IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Su-u mean aft retrieval still can do accupuncture?

Rainy-From what I know, IVIG is a blood product given to patients with immuno deficiencies/autoimmune diseases, it's not used for fertility treatment, that lady may have some underlying auto-immune condition

jamp-IUI has lower success rate leh. did u consult prof? if u don't mind, may i know for yr case, is male factor or...???
i'm awaiting prof review mid this mth to c what he recommends. i'm hesitant to go for ivf cos it's rather long n tiring process.
i'm thinking during the 2ww, can we go ahead to work though we r given MC?
Hi rainy, ivig is used for ladies with underlying auto immune problem like having lupus or thyroid antibodies or natural killer cells. Usually ladies with these issues suffer from recurrent miscarriages because these antibodies attack their fetus as a foreign body. U will hv to get your blood tested before getting this treatment from a specialized team in Nuh dealing with recurrent miscarriages. Each drip us 4 hours and it costs 2500. I will hv to go through this because u hv underlying lupus and thyroid antibodies. If not I will not be able to sustain a pregnancy to full term. Drip starts before Ivf and may hv to be sustained till late pregnancy.

Jamp is right. That lady must hv some autoimmune problems. Nit everyone needs it.
Can I find out if I want to do Ivf in Nuh, should I see prof on day 2 or 3 of my menses?
Rainy- I can understand why u have this thought. It's really not easy juggling work demands while ivf. But I think if possible, try to get at least a week of rest. No point not getting good rest after putting so much effort & $$$.

Jamp- I've done IUI w NUH before I moved on to ivf. I think that's what most Sistas did before embarking on the ivf journey.
I saw Prof today for Day 21. Somehow I find him reviewing in great hurry! He didn't even review my case notes and I have to asked him questions then he refer. I asked him how to minimize the risk of endo recurring and he said he has no answer. He insisted I had no endo prior until I told him I got endo right after failed fresh and had to had laparoscopy. I find this time he is much less patient dunno if cos he realised I hopped to Gleneagles and return only on failure. But that's what all patients are- trying to maximize the chances of success. Anyway he wanted me to repeat several blood tests including AMH even though i had all the HIVs etc tested in July 2011 when I was with Prof Ng. Hmmm...
tub-thks for the info. yah, my colleague's fren had 3 previous cases of miscarriages. it's no wonder she has to undergo ivig. she has just given birth now to a healthy baby under NUH

i actually consulted prof b4 my menses came. he'll then order a series of tests for u to take. eg. blood test on day 2 or 3 of menses, HSG, etc.

Mel-i'm doing a few part-time jobs, so hv a few employers to account to. i do not wish to let my colleagues/bosses/family members know that i'm gg thru the process. tat's y i'm not sure wat excuse shld i come up with if i really embark on IVF & take the 2ww mc. I used to go to pte n a nurse actually told me some gals do continue to work during 2ww so that they will not be so stressed up n anxious during this period.

anyway i'm really in a dilemna now whether i shld go thru all these treatments. it doesn't matter to me whether i hv a kid or not. it's all god's will. i can still continue my life as usual, maybe even better. perhaps if i really do embark on ivf, i do it because of my hubby. however since i'm keeping it a secret from my family members & everyone else, i'm afraid i may not get enough emotional support from my hubby cos he's too focused on his work n not so caring type.

ladies-i'm really confused now!
Mel-when i saw prof for the 1st time, i don't find him so much caring as the other doc which I've seen from pte. however previous's sistas review abt prof mentioned that he's actually a nice fatherly guy with few words. my student's aunt succeeded 2 times doing ivf with NUH this yr(1 time under Prof, another time under Dr Chew. too bad, she had m/c for the 2 cases cos of her irregular diet for the 1st trimester. previously she had 3 ivf cycles with kkh but all failed.

