IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Hi Serene, the Suyana from ivf/icsi also from NUH if I remember correctly.
Def more ladies are from KKH that's why we will hear more success story from Kkh but I did my research and the Percentile of success rate is similar.

I didn't go for acupuncture. I take blacksmore conceive well, chicken essense, and protein I took hm what's that milk drink brand? Haiz my memory is bad. And I took spirulina.

I jus stop BF like 2 moaths ago, so my hormones still not right yet. My last AF we monitored n I didn't ovulate. So waiting for this cycle n I will go for medicated

hi vi4n, yup she should b reaching 3rd trimester soon. she's been giving advise to me n blue regarding NUH procedure over at e ivf/icsi thread as she was e only lady from NUH there. So gladful to her.
During my 1st failed ivf cycle, i was so obedient. Go accupunture diligently for 4 mths, take Coq10, royal jelly, immunocal, egg white.
So tis time round, I dunno whether to continue my acupuncture. oni been diligent at taking Coq10 and royal jelly nia. Coz is veri tired to rush for the acupuncture after work.

yup. better to go for medicated to control the ovulation and lining. hopefully to see u more often here during ur fet cycle : )
Oh yes, u reminded me, I did eat the first born egg once or twice a day. But cooked kind.
Other than that, I was pretty relax. During the 2ww I bed rest often as my mil was looking after me.
I did use the warm pack on my tummy but not direct. I used face towel. Can not too hot.

So what stage are u all on now?
Hi ladies, I have been a silent reader on this thread and I am also at NUH with Prof Wong. Went for my 1st fresh cycle in Feb this year but had to abandon ET in early Mar due to OHSS. Since then I have done a natural FET in May but unsuccessful though the conditions were all optimal. Not giving up yet, just started my medicated FET this month ... hopefully, all is well to go for ET in Aug : )

So I hope all of us will achieve our goals of a strong BFP and a healthy baby after nine months!! Jia You!!! : )
Fuzzycat, what so u mean by optimal?
My natural fet was canceled bec my follicles were not growing
Glad that is becoming more active here.
Serene, think if U felt too stress up going to & fro for accu, maybe can reduce the no of time going?
Hi Vi4n & fuzzycat, hope that yr FET successfully implant.
I starting jabs next week, but think will likely start egg intake on stimulation stage ba. This round I also felt lazy to eat so many things.
Vi4n, lining is 11mm(min required is 7mm) and transferred 2 blasto. You can try upping your protein intake during follicle growing stage. I started with follicle <10mm on D10 scan then I drank bottled chicken essence daily and ate fish and coupled with accup, follicle grew and burst by D16.

BNB, you can consider also add chicken essence to substitute a portion of egg white. I ate egg white till very 'jelak' during my fresh : P
Thanks fuzzycat.
Just thinking are U also having PCOS?
How many frozen embbies left in NUH after yr FET in May?
I was wondering if both of U are PCOS, then yr must be very young to have the embbies forzen, as NUH must reach blasto then they will freeze, which is different from KKH.
I have a friend that have endo but manage to freeze 1, she is about 33 when she did the IVF ba.
Blue, I'm OLD......

Not I'm not having pcos.

Serene, if u feel stress better reduce or don't do acupuncture. Shouldnt feel stress lo. Relax relax...

My 2 frozen embryos were frozen at blasto stage. Day 7.

Fuzzycat, I drank the chicken essense but follicles not increased but reduced in size. Anyway hope this medicated cycle will be better.

During fresh cycle, I had 16 follicles drawn, only 6 matured eggs and only 4 fertilized. Put 2 in n voila 1 cute baby out. Freeze remaining 2. Hope to get another 1 out again.
Cool cool, u will have your scan tomorrow? Best of wishes for you.

