IVF at NUH--feedback pls

CeliaM-try to do things slow. How many were retrieved & fertilised?
Waiting for yr babydust on me & Serene.
Serene jiayou, maybe after yr scan, everything would be ok & who knows strike like yr 1st baby naturally. Then don need IVF liao le.

hi blue, my gynae is not from Nuh. He is Dr Adrian Woodworth from Thomson Woman's clinic. He is my gynae when i had my boi. I went to him 1 year ago after ttc for 8 mths. Now abit paiseh to look for him as i did not go the the fertility doc he recommended to mi.
I doubt i will have mature follicle as i was on suprefact for 2 weeks early tis mth. The drugs might hav suppress the growth of the follicle tis cycle.

hi celiaM, my cysts were developed due to the suprefact jab. All the best to u in ur 2ww. Remember rest well, stress free and increase ur protein intake if u probe to ohss. When will b ur bhcg test? Will b here waiting to collect ur babydust : )

hi mrs ha, thanks for ur encouragement. Been reading up on short protocol to get myself well prepared when the time come.
Serene- u never know, miracle do happen. Just use 平常心 to go through tis mth ba.
It seems like so fast le, I be doing ER next week, provided my scan on fri, the follicles grow more mm. The feeling is like excited, yet scare abt the feterilization of the embbies.
If u too pai seh to go back to him, then c Prof & scan lor.
I'm going for scan again on Mon. Last scan on Fri, Prof verbally said total of 12 follicles ranging from 11 to 13mm size. So likely ER would be on Wed.
Just thinking NUH count ER day as day 0 or day 1??
Good.....Bluenosebear....ER is counted as Day 1 (i think so...)

Good luck for ur scan on Monday
hi CeliaM, u doing bhcg test tis week right? Good luck to u : )

hi blue, saw ur posting in other thread. All the best to ur er on wed or thurs : )

hi mrs ha, how is ur adoption process going?

i m going to my gynea tomolo to do us. Hopefully all my cysts disappear.
Updates from today scan- 7 follicles at each side of ovary. Size range from 17.5 to 15mm. Think have 2 or 3 17.5mm one.
ER would have to depend on today blood test result & Prof decision. Likely Wed or Thurs to do ER ba.
I so excited + anxious, so mixed feelings le.

All the Best for ur ER & ET

I'm sorry to say...hubby is allowed only until the entrance of the operation theater. They'll not be allowed in.

Once, you are out of ur anesthesia, after ER is over, they'll call your hubby. Pls take some good rest after ur ER. attimes, it'll be really painful & attimes get discharge
don't worry it wont be like AF...take care after u r discharged.

Also....important stuff...attimes, Prof might be coming to visit his patients in the evening (for both my ERs he dint come...but for one...they said he'll come)..in that case, you won't be given / permitted to eat anything until prof or his junior Doc comes down to inform you about how many follicles were taken out, how many had eggs in it (attimes, some follicles may not have eggs
) . after a loooong wait...they'll get you some biscuits & milo...u can treat it as laaaaaaaaaate lunch or eaaaaaaaaaaarly dinner ;)

as for ET, its just a couple of mins of work in OT. same rule for husband....not allowed in...for wife no anesthesia given..so you'll be wide awake when you'll be taking your 'babies on board'

Good luck
Blue - good luck with ER tomorrow. The nice thing about having an anaesthetic is that the procedure is over before you know it. The down side is you have to wait till Prof sees you before you can eat, so make sure you eat well tonight!

Serene - I am sure your gynae won't mind that you have chosen NUH for fertility treatment and not his recommendation. I hope your scans with him go well and that you too can start soon. I didn't realise suprefact can cause cysts.

Mrs Ha - thank you so much for all your advice to us along the way. I have been trying to take it easy.

Test date this week so will let you ladies know the outcome. At times feeling positive, at other times feeling low in mood. As the 2WW is approach the end it's getting more difficult. I will hang in there though. Hope I can be sending you ladies some babydust.

I've got already some from you... I'm just sharing the experiences I've got/ gone through.

@celia & @serene
I've almost completed the adoption paper works with Touch. Now have to look for a baby & as per my agent the baby is sooon to pop out from his mom.

