IVF/ICSI Support Group

hldrops: I'm lost already although this is my third attempt. What is hcg mean? My first attempt failed is cos bleeding came earlier than bt date but when i rush down to O&G and they din give me any bt or any injection for support. D O&G doc ask me to wait till bt date then test but din manage to as full mensus came before d bt date. Kkivf nurse still ask me to wait till bt date and go for bt and result came out is negative. second attempt is i have some bleeding before fet but doc still advised to do it as d embbies has been unfreeze so cant freeze it back then have some bleeding few days later after fet and so I went to c dr lau and he give me extra insert medicine for support and d bleeding stopped and noting happen till bt date. So i though im preggy but then nurse call me to said sorry you are not pregnant and I cried like hell d whole day.

my beta was 26.4 yesterday and it dropped to 11 today. tmrw I will not go for blood test again. I consider I fail this cycle as I sought doc loh opinion. its not a viable pregnancy. no point sustaining it. im stopping my support n let menses come full flow. next mth or so I try natural and see how. then I go for another fresh cycle next year. dropping beta means the embryo implanted thats why producde beta into the blood stream but the embryo is not growing well or it may hv stop developing thats why the beta reduces. I shld be glad I know it now rather than later which is eveb harder to accept for eg heart beat stops. or baby stop growing in 8 weeks. thats even worse. I consoled myself. felt devastated but I snapped out of it today.

santhiya : if yr beta doubles there is hope. wish u all the best!!.

its divine time. its just not the time for me.

I know some pple fail 3x and 4th time got a pair of boy girl twins! we keep trying and getting stronger.
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my beta was 26.4 yesterday and it dropped to 11 today. tmrw I will not go for blood test again. I consider I fail this cycle as I sought doc loh opinion. its not a viable pregnancy. no point sustaining it. im stopping my support n let menses come full flow. next mth or so I try natural and see how. then I go for another fresh cycle next year. dropping beta means the embryo implanted thats why producde beta into the blood stream but the embryo is not growing well or it nay stop growing already thats why the beta reduces.

santhiya : if yr beta doubles there is hope. wish u all the best.

its divine time. its just not the time for me.
Mrs_tann: rest well, continue to see tcm and who know you will get it naturally as cases like this did happen before.
tks. so now wait for it to.miscarry (menses).

both dr sad n dr loh told me its not a viable or healthy pregnancy. v hard.to accept but no choice... nezt yr im gg to tell my boss I hv to try ivf again need to take HL again. I shld be black marked already but dont care le. just do what I need to do.

wonder how is pink bunny21?
Me and my husband Both healthy and doc didn't say why I can't conceive. That's why we tried iui last month.now is the time to decide whether to go for ivf or not.
Hldrops, so this is ur first ivf and u success? So envy.
Looking at the timeline, I need to go for ivf or iui in October, or else I mind need to wait until march as me and my husband planning to go for trip end of dec, and after that is the cny time. Sigh.. Really dunno when I can get pregnant. :(
in my 14dp3dt now.. been having cramps on n off.. yest had some egg white discharge.. this morning saw some reddish discharge.. sigh v worried now that AF is coming..
BT is tmr.. praying really hard now
GingerH: dun worried too much. Have positive and relac thinking, talk to ur embbies n ask to hang on strong. Continue with d insert, bed rest more and possible wear socks to keep your feet warm and have more warm water.
in my 14dp3dt now.. been having cramps on n off.. yest had some egg white discharge.. this morning saw some reddish discharge.. sigh v worried now that AF is coming..
BT is tmr.. praying really hard now

Babe, my BT is also tomorrow!!! U r fm kkh as well? Let's pray and hope for BFP together!!!
GingerH: or may call kkh now to ask for early bt or ask for an injection as bt date is only one day difference.
I went to work today n only realised I had the reddish discharge when I reached office.. if the discharge gets worse.. I will call kkh n check wif them.. crossing fingers now~

Babe, my BT is also tomorrow!!! U r fm kkh as well? Let's pray and hope for BFP together!!!
yep.. I'm also fr kkh.. will b going for my BT early morning at 7.30 before going to work.. u?
hoping all of us can bfp together~!