Fuzzycat, what's your medicated fet protocol? Mine is like so long... I'm counting the embryos placement will be in early august.
Oh and when we will know the frozen embbies are successfully thawed?
Vi-IC, maybe that is the reason that PCOS (which is my problem) that cause the quality of embryos. when U put in 2 for fresh was it day 3 transfer &amp; how many cells when transferred? Anyway where did U buy yr spirulina ? I was thinking of taking now, would it be too late? thinking GNC or Fancl one............
BNB - I'm not really young. Mid-30s already but I have PCOS too. During fresh, 16 follicles was enough to give me OHSS. In end, they froze 2 D4 (grew to D5) and 3 D6. So this time, I'll put in 2 Day 6. Seemed like putting in blasto embbies don't have added advantage ... haiz! During review session with Prof, he also couldn't explain the why it is so. He can only suggest I try medicated this time.

Vi4N - Mine is the medicated long protocol too. I asked the CHR nurses and they said the short one refers to natural cycle. As for when we'll know if the embbies are successfully thawed, if I'm not wrong, depending on at which stage the embbies are at. For example, for my last FET, they thawed them(D4) 1 day before my ET which they grew to D5. I guess we'll be cycle buddies : D
Blue, my record is Day 7 transfer. Egg retrieval is day 0. Thats why is blastocyst condition.

I remember the name of the milk. Ensure.
I no idea on the cell le.
Spirulina bought red sun from guardian.
Blasto embbies are stronger and survival. ;)
Mine was freeze on Day 7 or 8. Prof said very good. I hope they will survive the thawing.

Good.. I got a cycle buddy ;)

See if we will meet each other at Nuh or not ok
fuzzy-great to hear that PCOS also can have such good quality og follicles. DId U take anything special during the freah cycle?
Vi-spirulina need to be taken how long before IVF, I going to jab Suprefact next Mon, if I start now, is it too late already? Or should I go ahead &amp; take.........How many tabs are U taking per day?
Sorry for so many qs.
Vi4N - Yeah ... I certainly hope they'll survive and be very sticky : D Medicated shld be more predictable as well. I'll be at CHR next Fri for a suppression jab. Who knows we'll meet then if you are also going there.

BNB - Good luck for your fresh cycle ... try to relax and take it easy : )

Coolcool - All the best for your BT this week!

I usually come back from work quite late so I usually check this thread only on weekend. Will catch up with you gals then!
BNB - I eat egg whites and more meat for protein (4 a day, I think) during stim stage, that's all. At that time, no accup yet.
hi everyone! i just realized nuh has its own ivf page here! hehe...

im with dr stephen chew at NUH and anyway tdy is my day 14 of suprefact. Went to CHR tdy for BT and US. Everthing seems fine but can't start GonalF tdy cos Dr Chew says that one of my hormones still a bit high. Got to continue suppressing the hormones till this Thursday. He said scared i develop OHSS cos he saw many follicles on both sides ready to explode once i start on GonalF. So i need to suppress my hormones further.

Really hope i can start on the 2nd stage soon!
Blue, you can start spirulina anytime. But if first time start they will suggest 5 a day. I took 15 a day.

I'm still waiting for my AF then will start med then only Day 14 need to go down for BT.

Hi George, make your wife relax and pamper her ok

2ww is a long wait for us. A lot of anticipation.
Don't overlook on symptom as I didn't have much of it during 2ww and the whole pregnancy.

Hi andreanie, I think my suprefact time was also prolong a bit. Anyway jus trust your dr. My egg retrieval was done by Dr Chew.
Hi Ladies,

I saw my name in this thread..hehehe...
Yah, from NUH.
Vi4n, i am surprised you still remember me.
I know you from IVF/ICSI thread too.
So you are doing another cycle?With NUH?

Yes, I am in my third trimmester.
Dont give up ladies, it took me 3 times to get a bfp. Relax and stay calm.

Serene, if you do feel stress about accupuncture, best you give it a miss. May not be helpful if you are stress. Maybe you can talk to your dr who is doing the accupuncture, what can be done to reduce the stress. There maybe tips for u.

Ok, i shall be here to give u ladies my support...
Su, hi hi...

Of course I remember you... I'm so happy to read you are pregnant n going to deliver soon. ;) sorry Im busy with work n the baby that's why after the first couple of months no time to pop in to the mtb thread anymore.
When is the edd?

