IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Blue -- so sorry to hear about BFN. Take some time to cry and lots of hugs from your hubby. I really hope you can get some answers from Prof during your follow-up.

LoveDD -- sounds like your follow-up with Prof went well. My level was low too, so I immediately knew that I didn't stand much of chance. When AF appeared then I knew it was over! Can I ask - did you have the HCG injections after your BFP? Did Prof suggest doing any further tests to find out why a chemical pg happened?

Pink, Serene -- hope you are both doing well with stimms.

@Serene, I plan to do that. Get more support upfront in the next cycle.

@ CeliaM, I had 2 HCG shots after the transfer but on the day of my BT, I was given the support shot (not HCG shd be progesterone - twice weekly)....also had the twice daily progesterone tablets before the beta starts to decline...thats when I stop ;)

Prof did not suggest any test...are there any available? I am planning to seek 2nd opinion with Prof Ng at Gleneagles to see if I get any answers. Let you know how it goes...

When are you planning round 2? I was told by Dr Zou to wait 3 months...
hi pink, my tummy start feeling crampy after my jab just now. Not much appetite for my diner. But still manage to eat 2 softboiled eggwhite.
today ur day 2 of gonalf right? any side effects?

hi celiaM, u mentioned ur hcg level low. is tat consider pg? wat is ur hcg level? Did prof give u any support?

I seriously don't know how to console you. But its easier to write than being felt like being worthless after so many jabs & injections & the inner feeling of letting down all the hopes of family..esp hubby. they're not like us..to burst out in tears & talk till our jaws plead to stop

Hey ladies...

One thing I would like to insist...please take enough rest before you go for the next round.

Take care

catch u soon
Hi serene, my stomach feels a little crammy and tight the whole of yesterday and I also have some spotting. Called CHR and nurse Serina told me that a little spotting is fine, I only need to inform them if the flow is so heavy that i need to use a pad.
The spotting stopped today and crammy feeling is also gone. Feels good today, too bad hubby's is not in Sg yet, missing him already.
How is your scan today? My scan is on Monday morning.
Also to update on my visit to Prof Feng. It wasn't a pleasant acupuncture session as it hurts. He inserted 3 needles on each of my legs, and 2 of them have needle marks and 1 left a blue black bruise. When I did my acupuncture in HK, it was more comfortable and I never had these needle marks on me althoug I had needles all over my body. I don't think I will continue to see him.
@pink, I don't think you r suppose to get blue black from acupuncture though depending on who administer the acupuncture some maybe slightly more painful than others...

I am in a dilemma after my visit to Prof Ng. He mention that the number of mature and fertilized eggs was below average for me despite ok hormones and suggested using growth hormones, short protocol and assisted hatching....

Has anyone had egg quality issue and attempted growth hormones?

Anyone know if NUH offer assisted hatching? is it something we can opt for?

Any advice or info on the above would be helpful. Thanks
@ lovedd

Couple of my 2c doubts...

1. When u met Prof. Ng, did he ask for the medical report from NUH where u did the IVF? I mean, the report containing the your BT scores during the GonalF & other stimm jabs & how many embies did you have & what was their growth rate on the days before transfer...etc?

2. Did NUH provide you with such a report with all the required details?

3. What kind of growth hormones..u mean like more folic acid & iron tabs or steroids?

4. Did Prof Ng assure the growth hormones would improve the egg quality ( I'm also now thinking of visiting Prof Ng, to discuss about my ovarian reserve problem...). Did u also discuss about the complication if any because of such assisted hatching?