Hi Twins2014...I still hv my progesterone support so i didnt go to 24Hrs KKH to get the progesterone jab...
So u had a low beta too...but good for u it climbes back up...I sure hope it will double by Thurs..thanks for reassuring me...nw I am taking Blackmore's Pregnancy and Breastfeeding vitamins n still continue brazil nuts..hope these will help...
I am gg for BT on 19 Sept which is tomorrow...now taking Blackmores Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Gold to help baby grow and double the numbers...
Maybe I will see u tomorrow who knows..heehee...I will b at KKH ard 8am..hw abt u?
Rashal: since when you started to take d Blackmore pregrancy & breast feeding vitamins? As I just started to take d Blackmore conceive well gold only and gg fr my fet next monday
AF report with lots of cramping last night..I think I have failed this round..I will do another round in November..will catch up with u girls then..thanks for all ur advises and wishes... :)
I went to work today n only realised I had the reddish discharge when I reached office.. if the discharge gets worse.. I will call kkh n check wif them.. crossing fingers now~

yep.. I'm also fr kkh.. will b going for my BT early morning at 7.30 before going to work.. u?
hoping all of us can bfp together~!

U r not on HL? Go work already? I will go slightly later. Yeah ! Let's graduate together!
Hi hi.. I am new to the thread! *wave*
Santhiya, sorry to hear that. Do rest well and will be rooting for you again for the nov round.
I am in the midst of my first IVF and it is stim day 6. Was extremely fatigue the first 3 days but am alot better now. Waiting for first review tomorrow. Just want to check with you gals what is the typical number of days to jab. I know it depends on the follicle growth but I have been getting alot of clear mucus and that has always been an indication of pending ovulation for me and I am worried I will ovulate early!
BTW, may i know what the acronym of 14dp3dt means? i only know DPO means day past ovulation.
ohoh.. one more question, anyone avoid caffeine completely for IVF? Does it matter? I usually have one a day but been wondering if i should cut off completely.
Sorry for the number of questions. :p
hugs santhiya...take care and rest well.....build up health for next round.

3 egg whites per day? wooh..that sounds like a lot. eat before ivf injections?
hugs santhiya...take care and rest well.....build up health for next round.

3 egg whites per day? wooh..that sounds like a lot. eat before ivf injections?
Egg white Is with proteins...
I have it when I start my ivf. Or chk breast meat.and every day must eat 1 apple... this is how I do for my 2ww...hopefully 7oct I will get a positive result..
Hi hi.. I am new to the thread! *wave*
Santhiya, sorry to hear that. Do rest well and will be rooting for you again for the nov round.
I am in the midst of my first IVF and it is stim day 6. Was extremely fatigue the first 3 days but am alot better now. Waiting for first review tomorrow. Just want to check with you gals what is the typical number of days to jab. I know it depends on the follicle growth but I have been getting alot of clear mucus and that has always been an indication of pending ovulation for me and I am worried I will ovulate early!
BTW, may i know what the acronym of 14dp3dt means? i only know DPO means day past ovulation.
ohoh.. one more question, anyone avoid caffeine completely for IVF? Does it matter? I usually have one a day but been wondering if i should cut off completely.
Sorry for the number of questions. :p

Hi! My STIM jab was about 9 days. It will range typically about 10 days there about fm what I got fm the nurses.
14dp3dt is the 2ww period where it's already 14 days past 3 day transfer(meaning the embryo transfer)
Ain't too sure abt the caffeine ....
Jasbran, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced when a woman is preggy. I am sorry to hear all the heartaches u went through. hope this time wld be okay
Hi everyone.. Thanks for all the consoling.. I call KKH to informed them abt my AF..I am told to go for blood test tomorrow morning to make sure my HCG level has dropped as my result yesterday was 12.6 which is a early pregnancy rate..
Rashal: since when you started to take d Blackmore pregrancy & breast feeding vitamins? As I just started to take d Blackmore conceive well gold only and gg fr my fet next monday

