IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks sisters!

Like BB_NN, I'm gonna charge home. Need to pray very very hard!

BB_NN - good luck with the scan!

Will keep all of you posted tomorrow!

thanks so much for ur advise. May i know u do medicated or natural fet? Actually i oso dun know whether shd i touch my medisave? What if need fresh cycle ? *touchwood*. So u use ur medisave? That means cash no need come out alot right if use medisave? Maybe only few hundred?

Hi sister
For those who do fet, do u use ur medisave?

Congrat to ur increase hcg, may i know what day r u at today n whats ur reading two days ago? Sorry as am new to this forum so dun know much yet.
Joyce, my boy was conceived naturally. Had two ectopic pregnancies in 2005 & 2006, both tubes removed. So depressed. Only try first IVF in 2009,failed.
JT, i'm staying in woodlands too.

daintreez, u had bartholin cysts before? i had it too, i alrdy lost count how many times i went for op to remove it...think ard 5 times ba..thinking of it also scare..the cyst cause so much pain..ouch
Hi Joyce. I just did my medicated fet and total bill is approx. $1400. We used our medisave and only paid small amount for the medication....
Sophia - Good to hear that your hcg is going up! Stay positive. Rest alot

Koirc - ALl the best for BT tmr.
Hi Perper. So we stay very near each other
May i know what stage r u at now? Too many new sisters joined our big family nowadays and I kind of lost track also... hehe
diantreez - your boy is so sweet! what a darling. My hubby and I have similar thoughte like you about him being alone when he grows up and have to handle all decisions and burdens of the family by himself. So if there is sibling is always good. Plus he will sometimes play pretend by himself and feed his 'invisible' sibling (whom he named Kim). So we feel he really wants a sibling. Though we play with him alot, it is not the same to have a sibling I guess. So we have to try our best but of course if all fails and can't afford to adopt then at least there is no regrets on our part
JT, me still at suppression stage, hope time quickly passes & i can proceed to stimulation stage.

u just started ur 2ww right?
hi hi
i comfirm gg for IVF in June le...
so now buliding up my body .... taking lu tai fen.... and folic acid .... and multi vi...
hope i can go through evrything and hv a BFP....
i hope evryone hv a BFP also...
baby dust to all....

Like to check if anyone is doing beta hcg test in other clinic after bfp.

I made a terrible mistake and carried my washing machine on place after it drop slightly while washing. Now worry for hell
JT, enjoy ur 2ww. urs is fet? u taking ur own leave?

so gd to rest at home during ur 2ww, guess i still need to work from home when my turn comes.

wish u hv gd news for us after 2 weeks ya...hope everyone here has BFP!!
hi joyce, my D17 reading was 93mIU/ml, 2 days later (today) was 235IU/ml. Friday going back to test again.

koirc, good luck for your bt tomorrow!!
Perper - I'm still working from home also but at least dont have to travel to office. KK only gives max 3 days MC so taking my own leave for the rest of the days. Luckily i still have 30 days leave which i brought forward last year. So it's good time for me to relax a bit
Koirc, all the best for your BT tomorrow. Lots of baby dust!

Bb_nn, good luck with your scan!

Mabel, how are you doing? I m having lots of burping and nauseating
great at least it doubles so shd be ok. Gambatte.

dun worry. U no spot right then shd be ok. Relax n be careful next time k.

i see. Poor thing. Hv gone thru so much to hv 2nd kid. Hope ur dream will fullfill soon , same for all of us too.;)

only $1.4 for medicated? As i read someone mention cost around $2k. If $1.4 k still ok to pay by cash. Hmm. Delimma leh. Anyone else use medisave for fet?
Hi Nell

I am fine so far. Yesterday had more dull cramps here and there around the lower abdomen but not tired. Today not crampy but very tired. Nauseous wise, I am not too bad. only when brushing teeth and after eating a meal or certain smells. Stomach still bloated but getting better by the day. Take care !!
Joyce, KK said fet is between $1400 - $1800. As this is much lower than fresh cycle, there is no govt subsidy. So it's up to you lor..
FET cost increased recently? I did in aug last yr spent abt 1k excl in insurance. How come sister her pay 2k? Increased so much?
Summer - Oh, you must be so heartache at times to see your boy so alone... i was also, then i started to give him more toys, books, tv and games etc just to help him fill up the gap... but but its really a no no... he will start losing focus on his studies.. so now i am taking back whatever i had given him slowly and replacing it with more tuitions and books :p parents are always the ones that spoil market...

yes, i am worried for the age gap... since he was 5 i had wanted to try to have one more sibling for him, counting the gap till now, i lost count :p so now mummy is not giving him a playmate anymore, givin him a big headache!! hehe... hope with this much younger sibling, it will be able to cultivate him to be a good brother... u know only kid tends to be a little selfish, thats one of the nature we cant avoid...

Joyce - Actually I also didnt know I will have a problem concieving.. U know woman, as long as we had given birth before, no one know why suddenly u stop being fertile...