Ya planning to do fet with our frozen embbies. Successful or not this will be last try.
Vi4n, my edd is 26 Aug.
I am still with NUH with a gynae recommended by Prof Wong. Feel very comfortable with ppl over there so that is why decided to stay put.
Did u deliver over there too.

How old is your baby now? Girl or boy?

Never mind Vi, try your best with your FET.
At least you already have one.

My last ivf try was in Dec last year. Was telling myself that will be the last. I am happy that i got pregnant. Next is, I am hoping for a smooth delivery.

I only have one frozen embryo from my 2nd cycle.

I delivered at TMC because NUH is simply too far and... most important thing is with NUH we don't get scan on every visit, right? haha and I must see my baby almost every month. =)
How many times you were scanned at NUH?

I have a baby girl, just turned 1yr old on 18 June.

let u all see my gal but this was last year Nov =)
Just to share that miracle do happened at NUH. ha ha..
I really envy Vi4n and su_yana. I didn't realize ivf is such a long excruciating process. I and my wife don't know how to swallow it if it is not successful. We are both old and may not have a second chance. We have to succeed this time!
Wow...so cute

True, NUH will not scan on every visit once you sign up the package.

I was with Prof Wong for 3/4 times after BFP and there are scans for each visit. partly, it was not under any package. I pay per visit. The 12week scan for DS was done at the Fetal Care centre with those very good image. After that, Prof did not follow me anymore as that was the standard procedure. I told him i wanted to stay in NUH and asked his for his recommendation. I will say he is not out to make money. He did not recommend the those top end gynae. Since I wanted a lady, he recommended Dr Su, she is just maybe the 2nd level of the gynae there. I do not mind. She is a nice person.
Sign up a package when was about 20 weeks. That package only include2 detailed scans, week 20+ and 32/33. My visit in May, no scan just hear heartbeat. Last visit in June, we asked her we wanted to scan to see our baby. I was prepared to pay since it was not in package. She obliged and scan for us. When all was done, nurse told us about our next appt and i was not required to pay anything for the scan. Was quite surprise. Next week I will have another detailed scan in the package, so will see my bb again.
Dadwannabe, by being in this forum you already making an effort to support your wife thru this process.
I am very thankful to my own hubby coz for all the 3 attempts, he was with me giving me his moral support. There are times where I have to go for the blood test on my own coz I do not expect him to take leave. But he will always ensure he does his part by preparing n jabbing me.
Do not be negative, you and your wife may suceed the first time round like some other sisters.
Pink, I'm with doctor Wong as well at NUH and just completed my second short protocol, which failed. So I don't think that it is comon for everybody who is with Wong. I have A-Mullerian Hormone - 7.2 and actually expected to have long protocol because of my endometriouz. It is my second protocol, the first falied, then lapascopy&amp;histeroskopy and dekapeptyl for 4 months. I was so hope recieve the positive result this time and don't know what to do next... didn't see the doctor yet. he simply doesn't have to time for appointment for me
Dadwannabe, don't envy.
We have our heartache too in ttc.
Try not to put too much stress on your wife as well.
IVF is not easy road as the hope is higher. But it is also not a sure win.

Su, I was also followed up by Prof till week 13. Once prof said everything is good I told him I switch to Tmc dye to the distance.
But I did the 4D at NUH ;)

You will see your baby soon. Boy or girl?
Asa, sorry to read on your failed cycle.

I think Prof is on leave? I remember CHR told me if my last attempt successful during don't know which date in June, Prof will not be around.

