IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

Caramel..yup the cramps will subside...

I tried Raffles, Thomson & AMK...All k...But I prefer Raffles punya..better..shorter waiting time mcm Thomson..

I like Dr Zhao ..Very caring and I find her accu points very good..Got once I was having bad flu...Lepas accu je terus blocked nose hilang..Alhamdulillah..Her accu points is super alot..And she can tell where ur pain areas are...Insya-allah I will be going back to her once I am ready for my FET...;-)

Cuma one thing abt Raffles & Thomson..Their package is ex la..Dr Zou is cheaper..

I am under Private dr..Hmm Prof Wong is really good..Heard alot of good reviews...U can go for ur post review with him 1st to see what he can suggest for ur next cycle and decide from there...

Cahaya Mata...Hmm 2nd Stage alreadi..good..Wish u all the best...U tinggal west..I know there's one TCM in Clementi..Very famous jugak.Dr Tan Kim Seng..(tak tau betul ke tak nama dia.)..If I am not wrong he does accu I tink...
Thanks all. Will be stalking this page awhile since I am on 2ww lol.

Cahaya mataku; der is a branch at bukit batok. If u go to ivf icsi page, there is a list of all the acupuncturist.
Bubbli: thanks for the info. Dr zou amk is much cheaper but she speaks minimal english. A bit difficult to share my thoughts & worries to her. But now dah makin ramai go to her, so much longer waiting time. Den whenever i want to book appmt with dr zou, the man who picks up the phone, cant speak english. Susah. I heard reviews from other ivf sistas tat dr zhao also good. Her accu more customised to our body needs but dr zhou accu tak customised. Perhaps i shd try dr zhao. But exlah. Heard its $400+ for 5 sessions. Nvmlah duit boleh cari. Sacrifice a bit for bb sake.

But its difficult to find an english speaking tcm dr around who can communicate with us openly. Anyone went to Ma Guang before? Or Eu yan sang?
Bubbli, thank you for the wish. I've heard about TCM Dr Tan Kiang Sing (I think.. hehe) and think he's good with male problem. Segan pulak klau dgn male doctor however I'll give them a call soon to ask if they have any lady doctor tak. Tmr I'll be seeing Eu Yan Sang physician so we'll see how.

NurA, didn't know if Bukit batok have one. I will google it later @ ivf/icsi page. Thanks sis.

Caramel, Tmr I'll be meeting Eu Yan Sang lady physician @ Jurong East and will let you know what is the outcome.
NurA .. this is the one right? @ Bukit Batok

Fu Nan Traditional Chinese Medicine Centre
Blk 152 Bukit Batok West Ave 6 St.11 #01-266.
Tel : 6896 1618
Physician Su

Operating hours:
Mon: 8.30am - 12pm / 6-9pm
Tue: 8.30am - 12pm
Wed: 8.30am - 12pm
Thu: Closed
Fri: 8.30am - 12pm / 6-9pm
Sat: 1.30pm - 5pm
Sun: 8.30am - 12pm
PH: Closed
Yes cahaya. I called once. E reception lady doesn't speak good english but still able to understand.
But I dun hv guts for acupuncture cz I am terrified of needles and dun wanna add any more awful concoction to my current daily intake.

All e best dear
Hi all,

I've met Eu Yan Sang physician this evening. She hardly understand English and required someone (receptionist) to translate for her. And also she don't even understand how IVF works. So I guess, not all TCM actually understand the procedures of IVF. I'm thinking of heading to Dr Zou (AMK), but according to my friend, she don't do Acu after ET rite?

I am contemplating to go Raffles la..

Btw, Bubbli.. @ Raffles, Would it be possible if I make full payment on my 1st day of Acu or will they require full payment on the 1st day of consultation?
Hi cahaya,

So u going to dr zhou amk? Im also still caught in between dr zhou & dr zhao raffles. I find dr zhou ok. Nice lady but mcm susah nak communicate wif her. Not everyday her interpreter is there. Kdg2 when i hear her discuss wif the other ladies abt their ivf problems, mcm jealous since i cant have open communication wif her due to language barrier.

Btw i juz made appmt wif dr zhao raffles. Gonna try for myself & compare the difference. Will update u k.
Hello Caramel

If there is a language barrier problem with Dr Zou (AMK)as you mentioned, then I would rather go to Raffles. Senang kan nak communicate.

