IVF/ICSI Support Group

pink - yup.. first cycle with CARE.. take your time.. the baby game is not easy to play.. just have faith!!

pandawife - happy 7.5 weeks!! heh.. it is a nice journey.. abiet the puking.. heh.. i used to puke alot too.. lost 7 kg in my first trimester.. but i was just too happy to care.. heh.. in anycase.. pls take good care and eat.. although you puke, your body will still retain and absorb some nutrients.. you can try sipping cool gassy drinks.. they ease the nausea alot..

leeoh - more like buay kia si.. hahah.. my hubby old liao.. and i have leftover embies.. i can bear to throw them.. so, compromised with my hubby to try 1 more time.. soon.. which is now lor.. btw, for me, choosing CARE is easy, cos my Dr is Dr PT.. anyway, when i started the cycle, the govt grant was not confirmed.. so, i didn't get it anyway..

Hi mel, you've got PM.
mel..same here..lost 3kg liao..my hb says loook on positive side..i get to b slim mummy for 1st tri...hahah..now only the tummy bump growing..

i like 7 up..bt angela says cannot..ask me to take 100plus..tried tht..babiea dun like..end up puke more..so gave up on gassy drinks...
Hi Karen, really? I was given some hormones pills as they said that my hormone level is to the low side. Today is the 12th day and I have been having spotting since 8th day into the pills....
dun dare to take on any pills as I am worried that it might lower the success rate for my IVF...

Good Luck and Baby Dust to you!
lee oh..we pick pte for more personalised care and support..oso shorter waiting time and more flexiility.. coz need to go for many tests n scans thru out the process..no regrets on the $ spent..its worth every cent!
Thanks Mel... i am slowly picking up courage now... and thanks to all the mummies-to-be's PM for your support! I am sure that I can go thru the cycle!!!!
lee oh, i did my hsg and my hubby SA at TMC and we go kkivf, we need not go for retest. Maybe coz the tests done less than 1 yr
pandawife - my dear girl.. sip sip.. the sweet gassy ones are those that curb nausea.. cos i figured something in, is better than nothing.. even if it is sugar.. :p

Lyn - i do, i do.. what stage are you at now?.. busy... very busy.. my boys are very naughty.. and i thank god that i have them, everyday..
even when they bite me.. haha..

faith -
you can do it!!
JJ, yr AF will arrive earlier than mine. My Jun AF will be ard 23 or 24 if it is on time. So tat means my jab will be abt 12 days later than u. I went to sign the IVF form on Mon & oso bought the med which requires to take starting D2 for 3 wks. Did u oso buy at the same time u went for yr consent form signed?

At the same time like u, I will cont'd to tiao my body --> accup + TCM med.
wow! mel.. hoping is right.. u got twins and u still putting in another 2 embbies... can understand how much u n family love ur kids!

i only intend to put 1 embbies cos we r not ready for twins as i already a gal at 2 yrs old ...

btw, does ivf twins look alike? jus curious...
mel....i normally drink water like a hippo...dunno how to sip! hahaha..sip like nt drinking..keke..now cannot eat or drink much..bt i still try...if dun eat at all..i might faint at hm...

sounds like u r really enjoying motherhood! i look 4ward to the day i can hold my babies...
u will, panda! u may drop ur precious tears when they r delivered... these are moments i treasured till now...

will u be breast feeding the babies?

Blissful: try not to drink too much cold drinks.. better for the womb... plain water also try to drink it warm not at room temperature if possible...
hi mel, i agree. I thank god for my little boy everyday
He is coming to 3 soon and i really hope to give him a sibling so that he won't be too lonely.