Will inform you once i've more details...I'm happy that I'm of help to others

good luck ladies
hi blue, good luck to ur ER today. Hope u have good no of good grade follicles. Did ur hub provide his specimens tis morning too? Too bad NUH does not allow hub to be in wif us : (

hi celiam, any special symptoms u have currently? I will b here waiting to collect bb dust from u : ) Yup i went to my gnae yesterday. My right ovary still hav 1 2cm cyst and 2 less than 1cm cysts. My left ovary no visiable cysts found. Hopefully when my af come, the cysts will all be gone and i can proceed wif short protocol.

hi mrs_ha, tats great : ) N soon u will be carrying the baby in ur arms. N really appreciate that u r always here to share info wif us.
Hi ladies, I'm new in this forum and currently seeing Dr PC Wong, would like to join this group of cycle buddies. Am quite nervous about my first Suprefact injection tomorrow and losing sleep on it... The thought of injecting myself is so scary, how do you girls deal with it?
Welcome Jen. Just think that is for baby, don think of the pain. U will overcome one.
Mrs ha- great that u would be holding baby in yr arms soon.
I recieved thr heart attack call from the embrologist tis am. Out of 11 follicles, 9 matured but only 5 fertilized. Was depress & worry whether will have enough to transfer & freeaze or not. Trying very hard to be +ve.
Serene- Hubby only k be with u in the waiting room. They quite nice, given me the suite, which I didn't expected, becos I ask for the normal bed. Think hubby so will faint inside la, later they must save him instead.
Celia- that is fast, bfp. Waiting for yr tons if babydust wor
Thanks for the warm welcome blue. A little intro on myself to the group. I am a Singaporean living in HK now, so would be shuffling between 2 cities for the procedure. Blue, all the best for the 5 fertilized follies, they will be as strong as the woman going thru this process. Keep us updated on how it developed.

I just did the injection, yeah! It wasn't as painful as I thought, but had to admit it was hard to jab myself, took me like 15 second to muster up the courage.
Too bad that hubby cannot go into the OT, he will be flying to Sg to accompany me for the ER & ET, his presence will certainly help to calm my nerves.
hi pink, welcome here. Think i might b ur cycle buddies as by the time u start stimulation jab, i will b starting my short protocol (stimulation also). Then our ER and ET might b around the same time.

hi blue, dun worry ur 5 emmbies will grow stronger and multiply into beautiful flowers. Hopefully they fight all the way till blastocyst. Do u feel bloated? Remember to up ur protein.
Serene & pink thanks for the +ve encouragement.
Ya feel bloated can't eat full meal, has to eat small portion frequently. Just swallow my eggwhites, very full again.
It seems like I kept eating the whole day hehe.
Very fast, serene u would start yr short protocol Liao.
Pink- gonalf jabs feel more comfortable, so all the best for yr suppression stage
Hi Serene, nice to know you. Is this your first IVF attempt too? Great to have a cycle buddy so we can encourage each other.

Was told that my anti-mullerian hormone is on the low side, so Prof will put me on 450iu of Gonal F for stimulation. A little worried now that I would not have enough follies...
Pink don worry so much. U are in good hands under prof & group of chr nurses.
Just go with the flow & think +ve as much as possible.
U would be going down for scan very often once start stimulation stage. Maybe u wan to consider to do accupuncture, take protein like eggwhites & immunocal. U k start now & up the amt during stimulation stage
Hey ladies

So nice to read that had happened in the last couple of days..Been busy dreaming of becoming a mom

Don't worry blue- things will be better in the days to come. you're having a more no.of fertilised eggs than i had. So, don;t worry u r going on to the point to get ur babies soon

welcome to the group. Don;t worry, i was also on 450iu for my 2nd ivf attempt & for my 1st i was on 300iu. things will be fine...be +ve with ur thoughts. Did chr ppl inform u that u can't be air shuttling, b'cos u need to be @ chr for more frequent blood tests & scans & refill gonal f?

