IVF/ICSI Support Group

BNB, you did not take CW for this cycle? How about ensure milk?

I really hope to graduate SOOOOONN... seems like I am the last one now from our thread that time.
Thanks i1BB , baby steps ... , let me try the egg whites tomorrow...!

Dreambear :yeah this time round I dunno why it's worse than before... My last ET I still went shopping after that... This one I can't even walk much cos of the cramps and pain...plus I looked pregnant haha? U on long cycle? The last time also long cycle?

Wow bluenosebear : very comprehensive regimen.... Btw how long did u continue accu after ET?
Sun-what is CW?
Bubbub- only 1st week, alternate days, check with Dr Zuo.
I discuss with her before, thus she agreed to do for me, think now a few pole also asking her to do post ET.
wow CONGRATS Min and Bluenosebear..seems like this thread is starting to get a tad dusty lol..grabbing your babydusts!

thanks i1BB/positive/babysteps/bubbub
Im feeling better now lah..that day just ranting out. I take this time to do some painting work at home loh as home reno not completely done yet. I've asked more and they said they gave me the date in may is just expected date of my AF, so i might be still doing it in end april..well i'll take one step at a time lah..we shall see
Sun- didn't take coz I can't stand the smell, I did take in 1st cycle.
Ensure milk also didn't take, coz I'm on the heavy side kind, & i cant stand milk powder smell & taste, so I took Brazil nuts for selenium. Also find too nutrition for me liao
Hope_4_bb, thanks for remembering me... sometimes, I feel so paisay to come in as I see more and more new nick and the number of my posts are so much more... becoming rusty here liao..

I will be going for my next fresh in May.
Hi, I am in my 2ww. I just did ET this morning. The support insert is really gross.
just bed rest or can walk around the house?
I think I will feel very bored.
Positivecalm - the inserts hor, isit no matter how much u lie down, sure got some leak out when stand up de ah? When i put in no problem but few hours later also see leakage (white discharge like that, sorry tmi) I think can walk ard la.. I lie down to watch dramas but walk around every now and then.. Just very slowly and not in a hurry kind...
Oh no.. I have been walking very fast like my usual.. I think I will walk slowly from now.. Another sister told me not to use tummy muscle when getting out of bed.. Use hand to support.. U must take note too..
For insert .. Ya leak out.. Somemore v smelly.. Hahah.. Stain my panties..
Bubbub, my last cycle was on short protocol with gonal f. So this round simi also change le, including regime & medicine. Except didn't change gynae nia, heh! Today I beginning to feel tired, bloated, no appetite & abit of headache. Maybe have been running to clinic e whole day bah.
positivecalm - Yea lor.. i scared leak so much out, never absorb enough.. Will anot ah? Oo okok, my bed is on platform not bed frame de.. I sure gotta use stomach muscle when standing de.. I try to stand up using different positions.. Thanks for the tips!
Dreambear: that's good babe! Your puregon is starting to take effect in your body n I am sure the next scan you will be surprised how many more popped out and the growth rate ....
BNB - Great news!! Yes, sunstillshines is correct. V happy for u & dh, and praying for a safe & smooth journey.

Sunstillshines - your turn will be soon.
Positivescalm: u might want to use panty liners and change often. There should not be any smell (greasy yes) and the colour of discharge should follow the colour of the insert (coating of tablet/balls). Rest for abt 30mins (at least) after the insert.
Min81, I was in training all day and just logged in after being alerted by Dian Tang. Super big congratulations to you and DH and wish you a smooth and safe 9 months ahead! I am beyond happy for you!!! Really really so happy! Its been quite a journey. Now we can see you even more on the other thread!! Big hug

Bluenosebear, big congratulations to you too! Also wish you a smooth 9 months ahead and take care. Come join us at the other thread too!
thanks Chris..
don't whether the medicine reach the womb mah? like leaking..
the nurse told me to insert 1 finger depth.. I only manage to insert 1/2 finger only .. how to insert 1 finger? l lie down when i do the insert.. any better or easier ways?
positive, sorry I miss ur post.. I am a fast forward person.. now very hard to slow down. just the first day of 2WW.. I feeling sian Liao. I have been walking around the house, my hubby keep asking me to stay on bed..
Positive calm, try using middle finger co it's longer and push in as far as u could. It's gross but no choice.

