IVF/ICSI Support Group

I can only recommend TSB in Chinatown as I've been seeing her almost through out my IVF journey.

If you feel better (e.g. less tired) and your menses are more well regulated after taking a TCM doc's herbs, he/she is probably good for you so you can stick with them longer.

TSB was previously from T***g C**i Clinic right? That was where I spent my 1st 1.5 yrs but with another sinseh. Same clinic so I guess herbs & outcome should b same also bah?

My cycle regular all along.
2yrs+ on TCM, my LH still surge early & BBT still low. So far only western meds can suppress my surge.

I'm willing to try accup.. But no longer trust that herbs work for me.

TSB was previously from T***g C**i Clinic right? That was where I spent my 1st 1.5 yrs but with another sinseh. Same clinic so I guess herbs & outcome should b same also bah?

My cycle regular all along.
2yrs+ on TCM, my LH still surge early & BBT still low. So far only western meds can suppress my surge.

I'm willing to try accup.. But no longer trust that herbs work for me.

I will think, a clinic provides all the medicine, but when the medicine falls into different hands, the effectiveness is different.

Acupuncture is good. I had pre-menstrual cramp two weeks before my menses, after my first acupuncture, the cramp disappeared for a few days, and now it's back. It's a sign that I need to go for my second acupuncture. The TCM doctor recommends I do acupuncture twice a week. It's time I should go back to see him, he's off duty today, I shall visit the doctor tomorrow. I am doing acupuncture and drinking chinese herbs. You don't skip your herbs. You should do both together. I won't say 100% guarantee, I'm a newbie, haven't go through many journeys like all the mummy here. If this does not work, try other methods, if not "hei sio" every day until you strike. Hehe!
TSB was previously from T***g C**i Clinic right? That was where I spent my 1st 1.5 yrs but with another sinseh. Same clinic so I guess herbs & outcome should b same also bah?

My cycle regular all along.
2yrs+ on TCM, my LH still surge early & BBT still low. So far only western meds can suppress my surge.

I'm willing to try accup.. But no longer trust that herbs work for me.

Yes, she was formerly from there. But no no, I do not believe that the same clinic will give the same herbs and outcome. Because the herbs are prescribed by the individual sinseh alone, so they can turn out different. To give a real-life example, I went to Tong Zhi for herbs to manage my fibromyalgia (chronic pain). The first sinseh gave herbs that were not helpful, so I went back to see another sinseh in the same clinic, her herbs were different but much better for me - I could literally feel the difference in effectiveness in the herbs prescribed by the two sinsehs, though both were from the same clinic. Also, TSB became famous as an infertility specialist while she was still at Tong Zhi, if the herbs and outcome were the same in each clinic regardless of the sinseh, then it would have been Tong Zhi the clinic instead of TSB the doctor that became famous, right?

Don't lose trust in herbs yet. If you don't want to depend on herbs alone, you can try acupuncture alongside herbs. Many ladies here recommend Dr. Zou at AMK for acupuncture.
Yes, she was formerly from there. But no no, I do not believe that the same clinic will give the same herbs and outcome. Because the herbs are prescribed by the individual sinseh alone, so they can turn out different. To give a real-life example, I went to Tong Zhi for herbs to manage my fibromyalgia (chronic pain). The first sinseh gave herbs that were not helpful, so I went back to see another sinseh in the same clinic, her herbs were different but much better for me - I could literally feel the difference in effectiveness in the herbs prescribed by the two sinsehs, though both were from the same clinic. Also, TSB became famous as an infertility specialist while she was still at Tong Zhi, if the herbs and outcome were the same in each clinic regardless of the sinseh, then it would have been Tong Zhi the clinic instead of TSB the doctor that became famous, right?

Don't lose trust in herbs yet. If you don't want to depend on herbs alone, you can try acupuncture alongside herbs. Many ladies here recommend Dr. Zou at AMK for acupuncture.
Hi remember rainbow during my ivf i did go for accupuncture at dr zou yu min. I believe its help.
hi all,
i am new to this thread. i got my BFP on 24th nov from IVF from transferring two 5 day blastocyst on 10th nov.
HCG 24/11 - 232
HCG 26/11 - 477
HCG 30/11 - 3900

i have minor spotting on sunday late night with pink discharge, so i went to kk 24 hr O&G, after a vagina u/s, the doctor on duty say she saw a water bag, however, as it is still very early as i am only 5 weeks pregnant. however on monday, i started to have some fresh red bleeding, it was very little. i immediately went to see dr loh on monday. he gave me proluton jab and up my duphaston and told me to rest more. its been 2 days now, although there is no more fresh red bleeding,but i am still having brown discharge. it comes on and off, and now it seems like it is getting more. i am very worried. can somebody please advise??