Seriously, I haven't heard of such growth hormones & Yes, NUH does such assisted hatching...

when i did my 2nd round of IVF, my FSH levels were more..so prof, decided to put me in short protocol. I'm not sure whether we can opt for such stuffs...
hi ladies, just to update on my status. went for e day4 gonalf jab scanning on sat, i hav 12 follicles, 2 dominant ones at 9mm. my e2 level is 400plus. gonalf dosage remain e same. start my cetrotide jab yesterday. been feeling crampy, bloateness n backache since yesterday evening. tomolo morning going for scan again. hopefully all my follicles r growing together n around same size.

hi pink, i would recommend dr zou for u. her acupuncture skill is good. so far no blue black for mi. how r u feeling now? today is ur 5th day of gonalf right?
hi ladies, just to update on my status. went for e day4 gonalf jab scanning on sat, i hav 12 follicles, 2 dominant ones at 9mm. my e2 level is 400plus. gonalf dosage remain e same. start my cetrotide jab yesterday. been feeling crampy, bloateness n backache since yesterday evening. tomolo morning going for scan again. hopefully all my follicles r growing together n around same size.

hi pink, i would recommend dr zou for u. her acupuncture skill is good. so far no blue black for mi. how r u feeling now? today is ur 5th day of gonalf right?
@ Mrs Ha

I provided Prof Ng with all bloodtest report, laproscropic results. However, no egg report from NUH, was told they dont provide. So I relied on what the nurses told me like # of follicles (extracted/mature/fertilized) + cell count in the 3 days leading to the transfer and their final grading (maybe there's more to it?)

Pershap I shd have probe further what types of growth hormones. He mentioned studies showing significant improvement in egg quality for certain group of women with dull response to stim

He mentioned due to the energy needed for the fertilized egg to breakout of its shell, its done as a standard procedure to "help" the emby...

On further thought over the wkend, I have decided to try round 2 with NUH and maybe leave Prof Ng option as a last attempt..

Meantime, try to do a little more research on the growth hormones...
@Serene, had my scan and BT this morning. Doesn't look good, I only have 6 follies. Gonal F will stay the same at 450iu, but was told to get another injection Luveris starting tmr to help improve egg quality since I have so few... A little upset now, feels kinda lost and don't know what I can do.

Do you think it will help if I start seeing Dr Zou now? If I have so few follies, the chance of one maturing is so low, so I really need to increase the chance of implantation.
So happy for you that you have 12 follies! Hope they all grow together and you can retrieve all of them.

@loveDD, may I know what is your FSH and AMH level? Did you also have the Luveris jab? Seems like my situation is very similar to yours - I don't respond well to Gonal F.
@Pink, my FSH 5.7/ AMH is 13.7. A little confused on whats normal/good AMH. NUH report says 5 to <15 is normal ovarian reserve while external website says 2.2 - 15.7 is consider low fertility?

I read that normal hormone levels may not mean good response to GonalF. I am not on Luveris...may I know what is it use for?

Happen to find this online when I google IVF growth hormone...I plan to ask Prof Wong abt it..


hi ladies, today went for scanning again. dunno y follicles become lesser. 10 follicles. dominant follicles also never grow. Sat 9mm. Today 10mm. *Faint* Now have to wait for my bt result then prof will decide whether to increase my gonalf dosage.

hi pink, dun worry so much. Is still early the amt of ur follicles will be increasing. And probably wif the Luveris jab, ur follicles quality will be good. Then maturing and fertilization rate will be higher. Mayb i shld suggest to prof to let me the jab too to improve my follicles quality.
hi pink, u can try acupuncture wif dr zou. Can go for intensive acupuncutre for 5 days prior to ER. Alot of sistas in the forum did tat too.
Her contact no is 64560833 to book appointment.
hi LoveDD, i know CARE @ Paragon is using growth hormone for some of their patients. I know 2 ladies from this forum use growth hormone n bfp. But i dunno y they need growth hormones. I will try to ask them and let u know.
@loveDD, your AMH is within the normal range, that is good. mine is 1.7 only, so it is very low. My Baseline FSH is 3.8, I don't know whether this number means good or bad as Prof did not mention anything abt my FSH level. I did some research and it said that a level of less than 9 will have normal response to stimms, so i guess it is ok. http://www.advancedfertility.com/day3fsh.htm
Luveris is for follicle stimulation - nurse said that since i have so few follicles, have to make sure they will grow well. http://www.fertilitylifelines.com/resources/luveris.jsp
@serene, at least you have 10 follicles now, I only have 6 yesterday, still don't know if they will grow, gotta wait until Wed for my scan. Told myself to be positive but it's really hard not to feel disappointed after going through so many injections. Luveris hurts more than Suprefact as the needle is bigger, so nurse taught me to numb the area with ice first before injecting. Will try that tmr morning. If Luveris will help with follicle quality then there is no harm having that additional boost. Let us know what Prof's advice is?
Thanks Serene, have booked appt with Dr Zou on Thu as they are closed on Wed. Do you have to wait a long time for each visit?
hi pink, i would suggest u come during morning or afternoon time coz dun need to wait or less than 10mins. nite time is a no no. i m doing my acupuncture now. hav been waiting for an hr bfore my turn. normally i wait 15-30mins during nite time. but today business veri good. so wait longer.
@Serene, thanks alot. Do let me know what you can find.

