IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Hi Serene,

Hugz to you ...... all I can comfort you is "Jia You!!!" dun give up. TTCing journey can be full of ups and downs but as long as u stay focus, your dreams will come true.

Take a break and get away for a short trip to recuperate. It helps, that's prob how I striked my no. 1 & my no. 2.

Serene - I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so low and frustrated. I think we all go through these emotions and we just shouldn't be too harsh on ourselves for feeling like that. You need to time to grieve and clear your head/heart and I think it's a good idea to take some time out before seeing prof again so you can prepare some questions for him. Be kind to yourself, your body has gone through a lot with IVF. Try to also focus on the positives and not the negatives. You can't change what has happened but you can take positive steps going forward. As others have said, sometimes getting another opinion may be helpful and doing some research yourself or asking other ladies going through this.

Pink - I have heard that a short protocol is better from women with low AMH/Poor response. Which protocol were you on this time round? Also would it be worth measuring AMH again as sometimes it can improve? Interesting point from Irene about the estrodiol level - worth looking into. Is it possible there were eggs there but could not be retrieved or that the follicles had no eggs in them?
I hope being back in HK with your DH is doing you well.

Irene - thanks for your advice and comforting word. You must be an incredibly strong woman to go through all you have been through and that is an inspiration to us. I am so glad that your perseverance paid off.

Blue - thanks for trying to help me with the link to the other forum, according to Pink it seems like it's the same one Serene gave me.

Blessed - welcome. The first scan will show how your lining is doing and how many follicles you have. You will then be started on stimmulation medication if your blood test is all ok.

My spotting has continued and I really feel my cycle is all over the place. I have seen Prof. It sounds like I will be having a hysteroscopy probably next week.
Celiam- that is fast that u had seen Prof.
The scope need to be done under GA? Hope everything goes well for u.
Serene- think it will take time to heal.
Be prepare to have some cramps also.
Take care
Tweetie- surprise that u appear here, so nice of u to come in & comfort Serene.
hi tweetie, its really touching coming in here to comfort me : ) when is ur edd? soon right? take care n hav a smooth delivery.
LOL, I am always ard just that I hardly post, thread too active la.

Just hang in there, I am sure it will be your turn soon really. I always envy when I hear success stories when I was ttcing for years. And the kind of support really helps. Most of those who supported me all graduated liao... so I really feel u girls are not too far, ok?

My EDD is end may, so it's really soon. Fast hor!
Irene - thanks for the words of encouragement. I have pm you, hope you can give me more info. What do you mean the doc can estimate the number of egg retrieved by looking at our estradiol level before retrieval? I never asked about my Estradiol level along the process, except i knew that 2 days before retrieval, my Estradiol level is 5200+. Is that good or bad?

Serene - I also have one blood clot that came out during my period, I told Dr Zou about it but she didn't comment, so i didn't think that it mattered. I hope you are feeling better already, the recovery takes time but I am sure you can stand up again. Are you back to work already?

After I came back home, I was occupied with housework, admin/bills for household and also cooking. Although I am still a little sad, being back to my original life restores balance and takes my mind off the IVF treatment. It is a super long weekend here in HK until Mon, but we haven't planned for any hol so now cracking my head to see what we can do during the next 4 days. Got to spend some quality time with DH after being apart for so long.

