IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks Ttc.
I remember reading somewhere that we can't get it in Spore, not sure if I've remembered correctly... if Dr Loh says to buy from iherb.com, then I think it's really not sold in spore. Wondering why...

Ya. Dr Loh told me it's not sold in sg
N he told me there will be side effects like pimple outbreak
So omg. Haha
It is not sold in spore except kkh. Kkh dr will prescribe to patient with low AMH on case by case. U cannot buy from off the shelf which is why dr Loh suggest order online from iherbs.
U can go to shi ma Lu to pray first then u ask the stores outside (selling flowers etc) where is zsnn...they will point to u the direction. It's on 2nd floor facing the temple. There will b a few aunties sitting nearby. U tell them u wana pray to zsnn, they will bring u there n help u pray.

Thank you.
I have a stupid question to ask.... will drinking a lot of warm water affect stim jabs? I have been drinking a min. of 3 litres of warm water a day because office super cold like freezer. will too much warm water so call wash away or dilute the stim jabs?

No it won't. Don't worry.
Quickly go test. if positive, rush down to kkh tell them and ask for support jab on the spot.
Thanks. I will go. I called kkivf and they said it's too soon to test and nurse ask me to observe until Friday. Hpt showed negative last night but this morning appears positive. Too much exposure can change results?
Thanks. I will go. I called kkivf and they said it's too soon to test and nurse ask me to observe until Friday. Hpt showed negative last night but this morning appears positive. Too much exposure can change results?

It means positive
Tell the nurse it is positive and they will attend you
those of you who did stim jabs, do you all feel bloated? are we supposed to feel bloated during the stim jabs period? if no feeling of bloatedness, means not many eggs inside me?
those of you who did stim jabs, do you all feel bloated? are we supposed to feel bloated during the stim jabs period? if no feeling of bloatedness, means not many eggs inside me?
I do not have any discomfort during the stim period other than slight bloatedness. But I account that to e hardboiled eggs. When are you going for the ultrascan? Don't worry abt the number of eggs. Your doc will adjust the dosage base on your reaction to the med.
Yeah I called liao. Continue monitor until Friday at least.
This is my suggestion...

Take the hpt again today. And a few times too. Those cheapos frpm watson/guardian work just fine if you don't hv internet cheapie. And dun think it's too expensive. What is $13 for 2 sticks compared to doing fresh/fet again if it's really a positive.

The instructions usually ask you to discard results after 10min but if v v low positive sometime the hint of a 2nd line only turns up after the 10min (usually means v v low but there is hcg). Some sisters wld disagree with me but for me as an IVFer even if there's 1% chance i will fight on, so fight on!

Not sure which brand you used and there has always these talk abt false postives and evap lines but i never had despite using internet cheapies, watson cheapies, clear blue.

If you see even a hint of positive, call KKIVF and ask for support. If not, alternative is go to a private and try to request for BT and support. It could be nothing but what if this made a difference, right?

Good luck, dear
those of you who did stim jabs, do you all feel bloated? are we supposed to feel bloated during the stim jabs period? if no feeling of bloatedness, means not many eggs inside me?
Some Bloating is normal but not necessarily will bloat. Try to drink more water to flush out the meds, and up your proteins (egg whites easiest). And no, doesnt mean not bloating equals no eggs.
I do not have any discomfort during the stim period other than slight bloatedness. But I account that to e hardboiled eggs. When are you going for the ultrascan? Don't worry abt the number of eggs. Your doc will adjust the dosage base on your reaction to the med.

the ivf centre nurse asked me to eat 1 or 2 fully cooked egg white a day. I am going for the scan this sat. I recently did a blood test and it shows I have low reserve egg so im worried also. im not very old nor very young.. im 33 this year.
Some Bloating is normal but not necessarily will bloat. Try to drink more water to flush out the meds, and up your proteins (egg whites easiest). And no, doesnt mean not bloating equals no eggs.

the ivf nurse told me to eat 2 fully cooked egg whites a day. I have been drinking 3 litres of water everyday...
@pigletlyn continue your daily routine of egg whites and water. No harm drinking more water. Good luck to your scan on sat. No need to worry too much. Remember to stay stress free.
Are you drinking too much water causing you to be bloated? Hehehe listen to your body ya. Don't force if it doesnt feel right.

Anyway even if bloat also for max 2 weeks till ER (until you BFP then you bloat for another 36 weeks :p)
Are you drinking too much water causing you to be bloated? Hehehe listen to your body ya. Don't force if it doesnt feel right.