Don't give up. Have faith that you will have a baby.
I always told my hubby as long we don't stop trying one day miracle will happened
wow this thread is alive once again.

coolcool, all the best to ur bhcg today. hope ur bhcg level have gone high high up ;)

su_yana, so glad to see u here to give us support. I agree acupunture help me to relieve stress too. but its veri tiring to rush here n there after work to do accupunture. I need to send my boy home 1st as his childcare at my workplace. then rush down to do accupunture wifout taking my diner. Sometimes when reach there still need to wait for at least 1hr for my turn. By the time i reached home, will be 9plus -10pm. N then quickly shower, settle my diner, read bedtime story to my boy n tuck him to bed. therefore u can see how tiring I m. My hub will try to help abit. but boy refuse to zzz wifout his mummy tuck him to bed.

hi Vi4n, ur gal is so cute n bubbly. What is the benefits of taking spirulina? Is it in pill form? can we get it from any pharmacies?

hi dadwannabe, the 2ww can b quite stressful for ur wife. try to bring her out for slow walk every evening as coping at home all day is no good for blood circulation. bought her some magazines or her fav DVDs so tat she will not be so bored at home. Most importantly, give her lots of moral support n love.
vi4n, thanks for your support. I will see the doctor tommorow. I even don't know what kind of questions to ask him.

Serene, where do you go for accupunture? I'd like to try as well. Maybe to go to see the chinise clinic near clementy, but will be in the same position to hurry up after work. Do you think such treatment in rush will help? Do you take any herbs? Which docs did you bring with you at your frist appointment?
Serene: Yes. 2ww is very long. Longer than I thought. My wife always complains why I came home so late because she is bored at home. However, after I downloaded a Taiwanese drama (犀利人妻) for her to watch at home, she always says why I come home so early. I also take her for a walk every day but we are like 80-year-old. Cannot walk very fast.

Suyana: I really hope baby luck will shine on us this time. Tomorrow is the end of 2ww, and we are very nervous now. No matter what, I will still give her my full support.

Vi4n: What is your headache? It seems you are very lucky to get it right the first time, and you also got frozen eggs. We got nothing to freeze.
hi assa, i hav appointment wif prof wong tomolo pm too. May i know y prof suggest u to do short protocol? ur each ivf how many follicles were retrieve, fertilised and grade of the embryos? I did short protocol wifout suprefact as I developed cysts during my suprefact stage n got to abort that cycle. during my short protocol, i had 7 follicles retrived, only 2 fertilised n 2 embbies r good grades wif 6 n 8cells at d3 transfer. But unfortunately bfn : ( I m afraid prof might not hav the answer as to y my cycle failed even wif good grade embryos. It is really beyond his control once the embbies r transfered bk into our uterus. He can only help by giving us crinone inserts preglyn jab to boost our progestrone level to support pregnancy. The rest really hav to depends on our fate.

Some possiblities tat i tink lead to failure of ivf:
1.The embbies might hav stop growing once inside our uterus even though ppl said mother's womb is the best environment for embbies.
2.Our immume system might treat our embbies as foreign particles n start attacking them, hence casuing our embbies to die off.
3.The embbies unable to implant to ur lining due to embbies shell too thick or poor lining.

As for accupuncture, i used to go to dr zou yumin's clinic at amk opposite to nanyang poly. she is quite popular among the ivf thread. I stopped accu eversince i failed my ivf in Apr. I dun take her tcm powder as it is really veri yucky. I took for 2mths then stop completely. Prof also discouraged me to take tcm powder once started ivf jab.
Serene, thanks a lot for your reply. Yeah.. ang mo is very far from me. Prof Wong suggested me to go to short protocol, in spite in internet i reac that after laparascopy and dekaptetyl better to have long protocol without waiting mes. but he is doctor so i trusted him, to his knowledge. i had 7 follicules retrived, 5 fertilized n only 2 embrious were alive and had good grade at day 3. no any left for frozening. it is my second protocol in total, and first with dc wong. my lining was thick enough at the day of tranffer as per prof's words. i had baby from my husband (she died), so i don't think that my imune system treats our embrions as foreigner... so the condition of my womb is not enough good to help our babies to survive... what to do?

dadwannabe, so good that you support your wife. I had to walk only alone, because my hubby doesn't think that walking is good for me, but I think he finds it very boring and better to be in the sofa after working day.
Serene and assa, it seems that we will all see Prof tomorrow afternoon. My wife is also with Prof Wong.

assa: maybe you can walk with my wife so I can rest at home like your hubby. :D I think walking is good for blood circulation. I am just afraid she fells down or someone bumps into her, that is why I walk with her.
dadwannabe, thanks for making me smile at my sad day and wish my best you and your wife.
Don't mind to give your wife company and I agree with you, walking is very healty for good blood circulation. my hubby offered me to walk arround our appartment, between kitchen and his sofa...
Vi4n, I am having a girl.

