IVF/ICSI Support Group

I think TCM has traditionally, always had herbs to help women who don't ovulate, ovulate. I think it's a more natural approach to ovulation problems compared to clomid or something.

Anyway, this was my 3rd month at Thomson TCM, I am at the United Sq branch. According to my stats, I am supposed to ovulate by myself, but using OPK, cannot really find ovulation date leh. I did express it to my acupuncturist, and she prescribed herbs to help me ovulate this natural FET.

Whether FET OR FRESH is better, really depends on your body type. There are some girls who only get pregnant with fresh, and yet others whose bodies are more attuned to natural FET.. This cycle I talked to my mom, who did IVF in 1996 or smth, and found out she did over 10x fresh back in the day and never got pregnant. Then she did her last time FET and BFP. Back in the day they only cultured to d2 embryos too. Sadly the baby had no heartbeat and she gave up after that. She said her body got too hot during fresh cycles, which happened to me too.

Cross fingers for my BETA this thursday!
pinkbunny21, I will pray hard for u. I have make appt to see tcm on tue after my failed first cycle. Hopefully, tcm can help my body to adjust.
Your mum is so brave!! Your current cycle is a natural fet? So you managed to find LH surge and after how many days was ur ET?
I have done medicated fet, then natural fet. Both failed, so I dont know my body suits which better. Definitely I prefer natural fet as its most natural to our bodies and there's no need for rest time in between cycles since no hormones involved except for progesterone support. My af came 1 day before my scheduled beta test, and I am continuing another natural fet this month. Hope God will give me my desired Christmas gift! And not forgetting yours too!
All the best for your coming beta! So excited for u! :)

Do u mean u did LH blood tests each time you came for scans from CD10 to CD17? And CD17 there was LH surge? For my last cycle, on CD13 my dominant follicle was already very big and lining about 12mm already, so I took both urine LH test and blood LH test on that day. urine test was neg but blood test was positive. Then ET was 3 days later as dr took CD13 as ovulation. But normally we may not ovulate same day as LH surge right?
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Thanks Sayap.

Princess 14 - My LH surge was day 16, means ovulate on day 17. My FET was a 4D transfer (supposed to be 5 day but I was gg overseas on day 5).

I tested since 7dp4dt and got the faint positive, but it's not getting much darker at all, still faint.. I dunno what this means. Hope it's a viable bfp. :/ My Beta on this Thurs. Always seem to constantly have to worry throughout every stage.
A faint line is a very positive sign! :) Can share what did u eat/drink during the 2ww? Did u eat pineapple?
Ok so means u trsfed day4 embryos 4 days after ur CD17? Im a bit blur abt the correct time to trsf, always just follow dr instructions but thought I shld know more myself.
It has been faint everyday for about 5 days! Read online it's not a good sign. Worried.
Anyway I'm on royal jelly since May, Blackmores Conceive Well since June (on and of sometimes forget), acupuncture for 3 mths, TCM herbs for 1 mth.
This FET I basically did no bedrest, was travelling, ate anything I wanted (not cold stuff tho). Day 6 past 4DT I spotted brown and so tested and got the faint bfp.

My transfer was CD day 21, 4 days after CD17 ovulation. It was quite late since my cycle usually 29 days.
Congrats pinkbunny21! A double line sounds promising!

Princess14, wow u have a lot of embryos? If doing natural fet, when do they thaw the embryos?
which tcm dr did you see? herbs so powerful? can ensure we ovulate ah? Actually I have af every month, though not clockwork type but usually under 35 days. but this also does not mean we will ovulate every mth right?

Im worried natural fet has lower success rates than medicated. Are your periods regular? Why did you try natural fet and then switch to medicated fet? my lining is very good, so I would think it means my estrogen levels are sufficient right, and no need to supplement with progynova?