Hope it works for u.
Bluenosebear, I din know that dr zou does accu post ET. She nvr mention anything even this cycle I had to ask her prescribe tcm meds for 2ww coz I took in my fresh cycle.

But jus wondering if ok to do accu after ET? Coz like if Preggy cannot use electronic gadgets even facial using machine I din dare to use last time.
Bluenosebeat, so even after u start ivf, u still continue with dr zou's med? Even during e 2ww??

Sunstillshines, yah.,, till now, I sort of accept that sometimes I really hav to leave to god n fate.., but I can't help trying to find e magic that will super up my chances, if not guarantee...
So actually for FET in jun, I wan to try thawing 5 till blastocyst.., hope that my embies r strong enough.. But my embies were frozen based on 2d transfer., not sure if any impact .,,
For sisters who are using e inserts, I notice if I raise my legs on a pillow for 15-30 min after done with e insert, e leakage seems to reduce... But that's provided if u r doing it at home
Rexxie- it all depends how comfortable u are with accupuncture after ET.
I had did it.
Dream- nope, once start ivf jabs, I stop Dr Zuo med. Even 2ww. Like what I say it all depend how comfortable u are with her med or accupuncture. Anyway I also feel too troublesome to time the 2hour interval between the inserts.
Some more is 3x per day is inserts
The purpose of accupuncture after ET also has help for blood circulation to increase chance of implantation, thus is done on 1st week only after ET
I did ask Dr Zou does she feel accu is useful after ET.. She says its for blood circulation and in turn helps implantation.. But she feels that if timing inserts and going for accupuncture is going to be a hassle and a rush, she would rather I stay home and rest cos being relaxed and resting is most important in the first week after ET.. I would have loved to do accu after ET cos ive read many US forums and ladies there truly believe accu is useful after Eat but its difficult for me to travel there from homeand I have to walk a long way from the mrt.. So decided to R&R at home.. Oh, she also asked me to seek advise from Dr Sadhana cos usually the doctors don't encourage.. But like bluenosebear mentioned, its about how comfortable u are choosing to do what u do in the 2ww.. =)
Positivecalm: I did what Rexxie said.

Babysteps: as long as u have insert the meds all the way n rest an hour as u mentioned, it will be fine. Can't exactly help it from leaking out the rest n it's v normal
don't worry.
Dream: On thawing to blastocyst as u have been considering, I do want to throw a word of caution. It is true that blastocysts means higher chance of pregnancy but this is provided that the embryos are able to reach that stage. The stage progressing to blastocysts is more like subjecting them thr an "elimination" if I may say it plainly. Studies still cannot confirm the benefits of transferring a day2-3 versus d5 due to the high fallout rate of blastocyst. Its better to seek the advice of your doctor who is corresponding with the embryogist.
Sunstillshine, I suppose to start fresh yesterday but doc see blood cyst and not advisable to start this month. Ole everything will clear next month for me to start. You r into number what cycle? Which hosp?
Lil ponyo,

Thank you so much!! I'm feeling very thankful to have reached this stage


I think yesterday you were asking me to share about what i did for my ivf cycle.. I didn't take tcm or do acupuncture at all.. Mainly was supplements.. I started taking coq10 75mg daily starting last aug.. On top of that was all the usual supplements i had been taking before ttc -- vit c, e, omega3 fish oil.. My hubby also took vit c and e as advised by the doc.. He also took zinc chelate 30 mg.. He drinks ensure too but not daily.. I started taking ensure last aug on alternate days.. Abt a mth before ivf, i started taking ensure daily, up till now..