I find Raffles very very ex.. tapi takpelah just close one eye for baby sake. Lagi2 I'm with PCOS. I heard even PCOS ppl produce quite no of follicles, most of them either not in good quality or zero egg inside... *sigh*

I've actually made an appt @ Raffles too for tmr, but it will be in the morning session rite after my 1st scanning @ KKH, so I guess it will be Dr Ou Cuiliu then.

We'll update each other ok!
Hi cahaya, for raffles, during my first consult she started with acu already. So i paid for package at first visit. But i was already at end of 1st wk of stim stage. Im not sure what she wld decide for u but if u decide that u want to reconsider, u can let her and the recep know and they might b able to work something out for u. Shes a very nice lady and understands our needs and uncertainties.
Salam All..Morning...Wow thread moving fast..hehhe.Alhamdulillah..Good to hear some of u r going for accu...;-)

Cahaya: I hv PCOS..My quality of eggs r average when in KKH..But I change to private for my 2nd fresh cycle..Memang very ex...But they intro hormone injections to it called Saizen..Now KKH have it too..But their saizen injection only start from stimulation stage onwards only.

But I did produce better egg quality for my 2nd fresh..But I have known some cases whereby the eggs quality are not good..Some with fragments lagi but manage to BFP and has already given birth...So it's really hard to say good quality eggs can have better BFP...

Watever it is...As long as we try our best.Insya-allah all will be fine..One day all of us will be parents soon...Amin Amin
Thanks ladies

I've just arrived at home. 1st ultrasound shows 9 follicles + small² follicles. Those 9, are still small in sizes. So shall continue with 150 Puregon + one more shot to suppress ovulation. Will be back on Thurs for the progress.

Went to Raffles TCM this morning. Dr Ou said that I should've started TCM 3 months back bef IVF. That is to prepare our body to be completely healthy & ready for IVF. Sekarang still ok but it's abit rush. However she will try to help me as much as she can. Yes NurA she's very nice & soft spoken lady. I'm quite comfortable with her. Alhamdulillah, with Allah's grace & Dr Ou's help, they agreed to receive partial pymt & full bal will be paid on my next session.

Bubbli, is my stage right now under 'stimulation' stage? I am on Day 4 Puregon now. Can I ask them for Saizen or it is only applicable for private patients? Btw, I did my IUI @ NUH bef and after comparing KK & NUH I feel more comfortable @ NUH. What is the consultation fees like for private eh sis? And if in any case I wish to continue my 2nd cycle kat NUH, (with frozen embryos) do u think its possible?

Sorry Bubbli too many Q lak! heee hope u dont mind!
Cahaya...Hmm Yup u r under stimulation stage..U r now with NUH kan..I dunno whether NUH ada this Saizen ke tak..Cos to wat I know..Only SGH & KKH have this..

Consultation fees for private eh..It ranges actually..Diff hospital & drs range differently..I was under CARE..So my fees with CARE for consultation was only $50..But dunno ada increase in price ke tak skrg..I hvn't gone back there yet for awhile now..

The only thing abt CARE..The centre is handled by the head of embroyologist..Drs is from TFC...Dr Paul or etc...

The meds is the most expensive part..can really cost a bomb cos they can't buy meds in bulk like in govt hospital..Other than that their service is good..No complains on that though..

If u r doing FET..then no saizen required cos u r using frozen eggs..

Tak pe since u have already started..n doing accu in Raffles..It is possible to have good quality eggs...Accupuncture does help as well..

Wish u all the best.
Salam all,

It has been awhile since I masuk sini. I am currently on my 2ww wait and it is proving to be very challenging. My body is driving me crazy. Sekejap cramp (very light cramping), sekejap tak. Then I've constipation and I keep thinking of negative thoughts entah kenapa.

I did my ET last Wednesday so skg dah masuk day ke berapa eh? ER was on Monday. We had 6 eggs, 2 fertilized, but decide to put back 1 only. So insyaAllah, all will go well.

Btw, I was with Dr Jerry Chan tapi dia on leave so Dr Matt Lau replaced him.

Anyone has BFP with both of them can share?

Btw, semalam I did foot reflexology. Is it ok to do it during 2ww?
Take care cahaya. Very promising no.s dun worry.