Last cycle, the weird thing was when I test using urine kit at dr'c clinic, there was no LH surge. but at the same time I also drew blood for ovulation, E2 and progesterone tests, and results showed I am in ovulation phase. But why wont the dr's urine test kit show LH surge then? Is there some hormone that Im lacking? This was the only question I have for my last cycle.

Hi Princess, I have low LH so also qt difficult to detect LH surge by the urine kit. Usu when I see a double line (whether stronger than control or not), will just take it as Lh surge. I know i can ovulate cuz of doctor's ultrasounds. Also, not sure if that is why I ovulate qt late, usually around day 20. You might want to measure your baseline LH levels (done on D2/3 of cycle) to see if that is the issue.
Hi I am new here. Would like to know what are the dos and don'ts during the 2ww. Possible to have sexual intercourse after ET? Thanks.

Rest as much as possible and eat well. Avoid cooling or cold food. Be happy :)

I would avoid sexual intercourse if i were you.
princess 14 : d10 just scan looking for dominant follicle and lining thickeness. D13,15,16 and 17, LH blood test every visit with scan. My LH surge started on D15, rose higher on D16, follicle still present, nice and round. On D17 the follicle had ruptured and LH almost back to baseline. So based on the blood test and scan ovulation confirmed happened between D16-17.
I read that for hpt, as long as got double line means positive. But darker line means higher hcg levels.
Don't worry over this. Just enjoy the rest of the 2ww and wait for beta. I know these few days seem like taking ages but just preoccupy urself with other things and dont stress most imptly. I will be praying u bfp! Then pls send me ur baby dusts!!

I had 15 frozen. After 2 fets, down to 10. The problem with natural fet is that the LH surge is very impt, as ard 12hrs later we will ovulate. Mine are d2 frozen embbies, so they are thawed a day before ET, which means my trsf is 3 days after ovulation. Messy right? Timing must be very precise. You r right I shld have done LH base line on cd 2/3...but too late liao. Now alrdy cd6. I am testing daily with clearblue fertility monitor. Some mths I get LH surge but some I dont. I think maybe I need a jab to trigger ovulation before it comes.
princess14, u got so many embryos to play with.. how come doc never suggest d5 blasts?

mine was d2 frozen too, one day after my ovulation they thawed it, grew 3 d2 embryos to d4, 1 did not make it, transferred 2 blasts on d4
I did suggest to do blasts but my dr thinks 10 is not a lot to play with. And sorry after this fet I am left with 8 frozen. Maybe this time round I will suggest blasts. You thawed 3 but what if all 3 survive? Can refreeze 1? If can I dun mind thawing more.
I did suggest to do blasts but my dr thinks 10 is not a lot to play with. And sorry after this fet I am left with 8 frozen. Maybe this time round I will suggest blasts. You thawed 3 but what if all 3 survive? Can refreeze 1? If can I dun mind thawing more.

Wow u got a lot of frozen embryos! So lucky! I hope u can strike this time! :)
hi_mei & pinkbunny21,
Yes thats my only consolation I give myself despite my failures. Its also the only thing thats keeping me going. I think my egg quality shld be ok right despite problems with hubby's sperm morphology. Initially we thought ok since doing icsi, there shld be no other hindering blocks. Never expect now got implantation issues. Sigh...
hi_mei & pinkbunny21,
Yes thats my only consolation I give myself despite my failures. Its also the only thing thats keeping me going. I think my egg quality shld be ok right despite problems with hubby's sperm morphology. Initially we thought ok since doing icsi, there shld be no other hindering blocks. Never expect now got implantation issues. Sigh...

Jiayou jiayou. May not be an implantation problem. Even in the best of circumstances, the success rate is still less than 50%, so just a matter of time before you succeed.

Hi can ask the ladies here whether dhea caused u a lot of cervical mucus AFTER ovulation? During ovulation I had v little. Now a few days after ovulation suddenly a lot...zzzz... Come at wrong time. Btw i tracked ovulation thru BBT.
Hi Mei which doc are u with? What dosage are you on DHEA? There is no increase CM for me after ovulation but I only started few days ago. How long have u been on DHEA?
Hi Mei which doc are u with? What dosage are you on DHEA? There is no increase CM for me after ovulation but I only started few days ago. How long have u been on DHEA?