so far i only consulted prof one time. perhaps is his stern look which sort of put me in the dilemna. not bcos i've no confidence in prof n his team. guess is the feeling bah. the pte doc that i consulted previously, he's quite caring n detailed in his review. so i was always optimistic when i saw him. if not for the govt grant, maybe i'll hv stick to the pte doc.
Blue, I just returned from holiday and saw your post. I am sorry for your loss. I know exactly how you feel. I have gone through this. Mine and your case is the same.
Jamp_Jamp, I have tried 4 IUIs in NUH and all failed. I think it's waste of time for me. Cos I am no longer young.
Dear all sisters, I am now back to IVF journey again. I am now on medicated protocol for FET and I just did blood test this morning. If the blood test is ok, I can start taking Progynova. After 2 weeks, scan will be done and if the scan is ok, can transfer my snow babies already. I am looking forward to it!
Mel,dun think so much, just carry on, since you've decided to go back to prof...previously i went nuh with blood tests from mt E, but was told by prof's nurse that some essential blood tests have to be done in that same hospital we gonna receive ivf treatment.
rainy, you're not alone, i told only my boss, 1 very close colleague and sis-in-law about my ivf journey. I find it's good not to tell, pple will not understand why we have to go through this. My boss said things like 'human intervention' which affected me, my sis-in-law doesnt know how to react to it. Better dun tell.

But hubby's support is of utmost importance. He has to support you all the way, anxiety is not over after bfp, there are still more hurdles to clear.

As you said, you did this for his sake, am sure he'll understand! dun fret!
cool, your IUIs also under prof? Are the scans as frequent as that for ivf? I heard they did the trigger shot also just like ivf, is that true?
Cool all the best for you FET.

It is true somehow not to tell many ppl.
For my first n 2nd my some of my colleagues know abt it.
My 3rd cycle no one know even my close colleague.
Somehow it load off some pressure.
jamp, that time I was a subsidized patient. so available DRs did it for me. One time was under Prof, another time was Dr Chew and the rest is Dr Anu. Only 3 scans were needed. Yeah. They also did the Ovidrel trigger shot.
Rainy- I feel if u were to go thru this ivf journey all alone it can be mentally stressful if u need emotional support at times. My hubby is also v busy at work. I dun ask my hubby to go appts w me but when it comes to embryo replacement, embryo transfer, he'll be there. I told my family and in-laws and my MIL is v supportive, even took care of me during my 2ww. So depends what kibd of person u r, if u need emotional support it would be good to at least have someone close and whom u can trust besides ur hubby for u to listen/consult. If u only have ur hubby, should for whatever reason your hubby cannot pick u up after procedure u have nobody u know? And during 2weeks after transfer, u cannot do housework etc and u need proper meals. Who's going to prepare or get you the home-cooked food unless you can steam simple food for yourself or something. These are factors to consider.
Jamp- tks. If Prof is still hurried the next time, I will think of more questions to 'force' him to review my case notes. lol.

Btw Prof will be on leave this month (early twenty someth) and return only after NUH lab cleaning is completed (5th Dec).
If I were to proceed w Day 21 suppression he will not be around to do my stimulation tho can still do the retrieval. I have until tmr morning to decide. Probably I'll start next mth cos I want Prof to follow thru everything himself. I m v scared if any amiss in suppression duration I end up having cysts or worse summoning the endo back! Touch wood.
Coolcool- all the best to ur FET!

Rainy- I'm puzzled. Ur friend miscarried due to her irregular diets in 1st tri. So serious??The Dr said so?

I agree need not tell ur employers; less stress for u wo them knowing. U work part time can you take leave or reshuffle ur working days? I am not working... In fact since my first fresh and this is going to be my third fresh. My work doesn't give me the flexibility to go frequent scannings and be absent for 2ww repeatedly. So my only solution is to leave work. It's painful cos no job status is damaging to self esteem not to mention no own income.
Yes I do agree with Mel on points like meals and housework, but it all depends on the pple around you, how supportive/understanding they are on our ivf journey.

Pressure like what Su said is also a factor to consider, esp after my miscarriage, I regretted telling pple about it.

wow, you all very understanding wives, I feel ashame of myself after reading your posts. I demanded my hubby to be with me for appointments although he is busy with his work :p (I guess I'll have to stop these nonsense once I resign, one income, cannot play play)

I cooked simple meals for myself during the 2ww, got him to drop clothes into washing machine cos must use chair) once a week when he's free, the rest I just closed one eye
I was quite worried about all these initially but managed to overcome them eventually. In order not to fall into self sympathy depression mode, I imagined myself as an expat wife without relative in S'pore!
Mel, I'm gotta join you soon. My boss has given me hints that she cannot afford to have me go on HL often.

