IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Vi4n, fuzzycat, Serene, Thanks for remembering my scan. Today I went for my first scan after BFP. Can only see a very small sac by normal v scan. So Dr Annu sent me for a detailed scan. She wants to rule out the etopic pregnancy. So measurement was like 3-4.. not sure mm or cm. and asked me to come back next week for another scan. She said it could be late implantation. They did not ask me for another blood test cos i was already on support jabs (one of which is HCG). So checking bHCG level is no use. Sigh.. what to do.. I have done my best.. I have already prepared for the worst..

Vi is rite. We r not gloating abt anything.
We just want to spur all of you. We do our best n nature n god decides the rest.
It's not easy but let's try.

Blue, yes I'm excited but taking things slowly.
Kittylyn, congrats to you.

Coolcool, don't give up. Miracle does happen.
cool - Don't give up yet. Like you said, you have done your best and had received all possible treatments. Pray for miracle and stay positive
My Bt on Day 12 was 45 only.
Then Day 16 was 251. Hb only detected on week 7.

Talk to your baby, pray and have faith.
hi assa,
below is dr Zou address:
Zou Yumin TAM Phsician & Acupuncturist
Blk 505 #01-2670 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8
(Opp Nanyang Polytechnic).
Closed on Wednesday.
Tel: 64560833

hi kittlyn, congrats to u. so happy to know u conceived naturally. take care n hav a smooth pregnancy.

hi coolcool, be strong n hav confident wif ur embby. Jiayou!!! We will be here to giv u moral support : )
I and my wife never used the word "devastated" so many times in our lives. During our ivf cycle, we feel devastated so many times that we couldn't even count.

My wife is not young anymore and she has low ovarian reserve. During her first scan, she only had 5 growing follicles, and later the number increased to 7. She had to use maximum dosage of gonal-F (450U) to stimulate for 12 days, before eggs can be collected.

To our big disappointments, only 4 eggs were collected. We felt devastated, and thought that we may not even make it to the egg replacement stage. Fortunately, we got 3 of them fertilized and proceed to egg replacement.


MIRACLE happened!

My wife got a BFP just now!! I have tears in my eyes now..
Serene, ta for address!
dadwannabe, miracle? Tell us more, please!

And anybody done vascular investigation and hemostasis after failed cycles? I have been advised by girls, but don't know where to do it and what it will give me? Could you please share with your expririence?
dadwannabe, congrats to u n ur wife : )
Wat is the bhcg level? The higher the level better chance to get twins or triplets since u put in 3 right.

su_yana, will only know after i see prof in the afternoon.

hi pink, how r ur meeting wif prof ng yesterday?
Hi assa, I also have endo. I failed my fresh (long) and FET (natural) in NUH. I do find Prof & the CHR nurses pleasant but i am planning to go private for my 2nd try. The Dr I saw mentioned possibly doing short protocol for me. Not cfm cos he wanted to see my AMH blood test result first.
Wow congrats to dadwanabe and ur wife! Take good care of ur wife ya!
BTW, how come in NUH can put 3 embryos? I thought only in private.
Dadwannabe, congratulation...
Despite the obstacles you are blessed ;)

Wish you have a great pregnancy journey
assa: To me, BFP is the biggest miracle. When we knew that only 4 eggs retrieved, we were devastated. I thought other couples get 8 eggs on average. Fortunately my sperm was strong enough to fertilized 3 of them.. :D

Serene: my wife's bHCG is 223. But somehow today she still received pregnyl jab (5000U) when she saw the prof.

Mei: We didn't use ah Gong's subsidy, so we decided to show hands (put all 3 embryos in). The fear for failure is higher than multiple pregnancy.

Thank you all and wish you have the same baby luck like us.
dadwannabe - Congrats!! I'm really happy for you and your wife. Your wife's BHCG is 223 which means she is 2-3 weeks preg (based on gestational age). Must take good care of her and I'm very sure you both will treasure this miracle well. Wow~ You still have 3 fertilized while I had only 1 during my last failed IVF cycle. So there were still good things that happened to both of you.

Just to share with you my experience with the pregnyl jab. I had to take this injection all the way until the end of my first trimester to stabilize my current pregnancy plus progestrone pills daily. Twice a week injection and it is rather painful but come to think of it, it is a worthy cause to have this jab for the obvious good news isn't it? That's what I tell myself though

Dear sistas, there are many good things that are happening to us here and let's all stay in our positive mindset.

Hi Serene, yes mine is conceived naturally. After I found out I was pregnant, I went back to see Prof Wong and sought his advice what I should do next and whether I could still be under his care as he knew my condition very well. One of the main reasons why he prescribed the pregnyl jabs and progestrone pills was I had a miscarriage before and my past IUI and IVF didn't work well. So with this natural pregnancy, he treated me like a successful IVF case and wanted to make sure I get all the necessary support to stabilize it.
Yes the support jab is painful. But think of it that it's only for 8weeks more twice a week. I paid GP near my house to do the jab.
Same as Vi, I bought the jabs from the hospital and my company doctor administered for me (of course charge to company lah!).
dadwannabe & kittlyn - a big congrats and so happy for both of you!! Good to have babydust spreading in this thread : )

Vi - your gal is so adorable!