With Tan HH from KKH. Have been on DHEA about 2 weeks, 50mg per day. What about u?
@hi mei
Am also on dhea at the beginning i had not much mucus now a lot it takes a few days to adjust so i think next cycle you ll have during ovulation
Rest as much as possible and eat well. Avoid cooling or cold food. Be happy :)

I would avoid sexual intercourse if i were you.

Thank you hi_mei for your reply. Avoiding cooling or cold food is easy. As for resting, do you mean bed rest? How about walking around and even go out? Some people are telling me that I should bed rest but I am not sure about this. I would appreciate it if some of the sisters here who has experienced before advise me on this. Thank you in advance.
Thank you hi_mei for your reply. Avoiding cooling or cold food is easy. As for resting, do you mean bed rest? How about walking around and even go out? Some people are telling me that I should bed rest but I am not sure about this. I would appreciate it if some of the sisters here who has experienced before advise me on this. Thank you in advance.

After the ET is best to have bed rest or don't walk too much. So that the embryo can implant successfully inside. Avoid exercise for the 2ww.
Thank you hi_mei for your reply. Avoiding cooling or cold food is easy. As for resting, do you mean bed rest? How about walking around and even go out? Some people are telling me that I should bed rest but I am not sure about this. I would appreciate it if some of the sisters here who has experienced before advise me on this. Thank you in advance.

Hi i rested on the day of ET. My TCM said should not have bed rest all the time during tww, just move about the house as per normal, don't lift heavy things or do exercise can liao. Bed rest for whole tww may not be very good for your blood circulation plus it can make you very bored. When are you doing ET?

Hi gigi, thanks for the reply :)
Hi i rested on the day of ET. My TCM said should not have bed rest all the time during tww, just move about the house as per normal, don't lift heavy things or do exercise can liao. Bed rest for whole tww may not be very good for your blood circulation plus it can make you very bored. When are you doing ET?

Hi gigi, thanks for the reply :)

Hi_mei, u no need to insert the medication into ur vagina after u do ur ET? After insert the medicine need to stay in bed for at least 1 hr wor
Hihi... is it normal to have abdominal pain (like some cramping) after doing e egg retrieval?? I done it yesterday but till now it's still pain...
Hi i rested on the day of ET. My TCM said should not have bed rest all the time during tww, just move about the house as per normal, don't lift heavy things or do exercise can liao. Bed rest for whole tww may not be very good for your blood circulation plus it can make you very bored. When are you doing ET?

Hi gigi, thanks for the reply :)

I had thought that bed rest for the whole day will really make me feel very bored and lethargic but probably what snow19 said was true too... to bed rest for an hour or so after the v inserts. How about going out? Like going for lunch or dinner outside? Should be ok right? Cos I think I don't want to cook, still need to wash the utensils later... may get tired more easily.

I am not sure when is my ET yet. Need to go for a scan this Fri. This is actually my second attempt in ivf so I hope it will be better.
Hihi... is it normal to have abdominal pain (like some cramping) after doing e egg retrieval?? I done it yesterday but till now it's still pain...

Drink lots of waters so that ur ovary won't be so swollen avoid prawn n sotong n crab. After a few days shld be recover I avoid eating prawn n sotong n crab for a mth until the next scan hehe.. To make sure my ovary no more swollen
@hi mei my doc just asked me this am to stop it cause i have too many side effects :( (hair loss beeing the worst)

Hi gigi, sorry to hear tt, let your hair recover... Hair is also impt.

Hi snow and jasjas, yes shd lie down after the inserts. Normally i will lie down for 15 min... Think it is enough. My next cycle I gotta work so I doubt can lie down anyway... Haha. Jasjas, all the best for your transfer :)
Hi gigi, sorry to hear tt, let your hair recover... Hair is also impt.

