IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Thanks for all the comfort from all sistas.
Su-Prof told me maybe is due to chromosome but he didn't mention further, maybe becos I was pouring with tears then.
Is Dr Paul (tmc) that said the same time as at least I know I'm have implantation & is becos likely of the chromsome thats why the body just naturally let it stop growing.
So I need to bring thick pad on d&c day?
It would roughly stay heavy for how many days?

Blue, you can bring your pad but I did not experience heavy bleeding. Maybe mine was 7weeks.
Each lady may have diff experience.
Blue, for me, no heavy flow, staining all the way. No need to bring pads, day surgery ward supplies pads.

But take note that prof will insert a tablet called cytotec into v for v dilation, he told me some women will experience cramps and start to stain, if i dun feel anything it's ok. However, blood started to flow just as I reached the ward, after all the admin done. It was 'just in time' for me. So it wld be good idea to wear a panty liner.
Yes, he did as I refused to go to ftc for a final scan b4 d&c. It was already 1 week after the last scan at ftc by then. He wanted to confirm mine was not ectopic but I pleaded with him to spare me, already traumatic enough, didnt want to be probed again by inexperience young girls who'll leave the probing equipm in between me while waiting for dr to come or matured staff who spoke on phone while probing me!!!
also, Blue, i thought laproscopy is keyhole surgery on abdomen, why must have cytotec? So did you bleed like I do?

You had laproscopy for removal of fibroids? Why did prof ask me to go for hysteroscopy for fibroid investigation?
Jamp- I had the same feeling also abt FTC scanning.
Maybe I will ask him for another scan before he insist mah.
Denial state. But I don tink will have miracle.
Becos I had is more of therapeutic laproscopy, hysterscopy & also hsg together.
The reason was X-Ray dept unable to do hsg. Prof biswas tried to insert tube & use cytotec to dilate cervix also unable to pass thr a fine tube. So in the end has to do the invasive way. Now think back I was still query Biswas skill, as Prof PC has no problem doing IUI & ivf.
So when Prof Wong ask whether I wan Biswas to do the D&C, I told him I'm not comfortable to let Biswas do.
Blue, jamp, I used that tablet too for my d&c.
I had minor cramping, but it was nothing compared to the emotional pain.

Blue, prof did one last scan before I go to the day surgery ward n after it was confirm, he insert the pill.
Get him to do that if you feel better after confirmation. Who knows there's really miracle that can happen.
Yes, Blue, I agree w Su, go for last scan b4 d&amp;c. Thank God prof did for me the scan. My hubby was actually upset that I didnt do it at ftc, he had hoped to see the miracle. But prof confirmed pregnancy development had stopped :<

Yes, Su, it's the emotional aspect that is most traumatic...
I agree with yr abt the emotional part.
I have cry till no more tears already, but I felt better with all the tears pouring.
The tears can sudden just pour one.
But I kept telling myself, at least I experience pregnancy for the past weeks.
I just felt so painful yesterday when I heard the bad news
Hi ladies, been a silent reader here. I may be doing ivf or iui at Nuh after consulting my rheumatologist (I have lupus and thyroid antibodies) and gynae. They are a team at Nuh dealing with repeated miscarriages. I had one mc in 09, one last year and 2 iuis done in Mt e this year but both failed. If we want to start ivf with prof pc Wong, when must we see him? I heard from a lady that the process takes about 6 weeks? Thanks and it's indeed inspiring reading some of your stories. Tia!
I understand the emotional aspect. For me, it's my body rejecting both my babies. One stopped at 6 weeks and the other at 5 weeks. I hv one live birth in 2007 and she had neonatal lupus when she was borned. Only skin rash but I had a shock when I saw her. The rash has healed now but the antibodies that i have now recognizes all fetuses to be foreign objects and causes the miscarriages. Sigh. I hv to go through ivig or a special kind of drip each month after conception to maintain the pregnancy. Btw each ivig costs 2.5k! Sigh... I not only hv problems conceiving but also keeping the baby.
Tub- u may want to make appt to see Prof 1st, then from there he would advise.
At least u have 1 baby, yr journey might be tougher compare to us, due to yr condition.
Jia you.
Bluenose, I'll be seeing prof on nov 2. Expedited appointment cos my rheumy called his clinic.

I understand what u r going through cos I also tried close to 3 yrs for my first one. Got in and out of the roller coaster everytime. I cry whenever i see kids or avoid outings when my friends organise gatherings. I even fear cny cos of kpo aunties. I really know and understand the pains of childlessness but I'm sure this is just the interim. Someone's coming to join u v soon.
And when u finally carry your kid in your arms, u will forget all the pain that u experience now. This will make u a much better mum because now, u r much tougher and clearer why u want to bring him or her to your family. This too will pass, my dear. 加油too!
Blue, when i had miscarriage, I thank god for giving me the hope that I can get pregnant. I was also happy in away I managed to feel how pregnancy was like.
WHen I had failed my 2nd cycle, part of me was relieve in away i do not have to face if the same thing happen like my first. Of course I was equally devastated.
When I got pregnant the 3rd cycle, everytime I go for my scan, I was just so afraid. I remembered clearly I will just keep quiet and not talk alot though hubby can be very chatty. The reason is I'm scared. My heart will always be beating very fast. I know this is nto good for the baby, so I try to relax as much as I can.