May I ask what do you do in your free time?
Cool- all the best for yr FET.
Any suggestion where to go for short trip like 4-5 days kind in Nov? Thinking of traveling end of Nov
Mel, what does prof need to do from suppression to stimulation? Any scanning needed? I thought it's just a change of medication? I'll be seeing him tomorrow at cd3. Hopefully can start Ivf within this cycle. My last blood test was done in Nuh dec last Yr so I hope it's still valid.

How many different kinds of protocols r there? And what determines these protocols? Thanks gals.
Mel, thanks.
I think Prof starts taking leave on 19 Sat cos just now nurse told me if my transfer falls on 19, Prof won't be able to do. Then she asked me if I mind. Hmm.. what to do.. I told her I don't mind and I will proceed. I don't want to delay further.
Blue, thanks. You can consider going to Bali for 4-5 days holiday if you haven't been there. It's a nice place to relax.
Jamp- yah I read ur that post and it reinforced my stand on not revealing ivf to employers.

I really dunno what I do actually cos i have so much time during the day! I've come this far. This will be my last try... I feel I have already tried my best, given up lots to stay home this while. There's only so much house chores to do (not that I enjoy enough to do everyday). After my hubby goes to work i will go back to zzz. Haha. I will visit my parents who are retired and they have been my good source of company so far in a way; chat, go out eat, shop... I also do online shopping, surf net... Read - I have many books and some my Husb bought but never got time to read I read on his behalf. Haha. Exercise. Cook. That's about it.
ladies, glad to hear of all your advice n encouragements

i'm staying with my MIL also. she's too conservative and we hv generation gap. so can't expect her to take care of me during 2ww. somemore if she knows abt it, the higher hopes she has, the greater disappointment also if we fail. for my mum, she's uneducated. doesn't know abt ivf process so i wan to spare myself from the questioning. if i really go for ivf, then i guess i will hv to go bk mum's place during the 2ww. just bluff her said i hv some sickness, given 2wks mc.

for one of my part time work, i'm treated like perm staff though is half head-count. so i'm eligible for leave, mc etc. tat's y i'm thinking whether it's possible to work during the 2ww if i do not wan any1 to know. otherwise, any excuse to tell our boss? ladies' illness???

mel-i'm the type that requires a lot of emotional support, not so strong like jamp...keke my hubby is someone who needs to be 'pushed' & told. so i think we hv many issues to discuss b4 deciding whether to emabark on ivf. i can't afford not to work as it will really be financially tough on my hubby.

for my student's aunt, i only heard from his mum that she din take nutritional meals during her 1st trimester. ate a lot of snacks n bisucits in between proper meals. exact reason for the m/c, i din ask further.
jamp-i admire yr optimistic thinking - 'not to fall into self-depression mode'. i like this...haha. i'm not that strong n optimistic like u. always worry a lot of stuff before the actual things happen
Coolcool- I think even if Dr Chew oso ok since u were successful under his transfer technique previously. We all hope the BEST for u this FET!

Jamp- u r so funny. The part on expat wife in sin w no relatives. Dun stress urself unduly yet. Since ur boss is already aware and hinted u, u got nothing more to lose le cos no matter u take again or not, u will be appraised for the frequent HL already. Just hope all of us here can see light at end of tunnel like Su and god blessings like Andreanie.
Mel, you so cute, read books on hubby b1/2

I'll have to resign once we decide to embark on next ivf cycle. Now still thinking and praying about it. My regular gynae told us to try IUI first, to her, it's not as invasive as ivf. Dr Zou told us to try naturally for a few months.

B4 we saw prof, i failed 3 iui cycles at mt e, but i feel the dr not so accurate in her ovulation tracking, always trying to beat the weekend crunch, no trigger shot too.

But again, we believe it's God's timing, let's all wait patiently, sistas, jia you 2gether!
Rainy- since u r staying w MIL are u expected to help w house chores etc? Cos if u need not, then ok, dun need to tell if u are not comfortable. At least u get ur meals taken care of by her and u need not do heavy housework like mop or laundry stuffs. But when u stay home during the 2ww, u will have bed rest so u need to think wat to tell ur MIL. Maybe u can say u have cyst or someth and use this same reason for ur employers. Dun tell any cols, no matter how close, u never know... But i dunno if ur mil will think ur womb weak etc and inside her blame u if u say u got cyst. Otherwise u say u got gastric flu or someth and Dr advise bed rest? This excuse was my MIL came up when I stayed w her during 2ww and she told her other son and DIL

As for u not being able to share w ur mum, then maybe u 'talk' to us here whenever u needed support etc.