Hi snow and jasjas, yes shd lie down after the inserts. Normally i will lie down for 15 min... Think it is enough. My next cycle I gotta work so I doubt can lie down anyway... Haha. Jasjas, all the best for your transfer :)

15 min not enough need at least half an hr to 1 hr, u lie down 15 min the medicine u put in will flow out. When lie down best put a pillow below ur buttock so that the medicine can flow in n maybe got higher chance.
Thank you hi_mei for your reply. Avoiding cooling or cold food is easy. As for resting, do you mean bed rest? How about walking around and even go out? Some people are telling me that I should bed rest but I am not sure about this. I would appreciate it if some of the sisters here who has experienced before advise me on this. Thank you in advance.

lydia, some ppl feel better to bed rest but some do not and still bfp. Do what you are comfortable with. As long as you don't exert yourself should be fine. Walking around is good for blood circulation.
Thx all for concern... out of bout 30 follicles.. oni 16 eggs retrieved... 4 bad n 9 fertilized.... doing et on thur... hope everything will be fine... :) thinking tt e result quite low... haiz...
15 min not enough need at least half an hr to 1 hr, u lie down 15 min the medicine u put in will flow out. When lie down best put a pillow below ur buttock so that the medicine can flow in n maybe got higher chance.

about the utrogestan, the nurse told me after insert, can walk around normally. She said the medicine will have effect and wont all flow out. You think not true?
How about taking it orally? Is the effect not as good?
May I ask you girls, those good food to take like chicken essence, brazil nuts, ensure milk, red date tea, durians etc.. Do we take once cycle starts or only after ET? Im asking for an FET cycle.
I am quite overwhelmed by the things I have to consume!
@princess14 sometimes i think those nurses have not tried themselves so they have no idea lol
snow is right it will fall down this med is terrible 1 time out of 2 you lose it
the best is to take right before going to bed and in the morning you get up little ealier and then lay down for some more sleep
if i swallow i experience dizziness and cant stand properly
the equivalent med that i think easier to insert (cause given with an insert type tampax) is crinorne gel next time ask to have
about the utrogestan, the nurse told me after insert, can walk around normally. She said the medicine will have effect and wont all flow out. You think not true?
How about taking it orally? Is the effect not as good?

Princess, can also take orally. I have done that before. But it gave really shitty side effects (feel like vomiting, dizzy, etc). Also heard vaginal route has better route to the uterus as when u take it orally, most of it gets destroyed by the liver. I wld definitely do it vaginally even though it is more troublesome :)

Regarding the insert, it didn't flow out for me, even when inserted standing up. Think the trick is to insert it really deep, make sure at least 2/3 of your finger goes in...
Thx all for concern... out of bout 30 follicles.. oni 16 eggs retrieved... 4 bad n 9 fertilized.... doing et on thur... hope everything will be fine... :) thinking tt e result quite low... haiz...

Hi jasjas is it a very good result! Well done... Don't worry, rest well ;) all the best!
Hi, has anyone took growth hormone during Ivf in KKH? What is the name of the growth hormone used and does it come in the form of jab? How much is one jab?
tsf0205, I am on growth hormone but in NUH. The jab name is Saizen. Not sure how much though.

Today just started my stimulation. Gonal F. But saizen only 2 days.

@princess14 sometimes i think those nurses have not tried themselves so they have no idea lol
snow is right it will fall down this med is terrible 1 time out of 2 you lose it
the best is to take right before going to bed and in the morning you get up little ealier and then lay down for some more sleep
if i swallow i experience dizziness and cant stand properly
the equivalent med that i think easier to insert (cause given with an insert type tampax) is crinorne gel next time ask to have

U mean u use the vagina medicine to swollow ar. I feel abit gross leh, it was meant to insert bottom coz more direct.
Hi_mei mind flow out when I only lie down for 15 min n I need to go pee n the medicine is out on the toilet bowl lol.