Cool - Stay positive and there's always hope.
Congrats dadwantobe.
I very fian, receive Chr call today. My AMH result was 4, but last year Sept was 32, before I start iui. They wan me to repeat the test.
Plan is to either continue the suprefact next Mon or wait till next cycle. The result only be out next Wed.
Haven discuss with my hubby wat to do.
Why me, why can't everything go smoothly?
Sistas here, any suggestions?
Chr say it all depend the result, if amh low, likely gonal f will be given higher dose, they are not sure will change to short or long protocol.
Thinking if continue suprefact then they up gonal f later or wait till result, discuss with Prof then cheong on next menses cycle
Wow, great news! Big congrats to you, such a lucky girl. I have been trying naturally too the last 2 mths, but never succeed...
I didn't know that AMH level could drop so drastically over a short period, but don't despair yet. Had 2 BT done at NUH during my first IVF. The first time my AMH was 1.7 and the second time was 7.2
You still remember my appt with Prof Ng. Here is my update: saw Prof Ng yesterday and I like him immediately. He's so fatherly...decided to go with him on my second attempt. I already have my growth hormone jab at the clinic yesterday, will need to continue to jab from my cycle D1.
He's definitely more expensive than NUH- my consultation alone was $200, but I think it's worth it as the consultation was almost half an hour. He analyzed my first attempt's result and examined my medical history closely. He is going to use the gentle stimulation approach(combi of injections and oral drug) on me (can't recall the medical name of this method). Reason being i'm a low responder to stims due to my low AMH level (ovarian reserve), there is no point using high dosage to stimulate something (ovaries) that will not react. He also suggested that getting donor eggs is my best bet, but I am not ready for that yet until I exhaust all available methods.
So sorry to hear that your 2nd attempt failed, but don't give up. I keep telling myself that as long as I have viable eggs left, there is a chance that I can have a baby. I know that it must have been a difficult time for you as I also had Lap done 3 yrs ago. It's definitely more difficult for people who have endo to conceive naturally.
I also have the same AMH level as you, so Prof Ng said my chances of success is 20%. He suggested a different protocol from the std short protocol, so I am going for it. See how it goes....I will hold on to the smallest glimpse of hope and await the day that my dream become reality.
Thanks to all those wonderful mummy/mummy to be for sharing your success stories! It certainly helps!
Pink gd to hear that u are comfortable with prof Ng. So u be starting on this cycle already?
I can't accept from 32 to 4.
Anyway tcm dr also suggest I wait for another mth, as tis mth BBT quite low compare to last mth.
Yup, already started the cycle. Dr says that he will look at my follicle number and BT results next Fri to determine whether to go ahead with further stimulation. I think this is a good approach as I don't have to go through the entire 2 weeks of max. Gonal F to realise i only have 1 egg retrieved. He aims to retrieve 2 good eggs from me as he thinks that my ovaries are incapable of producing many eggs, so he's going for
quality vs quantity.
Pink that is good.
If I have $ resources I will also consider Prof Ng.
Nvm jiayou we will bfp together.
Now I k only pray hard that my result is ok.
Don know how is Serene appt
dadwannabe - A big CONGRATULATIONS to you and wife! So happy for the both of u!!!!

Anyway, a quick update from me. Tomorrow must go CHR for another bloodtest and to see if I can start on Gonal F. Gonna be on low stim cos my AMH was at 53. Hope tomorrow will be a good day for me and for the rest of us! will update again tomorrow!
g'nite ladies!
Wah u all are better in detail compare to me.

Honestly during my cycle I don't know what is what. I jus followed what Prof and CHR told me. I jus trust them

Blur me...

Dadwannabe, the Bt result is good ;)

Andreanie, wish you luck...

Bnb, don't despair. Find out more and see what best for you to do now
kittyln: we were shocked when we heard that injection twice a week will be needed until 12 weeks. Looks like BFP is just a brand-new starting point, not the end. After hearing that you also receive the same treatment, I feel much relieved. This injection seems like a standard protocol.

Blue: Hang in there. The AMH reflects the number of microscopic eggs you have. It should be a constant number. Probably the BT result was wrong.

Pink: Is Dr Ng at Gleneagle? my wife tried iui at Gleneagle with Dr Foong. The service there is very good (better than NUH), but it is also more expensive. They told us ivf there would cost us $17,000 so we switch to NUH.

andreanie: Using low stim is good because Gonal F is very expensive. My wife has to use the highest dosage (450U) for 12 days, and that burned a hole through our pocket.
Dadwannabe, the injection is a standard procedure for all patients who BFP. It will be done twice weekly.
for me, since NUH is quite a distance from my home, I purchased the medication and get my GP doctor to administer. At least i do not have to travel so far. You can buymaybe injections for a few days and go back to NUH to buy more after finishing it up.