@serene - all the best for ur short protocol. I don't actually remember the name of the jab,its normally done in the morning. when i did it @ chr on the first day, it was kind of itchy & swelled like a bump on the first day. it was because of the alcohol swabs, that come with the pack. if possible, don;t use it...get the normal swabs from CHR. also when u do it at home. pls have a couple of ice cubes handy, after u r done with the jab.
hi morning ladies, TGIF!!!

blue, will the embrologist call u daily to update u on ur emmbies growth? hopefully u will do ET on Monday.

pink, acutally i started my long protocol in late Jan. Due to develop cysts after 2weeks of suprefact, i was asked to abandon tat cycle. Since long protocol not suitable for me, Prof Wong wanted me to do short protocol. So i m waiting for my march af to come, then go n scan to ensure the cysts disappeared. If everything ok, i will start gonalf on tat day.

Right now, u can start to take increase ur protein intake. Gals here take soft-boiled egg whites or u can buy protein drinks like immunocol(found in OG supplement section cashier there) Protein helps ur follicles to grow and prevent ohss.
Accupuncture is to aid circulation of blood to our ovaries, hence produce good follicles. Also help u our uterus lining. If u hav doubts, feel free to ask us. We will try our best to help u : )

mrs ha, u were also under short protocol before? How do u find short and long protocol? Hows ur follicles quatity and quantity yield during these protocols?
Thank you everyone, feel so glad to have advice from all of you here. You make me feel normal. I don't have any friends who have gone thru IVF, so no one will really understand how I feel. I'm been TTC since 2008, so IVF is my last hope for me to have a baby. Really hope Prof and his team can work wonders.

@Blue, I am having acupuncture in HK to 调 my body since Nov last year, but i won't be able to continue when i'm in Sg. Can you give me your contact for acupuncture in Sg?

@Mrs Ha, CHR did inform me that i have to stay in Sg for 3 weeks until the ER stage.

@Serene, I will start taking the soft-boiled egg whites, how many egg white per day?
I just called CHR to ask whether there is any special diet to alleviate the symptoms for the meds and they told me "don't have, just eat your normal diet" I was expecting better advice so was a little disappointed with the service.
Pink- my accupuncture is in Chinatown, pple park centre, sincheong under prof Feng. Other sistas from ivf thread here went to Amk dr zou, which serene is going for & she quite well versed with ivf program.
Chr won't tell u to have special diet during suppression & stimulation stage. Only advise after ET to take 8-10 eggwhites.
Serene & mrs ha- I be going for ET tomorrow so is day 3 transfer. Ya embrologist will call everyday to update the condition of the embbies. Now 4 is satisfactory & 1 is below average. Hope that the below average will grow slowly to average & the rest will grow more tomorrow.
So excited. Really like heart attack call from them.
Blue, thanks for the contacts, will call and see which one I can get appt with. All the best for your ET tmr, lots of baby dust to you!!
I did some research on the net and found these nutritional advice, thought I'll share with others who are new to IVF: consume at least 2 liters of water per day). Foods to avoid are chocolate, processed foods and foods with high sugar content. try to eat at least 60 mg of protein a day. reduce or cut out your consumption of caffeine and alcohol. take a daily multivitamin.

Oops I just had a cappuccino, simply love coffee, guess I have to switch to decaf from now on...
hi blue, u going to meet ur embbies tomolow. so excited for u. By the way if u put in 2 embbies, will they freeze the rest of ur emmbies for u? Or will then wait till blastocyst then freeze?

hi pink, if u live near amk, u can look for dr zou. her contact no is 64560833. I forget her address. The blk is veri near to NYP. U may call to get the address.
Serene- they will try to reach blastocysts. so have to be prepare they might not reach that stage.
Today they told me the transfer one, both is 7cell, I also no idea is good or not?
@serene thank you for the contact. I think Chinatown point is more convenient for me, so will go for blue's acupuncturist.

@blue, how do you feel after ET? Do you just stay on the bed to rest at home and not walk around?

that's good news
I'm so happy for you


PLs take care of ur health. 2ww is gonna be a loong time, still pls rest a lot for a +ve result.


all the best for ur IVF short protocol.
Good morning ladies.