Hi dear, ur hcg levels are doubling up very nicely. Don't fret too much abt only seeing a waterbag at this point. As u hv mentioned, it's very early. All the best ya.
Hi remember rainbow during my ivf i did go for accupuncture at dr zou yu min. I believe its help.

Hmmm ok now I've a silly qn to ask..

Since for implantation failure, egg quality is biggest suspect, does it mean that I do accup now for next FET is no use? Cos my frosties are from the same "batch" & they are lower grade than my already transferred ones?

This contradicts people's claim that FET may sometimes work better than fresh.
Old aunty, why u call yourself old aunty. Coco Chanel said "Age is irrelevant. You can be ravishingly beautiful in twenty, charming at 40 and irresistible for the rest of your life" Hee Hee :p
hahaha jumbo girl, i called myself old aunty for fun la. afterall i guess i am indeed the oldest in this forum .sad to say, age is relevant, esp for ivf. but i am still ravishingly beautiful, charming and irresistable hahahah...jus joking hee hee
Dunno y my profile says 44, I don't rem keying in birthdate, dunno how to edit my profile.

I didn't juz kick caffeine. I stopped eating a LONG list of stuff which my sinseh advised against (1 of it is chicken!!!). Been eating mainly soupy stuff, no fried..

Hubby got fed up coz I became v fussy w food, say I "torture" myself like that how to b happy in life. But I don't c it as torture, I c it as loving sacrifice for my future bb.

There's only so much diet can do la. I think it's just my genes, TCM didn't change a thing in me. I'm a perfect eg of a guai-guai-follow-textbook gal but still nothing after 3 yrs.
wow remember rainbow, i think no need too extreme yo, be kind to yourself , eat nutritional food and no need sacrifice so many things unless scientifically proven.you are still young, do not be too hard on yourself oki
I scan during 1st visit D1 (thats day 2 of my menses) and now D7 my first scan. Lining 6mm only a bit low right? Follicles various sizes from 7mm to 13.5mm.

Anyone same cycle as me? I'm on short protocol. I estimate myself my ER to be around next Thur/ Fri, ET on Sat-Mon.

Labbit : With Doc Sad
Mine is doc THH. But doc sadhana did my ET as doc TTh
Wah... this type of procedure still got mock test? Serious?

Haha think he worried the procedure not smooth on the actual ET. My condition is endometriosis something I think.
I totally agree with you that good diet can make us healthier to conceive but there is no guarantee. My friend nagged me for years and years to drink lots of red tea coz she believed her sis conceived on red tea. Very sian to hear. Even now I don't think red tea would have solved my complicated fertility problems.
Archie7, red tea is good? got caffeine wor
My stomach starts to cramp pretty badly today. I think my menses is coming soon. That means gonna book HSG appointment and go for second blood test. (Face turns green)
labbitzz may i ask how was your mock et done? so interesting

Sure sure, comparing to mock ET and actual ET. Minus all the injection or ER that don't have.
I need to call kkiv first day of menses and they will schedule the mock ET.
From there same, I need to fast after midnight and only drink water. The day need to have full bladder too. Change into their outfit etc. Doc really poke u etc.
The only difference is timing.. Maybe because it's a mock ET, I waited for more than 1.5 hrs before my turn.. Hold my bladder till almost cannot make it.
We always joke can I have my refund back (mock ET cost me cash $600+) since Doc THH is not the person who did my actual ET after all haha
Sure sure, comparing to mock ET and actual ET. Minus all the injection or ER that don't have.
I need to call kkiv first day of menses and they will schedule the mock ET.
From there same, I need to fast after midnight and only drink water. The day need to have full bladder too. Change into their outfit etc. Doc really poke u etc.
The only difference is timing.. Maybe because it's a mock ET, I waited for more than 1.5 hrs before my turn.. Hold my bladder till almost cannot make it.
We always joke can I have my refund back (mock ET cost me cash $600+) since Doc THH is not the person who did my actual ET after all haha
is it neccessary to pay this much jus to hav a feel how et is like? did your dr tell u y did he recommend this to u ?
Hmmm ok now I've a silly qn to ask..

Since for implantation failure, egg quality is biggest suspect, does it mean that I do accup now for next FET is no use? Cos my frosties are from the same "batch" & they are lower grade than my already transferred ones?

This contradicts people's claim that FET may sometimes work better than fresh.

Egg quality is a possible cause for implantation failure, but quality of womb is a possible cause too. I don't think we can say for sure which is the bigger cause. TCM is very good at nurturing womb quality.

Not all doctors agree that FET has better success than fresh, like my gynae. She believes that the embryo grade is a bigger determinant of success than the procedure.
Archie7, red tea is good? got caffeine wor

Exactly! That is why I say that the "things" that people believe can make them conceive easily but without scientific basis can contradict each other sharply, so we end up with nothing but confusion. Anyway, I did not follow my friend's recommendation to drink red tea coz I thought it was silly and what worked for her sister may not work for me, simply coz her sister and I are not clones of each other!
is it neccessary to pay this much jus to hav a feel how et is like? did your dr tell u y did he recommend this to u ?