Salaam nur.
I too in my 2ww. Im 3dp2dt. Et last fri.
U r day 5.
I used to be under Dr Jerry Chan tho this time I totaly forgot who did e et coz im subsidized. Main gynae is Dr Sheila Loh.
Is this ur first fresh?
I used to be symptom spotting e first round. Dun worry dear I too have sharp cramps yest but totally none now cz I think I was constipated. Totally no guts to insert cyclogest rectally.
Do u?

And I dunno bout foot reflex but my hubby picit picit my kaki every night its a habit tho. Maybe u let e tukang urut know n see hw.

Salam NurA,

My main gynae at clinic D also is Dr Sheila Loh. All along I thought she's my main dr. but ternyata bukan. It was so funny when the nurse asked if I know who is my dr. before proceeding for ER. Hahaa.. I really thought my doc was Dr Sheila Loh until the nurse explained that she's prob my gynae and for IVF I am under Dr Jerry Chan - I met him once only and tak ingat muka dia mcm mana.

This is my first fresh cycle. How many cycles have u been through? How many embryos u put back?

Btw, mine bukan cyclogest. It's utrogestan and it vaginally. Quite disgusting lag. 3x a day pulak tu. I wash my hands like crazy lepas

Also, my mum keep reminding me to do solat hajat. I try to do it lepas solar fardhu. So insyaAllah lah.
Hi 5!

I too under Dr Sheila at clinic D. My first ivf I pon under dr jerry chan and never met him. Yup u r exactly going thru e cycle I did in march. But unfortunately I bfn.
Coz urs is fresh cycle ur inserts are as such and yes its disgusting. I need to buy e finger cover like a condom for ur finger haha.

I had 18 follicles during retrieval but onli can 7 fertilised. So two transfer and froze 5. I was put on ur inserts 3x/day too.
Den in my day 11, I had spotting, called clinic and was given extra oral support duphaston but I bled heavily onwards. Took blood test on day 14 and confirm bfn.

So now its my thaw cycle and I have 3 frozen after e two transfer. Alhamdulillah I am nt as in much pain or bloated like fresh coz I am unmedicated. Feel like normal now.

Hw r u? I was bloated for a week. Took egg whites, isotonic and red bean diligently during my fresh.

Yes solat hajat is good. Do read surah Yusof amd Maryam too jadi u feel more tenang.

Watch comedies. It helps. Hindustan marathon keeps e time moving too
Thanks for the explanation Bubbli. Sorry to trouble u with so many Qs.hehe..Rite now I do my IVF @ KKH. I was just thinking klau boleh, next cycle I nak buat kat NUH pulak. lol. ;D

InsyaAllah NurA..

nourel, I suppose mine also Dr Matt Lau. But it seems funny that from my 1st appt (the day that I decided to do IVF) till today, I never meet him personally. I guess, I'll be seeing him only during ER & ET. Anyway, have a good rest and take care during yr 2WW.k!
InsyaAllah NurA. Will practise it. Yes, Hindustan marathon keeps e time moving. Kalau kat rumah 1 ada ZeeTV and StarPlus lagi tenang I. Hhahahahaaaa...

Cahaya, Dr Matt Lau did my ER & ET. ER u will be sedated so his face mcm blur or non-existant gitu.

ET baru jumpa dia. He wanted to put back both embryos but I told him I wanted 1 only. I rested whole of last week. Very bored.

Now I am back at work. Hoping to get some distraction.
Cahaya, I was prev from NUH but had lousy service tts y I left. Lol but nvm as long as we usaha.

Nur, yup tgh tgk biwi no. 1 on star gold. Cannt survivr without cable and big bang theory hehe.
Maybe u had cramps coz of e ER. E effects may hv a couple of days. Mine was pretty bad.

Nvrtheless, do take it slow ladies be it at work or at home. We are pregnant until proven otherwise
Cahaya...it's k..no problem..i answer wat i can...NUH is k la..based on some of my frens review..

But since u r cycling now..Think +ve...Insya-allah may strike..

Wow so many sistas on 2ww...Wishing all the best...Take care and Enjoy the 2ww..and the hindustani movies...hehehe..;-)
Nur (nourel19)

Hi Nourel, my gynae who did my er and et: Dr Matthew Lau.

Now, I'm 7 months preg(alhamdulillah) and Im still with Dr Lau in KKH Private Suite.