During the ivf cycle and 2ww, i guess the main thing is to stay relaxed and positive.. Try not to get too emotional about anything cos it will affect our mood.. During stimulation stage, i started with 2 egg whites a day then increased to 4.. I continued my coq10 and vit c.. I did brisk walk everyday too.. After ET, i only continued with folic acid and vit c.. I didn't bedrest but i did stay home most of the time.. I also took 2-3 brazil nuts daily, sometimes mixed with some almonds..
Ya, Chris..,, actually my doc doesn't believe that blastocyst is any better... He is a believer using our natural body.,. But I was wondering if my embryo couldn't even develop for implantation, mayb blastocyst may help... I briefly mentioned to doc during e failed review n he says ok though he warn of embryo wastage .. I am even thinking of going for assisted hatching...mayb I checked with him again when I start my cycle...
Thanks min. Am taking notes for now coz I will only knw my ivf date on 30 mar. Did u take lucrin jabs? Yr stim was puregon or gonal? When u had cyst was Prof the one remove it? Were u entitled To use grant for ivf with prof mean 6.3 k govt and 6 k medisave? Can I knw est cash used ? Q10 u bought from were are ? Yr vitamins wat brand? What diet did u follow more fish chicken or meat?

Sorry for the many questions.
Dream: I think someone did mention earlier that after the thaw if the embryos are still growing then its a positive sign of continual growth .. Meaning they are viable n have survived the freeze. I agree fully w his warning.
Baby steps - my BT same as u. But hv BT on 20mar for progesterone.

Saw TSB and she scolded me for not seeing her straight after my ivf. Initial my plan was to do my cycle in apr or may but when I go dwn to see dr Loh fr scan, then decided to do natural ivf....last min decision. TSB was not happy.......arrgghhhhh
Dream, I did my natural FET last month and when they thaw my 2 frozen, 1 didn't make it and the other 1 did grow but 2 cells degenerated and was transfer. Deep in my heart, I kwn this time I will not make it again by looking at the cell. Doing AH unless the embryologist think your egg zona is thick if not then better not to do it. For my natural ivf i also wanted to do AH but dr loh told me there is pro n con and i did ask the embryologist how is my egg zona and he told me it was good. So, maybe you like to discuss what is best for your case.
indeed middle finger work better. I put a small pillow at my butt after insert.. lesser leakage.. baby steps u can try..
I doing a day 2 transfer. my BT is on 1st April.
kk didn't ask me to go back for progesterone BT le?
when can we go back to collect the embryo review from sperm bank department ?
Bubbub, how are u today? Btw, ur LH also low & was prescribed with Luveris 75IU itiz? Ur pm is not activated, I can't send u msg. I was taking my clinic & Dr Zou if we could mix all e injections into a larger needle n inject once, rather than poke myself 3 times per night. Heh, sad to say all dun advise me doing that.

Min & BNB, Thanks for sharing all ur notes to success! Do drop by and say hi to us Ya. We all will join u both soon in e mummy to be thread, yeah!!!!!!

I didn't have lucrin jabs.. My stimulation jabs were with gonal f.. Prof was not the one who performed the laparoscopy on me,he referred me to a Dr Fong.. Yup i was fully entitled to the use of the 6.3k subsidy and 6k medisave.. We fortunately did not have to fork out any cash as the total cost came up to abt 10.4k..

I buy all my supplements from unity as they always have promo.. I take blackmores coq10 75mg.. All my other vitamins are of the brand Kordel's.. Diet wise, i try having balanced meals with lotsa veg and fruits.. I did try taking more fish, and also more beef cos i heard it nourishes the blood.. Ermm i wonder if this is the reason for a 3kg gain in less than a yr though.. Hehe..


Thanks!! You will join us soon.. Jia you!
Asiafighter: She gave your the herbs already right? Nevermind ok, just relax and let embryo implant.. When you preggy, she will be happy again ok

Dreambear: I read somewhere before that FSH (stimming meds) and LH cannot mix together.. It should be stated in the leaflet on your meds box also.

Positive - oh, Sade did natural ivf - think she shd pop Liao right? U kwn the TFC staff always kind and comforting n tell me maybe this time will strike. I told them my file is getting thicker liao and still hanging arn here, yes, dr Loh did explain to me, but I forgot Liao cos quite cheem. Maybe I wl email to him and ask then I let u kwn again....heheeee

Chris (reddesk) - ya, many herbs Sia.......but having cough n a bit of flu so wl drink today n hope my cough wl not be worsen after drinking the herb.