Blue, dont give up ok.
Blue-yes, u'll be blessed soon with yr little bundle of joy. Can tell that u r lady w big heart, always willing to share yr knowledge in the forum. U r in my prayers, let's jia you 2gether.
hello gals, i will like to find out how does the payment process for IVF procedure in NUH work. Do we need to pay upfront the $10k++ first, then we will get reimbursed thru medisave or do we pay the net amt after deducting the claim from medisave?
Jamp- I also big size lady too, haha.
Yap we will jia you together.
Rainy-Are u Singaporean? Would u be using gov grant?
If yes to both qs, u need to pay the balance amt on the day of embryo transfer.
As the amt depends more on the Gonal F u used.
Normally 1st cycle u need to pay 1k+ just for the procedure.
Blue, u not big size lah, u around my size rite? i dun think i'm big leh, dun scare me!!!

u checked in liao or still at clinic?
Can I ask, this Suprefact jab on Day 21, what if we are pregnant? I mean Day 21 we would not know if pregnant yet but if conception has happened, would the suppression do harm? I read suprefact is contraindicated in pregnancy but I remember last time when I had my first ivf in NUH nurse said ok. Subsequent fresh i didnt have suppression. Though she said so but I am still concerned. Can anyone help to ask Dr and the reason? Thanks.
Mel, before I started my ivf journey, hubby &amp; I asked whether we could do both iui and ivf at the same time i.e. iui first while on suprefact, if not successful, carry on with ivf. We were discussing with nurse about this and we thought 'theoretically' it should be alright. Nurse also said they have patients who conceived naturally during suprefact stage.

But when she went to ask dr for us, dr said no as suprefact may harm the foetus.
Blue, true what jamp mention. You are in safe hand
by the time you read this your procedure would have been over. Rest well
Blue, i'm so sorry to read this news.
Be strong my dear..

Su, so fast your girl is 2 months already.

Me as as you, every check up I would be very quiet and only will feel relieve when seeing / hearing the heartbeats. Only when holding her in my arms then I was totally relieved.
Jamp, tks for sharing. Yah I have asked NUH nurse before she told me ok one, said there were people who fall pregnant during the jab. In KK forum the sistas also said no, cannot, KK nurse told them to practice safe sex. Now it seems there's no way to try naturally on own just before Day 21. I've made appointment to see Prof on my Day 21 and I will ask him and see if I can do bhcg test to rule out pregnancy before starting any suprefact. This month I did try naturally cos every try is a chance mah.
I reach home 1hr ago.
Abit piss off with the china nurse in day surgery ward.
She refuse to plug up my drip, hold it &amp; walk me to toliet. Imagine the drip site is at the elbow, where I can't bend. The next thing she walk out &amp; ask me to pee with my hubby help.
I have to take off the pad, pee &amp; put on clean pad &amp; my panty.
She really no brain
Blue, the bleeding after Dnc is not counted. Must wait for af to come naturally. Usually should arrive 4-6 weeks after day of Dnc ba... Tc
Jamp- ok, thanks.
Did she start accupuncture on u already?
I was thinking of seeing her also.
Since I had seen Dr Feng JY (tcm) so long but no gd result.
But I need to find my way there becos hubby won't be free to always fetch me there.
Any sistas, if walk from mrt k reach there? &amp; k walk from Amk mrt?
Maybe 1st time ask my hubby to bring me there, hehe
Then is it normal to have quite abit of bleeding on d&amp;c day, then after that is just like wipe with paper then stain on paper only? Not even stain on pad.
I was thinking don know normal or not. Need to see tcm as soon as possible to tiao?
Blue, should be normal. I did not bleed heavily after d&amp;c.
Just stain when wiping.you can walk from AMK mrt station. Mayba abt 10mins of walking
Blue, yes, started accup, also take her powder med. Actually didnt want to take, but cos we stay on our own, too far to travel to mum's place for dinner, nobody to cook those 'bu' stuff for me, no choice kuai kuai gulp down the med, hopefully will do me good

I travel there myself after work cos CTE/PIE always jam at that hour, then hubby picks me up from there. It's a sheltered path all the way from AMK mrt station. But quite 'siong' to go after work then travel home, end up very tired, wil be worse if hubby cannot pick me :p
hi jamp, can give me the contact details for Dr Zou? I hv not decided on any treatment yet but just thot of tio both mine &amp; hubby's body 1st.
what is Dr Zou's clinic operating hrs &amp; can we do the acc without taking the med? usually do u need to wait for a long time?
Rainy - dr zou contact: blk 505 amk ave 8 #01-2670 tel: 64560833 - Blue got me those details

i think they open from 9am to 9pm on weekdays, closed on weds, sat and sun close at noon time. Waiting time so far acceptable for me.

I also asked sistas here whether can dun take med, Su did only accup, that's why I went there. But dr Zou told me better to take her med as i jux did my D&amp;C so i boh bian try lor.

Frequency depends on yr own schedule and dr zou's recommendation. She told me to see her 2x a week, she said some patients go to her on alternate days, think those must be very near ER dates?

Hv u seen Prof for review yet? oh yes, how was your hsg?
jamp-thks for the details. r they open on public holi?
my HSG ok. tubes not blocked
will be seeing prof mid nx mth then will c whether he will advise IUI or IVF. for me, is male factor la.
not sure whether i can c dr zou so frequent in a wk. i'm staying in east side. though i drive but the cte/pie road is always so jammed during peak hrs. will c how bah
Hi ladies,
Yes, I only did Accupuncture n did not take her
The last I went there was last dec. They are close on Wednesday and open on the other 6 days. I think she's open on public hols.
ladies, hv u heard of IVIG treatment in NUH? my colleague's fren did this treatment @ nuh &amp; got conceived. she doesn't know the full name but the abbrevations eems to be IVIG. unless IVF which requires injections, this treament is more of drip &amp; doesn't require much injections.
just curious to find out more abt this treatment