@Pink, is Luveris as prescribe by Prof Wong or did you request for it? Is it std because you had low number of follicles? Wondering if I shd ask for it since I only had 6 follicles the last round..

I spoke with Dr Zou abt the growth hormone and she mention she has more patients using growth hormones lately (esp for poor responders to stim). Her patients who use growth hormones appears to have larger and more even size follicles.

Hope I dont get scolded by Prof Wong when I ask him for it....
Hey girls, I had my pregnancy blood test this morning. Had a negative result. So I'll be joining some of you for round 2. Dun give up trying sisters!!

Its very heartening &amp; makes me feel very sad about the happenings here. I just cannot believe there are so many ladies out here..who are forced to go for round 2 of all the jabs &amp; BTs &amp; scans again.

I seriously don't know what to write &amp; console some of you on ur latest failure. Don't worry..there's always something better for u
Have hope &amp; faith
@Serene, thanks for the tips. i am booked for the morning session, hopefully no need to wait for long.

@LoveDD, I didn't request for it, didn't know that there is such a med until I was put on it. Will have to see the growth of my follies tomorrow to see if it does help. I don't think Prof will scold you if you suggest to him to use Luveris. You just want to increase your chances. i am sure he will advise you whether you are suitable to be put on Luveris.

I find that Prof Wong doesn't talk very much when I go for the ultrasound, he only talks to the nurse to record the scan results. Is he normally like that? I would prefer that he gives me an update of my situation, what to expect etc for the next few days etc.

@kittlyn, hug hug, you sound all ready for the second round. I like your fighting spirit! Meanwhile, take a good rest and maintain your health in tip top condition. Also hope that the issue with your hubby has been resolved.
Pink- gd luck for yr scan tomorrow.
Kittlyn-bear hugz to u.
We will bfp with dragon babies instead.
I went to visit my friend whom delivered 1 boy &amp; 1 girl via ivf by Prof wong. So happy &amp; envy her, but I know that will be my turn soon
@Pink, good luck on your scan. Do keep me posted out the status of your follicles. Initially I find Prof Wong quite stern looking but I think he is just a man of few words. In my last session he is quite forth coming with explanation when asked...so I think I will prepare a list of questions for him the next round...;)

@kittlyn, take care and stay healthy...we might all be 2nd time lucky!!
Hi ladies

A couple of words about Prof...He's my very Fav doctor. He's very soft person. You can ask all Qs..He would be glad to answer ur Qs...But, remember there's a looong Queue of ladies waiting to be scanned...I think that's the reason he has 2 rooms for his patients..He has to finish scanning all the ladies &amp; then attend to some lady's ER or ET daily...that's the reason...
I agreed with mrs ha.
He will answer all questions without any rush. Normally in the early morning he see ladies that in the midst of ivf, scanning. Think by noon he do iui, ER &amp; ET, then he go back to clinic to continue seeing cases, maybe those preparing to go for iui, ivf or purely consultation.
That is what I observe, might be wrong.
Though I fail 1st cycle, but I feel safe under the team care.
hi pink, i m going for my scan n bt tomolo morning @ 8. but i m sure i will b abit late. wat is ur appointment time? dunno whether can see u there.

