IVF/ICSI Support Group

Jning, I support your idea of going for supper.
Me too, had supper at 10plus on the night before ER, and still feel hungry after ER.;p

Thanks for your concern, I have been feeling great as DH had been around to keep me company till tomorrow. But i am a bit bored now as he is in office. Keep switching tv channels. Bought lots of books, but am in no mood to read today.

Eskimobaby, I agree with you. The weather is really too hot.
There is always pros and cons in staying at hm. Time passes very slowly at home, esp during this 2ww. Whereas at work, you won't feel so bored as your work will occupy your mind ma. Hope you'll bfp this round too! Jiayou, your no. 2 is on his/her way Liao.

Abple, Yeah... Got wat u mean! 

Your bfp is just a sooner or later news.. So either this month or within the next one month plus.
if kena this month, must quickly spread bbdust to us, I wanna be the first to grab your bbdust!
Jpyfully, it's so good to see u so chirpy. Keep up the level of positiveness and soon you will be able to hold ur little ones in ur arms
Joyfully, I'm feeling good except for the occasional cramps haha. I realise I sleep better in the day than night don't know why haha. Yeah!!!! Our embbies are growing! I talk to them every night before I sleep. I'm watching online dramas to pass time....u can do that also?

J Ning pls eat something tonight so that u won't feel too hungry tml! Jia you and all the best! Go gal!!!

Randy and red velvet hope you gals doing well! We are 1 step nearer to our goals!!!
Chevy, thanks! I m trying to be positive, as our mood will affect the whole outcome. So I am trying to smile and think positive as much as I can.

Hope, glad to know you are coping well. I can sleep day and night! I realized I can eat more at night too, cos I am usu not a big eater. But now, keep wanting to eat. I had been taking supper for the past 2 nights. And it's prawn noodles and wan ton mee.. Faintz

I did watch the online drama, but don't feel like doing any today. Just feel lazy, rather stone... Haha
Last few days, I have been waking up at 7plus. Then take nap at 10 plus to 1 plus pm. Sleep again after early dinner at ard 5 plus to 7plus. Then after supper, I'll sleep at 10plus until next morning 7 plus. Super nuah!

How abt you?
I had my et today. Am excited and juz wanna come in n post to see if anyone is near my cycle? Am hoping for a bfp in 17 days!
Hello ladies, how's everyone? I am feeling okay and bloating has subsided quite abit. I have also been staying in bed most of the time. Yesterday and this morning i went out for slow walk to improve circulation and 透透气. I have also been talking to embabies too.
hope that they will absorbed all the nutrients they need to burrow deep and grow well.

Jing, all the best for your ER on Tuesday.

Jia you ladies!!!
Hi bigbear, i plan to start in july, more like mid to end july. Are you starting next week? Long or short? Both of us jiayou tog, and bfp this round!!!

Eskimobb and other ladies in 2ww, you are almost there already! Waiting for all your bbdusts.

Other ladies cycling, let us jia you, everyday is a step closer to our dreams!
Joyfully that's good! For me depends Wahaha. Like today I woke up at 7 coz DH going to work, had my bf and medication etc then KO at 8 and slept till near 12 haha. Then had my lunch and took a nap just now and 3 plus.....just woke up oops! But I slept late at 11 coz I wants watch tv haha!
Hi ladies...most of u quite can sleep de... I feel boring at home liao, only can sleep at nite after take medicine ...whole day watch programme , Korean drama... Aiyo... Really don know what to do .....
Anyone have good suggestion/ idea to share??
Hi ladies in 2ww
Maybe try slow slow 10mins walk in the park then go for breakfast. Or do puzzle. May u all eat sleep n your beanies grown strong like baby.
Hi ladies,

I went for bt today and the magic number was 257.8. Scheduled to go for first scan to check heartbeat at 6 weeks.

I was with Dr Sadhana and thought I'll be seeing her throughout the 9 months. To my dismay, i learned that she has stopped seeing obs patients since she took over as ivf head.

I am handed over to Dr Matthew Lau. Anyone of you with him. Any feedback? Feeling cheated.
Congrats Tambourina! Grabbing your babydusts! Hv a smooth pregnancy ahead!

Babysmurf, thanks for your suggestion.

Luv, hope u can see your baby's heartbeat soon. So exciting!
Wow, another gd news! Congrats, blurbabe!!! Grabbing your babydust too!

Yay.. Your reading is very high, could be twins?;p

Have a smooth pregnancy ahead ya!
Wah... Tiring day... Busy whole day catching n vacuuming babydusts.... Jin Bo eng ah....

CONGRATS blurbabe and tambourina!!
Congrats tambourina n blurbabe!!!

Thanks! 3 more days! Can't wait!

It's good that you are well rested n enjoying your 2ww

Grabbing lots of baby dusts in the air!!!
WY Koo, my menses should due ard 20th sth of Jul and I will be on short protocol. How abt u? Glad to be able to find cycle buddies in jul as seem many doing in aug/ sep. Yes, let Jia you together! Which dr u with?
Wow there are many good news today! A BIG CONGRAT to all BFP sisters! Wish this day will come true for me and all
Sisters in this forums
Mmmm... Bigbear, if the doctors r not so concerned then Mayb it really ain't much of a problem. Just heed the sisters' advice here lor, take more red bean soup n drink LRD tea more... Jia yo hor!
Thanks for your well wishes! Baby dust to the ladies here!!

Not boastful here but to share with you what I did during the 2ww.

1. Drank one sachet of mixed with Milo every morning on empty stomach
2. Cut out caffeine and substituted with instant longan red date tea. I lazy to boil so just bought Super brand sachets. Slowly sip from thermos bottle.
3. Lied down most of time during 2ww.
4. Tried to wear bedroom slippers but weather was too hot. Made my feet sweaty.
5. Took 2-3 pcs each of brazil nuts and walnuts during 2ww.

I tested with clearblue 2 weeks after OPU, got a weak pos. 3 days later, I tested again with Predictor and the result was neg. Gave me a scare and I was so scared that I kept reading up on chemical pregnancy. Hb went to buy 2 clearblue kits and both gave BFP. Phew!!

So you know which hpt is reliable and trusted....

Jiayou to all who are at different stages!! Don't stress and most importantly don't pity yourself. Keep a positive outlook
Thanks Sistas for your well wishes.

BigBear, your turn will come soon. Jia You.

Hope, i din test at home. Din have the courage to try. I din noe how to react when the nurse call me about the results. Haa... Now have to wait to cross the next hurdle i.e. Week 6 scan. Worried coz i have slight spotting today.