I was always trying, I kept thinking its stress or diet or bad habits, cos I am a smoker and drinks as well.. never did it occur to me that I will have 2 blocked tubes coupled with endo over the years... dr loh cant explained why my tubes got blocked in between the years.. but it just did
so here i am, the only way to make another baby is thru IVF
I thank GOD that there is an alternative... otherwise I can't imagine
hope this time will be successful, trying to keep myself positive

Mabel - Thanks!! Yes, my boy can really be sweet and understanding sometimes... am very thankful to have him by my side. He is like the little man in my life. Reminding me on daily stuffs and me, like a old naggy mum, reminding him to do homework EVERYDAY!! hehe... its always good to have more than one kid... cos only kid is really lonely... there's no other better word to describe either than this word... and this is the root of how their character develops thereafter if we parents cant dedicate more time for them

Perper - Yes dear, I am also prone to bartholin cysts. Just removed one 1.5 yrs ago.. there was an infection at that time... so painful 'sob sob' and lately, i can feel it swelling again
maybe dr loh might need to perform another bartholin cyst removal soon.. why didnt it come earlier? I just had my laprascopy in Nov 10 'faintx' tired of going under general anaesthesia but seasoned too...hehe

Jass - rest more and drink more water... u will feel better from 4th day onwards ^_^
summer - u know hor, my BT is 3rd June and it also happens to be my DH's birthday... so i think his fingers and toes are all crossed up for a big bird day pressie too!!! JIA YOU!!
Hi Summer >> no Cheong, that is why I shut down earlier wahaha later my boss also reading the posts than I will kana. Hee hee

Hi Joyce n Koirc >> thanks will keep all of u updated, I can only hope for the best.
Hi Sophia >> that is a huge jump in two days, looking very good.

Hi Nell >> thanks thanks another 13 hours to go n I will be on my way to the clinic.
Diantreez and Summer - Hope we all will move on all the way to deliver a sibling for our only child. Since the BT results came out my boy has been asking be everyday, it the baby still a small bean inside? are you going to hospital tomorrow to take the baby out (cos my tummy looks bloated)? Have been telling him about my whole process and want him to be part of this. He seems excited.
Good luck to everyone!!
Suyana - do you remember what are the two jabs given for the next 8 weeks after bfp at NUH? I know one is progesterone but the other leh? Is it also another progesterone? I think I may take your advise and buy the medication from them and go to the clinic of my regular gynae to jab cos I stay too far away and next week hubby gonna travel and son on school holiday. Gonna be tough.
bb nn... all the best to your scan tom!
hope to meet up again...

JT, welcome to the 2WW club! i am glad the cramp went off, i was feeling terrible on the day of my ET.. now got backache.. think i sleep too much..

kimmy, did you test again? bfp??
daintreez, hope ur DH will get a special present this year. My fingers & toes also cross for u

mabel, u tell ur boy about the ivf? Can feel his excitement, cant wait to see his sibling.
Summer - I shared with him cos he is very close to me and becos I need to slow down or cut down alot of activities with him I thought I want him to know why. he is really sweet so far and has been understanding for a 5 year old. The other day while I sat down and play with him, I had some cramps and told him I need to rest, he came over and rub my back hoping I'll get better so I can continue to play...hahahaha...
Mabel - Yes, kids r so cute.. i told my son I went to hospital to put in the embbies that day, he started asking me when will i know if its a boy or a girl... is it 3rd june? when i told him not yet, he looks sianz and walk away :p i know he is really looking forward to this little angel.. ^_^ your boy is such a darling, so understanding and loving

Summer - Yes!! I certainly hope this can be the best pressie for him too.... and for our family... ^_^

Dear Sistas, lets all pray for the best ^_^
Gd morning.

Bbnn and koirc, all the best today!
Mabel and DAintree, ur kids sound very understanding and mature.

Im dwn wif sorethroat and raised body temp last nite and today.
have been drowing myself in h2o. Im miserable.
hate sorethroat!
Good morning ladies - going to hospital for my jabs again. Last night while sleeping, I suddenly got up, went to pee and got really chilly, literally shivering but no fever. I put on my sweater and then within seconds I was sweating like mad with slight cramps and discomfort. I was so worried, I went to check and some articles say this are hot and cold flashes that early pregnancy may lead to due to changes in hormones and muscle contractions and relaxations. Does anyone here ever experience this?
My brownspotting is driving me nuts!!
Hv been having it on and off since Sunday. It is either my af is coming or i don't know wat. The nurses told me to just continuemy crinone and dupthaston till sat. I really wonder if it is the medication that is holding my af back. Other than brown spotting, really don't hv any symptoms that my embroyos r growing..... Sigh.... Not planning to test pregnancy kit myself this time cos last few times when I did so - iui, tested and all negative.

gd morning everyone.

daintreez, dr loh does such minor surgery? i heard from my friend that going under general anaesthesia too often will affect our memory, duno how true it is...anyway, my memory always no good, hee...

here's an alternative, maybe you can try if you dun want to go for op. i just had it in apr, i got my gp to use a syringe to suck the liquid out & thereafter took antibiotics for 5 days. it worked, the cysts subsidize slowly in 2 to 3 days. but my gp said sometimes it might not work as we did not totally remove the thing..