Celia - I was on the long protocol. It was strange why i was put on the long protocol altho my baseline AMH is 1.7? Is that a std protocol for NUH? Prof did measure my AMH again and it came back as 7.2, that was a relief to me as it doesn't seem that bad. I asked Prof why there is such a big discrepancy and which result should we trust, he couldn't give me a definitive answer. Prof said that it's possible that follicles had no eggs in them and he had patients with more follicles than me but 0 egg retrieved. I cannot imagine how devastating that could be.
On your spotting, are you seeing any TCM sinseh or taking any herbs to try to stop it? Prof also suspected that you might have polyps, hence the hysteroscopy?
Hi serene
we spoke at the other forum..hope u getting better now. I understand yr disappointment as I have failed twice in my fresh cycle. My advice is you can try to do assisted hatching for your next FET if you have any leftover embbies. I did it for both my FET and succeed, so maybe it worth to pay abit more to increases yr chances. U r getting close, don't give up! Jia you..
Glimmer, so nice of you to come to this thread for Serene. I remember you are one of the BFP ladies from IVF/ICSI thread. how many weeks are you now? Mind if I ask which doc are you seeing and you age? How was your embryo grade and how many frozen embies do you have? I am also thinking of suggesting assisted hatching to prof Wong for my next fresh cycle.
Ladies here, do you know how NUH grades the embryos? Mine is a Grade 2, 4 cell which Prof defines as average quality. I forgot to ask him whether Grade 1 is the best or worst...and the CHR nurses also don't know...
I be seeing Prof for my extra flesh protrude at vaginal problem next wed.
Don know why I very depress abt this matter esp today, maybe due to menses came also, PMS.
Hope everything is ok.
Blue, sorry to hear that you feel depressed today, hope the long weekend will make you feel better. I didn't know that IVF will have such complications, do you feel any discomfort? Let us know what prof says.
Hi pink
thks for yr welcome! feel free to drop by say hello to us..don't be too affected by KKH success rates as they have lots of patients hence the hit will be high as well. most impt is prepare yrself for the next battle. I just got my BT last mon so still very early. Seeing Dr loh, my embryo rate 3 or 4, left 7 frozen used up 4 for this FET so left with 3 now. Actually fresh cycle also can used AH but i din know so only do it in my FET cycles. If yr dr can do AH for u then go for it..i did both times & succeed. Rem to take conceive well and do acup at Dr Zou for yr preparation work. R u singaporean but stay in HK? Failure altot is hurtful but it always make me stronger and determined to feel success. Keep going u will be blessed..lots of bb dust to u & NUH sistas!
Hi All,

Had my hysetroscopy yesterday and all looks clear. Very painful procedure though! Bleeding seems to have eased off and hopefully it will stop soon.

Blue - how did your appointment go with Prof?
Pink - I was told NUH has 3 grades for embryos - 1 to 3, with 3 being the best. I think our embryos were grade 2/3 and one was an 8-cell and the other a 7-cell on day 3, which I think is normal. I would get more information next time you see Prof.

GOH, Tweetie - thank you for yout advice and i hope you are both doing well. It's good to hear that IVF/ICSI really does work and that we must perserve.

Serene - how are you?
Celiam- gd that everything is clear.
My problem is like prolaspe bladder.
He say it would not affect the next round ivf, but when pregnant, I might have uncontrol urine.
Very sad la, don't know why is it me kind of feeling.
Glimmer, yes I am singaporean staying in HK now. I am taking conceive well and the powder herbs by Dr zou, sometimes as I was outside the whole day I only took 1 dosage instead of 2, so quite a waste of money. will see how is my cycle this mth before deciding whether to continue. You are so lucky, have so many frozen embbies. I am starting to worry if I can get more than 1 egg retrieved for my next cycle. maybe I shd just do a natural cycle without stimms??
Celia - hope youe bleeding has stopped. Thanks
for checking with Prof on the embryo grading. I am hoping that in my next short protocol cycle I will have more eggs to be fertilised.
Blue - don't feel so sad. Everyone has different problems and struggles, just unlucky that ours involve reproductive health...
I have been busy with admin stuff at home and also managed to cook quite often, went with hubby on a weekend getaway to Zhuhai to the driving range. Still gotta pick up my yoga practice and do some volunteer work. Life is back to normal for me and I am happy.
Hope everyone else is doing fine. Serene, how are you?
Blue - sorry to hear that. Does Prof know why that has happened? I thought it was only common in women who have hd babies and delivered naturally? Good to hear it won't interfer with IVF so concentrate on the positives.

Pink - Glad to hear you are back to normal life. I think the short protocol is better for women with low repsonse, so hopefully next time round you will be successful.

All is well, bleeding has stopped and I too am back in normal life. May delay my next cycle however as may be away when I need to have stimms.
hi ladies, sorry been mia for awhile. Thanks for the concern : ) I hav postponed my consultation wif prof again due to my work schedule.

dunno wat happened to my body. My af finished on cd6. Then on cd11-cd13, i started to hav spotting on n off. Do u gals hav tis problem after failed ivf?
thanks blue. my spotting had totally stop after i post e question tat day.

tis thread is getting quietier nowsaday. guess everyone is busy wif work.