But my hubby is hesitant about ivf as he is quite stressed about getting multiples (he is not a huge fan of big families). Is it possible to just put in one embroyo at a time? I know it sounds quite stupid ;p

Pandawife, I am also thinking that with all the ivf-related stresses already, additional ones like long waiting time and inexperienced nurses is probably not good for the whole process. But the money.... sigh, must weigh the decision very carefully. I am also worried that my work would not be flexible enough for me to keep running to see doctor

Thanks Gan, I will bring my test results along to kkh then, should we decide to do it there
But the only doctor i know seems to be sf loh and he is like super popular!
i've finally recovered from flu and sore throat so I decided to order confinement food for 7 days (Mon-Thu only).

just curious, who was the 1st doc you did ivf with at Mount E? My current doc is Dr S N. Was yours the same?

to all sisters
I'm still in confinement after my M/C (2nd fresh cycle 7th Week). Has anyone tried any confinement caterers? I just ordered from www.natalessentials.com but not sure how their service/delivery/food quality is. I did consider www.newbaby.com.sg.
Any feedback on any confinement caterer? I only try for 7 days first so can still change after that.

btw, this thread is going way too fast!!
blissful2010 - no lei ... i wasn't advised to buy any meds. weird .... think will just get everything on D2 of AF cos I'm suppose to call back kkivf for further instructions once AF arrives.

Maybe different nurse different style ...

Oh does that mean our 2ww would be different .. maybe yr eggs will grow so well that u catch up to me ... ! then we can be in 2ww together
Karen, tks! Ya I dun dare to drink too much cold water but 3 wks ago when I went for my biz trip, I got no choice leh but got to drink the cold water provided fr the airplane as my throat was very dry liao. I forgot they shd 've hot water but I did not ask. Then somemore for dessert, they served ice-cream. I simply can't resist..& so I ate few spoonful.

I think ivf twins are fraternal twins meaning they are not identical. I think this is because, with ivf, and esp icsi, it is one sperm to one egg. One-to-one basis.
hi lee... dr sf loh is the most experienced.. but i heard he's not so people people.. u must be prepared...

hi panda.. wow ! u r a good mother.. latching on is the best to increase more milk flow... not easy... u will need to drink lots of chicken essence liow... :D oh ya, invest in a good pump.. dual ones are more time efficient... good luck! enjoy ur pregnancy now... once they r delivered u'll be super busy!!!
most of the ivf twins are fraternal twins .. meaning non identical cos they are 2 seperate embryo ...

identical twins would be if 1 embryo splits into 2 embryo ...
hoping, karen - yeah.. thinking of putting multiple embies.. last time, i put 3 in, only 2 got implanted.. this time dunno what will happen..

pandawife - hah.. coming soon.. with practice and lots of determination.. i believe you can bf the triplets...

leeoh - hmm. not all embies will implant.. regardless of seeing so many multiples.. the chances if getting multiples are higher then naturalluy concieving, but in actual fact, not that great!!

my twins are faternal twins, not identical, thus, super not alike..

these are my naughty boys..
lee oh, i am with dr loh and yes he's popular in kkh. If u have plans to do in kkivf, i recommend dr loh.
I always think how many children we have is 缘份, i have a colleague who did ivf recently, only has 1 embbie put in 1 conceive 1. I dun mind multiples, put in 3 embbies now 8 weeks preggy with a singleton. =) this baby is a blessing. =)
Mel - they are so so cute !!
Yr this photo will def promote more pple to want twins !!

hahaa ... I've been recently watching discovery health & home documentary like jon & kate + 8, table for 10, 18 kids & counting ...

See all this super big families makes me abit scared of multiples
JJ, the nurse told me I no need to rush down on D2 for the med so she asked the doc to prescribe to me 1st. Then I oso got to call them up on my D3 or D4 to book appt to collect Lucrin leh. Dr Sadhana ordered the long protocol for me called OCP (can't rem wat it stands for).

Gan, yr protocol oso called OCP?
gan - congrats...
yup.. a good blessing..

cupcake - dun know your story, but my heart goes out to you.. take good care of yourself..
am having some indigestion now..is it ok to take enzymeplex to release flatulence? or should i take the gold kili ginger/honey drink?
this thread is super fast...gosh i just went out for facial and lunch and the thread jumped like crazy...haha

mel: yr kids are so cute...
cupcake: u must rest well.. my sis ordered from natessential... she says not bad.. portion quite gd too... gd to order confinement food... i dunno mc also cannot anyhow eat or not... but during confinement, we cannot eat outside food... anyone care to share abt the food?

hi jj..tks for the clarifications on the ivf twins... icic...