Serene, glad that you are trying again.
Can see that you are indeed busy with your boy and that is why you feel stress doing accupuncture.
I did mine at Dr Zou, but did nto take any of her medication, just purely accupuncture. I guess i can do during the afternoon and when there are not many ppl that is why i do not feel stress.

2ww can be a chore, i agree. Having to go through 3 times i really understand. So what I did during my 3rd ivf attempt is to keep myself busy at home by watching tv, surfing the net. At times, went out for lunch with my mother. I try nto to sleep coz i will have sleeping at nite. At times, my hubby will bring me out.

I will be at NUH next monday afternoon
Busy in course today &amp; tomorrow.
Wah thread so active Liao.
Hi Su. Prepare for the big day to see yr girl?
Thanks Vi, will start the pills tis wk.
Have to go already, coming in this evening
Dadwannabe, I wrote heartache. ;)
We have been tic for 7-8yrs before trying for IVF. We did have our negative thought during all these times too.
No one can guarantee a sure success on any method. We jus keep on trying and press on and have faith.
Yes, we are blesses with a first try but I did have antsy 2ww as well. Heartbeats was not detected on first scan. So not only after BFP the worry will be gone. Only when we held our girl and her check up passed we were truly relieved.

Btw I'm putting my gal's photo is not to make anyone envy nor do I gloating. Jus want to give encouragement to all.

Su, good to have a girl. ;) very sweet and will manja.

Benefit of spirulina hm.. Overall it provides balance nutrition, good source of protein and vit ESP to those who not eating well. It builts immunity as well. I had a great pregnancy n my gal touchwood is bless with good health.
I do believe spirulina helps on this.
I cont with spirulina before during after pregnancy during breastfeeding and now still.

I asked Prof Wong on this, he said ok to take.

I also took the blacksmore during ivf n just cont during pregnancy. Showed to prof n this vit is enough for everything. I didnt need to take any extra vit.
Hi everyone! It has been a good long 3 months since I last logged in. I'm really heartened to see all the sisters here bracing themselves well despite the difficulties. It took me a long time to catch up on all your postings. Apologies if I came in too late.

After reading your postings, I like to encourage everyone to stay in the best positive mindset while our bodies are receiving external boost from all the pills and treatments. For those of you who still remember, I had a nasty big fight with my hubby during my 2ww and it ended up with a fail cycle. Since then I got enlighted by a close friend that my mindset set everything that happened to my body and it will react to the way we conditioned it. So I hope this will encourage everyone to take care of our mind being while we receive all treatments externally. Wishing everyone all the very best!!

I have a positive news to share with everyone... Yes, I'm pregnant! Since my last failed IVF in March (which I was supposed to rest for 3 months before starting a new cycle all over again since we had no frozen embroys from the last round), we conceived naturally after my first AF came in end-March. I hope my sharing will encourage you that no matter how small our chances are, as long as you don't give up, there will be a miracle somehow waiting to happen to you too. Baby dust to all of you!!!! *Hugz*
kittlyn, wow! what the news!!! thanks for encourage me at such difficult time. i just received negative results from second try. hope you r ok and u baby dust will help me....
assa - You are most welcome. I know how it feels like. During our difficult times we all need to a ray of hope to hang on to. I'm doing well here
and will continue to look after myself until the race is over (ie. until the day I can hold the baby in my arms).
Kittlyn- u really give me the encouragement to move on.
Congrats, Thanks for coming in &amp; share yr joy.
So happy for u.
U take care.

Blue - Thank you for encouraging me too during my down times. You must take good care of yourself and all the best for your second cycle! Remember to eat well, rest if you must, relax more often and think only the good stuff.