During consultation or ivf briefing In Sept I wasn't told. Only when I called back after the briefing to clear other doubts then nurse told me doc indicated In my file I need to have mock ET. I always knew my case abit complicated so I didn't ask much just go with it since just nice we schedule ivf in nov that time. So I just go along in oct for the mock.

Anyway I also not much time already, comes next year I don't have government subsidise already :p
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Hmmm ok now I've a silly qn to ask..

Since for implantation failure, egg quality is biggest suspect, does it mean that I do accup now for next FET is no use? Cos my frosties are from the same "batch" & they are lower grade than my already transferred ones?

This contradicts people's claim that FET may sometimes work better than fresh.

Every embryo is different. Acu can help with blood circulation so is still useful.
Sure sure, comparing to mock ET and actual ET. Minus all the injection or ER that don't have.
I need to call kkiv first day of menses and they will schedule the mock ET.
From there same, I need to fast after midnight and only drink water. The day need to have full bladder too. Change into their outfit etc. Doc really poke u etc.
The only difference is timing.. Maybe because it's a mock ET, I waited for more than 1.5 hrs before my turn.. Hold my bladder till almost cannot make it.
We always joke can I have my refund back (mock ET cost me cash $600+) since Doc THH is not the person who did my actual ET after all haha

I was so bloated after ER, so during ET I couldn't feel my bladder at all..
Kept drinking & drinking (>2 bottles) then apologized to Dr that my bladder not full.
Then the asst Dr do u/s & everyone shocked "But your bladder is bursting already!"

Btw NUH dun allow hubbies in during ER & ET cos it's in a operating theater. I was so sad hubby cannot witness that special moment.
Hmmm ok now I've a silly qn to ask..

Since for implantation failure, egg quality is biggest suspect, does it mean that I do accup now for next FET is no use? Cos my frosties are from the same "batch" & they are lower grade than my already transferred ones?

This contradicts people's claim that FET may sometimes work better than fresh.
It maybe womb other than embryo quality for implantation. Fet has lesser artificial hormones interference n you are rested from er recovery. ,hence some doc believe that it has a better chance.
But i guess at e end of e day, maybi its luck that warrants a bfp or bfn
My best embryos were kept for fet. I didn't do the transfer immediately after egg retrieval. I waited for 2 cycles before putting in 2 day-5 grade AA. It gave me time to flush out the hormones from the jabs. So far so good.
I was so bloated after ER, so during ET I couldn't feel my bladder at all..
Kept drinking & drinking (>2 bottles) then apologized to Dr that my bladder not full.
Then the asst Dr do u/s & everyone shocked "But your bladder is bursting already!"

Btw NUH dun allow hubbies in during ER & ET cos it's in a operating theater. I was so sad hubby cannot witness that special moment.

Ohh, kk hosp allows hubbies to be in during ET.
Hmmm ok now I've a silly qn to ask..

Since for implantation failure, egg quality is biggest suspect, does it mean that I do accup now for next FET is no use? Cos my frosties are from the same "batch" & they are lower grade than my already transferred ones?

This contradicts people's claim that FET may sometimes work better than fresh.
I think the answer is no one knows. each eastern and western doctor will prob have their own opinion.

But to me, the success is dependent embryo, womb, as well as doctor's skill, and tons of luck and faith.

And if your embbie made it to freeze, they cant be that bad.

I find many doctors tjese days tell patients who fail re why ivf failed - the answer is always embryo quality not good, rather than just saying "oh, bad luck" coz i guess after taking so much money they feel like the need some scientific sounding answer. They prob dont realise how devastating these words are to an IVFers' hope. Yes, the embryo didn't implant but do the doctors REALLY know what happened? My bet is no. So unless you hv clear evidence of poor quality embbies (more common ones are poor cleaving after fertilising, grainy, black spots, or v irregular looking embbie, recently i heard the term "watery" texture!), sometimes it just didnt happen because of luck.

Don't give up. Every chance is a fighting chance.
I have a frozen embryo with 8 cells..may I know what is the quality of this embryo? I transferred one 8 cells embryo and one 10 cells embryo during 3rd day transfer..but both did not make it.embryologist told me both are nice embryos but I duno why both did not make it..
alot of chromosomal problems naked eyes cannot see . mine was 5 day blastocysts , failed .dr said most likely chromosomal abnormalities . she added that they are fighting to get approval from MOE to do chromosome test before ET. till then , the success rate of IVF in singapore wil be higher . well, by then most likely i am above 45 liao hahah
Hmmm ok now I've a silly qn to ask..