Personally I like him a lot,very patient.
Hi ladies,

Juz came back from my post ivf review. Already book for next fresh round in sept cycle. Plan to start healthy eating & accu to prepare for next cycle. Anyone with nuh? Now nuh ada new regime for ivf using nor-e. Any ideas wat is it for?

Wanna ask is it ok to do accu during fasting month? I ask around. Ada yg ckp ok & ada yg ckp tak ok. Hmm whats ur views on this?

Hi cahaya,

U went for accu wif dr ou? Not dr zhao? Lama tak the accu session? Going raffles mmg ex but nvmlah duit leh earn balik so tahan je. Im going for first accu wif dr zhao on 10th jul.

Hi tulipcinta,

Congrats on ur pregnancy. All the best & have a smooth one. Insyallah.
Good Morning ladies!

nourel19, so probably I won't be seeing him till ET time lah... heee..

NurA, why lousy eh? during my IUI, I saw ppl doing IVF, NUH give out container to keep the medicine cool & alcohol swabs were free. While KKH, they just give us normal ice in the plastic which will be melt in 1 1/2 hrs. I terpaksa buy my own container so that it won't wet my bag. grrr!

Bubbli, Ameeen to yr dua sis. InsyaAllah!

Caramel, Yes. Dr Ou cos Dr Zhao avail only in afternoon session. Accu dlm half & hour je. But I felt abit weak n tired aft accu. Maybe cos the blood starts to circulate..

tulipcinta, Alhamdulillah! nice to hear success story from Dr Matt Lau & Congrats on yr pregnancy sis!
Salaam morning ladies..

Cahaya, I was under an assoc consultant in nuh in 2010 aft a bad episode at tfc. Purposely chose a female dr cz I wanted a more maternal gentle touch. First consultation supposedly get our history and get to know us etc but it lasted for 5 mins. And she keep saying "I can definitely get u both pregnant this yr". She scheduled for a hsg and a lap for me without even discussing with us. And yes when we ask her qns she chided at us as tho we r doubting her intelligence.
Den we did our 3rd iui aft e hsg n lap done. Very swift. Let me lie down post iui for only 5 mins n quickly shooed me out of e her room cz she wants to go home. All my appts with her is always at 3.30pm cz after my morning shift but she only sees me arnd 5, 5 plus akmost 6 and make me her last pt wic annoys my husband as he purposely takes half day to make it on time.

At e "flower" clinic, my hubby n I did a thorough blood scan whic ended me with a bruise 10cm in length n 5 cm wide. It has nvr happen before bcz I hv taken numerous blood test and always at e same site. I showed up with the bruise with my uniform on bxz we are e same profession and complained to e nurse manager. She den apologized and said she will revert to e nurse who did it. I told her not to reprimand the junior nurse but tell her to be more careful next time.

Cahaya, I am honestly nt a difficult pt. Bcz of my medical background and experience I am very pt and understanding. But that assoc con really make me regret my move. She nvr contacted me bck after e failed iui even.

And yes kkh kasi plastic of ice wic melts but looking at it I hv forked out a small fraction in kkh compared to nuh and I really dun mind. So far im good with kkh ivf.

And nuh is a stone throw away from my house and I tot I was in good hands. But maybe I was wrong and some of e ladies here had a better experience den me insyaAllah.
Caramel, my bad I'm sorry. Dr Zhao do avail on morning sessions as well. It's just that I buat my 1st TCM appt last Mon & on the same day I have scanning at KKH. Since its nearby, I prefer not to n fro Jurong/Bugis. Sadly that Dr Zhao was on her off day last Mon. I dah pun signed up a package with Dr Ou. Nvmlah... Hopefully she'll be as good as Dr Zhao. Ameen.. *pray hard*

NurA. Oh sorry to hear your bad experience with NUH. I had my bad experience with one of their gynae too last time. I felt hurt whenever she commented bout my weight and she told me even doing IVF, the chances will be slim cos of my weight. Since then I'm feeling depressed and had a very low-esteem. Only 2 yrs later I decided to restart my fertility treatment and decided to switch to KKH.

InsyaAllah! Berkat doa dan usaha kita, satu hari kita akan berjaya jugak. Allahumma Ameen..
Last edited:
Yes cahaya I think we are talking abt e same gynae. She too criticised abt my weight heavily. Keep on saying tt fat people vey hard to get pregnant. And my whole family is all plus size and dey get pregnant with a sneeze.