pink, how r u? today is voting day. do u need to come bk to sg to vote? kinda of excited for mi as 1st time voting.
Serene, I am well. Waiting patiently for my May AF so I can plan my next cycle in Jul. Altho Prof said that I can do it in Jun, I am not ready for it yet, both mentally and physically. After some thought, I might go seek another doctor's (Prof Ng) opinion on how to improve my next cycle. When do you intend to go for the next cycle?
Blue - your next cycle's in Jun, that is quite soon, are you excited?
Celia, hope you are well. I can only pray that the short protocol will yield better results for me.
2 more items checked off my to do list-I'm going to conduct painting class for young children for 4 consecutive weeks for volunteer work and going to Beijing for holiday with hubby next week. Yeah!! Looking forward to both!
We did not vote as we miss the online registration for overseas voters. It closed quite sometime ago. I guess there must be a lot of excitement in Sg today, seems like a lot of fun...
Hi how is everyone?
All the long holidays are gone liao. Hope yr enjoy yr long weekend holidays.
I hoping to concieve naturally while waiting for June menese.
But don;t think would be so lucky. Now May menses just arrived.
Serene, U seen Prof already? What is yr next plan?
Pink when U be seeing Prof Ng?
hi bluenosebear, nope. hav not seen prof yet as i m not ready to see him yet. plus too busy wif my work. I hav even stop my supplements and accu. Feel more relax now as dun need to rush for accu after work n remind myself to take suppements.

so u starting 2nd ivf on jun? think tis thread will b busy again when we start ivf again.

hi pink, when u coming bk for ur 2nd ivf? I will b busy wif work next half of the year.
Blue, good to know that you are TTC naturally. I tried too but I didn't ovulate last cycle, hopefully it will be back to normal this cycle. I'm taking Dr zou's herbs and also multi vit on and off. Never went back to acupuncture in HK as I don't feel like it. Just had my AF and there is no spotting prior to it, which is good sign(by TCM view) I think as I used to have spotting.
Serene, I am glad to see that your life has resumed and you are being good to yourself. So do you plan to go for the 2nd try? I think drs will advise to go for consecutive tries and not rest for too long.
For me, my aim is to go for 3 tries within this year . If I don't succeed, then will plan the next step. My appt with Prof Ng is scheduled on 28 Jun-I'll decide whether to go with him or stay with Prof. Wong after the consultation. His consultation is 180, very expensive, but I will still go for it for a second opinion.
Does anyone know if NUH will release the bloodwork results during the cycle and how do I go about it? I know that govt hospitals are quite sticky on releasing patients' record.
Mrs Ha, how far along the adoption process are you in? I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
Celia and lovegreen, how are you ladies doing?
I'm quite excited as i'm going to start my first volunteer session this afternoon, teaching kids painting
Serene- means that u won't be going for 2nd cycle tis year?
Pink-Update me how is Prof Ng after u c him.
Enjoy yr teaching, think u will be happy enjoying to teach the kiddies.
Celia- confirm u doing 2nd round in June?
blue, pink, definitely i will go for 2nd cycle by this year but hav not decided on which mth to go. think i will go n look for prof next week. been dragging the appointment for 1 mth already. is time to face the music.

me also like never ovulate this cycle. my bbt only went up at cd33. today is cd39. based on my bbt, think af will only come at cd45-46. sigh.. my cycle is a complete mess now. hopefully af will regulate again in my next cycle.
hi blue, after my af come, will start tcm again. my hub insist mi to go for jul ivf. he dun wan to wait anymore. sigh.. i dunno my work allow mi to take another 2weeks hl again ornot.

hi pink, if u decide to stay on wif prof wong, i might b ur cycle buddies again
btw, when u teach e children painting, do u speak in cantonese or mandrain?
Serene- think that if u are nit ready for Jul cycle then wait another mth. Most impt is u must be ready to cheong again.
Till now I still not very sure I'm be ready to cheong & face the result at the end of it.
But I know I have to go thr it la. Really hope we k graduate from here to go to ivf mommies thread
hi blue, i called up emerald clinic. got to know tat prof wong is currently on leave till 22nd june. if u r doing june cycle, hav to see whether he is back during ur er n et. i cant see him till then.
Thanks serene- I asked Sharon (Prof Wong room nurse) she said if I do June cycle, should be ok, likely er & et be on 1st week of Aug.
Will check with CHR when June menses come.
Nvm Serene, try naturally, think still best to tiao yr body while waiting
Hi Serene, sorry for the late reply. I was busy these few weeks as I will be moving house before I come back to Sg. A lot of packing to do...
Even if i decide not to stay with Prof Wong, we can still be cycle buddies, my Jul AF is expected to be on 5 Jul.
When I teach the children painting, I speak to them in Cantonese. Actually am supposed to speak to them in English so they can learn but they are so young(5-6yrs old) and can't understand me, so I have to speak in Cantonese. After 5 yrs here, my Cantonese is quite fluent now

Hi Blue, have you started your down regulation? Let's stay positive and cheer each other on, ya? I feel the same way as you - I'm also not sure whether I am ready to face the result at the end of it, but I have to go thru it coz the longer I delay, the slimmer my chances will be. I am glad that I have a very fulfilling 2 mths break to recharge myself for the challenge ahead.
Pink-Good to hear that U are well in Hongkong.
Likely would start the jabs in 1st week of July ba. Waiting fo rmy June AF, hope it won not come & I BFP, haha, only my wish la................
Hi there

I am new in this thread.