Since for implantation failure, egg quality is biggest suspect, does it mean that I do accup now for next FET is no use? Cos my frosties are from the same "batch" & they are lower grade than my already transferred ones?

This contradicts people's claim that FET may sometimes work better than fresh.

I agree with you... All my frosties are same batch so if failed once, should I try again thaw cycle ?
I have a frozen embryo with 8 cells..may I know what is the quality of this embryo? I transferred one 8 cells embryo and one 10 cells embryo during 3rd day transfer..but both did not make it.embryologist told me both are nice embryos but I duno why both did not make it..

NUH grades them:

Good = gd no. of nice-looking cells with no frag
Satisfactory = got some frag
Slow = few cells and/or very frag

I had 1 that was "slow" (4cell) on day3 morning. But when frozen in that same afternoon, it caught up with the rest & became "satisfactory"!
Sincere clinic allows e husband to witness e event of er n et by seeing e real time in action on somethg like ultrasound on a tv :)
yup, SGH also. there is a monitr that shows the embryos in the lab of anothr room, then u see the embryologist rushing to the operating theatre , pass the embryos to the dr and from anotr monitr u get to see it being placed into the uterus. after that the dr wil tell u- see, the white dot? that is the embryo in your uterus now. but seriously, i couldnt really see. didnt knw whc white dot was she referring to hahaha
I agree with you... All my frosties are same batch so if failed once, should I try again thaw cycle ?
That's my fear but I refuse to believe it's true.
Coz if this is true, doctors would have immediately thrown away all the rest from the failed batch instead of freezing them. Got logic?
I agree with you... All my frosties are same batch so if failed once, should I try again thaw cycle ?
i guess even they are from the same batch doesnt mean they are of same grade. some could be bettr but are not being choosen as the embryologist choose only those that look the best with their naked eye. the bettr looking ones may have chromosomal abnormalities , but the rest could be bettr? and when they stimulate us wif injections, all eggs grow differently also.some fatter than the rest, some slow in growth, slowly catch up etc. and when each sperm is being injected into the eggs to get an embryo, each sperm may not be of same quality ba? these are my own explanation , dunno makes sense or not hee
I agree with you... All my frosties are same batch so if failed once, should I try again thaw cycle ?
That's my fear but I refuse to believe it's true.
Coz if this is true, doctors would have immediately thrown away all the rest from the failed batch instead of freezing them. Got logic?
yup, SGH also. there is a monitr that shows the embryos in the lab of anothr room, then u see the embryologist rushing to the operating theatre , pass the embryos to the dr and from anotr monitr u get to see it being placed into the uterus. after that the dr wil tell u- see, the white dot? that is the embryo in your uterus now. but seriously, i couldnt really see. didnt knw whc white dot was she referring to hahaha
Me 2! Lol. That time i dunno which 2 dots e nurse is talking abt :) my husband lagi worse,he sits alone in e room dunno wat is that n there is no narration. Lol. But i personally think its nice to be able to let husband witness e thg live via a tv :)
I think the answer is no one knows. each eastern and western doctor will prob have their own opinion.

But to me, the success is dependent embryo, womb, as well as doctor's skill, and tons of luck and faith.

And if your embbie made it to freeze, they cant be that bad.

I find many doctors tjese days tell patients who fail re why ivf failed - the answer is always embryo quality not good, rather than just saying "oh, bad luck" coz i guess after taking so much money they feel like the need some scientific sounding answer. They prob dont realise how devastating these words are to an IVFers' hope. Yes, the embryo didn't implant but do the doctors REALLY know what happened? My bet is no. So unless you hv clear evidence of poor quality embbies (more common ones are poor cleaving after fertilising, grainy, black spots, or v irregular looking embbie, recently i heard the term "watery" texture!), sometimes it just didnt happen because of luck.

Don't give up. Every chance is a fighting chance.

I like the term watery!!!
Me 2! Lol. That time i dunno which 2 dots e nurse is talking abt :) my husband lagi worse,he sits alone in e room dunno wat is that n there is no narration. Lol. But i personally think its nice to be able to let husband witness e thg live via a tv :)[/QUO
ya , it was an eye opener for my hubby . he seemed fascinated and happy, so i think he was having fun during my ER and ET while i was sufferring hahha..
hi all!

thank you for your kind encouragement, you girls make me feel better, though the brown discharge is still there, i think there is really nothing much i can do at this point, i guess whats meant to be will be..

i really salute everyone here! all are so brave and so positive:):)jiayou everyone!!

hi all!

thank you for your kind encouragement, you girls make me feel better, though the brown discharge is still there, i think there is really nothing much i can do at this point, i guess whats meant to be will be..

i really salute everyone here! all are so brave and so positive:):)jiayou everyone!!