E nurse tt assisted her for my iui was my batch girl in nursing sch. When I asked her y she is so mean to me or make very nasty remarks my fren said she is like tt. She is only nice n pleasant to her on color n esp non locals. After e failed iui mybhubby n I took a yr n half break from trying.

Yes insyaAllah He will answer our prayers and grant us all a lil miracle. Semua di tahan Dia so we just look forward from all dis bad experiences n move on

Good day to everyone here!
Salam girls,

I'm just days away from my blood test and now sakit pulak. Fever, blocked nose and sore throat. Can I go normal gp and take their meds?

I'm still unsure if I'm pregnant or not. HPT negative still and I'm cramping a lot.
Salaam darlings.

Nur, oh dear u sakit? Stress sgt ke? I dunno abt meds cz so far only panadol is safe tt I know. But tt wont work for sore throat n blocked nose. Maybe u can go gp and tell dem tt u r in a cycle n see hw what he says. Or u wanna call ur ivf clinic n speqk to e nurse or gynae cz nt many private gp are ob/gyn trained what more versed in ivf.

Chin up dear as long as u dun see red der is always hope. I cramp on n off. Really trying to not symptom spot or else I go crazy too.

Take care dear. Drinks lotsa water, rest and sleep. This is e only time u can hehe. speedy recovery !
Salam ladies,

How are you both 2ww ladies?
nourel19, speedy recovery ok! its better to check with the IVF ctr nurses fr any medication to be taken during yr 2ww period.

NurA, how are you feeling now? Seen at the other page that yr BT is on Monday? Wishing u the best of luck babe!

I've went to KKH fr scanning with bloatedness & feelin nauseous this morning. Told them bout the bloatedness, & they quickly let me in to see Dr Tan Sze Yuen aft scanning. They said I am on high risk of OHSS. Tonite is my trigger shot, pregnyl. Gals, I'm worried of OHSS & afraid they will cancel ET. Diorang nye predictions pun like.. I confirm2 hundred 100% akan kena OHSS. They suggested me to freeze the embies.. but I decided to just proceed.

Bought the immunocal already. Not sure how many pkts should I drink to avoid OHSS? Care to share ladies?
Salam Sistas

To sistas gg for bt.. Best of luck.. Insya-allah gd news..

Cahaya.. U drink abt 3 pkts Immunocal.. Remember to make it cool.. No hot or warm water.. Beli 100 plus n minum.. If u can raw egg whites the best remedy... Very effective.. Take care n hope all goes smoothly for u.. Insya-allah Amin..

Salam Ramadhan to all of u.. Insya-allah dibulan yang mulia ni.. All of us will hv good news to come.. Amin Amin

Take care...;-)
Cahaya: yup can continue.. I did drink it all the way.. Cos during 2ww if preggie.. OHSS will be worst.. So good to take.. Immunocal is healthy... So dun worry... I doakan terbaik for u..;-).. Up the protein.. Keep OHSS at bay...
Salaam n gd morning dearies.

Yes cahaya my BT is next monday 15/7. Today im 11dp5dt.
A whole lot of raging hormones. I sweat all afternoon n night padahal fan blasting above me at speed 3. I can barely sleep at night toss n turn n just cannot get comfortable. Body aching. Tried afternoon nap n its worst cz with sweating etc. Lately mybboobs are super sore tt I cldnt stay in our position without feeling uncomfortable. And e headaches come n go.

I know its e hormones. My first time on cyclogest maybe too strong. I hope all e 2ww ladies are having a smooth one.

Yes cahaya I too heard immunocal is gd. But I nvr tried cz I started with ensure n hated e taste so cldnt upgrade to immunocal.

Ramadhan is almost here! I am sooo excited cz syaitan all tied up n nt talking nonsense into my head lol.

I nid ut views tho ladies, my mother insists tt I shldnt fast till BT cz I am used to small freq meals to beat my hunger pangs.
But I think I shld be fine tho.

And, my cyclogest inserts are 12hrly. When shld I do it?
If I put at 5.30am den e next is 1730hrs or can it wait till buka? It shldnt affect my hormone levels so much right?

Do let me know what u think.

May we all benefit on this beautiful mth of ramadhan and be blessed with miracles
Thanks Bubbli! Praying that my ER everything will be smooth and fine tomorrow ..InsyaAllah Ameen....