hi kittlyn, i m glad tat u r alright n ready for ur 2nd battle. must check wif prof wat is he proposing in ur 2nd ivf? mayb can request for lurivs to improve follicles quality n mayb also increase gonalf dosage.
yup, i totally agree wif mrs ha n blue. he is a man wif few words. but if u ask him questions, he will always answers patiently. i always will ask him how is my scan? no. n size of follicles, lining size. he is veri assuring too. i also like e nurses at both woman's clinic n chr. they r always friendly n warm towards us.
@ Blue, I am suppose to see him only sometime in Jun. But thinking of scheduling an appt soon to ask him about treatment to improve my low egg count and quality issue...

Are you on long protocol for the 1st round? Any change in protocol for round 2?

@Kittlyn, do keep us posted on your discussion with Prof.What is he recommending for round 2...

Thanks all
Hi all, scan this morning went well. 5 out of 6 follies grew to a good size - 2*12.5, 3*11 and 1 lagged behind at 7mm. Lining is 10mm. Praying hard that all of them will continue to grow. Prof had retested my AMH level and this time it's higher at 7.2. Phew, am relieved to know that my ovarian reserve is normal!!
I also went to have acupuncture at Dr Zou and I like her too. Find her very gentle, approachable and nice. She asked me to relax as my pulse readings revealed that I am tense. I tried my best to stay positive, but it's difficult not to worry about how the follies are doing, so I didn't sleep early. Will have to make myself go to bed at 11pm from now on.

@Serene, my appt with Prof this morning was 8.15 and i arrived at 8.30am, didn't see anyone else at the waiting area, so i presume you were either earlier or later than me? How was your scan?

Agree with Serene that the nurses at Woman's Clinic and CHR are very friendly and nice. Prof answered our questions this morning and hubby also like him. Trust that we made the right choice on the RE. Would not have the same experience if I had done the procedure in HK.
Lovedd-I would only be seeing Prof next Tues.
Would update yr again.
Was on long protocol for 1st round.
I doubt he would do much changes in 2nd round, likely be increasing the dosage of Gonal F ba, becos started on 150IU then increased to 225IU till E.R
Thank you all for your hugs and encouragement. Yesterday was an emotional day for me after knowing the negative test result... Guess it is a natural response to feel sad and disappointed. Cried the whole day and I also hope to be stronger.

I saw Prof Wong this morning and we analysed the treatment together. Indeed he was very patient to answer our doubts, worries and very assuring. He recommended that I could continue with long protocol and increase the dosage of Gonal F next round. He recommended if I want to continue with round 2 can start after my May's menses cycle (so that will likely be in June for my D21 Suprafact).

@Pink - I pray that your follicles will grow well and you will have a smooth process throughout. I was with Dr Zou for a while too (she is the one who recommended me to see Prof Wong). I find her very friendly and patient and her husband is so fatherly to me. The only thing is the waiting time is extremely looooonnnngggg as I used to see her after 7pm. Glad you like her too

@Serene - I pray that your follicles will grow well too and try to relax as much as possible during this period. Hope the acupuncture will improve on the quality and you will have a smoother process.

@LoveDD - Are you starting your round 2 in June? Maybe we can be IVF cycles buddies! Take good care during this time.

@Blue - How are you going? Hugs for you too. Don't be discourage... Let's try again next time and have hope. We will never fail unless we stop trying. Be strong together k!