Hi Jasbran, I started taking as soon I tested positive on my HPT(home pregnancy test kit) coz heard good reviews abt that multivitamin..I've checked with my Dr Sadhana too and she said I can continue eating the multivitamins..I can also take the folic acid prescribed by KKH on top of Blackmores Pregnancy and Breastfeeding multivit...

U taking FET too? All the best to you..basically dun stress urself..I went kite flying 3 days after transfer...heehee...and brazil nuts help too...
Santhiya, take care and have a lot of rest.

Hi nureiliyah, u take taking egg white after et?

Can I know where to get the Brazil nut? Can I get it from super market?
Santhiya, I am sorry to hear ur news...I cried during my first 2 IVF and during the 3rd IVF, when I got the news of a neg preg, I just shrugged it off..
But please dun give up in this journey...
I have had 3 IVFs and this FET is the only time I get BFP...even then, I also worry whether this pregnancy is healthy...
Hang in there Santhiya..rest ur body and come back again stronger...
Jasbran, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced when a woman is preggy. I am sorry to hear all the heartaches u went through. hope this time wld be okay
hldrops: thank you for the explanation. Ya hope I will succeed this time as I fully quit my job. Been avoiding a lot of food and been taking a lot of nutritious food and supplement.
Hi everyone.. Thanks for all the consoling.. I call KKH to informed them abt my AF..I am told to go for blood test tomorrow morning to make sure my HCG level has dropped as my result yesterday was 12.6 which is a early pregnancy rate..
santhiya: take care and rest well for next cycle
Thanks rashal. May I know how many Shd I take?
Can I take during the 2ww?
I'm currently taking bai Feng wan and chicken essence twice a week. Also on the daily prenatal supplement from gnc. See a lot of sisters taking Blackmore conceive well, thinking should I change to that or not.
Hi Tinga, some of them got it at Cold Storage..I got my brazil nuts online at www.gardenpicks.com, a local sg company so u can give it a try...
Hi Jasbran, I started taking as soon I tested positive on my HPT(home pregnancy test kit) coz heard good reviews abt that multivitamin..I've checked with my Dr Sadhana too and she said I can continue eating the multivitamins..I can also take the folic acid prescribed by KKH on top of Blackmores Pregnancy and Breastfeeding multivit...

U taking FET too? All the best to you..basically dun stress urself..I went kite flying 3 days after transfer...heehee...and brazil nuts help too...
rashal: which day did you started to do own hpt? I fully quit my job to destroys and I'm trying hard not to think so much and I'm taking 3 brazil nuts daily now even before my fet started. Thank you for the wishes
Santhiya, take care and have a lot of rest.

Hi nureiliyah, u take taking egg white after et?