NurA, about fasting its actually up to individual body. To be frank, I don't think fasting may affect the chances. But just to be safe, don't fast la... cos we don't know what our body-inside really needs.

Dr advise me not to fast during my 2WW cos OHSS require us to drink more fluids daily. So there goes half of my Ramadhan. But one of the day, I would just like to fast.. shall see how my body responds during fasting.

And bout the inserts, It won't batal your puasa. So you can do it in the morning and evening as and when you are comfortable.

Ameeen... also praying for miracles to other sisters here! We can do it! InsyaAllah!
NurA...Hmm ur symptoms seems good..Hope for the best..Insya-allah good news for u...

Hmm it depends actually..kalau u boleh puasa..go ahead..Normally those support inserts..plus/minus la..U can double check with the clinic on whether u can change ur inserts timings e.g 6.30am..then lepas buka inserts lagi....

Insya-allah all of us will benefit on this beautiful month...Amin...

Cahaya..Oh ER esok..best of luck..Up more protein after ur er..this is to avoid OHSS from triggering to worst...Everything will be fine..Byk berdoa for the best...Take care...
Thanks cahaya n bubbli. Thats really helpful. Hmm will try to fast.

So confirm tak batal to put inserts during fasting? Cz my mum is like 'nothing into the rongga of any parts of ur body tt will batal Ur puasa' den I go like ( -_-")

Cahaya, byk zikir. And its norm to see some spotting post Er.and get prepared for ohss. Lots of isotonic even if u feel sick of it. I had mild ohss with 18 follicles retrieved but alhamdulillah diligent H20 and egg whites. I also drank pati ikan haruan so tt the internal wound wld heal. All e best dear!

Bubbli, I hope so. I just wan to gt thru this week with no af. Every morning n see clear I heave a sigh of relief and another chance to fight n pray for e embbies.
Confirm tak batal puasa NurA. Yang membatalkan puasa itu hanya bila kita muntah, uzur, makan/minum, keluar air mani & intercourse..

Don't worry,k. Biasalah org tua2 slalu ingat anything comes into any rongga kira batal. Actually its not.

Good signs NurA! InsyaAllah good news for u!
Cahaya Mataku & NurA: I agree with Cahaya, tak batal. Even if you take blood test tak batal. Uztat ever say that to me. Kalau terpaksa makan ubat, kalau memudaratkan sangat den terpaksa lah batal, kalau tak kalau boley tahan lagi beberape jam, cuba je.
Thanks cahaya and babydusty.

I think I will schedule my inserts on 5.30am and after maghrib. Coz mcm not right gitu to insert bila da start puasa haha. Awkward.
And insyaAllah will try to fast. See hw I can last.

And hopefully e embbies wont be too affected and will stick tightly and may we all hv a smooth Ramadhan ahead
Salam Ramadhan to all,

My blood test is on Friday but unfortunately I just start bleeding just after Zohor. So depressed. I cried all the way. I still have to continue the urogestan until Friday.

For those yang kena pakai ubat from down there, do it during sahur and buka. That's what the Muslim nurse at KKH recommended.

I'm now trying to think positive and not look forward to the bad news on Friday.

Also I am still having flu.
Nur, I know its hard but do persevere till ur bt.
We here it all e time tt some people still bfp even when dey are bleeding. Zikir n doa for this auspicious month is full of blessings.

Oh dear u still flu? Tried panadol flu max or piriton?

I too thinking to do for sahur n buka. But I hv to lie down for almost two hrs aft insertion cz cyclogest very waxy and I tend to leak a lot if I move too much. Tts y I prefer to insert aft all my prayers like when all is done den I can insert n lie down to rest/sleep strgt. Will see hw.

Ramadhan al mubarak to all.
InshaAllah He will pull us thru this glorious month

Selamat bersahur semua
Nur... Not sure u r in wat day of dpt.. But y dun u go for early bt? Fri is ur bt.. So I assume is 17dpt alreadi by then.. Now shld be able to detect hcg.. Just get early support if confirm preg.. Urs under kkh is it?

NurA.. Selamat Berpuasa..;-)

Salam All,

THanks for the encouraging words. Unfortunately the inevitable has come. Blood test confirms that I am not pregnant. Allah knows best.

I'm going to meet the doc for review next week.

We have one frozen embryo so, we shall see how it goes in the future.