@CeliaM - How are you doing? Hope that you are resting well and prepare yourself for the next round. Have you thought of when you will doing it?
Kittlyn- wah u faster than me to be reviewed by Prof, envy le. Hehe, just joking.
Yah, will rest till round 2 in June ba. Then u, lovedd, celiam &amp; me k be cycle buddies Liao. We k meet &amp; party in chr with bfp result. Hehe
Stay positive is the key le, but I scare that I would always be thinking of -ve how huh?? Must scold me if I have -ve thoughts hor. 
hi love dd
i was a patient of prof ng at gleneagles and i have finally given birth to my baby, after my 4th attempt of ivf. in my opinion, prof ng's lab is the best in singapore if you have embryo quality issues. i think what he meant by growth hormone is luveris. yes, i had luveris and short protocol in my successful attempt. i had only one very small piece of ovary left plus sperm quality issues, but the number and quality of embryo improved significantly at prof ng's lab.
sometimes you need to change to a different protocol and lab to yield better embryos.
Hi All,
A lot has happened since I last logged in. Had a good break with hubby and also saw Prof this week. He is a man of very few words, so I often come prepared with a list of questions which he answers very patiently. Basically like with lovedd he said no one knows why chemical pregnancies happen and he does not recommend any tests at this stage. He recommended that I stay on the long protocol, but increase the Gonal F dose. Strange how that seems to be what we have all been recommended. I am wondering if they always start on a low dose on the 1st round, hence the low yield of eggs. Aside from that he doesn't want to make any changes. I have not heard of luveris before. My FSH and AMH are similar to lovedd's so I assume I should respond well to gonal-f but i think i need a higher dose.
My main concern now is that i have started bleeding again - only 15 days into this cycle. Similar thing after my last chemical pregnancy. Anyone else experience this?

Kittlun - sorry to hear your test was negative. lots of hugs to you.

Serene, Pink - sounds like you are both doing well. I hope those follies continue to grow and yield many eggs!

Blue, Lovedd - I'm thinking of doing my next cycle May/June. I do still have a few questions that I need to clarify and i am wondering about doing some more tests as well as this is my second chemical.

Irene - thanks for you advice and congratulations. You must be in cloud 9! May I ask which other clinics you had treatment with before seeing Prof Ng?
Pink how are U getting on?
Serene-hope tomorrow yr follies would be nice nice &amp; be ready to ER this week.
CeliaM-Think would be yr cycle buddy.
@CeliaM, hope you will gain some insight on why the chemical pregnancies occurred from the tests. Looking on the bright side of things, it seems that you can get pregnant, just need more help to support the pregnancy, how about looking at TCM to strengthen the womb?

@Blue, I am getting on fine. It has been a relaxing weekend spent with hubby, went to Botanic Garden to chill out and also had body massage. Had my scan this morning and my dominant follicle is 19.5mm, with 4 others 18-18.5mm and 2 smaller ones. Lining is 11mm. Prof Wong said I'm most likely to do for ER on Wed, have to wait for BT result this afternoon to confirm. Dr Zou said that my follicles and lining is optimal for ER on Wed. Now I can only pray hard that all five follies will have eggs in them and get fertilized. I am quite glad that the injections are coming to an end and that I am going to complete my first cycle within a week.

A word of encouragement for all the strong ladies here - The difference between impossible and possible is determination. I am sure we will all succeed if we hang on and persist.

Now i am contemplating whether to fly back to HK a few days after ET or stay in Sg for 2 weeks' bedrest until the pregnancy test. Heard that it's better to have complete bedrest for implantation. I have already gone through so much, so i don't want to do anything to jeopardise my chances of success. Pls share your experience with me. Thanks.
Hi all,

I'm new here. Will be starting my IVF cycle on Apr'11. Will be on the long protocal. Day 21 - Superfact follow by Gonal-F.

It's nice to know a lot of sistas from NUH. (CHR)

I'm with Dr Stephen Chew &amp; Dr Anupriya. Sistas, any feedback on your IVF journey with NUH?
Pink - thanks for your encouraging words. Your scans results look great so hopefully you will have the go ahead to have ER this Wednesday. I would certainly take it easy after ER and ET, especially the first week but you could fly back to HK during the second week if you need to, otherwise stick around in SG. If you get a BFP you'll want to see Prof and get his advice on how to proceed. Wishing you all the best.

Farisah - welcome to the group. If you read back through our messages you'll see what our journey's have been like. The nurses at CHR are very helpful, but I have not had to deal with either of the 2 doctors you mention. Have you had IVF before?