Blue, ur transfer is D3 so cell 7 is quite good. think the embbies multiply 2 cells each day. By the way, other than the insert support, will you be given any jab support too? When will u be seeing prof again for the blood test right? If hormone not high, then they will give jab support right?
Serene- I was given pregnyl jab for day 4 & day 7, counting from er day. Chr only tell me to see prof le, nil mention abt bld test, think unless prof order ba. Think if I'm not wrong prof only see any signs of ohss only.
Think the support jabs would be given when pregnancy is confirm. Jab is oil based to jab on butt kind.
Pink- phone no for Sincheong is 65385584/ 65385586, Prof Feng Jiayang. Address 101 upper cross st, #02-77, People's park centre. U need to call for appt, Mon is his off day.
Try not to go over weekend, even with appt k also wait for like 1-2hrs
mrs ha- check with u, even don't have any embryos to freeze, would the embrologist call & inform us?
The waiting for the call is so sian. Today should reach blastocyst Liao, but no news since sat et.
Maybe tomorrow will have to call chr
Hi all,
Sorry for my absence, have been having a few difficult days. Unfortunately this cycle hasn't worked for us and sadly we have no frozen embies, which will mean starting all over again. I know it will be a tough few weeks, but we will get through this and hopefully move onto our next cycle.
Really hope you all get a different result.
Blue - great to hear about your ET. The embryologist called me 2 days after ET, so likely they will call tomorrow. I hope you have some blastos to freeze.

Serene, Pink - hope you are both well. I acupuncture at NUH, but I may try the Dr. at China point.

Mrs. Ha - good luck with the adoption process. You must be so excited.

I know how you feel
I've been through those moments in my life, not very long ago... But be hopeful of the 2nd cycle & give ample time of atleast 6 mths or until ur AF is back to normal cycle days..B'cos of the jabs for keeping the hormones down, there might be some disturbance in the AF cycle. i read in one of the sites that u should be back to normal before your next ivf attempt. until then please rest. If u can take a break from ur office/ regular life..pls go for a vacation to a place where u had the desire to see

Normally, embrologist dint call me, as I dint have any for freezing...I dint have patience, so i called them to check...May be they would have called me, if I hadn't called them

Well, there's a delay in the adoption procedure....Keep u posted on the happening..

Good luck
@yee Gougou

You may want to check this doc. He's Dr. Jothi Kumar. I've heard him in Vasantham Channel.


Or if u r looking for any Male related problems & u need to talk to any Indian doc, You can contact the andrology department @ NUH. I remember their chief is a Indian Male Doctor.

Hope i have answered your Qs...
CeliaM- hugz to u. Rest now & cheong another fresh whenever u are ready.
Did u do accupuncture after u ET? I still contemplating whether to do or not to do
Just recieved call, the remaining 3 did not make it to blastocyst, so no embryos to freeze. Very moody now, really hope that these 2 can stick to me.

Pls don't worry. Ur worry shouldn't harm the other 2 kids inside u
Pls have a +ve feel. things will be okkie.
CeliaM, don't give up, stay positive. We are all here to cheer you on.

I am well, on my 6th day of suprefact, so far so good, no side effects. Hopefully Gonal F injections will also be as smooth sailing. Am trying to eat healthily to prepare my body for the process. Am also thinking of signing up for yoga when I am back in Sg as i find it very relaxing and it also improves blood flow to the uterus. anyone also doing yoga?
Blue, I just made my appt with Prof right after i start my stimulation stage. can I check with you is there any particular day of the cycle that I shd have acupuncture?
Blue, you only need 1 strong one and you have 2 in you, always have positive thoughts. Just relax and do things that you enjoy and you will feel better.
Thanks everyone for your well wishes.
Blue - sorry to hear you have no frosties. I know how that feels. Just try hard to stay positive and remember the 2 inside that you are carrying. Fingers crossed. When is you test date?

Mrs Ha - do I really need to wait for 6 month before my next cycle? I thought was after 2 AFs then start on the third AF again. Not sure I really want to wait for so long.

Pink, Serene - hope you are both well.

Hi gals, I'm new to this forum. I'm with Prof Wong and this is my first IVF cycle (been TTC-ing for 2.5 years). I just had my ER yesterday. Out of 10 follicles, I had a total of 5 eggs. This morning the embryologist called to tell us that out of 5 eggs, 3 matured but only one fertilized embryo is growing. I'm not happy about the outcome and only hope that this one fertilized egg will survive till Day 3. I'm so afraid of the negative outcome in the next 2 days as this journey has been a long and enduring one.

Mentally I tell myself that it is ok... and there are better success rates on the 2nd and 3rd cycles, I find that it really takes a lot of courage to go through this process. Glad to have this forum to find support and knowing that I'm not alone.