Anyone went to the IVF Forum hosted by Prof Wong @ NUH last Saturday?

I am aiming to start my 1st cycle in June, now waiting for June AF.

Anyone doing first cycle w Prof Wong here? I am hoping to be able to find a cycle buddy er.

Welcome Hannah. I be doing my 2nd Fresh, menses just came, so 4/7 will start suprefact. I will be yr cycle buddy.
Here is quite quiet, maybe u wan to join in the ivf support gp, there k chat with other sistas from other hospitals.
On & off I will drop in here & over there also
Hi Bluenosebear

Yes you are right :) here is realli quiet quiet, I come by almost daily to check if got pple reply to me leh :-( So glad u replied to me

Is it IVF-FET Support Group? Or can you share the link for the thread here?

I still waiting for my AF to come leh. Nvr in my life I look forward to my AF! So ironical right?

Yeah.. I also come and check this thread often. But it's quiet. The other thread is very active. But very few ppl from NUH, I guess. Here is brief info about me.. I just did my blood test on Friday.. Though it's positive, the HCG level is quite low.. so I am not happy completely yet. Have to pray and try my best until pregnancy is comfirmed by 1st scan on 28 June. Wish me luck.
coolcool-saw U in the other thread, IVF/ICSI support group.
Talk t o yr baby, might help, NUH do check BT quite early, maybe that is the reason. But at least is +ve. U are under Prof Wong?
Hannah-I not very sure how to do the link. Is IVF/ICSI support gp.
Hi Pink, I'm new here. Like urself, I'm also thinking of changing to O&G Partners, either Prof SC Ng or LC Foong. I failed my 1st fresh and FET with Prof Wong last year and now considering HARD whether to switch to O&G Partners (heard positive comments) or stay with NUH.

Can you share what was the reason for considering Prof Ng over other IVF Drs, including Dr LC Foong who's from the same clinic as Prof Ng?

Hi Hannah and cool, welcome!
Cool - hope we hear good news from you, someone needs to start the ball rolling here.
Hello to everyone else! I'm now back in sunny Singapore
feels great to be home.
Hi Mel, what was the reason prof Wong give you for the failed cycles?It seems like we have not seen any success stories
with Prof Wong here, I can't help but wonder why...
I am going to see Prof Ng next tue, will see if I feel comfortable with him and his clinic's success rate before making a decision. Prof Ng was referred by someone from this forum so I decided to go for a consultation.
Hi Pink-great to hear from U.
I went to CHR today for BT(HIV test) & sign all the consents & also collected Suprefact.
Do update after seeing Prof Ng.
Would be starting Suprefact on 4/7.
Hope everything go smoothly this round.
pink, welcome bk to sg : )

hi blue, pink, how time flies.. the 3 of us starting 2nd fresh soon. n tis time the 3 of us will bfp together : ) actually i yet to see prof after my 1st failed cycle. coz he on leave since the start of jun. i only managed to book the appointment to see him next Wed. i also called up CHR to ask them book July slot for me as i believe i will b in short protocol again. So after seeing prof, need to go to CHR for BT too..

hi coolcool, hope ur bhcg will go double nicely everyday n hav a viable pregnancy. All the best to ur bhcg test next week : )
Serene-If U are in July slot then likely both of our dates of 2ww would be very near ba.
Yap, this round we all be BFP, let's jiayou together.
Hi Ladies,

Just to drop a ray of hope to all of you who doing IVF at NUH.

I had my first cycle at NUH on Sept 2009 and my beautiful baby girl (to me) was born in June 2010.
Yes she has just turned 1 year old last weekend.

I'm now ready for the second child and try for the FET this coming cycle.
I have 2 frozen embryos with NUH

hi Vi4n, thanks for sharing ur successful story wif us. Really giv a ray of hope to all of us here : ) Did u go for accupunture during ur 1st ivf? Hope u success again in ur in coming FET. Is it a nautral or medicated FET?