I hope the above kinda solve ur concerns. Dun worry, these are manageable matters. Go in confidence to take ur first step to having a bb... Cheers!
rainy, u absolutely wrong, me was a 'worrier', but now trying my best not to, hubby hates it!

Nonsense stuff that could set me worrying for whole day include:-
What if hubby has to travel during the ivf cycle?
What if prof on leave 1/2way through the ivf cycle?
What if we are stuck in jam on way to nuh?
What if I forget the ovidrel jab?

hahahaha, nonsensical, right?

Am learning to pray and let go.

I fret and fret during my last cycle, thought of going back to mum's place too, but hubby prefers me to stay at home, I thank God that I made it in the end.

So Rainy, no fear, I can do it, so can you!
Mel, wow, u have a great MIL! I can't even trust my own mum as I know that if there's anything that I want everybody to know, just tell mum, hahaha
Oh Jamp, IUI wo trigger shot? Like Coolcool, my IUIs have trigger shots. Since u r tiao-ing ur body (also cannot do ivf at the moment) during this time and if u have no male factor issue, u can try IUI one more time at NUH? It's just like u r trying naturally based on ur body response except it's artificial insemination. Afterall it's not too costly like ivf but I agree w Cool the success rate is much lower. Ivf no matter wat is harmful to body... That's why my 2nd fresh I did a diff protocol in Glen but outcome was unexpected even Prof Ng said so. Long story, i can only say its god's will.
tub- I think in NUH only long or short protocols. My limited knowledge is long is the usual with suppression, stimulation then egg retrieval and then embryo transfer. Short is wo the suppression. Usu for patients who are lower on their response to stimulation. That's why they skip suppression and go straight to stimu.

What prof has to do from suppression to stimu? After 2 weeks of suppression (long protocol), u will need to do blood tests to check if u r well suppressed before u start ur gonal-f stimu. During these 2 stages u will be scanned every 2-3 days and that's when one can develop cysts and cycle got to be aborted if Dr deemed necessary.
Jamp- ur mum is 'useful' in her way lor
Yah can't complain much abt my MIL. I think she is a v gd mother to her sons; a role model for me if I get the chance
mel, prof and dr zou both says not advisable to get pregnant within 3 mths aft d&c. dr zou said aft miscarriage chances of getting pregnant naturally very high but chances of miscarriage also high.

Will discuss with prof about this, but think he'll prob say go for ivf

nvm, dun think about your previous cycles anymore, anyway I believe each cycle is unique, dun look back, that's what my church bros and sis told us. Move and look forward, let's jia you 2gether.

It's so heartening that this thread becomes so alive! yeah! Great to be able to talk to you sistas, feel very much comforted
mel-i'm really glad that i can come to this forum to tok to u n other sistas here to get some support n advice
i'm really so envious that u hv such a great MIL. difficult for me to explain my r/ship with my MIL. we don't tok to each other except I greet her in the am & when I reach hm. can u imagine how the r/ship is like though we stay under the same roof? anyway it got worsened this yr by some family issue. long story...my parents din even console me during that period n i really felt helpless. i was glad i've a colleague that i could confide in.

jamp-maybe if i've gone on ivf cycle in future, i may hv more nonsenisical worries like u haha sometimes i wonder y some gals hv better life than me. they hv great in-laws, caring hubby supportive family members, beautiful kids, no other worries. i look @ myself and find that there don't seem to be anything that i'm happy with. perhaps i'm overly pessimistic here bah but will try to take the sistas' advice here. No fear, be confident in taking the 1st step

btw cyst removal will be given 2wks mc? just wondering whether this will be a good enuff reason to convince one of my female boss. she's the caring kinda boss so i expect her to probe me further.
Jamp- Oh i c. So 3 mths cannot try naturally too. Then use this 3 mths to bu and tiao ur body and on 4mth u can try again. If that's the case, maybe ivf is really a better way cos in limited time we want someth more likely to succeed. With this goal in mind u can really concentrate on doing / taking things that will strengthen ur womb etc. Also can cont to work, dun resign yet