I hope the rest of you are all doing well.
Pink- I would not recommend U to fly to HK, if there is no a need to. Becos of the flight journey, though is a short journey.
Think to play safe it would be better to stay in S'pore till the BT.
Welcome Farisah. I'm with Prof Wong. Nil encounter with the 2 drs that U mentioned.
Hi Celia

I have not done any IVF before. Diagnose with PCOS, having irregular menses and DH - low sperm count.

Had try IUI before but was cancelled the very last minutes due to DH's low sperm count. After which I don't wish to waste anymore time and proceed straight to IVF.

Any tips on supplement to take before IVF? Had been taking Vitamins from Blackmores, Folid Acid, Conceive well for preparation.

Drink red dates, wolfberry and longan thrice weekly to improve the blood circulation
Hi Blue - I'm from the Clinic G previously. After going thru alot of bloodtest, check-up and etc, now I was tranfer to CHR to do IVF under the 2 Doctors

I had meet Prof Wong last Sat - attended the IVF seminar. The seminar is very informative, the nurse at CHR had been very helpful
Hi all,

I am new to this forum, glad to see so many people are patients of Prof Wong at NUH too.

I had my first IVF attempt last Nov 2010. But it was unsuccessful. Recently i did the Frozen Embryo Transfer and the result will only be know in 4 April. But i didn't take it well like my last attempt because i kept having this panic attacks ever since i went through the stage of embryo transfer. Because my panic attacks are so bad, i have been having sleepless nights since last Thurs. And to add things worst, i am suffering from virginal itchiness which i am not sure is it due to the crinone gel. but i do not have this problem the last round.

Does anyone like me have this panic attacks every day or night during sleep? and have this bad itch around your virginal area? As the nurse keep ask me to monitor first.
Lovegreen- think is nearer to 4/4, that maybe the reason for yr panic.
Is difficult to tell u to relax, say is easier then done.
Maybe u k try drink warm milk, listen to relax music before yr bedtime?
If the itchness get worse, is better to tell CHR nurses, incase of infection.
Count yrself as lucky, at least u get to do FET, becos a few of us need to do 2nd fresh cycle, as no frozen embbies.
Wish u all the best.
Hi Blue, thanks for your advise and glad you reply me
. Actually Prof Wong did suggest i go for a 2nd fresh cycle as i am 34 this year so i can keep the frozen embryo for future use but i have discussed with my hubby and both us of thought of just proceed with this FET first. Prof Wong said during my first IVF i have 11 good eggs and all 11 of them have eggs and all the phases when so well (Not to mention the panic attack tingy) but ended i am still not preg..haiz..so it means we only need one good egg and a bit of luck to be successful.

I had the transfer last Thursday, 4 April is only 11 days wait, shorter than the 2weeks for fresh cycle but i have this panic attack the moment the embryo is transferred in me. I think this panic attacked started during my first IVF, i bleed during the fourth day after transfer can you imagine? so i got into panic mode and eversince that i have this panic attack for the next waiting days till my blood test during the last attempt.

but surprised is that once i tested negative, the panic attack disappeared and i thought i am more mental prepared for this FET but again i got into panic attack! I am so sad because people always said that embryo will not implant on a nervous womb..so i dont have too much high hope this round

I did all sort of things to relax myself, like listen to music, meditate with breathing technique, i cant drink milk as i will have diarrhea but it all didnt work for long, my hubby also helps to massage me as the panic attacks makes my whole body aches and muscle tension. Its all in the mind, tomorrow i am going down to CHR to get this sleeping pill which Prof Wong prescribe for me but only give me 2 pills LOL but hope it helps me to get some sleep as i have been having sleepless night. And i am going back to work tomorrow to keep myself distracted even though i am still on hospitalised leave.

Sorry for the long message because it makes me feel so much better to release my trouble here..thanks for hearing me..

Lovegreen- is ok for the long message.
If u feel much better to write in here &amp; chit chat, by all means.
We are all here to support each other. Hope the med helps.
I also be in Nuh to see Prof for the next step.