Blissful... try to watch ur diet too.. i also like u.. sometimes forget... but now i more careful cos ivf is a tedious process.. dun wanna waste money and time... try take more fruits and veg too!

Mel: wow! ur kids so chubby.. looks bright too! i think they do look a alike in some way... very handsome too! tks for sharing the pics!

Gan: tks for the enlightenment.. i know liow... no matter how many embbies to put, wat's urs will be urs... ok... just let it be natural... for me will still stick to 1... hee
thanks mel,
fyi: no heartbeat at 7th week during my 2nd fresh cycle so doctor did a D&C op to evacuate the womb in the 8th week (20th May) so now resting and trying to do 'confinement'.
P/S - your boys look very adorable!!

yup, agree wif u. Your baby is a HUGE blessing!
blissful: my gynae or the nurses nvr mention long or short protocal to me... but i read from CARE website they got long and short protocol...

for my case same as u... d2 i went to kkivf to take oral contra pill known as Microgyn... take for 21 days and menses will come 2-3 days later... then i also collected my lucrin jabs... which now i'm still jabbing.. need to jab at least 14 days...
Hi Mel, don't think u remember me cos I was a slient reader at that time while u doing IVF. Time really flies n nw u are a mummy of 2
Must have been such wonderful Motherhood. I'm nw currently doing IVF in D6 of stimulation. Kind of worried cos I dun feel any difference, thinking I hv follicles boh. Hv been telling myself that no symptoms does nt mean all gone, praying hard that my 1st scan will turn out ok. I have FAITH.
U are starting a new cycle or FET?

Balroggal, can I check with u roughly which day onwards do u start having symptoms. BTW, hw does bloatness feel like? Will hv a more protuding tummy is it?
Thinking hw come our scan is so late, at D9 of our stimulation n won't it be too late to adjust the dosage aft that? Is all hospitals the same portocol?
nm: i also bought the gold kili ginger drink... quite spicy when u dun add too much water.. i like it! i heard ginger can curb nauseousness too...
hi faith... some hv symptoms and some hv not... i know stimulation for lucrin and puregon can stretch to 16 days... so dun worry too much ya.... take care...
Karen, I like spicy food so much leh..now I got to cut down alot liao. More soupy stuff instead.

Oh ya..the med I bought on Mon is called Microgyn, so meaning same protocol as u. The nurse told me its long protocol called OCP. She handed me the flow chart for my understanding.

Is the lucrin jab very painful? I reali hope u BFP like the rest of the ladies here.
jj, karen, nm, cupcake - thanks..
all babies are cute..

cupcake - thanks for sharing.. i do think confinement is impt.. pls take care!!

ffaith - hihi... yup.. dun worry abt the no symptom.. no symptom is also a symptom!! you are aptly named... have FAITH!!
blissful, i am not sure abt the OCP..mine is the normal long protocal i.e lucrin then gonal f then er and et. I also took microgynon as my menses was not regular.

Mel, thanks. Cute boys u have!

Cupcakes, thanks sister.
for my 2 cents view.. natural herb is better than pills right... but if you are still unbearable after taking the ginger drink, u may wan to call CARE for the advise... sorri i can't help much?

maybe u try to eat more meals at small, light amounts..it shld help....
hi gan. thanks for the recommendation
think if i go kkh, i will just go straight to dr loh. actually, i think my boy is a miracle already especially with my hubby's varicocele condition. we didn't know it then and conceived naturally, accident somemore ;p Dunno if god will bless us with another miracle or not...

hi mel, your boys are so adorable, and very alert-looking. Bet they are smart and cheeky

does this thread move so fast typically? cannot catch up!
I tried newbaby's food b4 when I was doing confinement for my #1. I dunno is it too tired, so I got no appetite. Thus I really dun like the food at all.. You do rest well now ya..

Your boys are cute. How old are they now?
Hi Daylesford,
Yup, we are both with Dr Cheng. You are in good hands! Both he and the nurses at TFC are very good. For me, cos there were quite a lot of eggs, so there is a risk of OHSS if i proceed with ET. So will only do FET in July/August.

Hi Poppy *waves*!!

Hi TTCingBB,
thanks a lot! Need all the good luck we can get!

Hi mel, your boys are so adorable