Rainy- I can imagine. It must be stressful to be in such an environment everyday. 家家有本难念的经. It's alot of give and take, understanding, appreciating and contentment for one to be happy. 'Talk' here if u want for the Sistas on this thread are all nice and willing to share. It's a small group of us not as active as the kk thread but I think most of us do read in silent unless there's someth to write/say.
U just say female problem lor. If they ask further then u say u went for laparoscopic cyst removal. I dun think people will question why 2weeks for the procedure cos its from restructured hospital. Not something we can cheat.
I did not even tell my boss I was pregnant.
Thankfully, my first trimmester was quite a breeze. No morning sickness, no need to take mc. Ppl did see the small bump but i just laugh at it. Somehow, had leartn my lesson, many ppl knew i was pregnant the first time round so the 2nd time I kept real quiet. Of course among colleagues they start to guess. When i was coming to 12 weeks than i told my boss.
I even told my mum to keep it from my aunties.
SO they only knew about this when i was about 4months that too coz there was a birthday gathering. SOme of my cousins who did not attend the gathering only knew as late as in june, 2 months before i was due.
I was glad I had kept it that way.
Had been busy these 2 days.
Time flies fast, tomorrow is wed.
Rainy- just go with the flow with what Dr suggest with the plan.
Jamp- maybe u k stay put till u decide to go for 2nd round then decide to resign by then.
At least work able to free yr mind also, & also another income bah.
Hi ladies

I had being taking HL abt 3x of HL this yrs. I had informed by male boss abt it befoe hand. I didn't share with my colleagues. After all these failed cycles, my colleagues is unhappy about this and my boss wants me to share with my colleagues to gain their understanding.

I just don't feel like it. Y do I have to share the reason for taking my HL. My boss advise me that I should at least pre them in advance. Argggggh
Rainy, I jux came bk from my cell grp meeting, my cell leader told us not to be envious of what other pple have, we'll have it soon too if we abide by the law. Like what Mel said, just come online and talk to us.

I'm so glad sistas like Blue, Su, Vi, Mel, just to name a few, and many other sistas who would drop by to give their advice to pple who are relatively new to ivf like us.

Hope this thread will con't to be active, doesnt have to be busy like kkh's, but just keep it going by updates and questions. I find it a relief to be able to vent it out over here, phew!

Mel & Blue, yep, I'll resign when confirm going for 2nd cycle. Yes, can keep mind occupy with work and I need the $$
Piglet- ur co / boss is good, allow u to take HL 3x in a year! Must stay on in such co!
As for cols, I guess the pressure is on ur boss cos he knows about your case but your cols are there complaining to him. I feel that as long as ur boss is ok with u taking HL is sufficient. Even if your cols were to know the truth, will they be any less unhappy? I think they will still be unhappy to cover your work. One time two times they may be understanding but 3rd time? If they are sympathetic, they won't complain knowing you were on HL NOT on annual leave go holiday leh. All u need is keep ur boss continue on your side.
Worse case u can take ur own partial annual leave? Why should cols complain when they also have annual leaves themselves? Maybe if u think they are worth 'keeping happy' u can always buy them tea snacks etc to 'thank' them for helping u in your absence.
hi all.. i have always been a silent reader.. am happy that there is so much support here.. i am in my 2ww and its killing me... i dont know how you gals do it... i just hoped that our prayers will be answered some day.... good luck gals...!
sistas, yah i agree. this forum is a great platform for us to share our experiences, vent out our unhappiness..hehe glad to have 'met' most of u here. if the time comes for me for the 2ww, then i will use mel's excuse to inform my boss abt the mc. even if i decide to go for any treatment, think will be nx yr feb or mar cos i'll be travelling in dec & jan. my colleague is giving birth in feb so not sure my boss will allow me to go off sinc our company is very small with less than 5 staff.

piglet-yr boss is so nice to allow u to take 3x HL. impt is to hv yr boss support. i think it may not be gd for u to tell yr colleagues. the fewer pple know, the lesser questioning & the lesser stress on u. just my opinion. hv u been undergoing ivf @ NUH?

jamp-which church r u from? i'm a free-thinker but find that these cell grp meetings r quite gd for those who need encouragement

sistas-any idea of the success rate of ivf in NUH? on & off, i hop by kkh forum. some ladies told me that kkh has the best technologies for ivf & has higher success rate. guess the higher success is due to more patients over there bah. the reason why i chose NUH is bcos of the reviews here, my stduent's aunt 2 cycles of success @ NUH (though m/c evenutally) after 3 failed cycles @ kkh & the proximity of nuh to my workplace