Vi, i do not blame you for just following Prof and CHR instructions. That was what happen to me for my first cycle. I just followed the flow. After I bfp but miscarried, I tried to learn more than was when i will ask questions to the nurses or Prof.
Agree with you that Blue's BT result might be wrong.
Yes, Prof Ng is at Gleneagle, as I am not on the usual short/ long protocol, he told me the estimated cost is about 12k. I am ok with that as I paid 11k(incl all BT and pre-conception screen) at NUH for having 450iu of Gonal for my 1st IVF.
Happy for you and your wife that you succeeded on the first try! Hope we catch some baby dust from you guys.
Your wife is so lucky, having a husband like you who is willing to learn and go thru this with her. My husband doesn't bother to read up and know more so I am the one who's always asking the Dr qsns.
Andreanie, wow you have a very high AMH, good luck, you stand a good chance!
Vi, we all learnt a lot from each other here, do come in more often.
Serene, how did you appt go? Will you be starting your short protocol this cycle?
Su: NUH is very near my home. Thus, it is not a problem for us to go down to NUH every Wed and Sat. The only problem is my wife is very afraid of injection.

Pink: Thank you. I want to learn ivf probably I want the baby more than her. If I didn't coax her into ivf this round, she will probably try on her own for few more years until she runs out of her eggs.

I think the success rate for ivf is around 30%, but for our age group, it is actually less than 30%, so we are lucky enough to beat the odds.
hi pink, blue,
During yesterday's review was fine. Prof reviewed on my previous ivf report. He suggested tis time round to take birth control pills for 3 weeks, then follow by long protocol. Remembered my 1st long protocol was aborted due to cysts growth after 2 weeks of suprefact. tat y he wanted me to take birth control pills to suppress the hormones and then following by suprefact. I asked him whether the no of follicles yield will be more for long protocol? He told me more or less the same. So i decided to go ahead wif short protocol again since lesser waiting time n jabs. Plus really cant gurantee whether i might still develop cysts after suprefact jabs. Now i dunno whether i hav made the right decision to stick to the same protocol ornot. Pink, urs will b long protocol isst?

I dunno tat AMH level can change drastically over short period of time. Prof told me i dun need to do the AMH bloodtest again thought it expired this mth. My level is 56 when i last tested last Dec. Hmm.. Shld i insist them to retake again?
So you will start on your stimms on cycle D1 right? Any chance that we will be cycle buddies again? I am on a gentle stimulation cycle, I think it's a modified short protocol. Had a growth hormone jab on CD22, then continue the growth hormone jabs on CD1 and take oral drug letrozole (similar to Clomid), will go for BT on CD5 to see my response before Dr advises whether to continue with the cycle. I have not seen people with similar treatment protocol, but I trust that the Dr knows what is best for me.
If you are not comfortable with your AMH result, you shd request for them to retake to give you a peace of mind. I don't think they'll reject your request since you are paying for it.
hi everyone! im back from CHR.
finally can start on GonalF. Going to be on 112.5 for 3 days then 75 on 4th day. Surprisingly the GonalF injection is not painful at all! I already have this mental note in my head - Alamak, sure painful one! Cos maybe the pen looks scary hahaha...

Dadwannabe - True! Lower stims = Lower cost. Just realize that one GonalF cost $400! :S

Pink - I hope have higher chance but at the same time must also look out for ohss because of my higher AMH. Hope everything will be smooth.

Serene - why dont u insist to take another AMH test? Our AMH will go up and down every other month. So might as well check again.
Serene-U maight want to check with CHR nurse.
Is actually CHR nurse whom told me that I need the AMH test.
There is no wrong or right answer here. Think just follow whatever U had decided & cheong. Like what U mentioned that Prof can't gurantee that with the birth control U won't have the cysts.
But if the follicles yield the same, then why he suggested long protocol? Is there any other reasons to change to long protocol?
Blue, 11k is the total cost, after subsidy and grant, I pay about 5k+ in cash. As I was on the long protocol with max Gonal F, so it is more exp.
andreanie: your ovaries are very fuel efficient. This is especially important when the fuel is expensive. hopefully you will produce many matured and high-quality eggs in this cycle.

Serene: It is counter intuitive that you will take birth control pill before ivf. If the pill has some long-lasting effects, it won't be good for your pregnancy. But doctors should know this better than me.
My gonalF was 375. My total was around $12k. But since first time try so after grant n medisave cash $2k.
Serene, why not u ask Pof to test again. Just tell him for u to have peace of mind. I learnt not to just follow but ask questions on the rationale so that we are aware and prepared for the outcome. Just my personal opinion...

Wah really like wt dad wannabe said, v 'fuel effiient' leh. Save $$ 

I am worst! I got endo cysts but was not told until I fd out myself and confirmed by my own gynae through ultrasound and laparoscopy 1 mth after failed fresh.

Sorry can I ask, the last time when u were fd to have developed cyst, what did Prof do/give to remove the cyst? Or when no more stimulation, the cyst disappeared??
Andreanie- I guess there are else u will need a much higher gonal -f dose. I think that's a positive sign that your ovaries are good and at least need not worry over stimulated and get cysts. Best of luck! 