Can I know where to get the Brazil nut? Can I get it from super market?
Tinga: you may get it from city square basement or bugis basement( a counter where only sell all sort of nuts) city square will be cheaper. Hope it helps
Hi hi.. I am new to the thread! *wave*
Santhiya, sorry to hear that. Do rest well and will be rooting for you again for the nov round.
I am in the midst of my first IVF and it is stim day 6. Was extremely fatigue the first 3 days but am alot better now. Waiting for first review tomorrow. Just want to check with you gals what is the typical number of days to jab. I know it depends on the follicle growth but I have been getting alot of clear mucus and that has always been an indication of pending ovulation for me and I am worried I will ovulate early!
BTW, may i know what the acronym of 14dp3dt means? i only know DPO means day past ovulation.
ohoh.. one more question, anyone avoid caffeine completely for IVF? Does it matter? I usually have one a day but been wondering if i should cut off completely.
Sorry for the number of questions. :p
believeinjesus: better to fully quit frm drinking caffeine as it will decrease of getting pregnant. I used to drink a cup every morning but I also fully quit. Hope it helps
Santhiya, I am sorry to hear ur news...I cried during my first 2 IVF and during the 3rd IVF, when I got the news of a neg preg, I just shrugged it off..
But please dun give up in this journey...
I have had 3 IVFs and this FET is the only time I get BFP...even then, I also worry whether this pregnancy is healthy...
Hang in there Santhiya..rest ur body and come back again stronger...
rashal: just have a relax mind, take or drink whatever is for d bb and you will have a smooth 9 mths ahead.
Thanks rashal. May I know how many Shd I take?
Can I take during the 2ww?
I'm currently taking bai Feng wan and chicken essence twice a week. Also on the daily prenatal supplement from gnc. See a lot of sisters taking Blackmore conceive well, thinking should I change to that or not.

Tinga: I also after hearing most sista here take Blackmore conceive well gold and I just bought it at unity with 21% off just before few days away from my fet. Maybe if you want then decide quick as the discount promotion is still on
Thanks rashal. May I know how many Shd I take?
Can I take during the 2ww?
I'm currently taking bai Feng wan and chicken essence twice a week. Also on the daily prenatal supplement from gnc. See a lot of sisters taking Blackmore conceive well, thinking should I change to that or not.


Tinga, u can take 2-3 brazil nuts per day from the start of ER but do hv lotsa water after eating the nuts as it can get quite heaty...
U can also try the Blackmores Conceive Well Gold in ur 2ww to increase ur chances of ur embryos implanting..
rashal: just have a relax mind, take or drink whatever is for d bb and you will have a smooth 9 mths ahead.

Thanks Jasbran..am drinking more HL milk n continuing my Brazil nuts...also with the duphaston(progesterone tablets) tt Dr prescribed for me..also this cream called Lumiglow that I used on my tummy to help my body with the embryo/baby
Thanks rashal and jasbran for sharing the info, both city square and bugis is far for me. I will stop by cold storage to see if they have any Brazil nuts.
Thanks Jasbran..am drinking more HL milk n continuing my Brazil nuts...also with the duphaston(progesterone tablets) tt Dr prescribed for me..also this cream called Lumiglow that I used on my tummy to help my body with the embryo/baby
Rashal: what is this lumiglow cream? Never heard before. Stil got to continue with d brazil nuts? I tot should stop already
Thanks rashal and jasbran for sharing the info, both city square and bugis is far for me. I will stop by cold storage to see if they have any Brazil nuts.
Tinga: I think vivocity also has one store but not to sure where is it. Maybe can google?
hope my 5 embbies can survive d blastocyst starting from tomorrow morning till Monday then transfer. Anyone encounter before if any of d embbies cannot survive and be called to kkh for immediate transfer? I'm wondering if e embbies cannot survive then still transfer, will it still survive in our womb? Really need advice
Rashal: what is this lumiglow cream? Never heard before. Stil got to continue with d brazil nuts? I tot should stop already

I read online that eating nuts in pregnancy is still ok but not too many..ard 3-4 nuts are enough..i had googled online for this Lumiglow cream and it helps with women who have fibroids,cysts,endo,pcos and for those who hv history of miscarriages,this can help to sustain a pregnancy..no harm trying coz been applying since Dec 12..

hope my 5 embbies can survive d blastocyst starting from tomorrow morning till Monday then transfer. Anyone encounter before if any of d embbies cannot survive and be called to kkh for immediate transfer? I'm wondering if e embbies cannot survive then still transfer, will it still survive in our womb? Really need advice

Jasbran,hv faith on ur 5 embbies...i cannot really answer this coz i hv nvr had a blastocyst before coz mine was a 3 day grade 3 embryo thaw..relax n dun stress okie..