Anyway even if bloat also for max 2 weeks till ER (until you BFP then you bloat for another 36 weeks :p)

haha... i do feel bloated after food and lots of water... but i don't feel the stim jabs bloatedness. haha... mind and body doesn't communicate well so don't know is what kind of bloatedness i have.
KKIVF called me yesterday and told me that my appointment for briefing will be in Jan and most possibly procedure will be in Feb and if it happens to fall during CNY then will have to change it to Mar. So disappointed. Just wondering have anyone ever try calling them and ask them for an earlier date so that the procedure can be done in Jan? Am thinking of calling them but wondering what are the chances. Pls advice.
Hi everyone. I just join the forum today. I have been reading up about conceiving and various methods. Me and my hb are trying for a baby for 3 years, but till today, no good news. We have decided to go for IVF treatment, hoping to have a baby soon. I have never try other methods such as IUI. My thinking was if IVF has a higher chance of success rate, I want to try IVF. I know IVF treatment can be very expensive and tedious for couples. I have my preferred gynae, if I have the money capability, I would have chosen to do in my gynae clinic. However, when I think about the govt subsidy that we could get if we do IVF treatment in a public hospital, the treatment fees would be much lower than a private clinic. I saw some members recommended to visit a polyclinic to get a referral letter to a public hospital, the fees will be more lower. We decided to visit a polyclinic this Saturday morning to get a referral letter. Will the polyclinic arrange the appointment date for me or do I need to call the hospital myself? I do not know which public hospital to choose.
Most important is that you have a doctor whom you can trust and work with. Every hospital has its own protocol- different meds and treatments. I didn't like my kkh gynae so I moved on to private. Lots of sisters here like their gynaes and successfully conceived under them. I won't influence you to choose but going for public hospitals first is a good idea. The grant is helps you to save $. But you must have patience. You will be under the care of a team of doctors. You won't the same doc all the time.
Hi everyone. I just join the forum today. I have been reading up about conceiving and various methods. Me and my hb are trying for a baby for 3 years, but till today, no good news. We have decided to go for IVF treatment, hoping to have a baby soon. I have never try other methods such as IUI. My thinking was if IVF has a higher chance of success rate, I want to try IVF. I know IVF treatment can be very expensive and tedious for couples. I have my preferred gynae, if I have the money capability, I would have chosen to do in my gynae clinic. However, when I think about the govt subsidy that we could get if we do IVF treatment in a public hospital, the treatment fees would be much lower than a private clinic. I saw some members recommended to visit a polyclinic to get a referral letter to a public hospital, the fees will be more lower. We decided to visit a polyclinic this Saturday morning to get a referral letter. Will the polyclinic arrange the appointment date for me or do I need to call the hospital myself? I do not know which public hospital to choose.
By getting a referral letter from polyclinic will only help u to save some cost on consultation fee (u cannot choose Dr), the rest of cost on procedures etc remain uncharged. actually ivf cost between govt and pte not much diff (unless u go for really branded one) and both are medisave claimable, but think only govt cover under grant (for age 40 and below) if i not wrong.
Thanks chuckles and kym for your advice.

Now I really got to decide which hospital I want to go when I visit polyclinic this Saturday. I was thinking, can I choose my doctor when I am in the hospital? Will that defeat the purpose of visiting polyclinic from start?
Thanks chuckles and kym for your advice.

Now I really got to decide which hospital I want to go when I visit polyclinic this Saturday. I was thinking, can I choose my doctor when I am in the hospital? Will that defeat the purpose of visiting polyclinic from start?
Hospital will allocated Dr to u. But think some ladies changed Dr after first cycle?
Thanks everyone for the advice. Gave me courage. Just out fr o&g. Dr examined and said I don't need add support. Urine hcg showed faint positive.

Mich, o&g doc never do hcg bloodtest? are you still spotting now? if you do, better go pte gynae get support. spotting can be worrying. Jiayou!
Thanks everyone for the advice. Gave me courage. Just out fr o&g. Dr examined and said I don't need add support. Urine hcg showed faint positive.

Jia you Mitch!!! Pray that the beans are sticky! If it helps u then keep testing ya but above all Stay positive and relax. Good luck on mon! :)
Thanks, I will go. I hope they will give.
At o n g u can insist. That's what I did even though kkivf din want to entertain us. Although ours ended up chemical but still wondering if I had it earlier would it make a difference (sigh bridge under the water). That's why just go and insist to have it. The medication costs $30+ only an du have ease of mind. The only thing u need to know is that the side effects will get worse though it doesn't harm u or the baby
Mich, o&g doc never do hcg bloodtest? are you still spotting now? if you do, better go pte gynae get support. spotting can be worrying. Jiayou!
No blood test cos dr say it's too early to be conclusive. Spotting has stopped and dr said it might be implantation bleeding. I did ask for add support but she said it's not necessary.

Lovely that you're seeing double line, Mich.

Despite what other views there are here, you've done all (and everyone case is different) and now just rest well and Monday will come soon. It's important to have a relaxed mind. We all know that :)
