:..
You doing scan today?
Are you taking Chinese Herbs from Dr.Zou

Short protocol is about 8-12 days of jabbing depending on how fast your follicles respond to the med. Alternate days morning 7.30am must go for scan though scan only starts at 8am. Long queue. Go late n u have to wait very long.

Thank u so much!
Then will be your trigger jab. In KK you have to go to O&G whichever time the nurse state even can be midnight to get ur trigger jab

About 36-48 hours later will be your ER.

In KK you will be given 19 days HPL (hospitalisation leave) right after your ER until your Beta test.

Hope this info helps.. Do let me know if you need to know anything further.
Awesome HCG Faith:oops:..
You doing scan today?
Are you taking Chinese Herbs from Dr.Zou

Yup. She prescribe me some to help to hold and have more "qi" since she say my beta quite high.

Had a detailed scan to ensure the babies are not outside of womb (as they can't scan anything at O&G)

Though they scanned and see that tubes and outside of womb don't have anything, but they can't confirm yet since they feel my hcg is high so Shld be able to see clear sacs, but they only see 2 not so clear de.
(I feel hcg high because there's two ma. But as I'm only week4-5 so usually can't see so clearly?)

So they ask me to go back for another beta on Monday to ensure got doubled to rule out etopic.

But I don't feel like going back as somehow feel it is not conducive too.

What do you ladies think?

If you don't go, any small pain or cramp later you will wonder if you are suffering from an ectopic and slowly fear will set in. Go and get it cleared then at least you hv peace of mind waiting for the heartbeat scan.
No more. Only once last night. Got dizzy spell. Dunno izzit the side effect of progesterone insert? :(
Hi twinkletot, im sure it will be good news. =) Gambatte!!

As for me, i'm in my 5th day. It sure is a long wait!! Getting cramps now here and there. Is that normal for you gals?
Juz curious.. I'm goin for my ivf counselling dis coming Wednesday . Dr Yu said earliest appointment to do ivf is somewhrv in August. Do I need to come to hospital often for the ivf procedure.. Anyone can share? At least I am prepare ... So tat I can save my leave.
Hi All:

Just went through 1 fresh, 2 FET, experience one chemical pregnancy, one BFP but baby heartbeat stopped at week 9, just had a failed cycle of FET. Felt really disappointed and upset , physically and mentally drained. The IVF journey is really not easy and I am 42 this year, time is not on my side and I really hope to get another BFP soon. Will press on...and hope that God's fulfillment will come.
Yup. She prescribe me some to help to hold and have more "qi" since she say my beta quite high.

Had a detailed scan to ensure the babies are not outside of womb (as they can't scan anything at O&G)

Though they scanned and see that tubes and outside of womb don't have anything, but they can't confirm yet since they feel my hcg is high so Shld be able to see clear sacs, but they only see 2 not so clear de.
(I feel hcg high because there's two ma. But as I'm only week4-5 so usually can't see so clearly?)

So they ask me to go back for another beta on Monday to ensure got doubled to rule out etopic.

But I don't feel like going back as somehow feel it is not conducive too.

What do you ladies think?

Agree with the ladies that u shld go so at least u'll have peace of mind and won't be
wondering abt it.
Hi All:

Just went through 1 fresh, 2 FET, experience one chemical pregnancy, one BFP but baby heartbeat stopped at week 9, just had a failed cycle of FET. Felt really disappointed and upset , physically and mentally drained. The IVF journey is really not easy and I am 42 this year, time is not on my side and I really hope to get another BFP soon. Will press on...and hope that God's fulfillment will coome.

*hugz* keep praying and trying.. there are many ladies who BFP in their forties too so with Him all things r possible.

I had 5 iui - 1 mc at week 8, my edd shld be ard end of this mth if I din mc.. my best fren is giving birth ard the same time and I jus learnt that 2 of my frens r preggy...

Let's all jiayou together
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Yup. She prescribe me some to help to hold and have more "qi" since she say my beta quite high.

Had a detailed scan to ensure the babies are not outside of womb (as they can't scan anything at O&G)

Though they scanned and see that tubes and outside of womb don't have anything, but they can't confirm yet since they feel my hcg is high so Shld be able to see clear sacs, but they only see 2 not so clear de.
(I feel hcg high because there's two ma. But as I'm only week4-5 so usually can't see so clearly?)

So they ask me to go back for another beta on Monday to ensure got doubled to rule out etopic.

But I don't feel like going back as somehow feel it is not conducive too.

What do you ladies think?
I felt you should go. It will ease a lot of uncertainties and anxiety as HB Ultrasound is still a long wait.

Jia you Faith & queby let's do it together. Yours on Monday and mine on Wednesday :mad:;)
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Hi All:

Just went through 1 fresh, 2 FET, experience one chemical pregnancy, one BFP but baby heartbeat stopped at week 9, just had a failed cycle of FET. Felt really disappointed and upset , physically and mentally drained. The IVF journey is really not easy and I am 42 this year, time is not on my side and I really hope to get another BFP soon. Will press on...and hope that God's fulfillment will come.

I know how you feel angle joy.
Have faith! All will be well:)
My thoughts are with you..

I have been having cramps for so many days. Spotting start on Saturday. So I suspect the progesterone insert is delaying my menses. Finally I master the courage to poas this morning. Unfortunately, I do not have any babydust to spread. I will stop progesterone today. It is indeed devastating for me. Time will heal.

@VCE gd luck to u tml. Me no hope liao.
@Feenix all the best. Cramping is normal.
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