IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Rainy, checking breast is standard procedure for first time consultation. The nurse told me when I asked her why I need to unhook my bra. Prof checked and found out I still have nipple discharge (I was pregnant and got m/c at 11 weeks). So he ordered me to do a blood test and after that he chose long medicated protocol for my FET.

cool, oic. i was curious as mentioned, the private gynae which I visited did not hv this protocol. guess diff docs hv diff protocols bah.
hv u done HSG b4?
Jamp-I tried to pm u but unable to.
I know that u must have reasons when u just disappear from
the forum.
I saw u when we had a scan on one of the ph day tink is 27/9, saw u in chr but I got no guts to say halo. But I know that u didn't have the same OR day as me.
I saw u again last thurs, I was happy becos I agar guess that u are pregnant. But did not had guess that u also need to do D&C.
I really wants to give u a bear hug. I will if I get to see u in Nuh.
Don be surprise if I approach u & hug u. I still recognize u.
I will take the courage to approach u when I see u again.
Really hugz to u that u have to go thr.
So the D&C done by biswas?
I seen Prof tis am.
Saw heartbeat & prof say good & strong, only baby size is smaller need to monitor.
So scan in fetal care in 2 weeks time.
I had rashes (bee hives) since Sunday. Was very bad, till hands, legs & eyes are swollen. Lucky today is ok already.
I visited emergency department on sun & mon night.
It started on the proluton jab site ( which was last thurs jab).
But I also taken tcm herbs, black chicken essence( self made), & mil also make Chinese tonic.
So I not sure is it becos of the herbs or jab.
But I dare not tell prof today, if not he will scold me.
He ordered to stop the jab since mon, but continue the duphaston tabs.
I also forgot to ask him ok, if don have the jabs, becos he is like coughing away & rush off next door.
I k only pray that baby k grow well.
Now I learn my lesson, will stop all tcm med.
Blue, If you can don't take tcm med, it's good not to take.
I'm not a dr so I follow what prof said the other time.
I dare not even take chicken essense.

Grreat to hear strong heartbeat. Take care.
Btw, just to share.
When I was around 8wks pg, I had rashes too.
When I wanted to see dr, rashes seem to disappear.
Nite time was bad again. Decide to go to 24hr clinic.
Told dr I was pg. He still give me medication not save for pg lady. How I know? I asked him if the med was ok, his ans was hesistant. Lucky I took only one tablet. I call prof nurse n was shocked that dr gave me that med it's not safe.
I was so mad that up till now I do not go to that dr anymore. You know how precious our baby is rite.
So really ensure it's ok to take. I don't go to this clinic only that time had no choice.
Jamp Jamp, my heart stopped reading your message.
You are a strong woman and have a good husband.

I pray that you will be pregnant again soon.

I wanna have a second child but seems like I don't even ovulate again. Don't know what's wrong with me.

and now in my office, everyone got pregnant. Sad..

I'm still considering whether to see gynae again. I'm thinking to try with clomid first.
If really not successful then end of this year then consider trying IVF again.

Wishing all sisters here all the best.
Vi-don be too stress.
U & Su taught me to relax & see I bfp.
U k one, jia you.
Sistas, emergency dr taught me to use the website, safefetus.com to check whether the medication is safe or not.
Category A is the safest then tink is x is the most dangerous.
Hope tis is helpful.
Su- it also stated safe for breastfeeding or not.
Thanks Vi & Blue for your kind words, had a rough day ytd, finally could cry my heart out, i have no tears aft D & C till ytd.

Blue, I requested prof to do the D & C for me, thank God he agreed. Nurse Sharon was apprehensive when I forward her this request. This is what I don't like about public hosp, unlike gynaes in private practice, they do everything for their patients.

Prof also wants me to do a hysteroscopy b4 nx ivf cycle cos he detected some fibriods. It'll be done by a dr fong, 'an expert in this' according to prof, hope it's true.

Blue, so long as there is strong heartbeat, should be no problem liao, stay happy and relax. Pray hard too! So you were the other lady whom prof scanned on polling day?? Were you and hubby sitting beside me and my hubby? If yes, I'll give you a little smack (thanks to your little darling in your tummy, if not, it'll be a hard one) when I see you the nx time! You shld hv let me know you are Blue! I wanted to initiate a conversation with that couple (you?) but dare not as you dun look friendly

Vi, yes, try on your own first. My poor hubby has to face 3 pregnant ladies in his office too, I feel so sorry for him.
Sistas, CHR nurse told me to go for accu, do any of you do that? I have both budget and time constraints - will probably have to resign if I decide to embark on 2nd try. My boss had given me some hints here and there that she could not afford to have me on hosp leave every now and then. She remembered my difficult pregnancy when I was carrying my firstborn. I'm diappointed, to think that I've worked so hard for her the past 14years, sacrificing a lot of family time too. That's why I decided to forget it and take all the hosp leave prof gave after d & c - today is last day, hosp leave since last thurs.

Any TCM recommendation? But I just want accu, I dun take TCM med unless in tablet form :p
jamp - if u look at the other ivf forum with a lot kkh sistas there, they normally recommend dr zou whose clinic is at AMK. perhaps u can try to get this dr contact from that forum. however, i've not been to see dr zhou so far.
jamp - i agree that e service between private & public hosipital is completely different. i used to visit a private gynae b4. if not for budget constraint, i will definitely go for the treatments at private hospitals.
Rainy - thanks, I'll look out, u also go to TCM? Oh yes, want to let you know that I went back to work straight after HSG, really dun feel anything much.

But if i hvnt remember wrongly, prof nurse alice told me can get MC from the radio image diagnostic unit

Vi, Su, Andreanie & Blue - do you all go for accu? My hubby doesnt trust TCM
hi jamp planning to go for accu too but quite nervous as I have never tried it before. Also dont want to drink tcm medicines I might puke..
wondering also if dr zou speaks clear english as I dont know to speak in chinese

hi sisters any idea on the consultation and other fees of dr zou?

Jamp- u are right that is me sitting beside u & hubby in chr on polling day.
I don look friendly if I don smile, hehe.
Don hit me, I found the tcm address for u.

Ms Zou Yumin 
Blk 505, #01-2670, Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 
Tel: 6456 0833 
Closed on Wed and starts at 9am 
I didn't see her, but alot of sistas saw her.
I did accupuncture with Dr Feng, he is in people's park centre, Seng Chong.
If u wan to start then u have to start now, as accupuncture will take time to take effect.
Think the tcm med comes is powder form. Is in sachets & mix with warm water & drink.
Jamp, i did go for accupuncture at Dr Zuo.
It was not recommended by CHR nurses but i read the thread in this forum that there are sisters who went for it. SO i actually gave it a try.
It is $25 per session of about 30 or 40 mins. I did nto take any herbs.
I only know it helps blood circulation which i think it is true.
Jamp if you are willing to give up your career for having a family so be it. Yes agree, sometimes you work so hard for the company but when you start to be missing in actioan at work, they seem to remember that more than the hard work of past years. It is kinda sad.

BTW, Dr Zuo can speak minimal english. The other time her worker will translate for me in english. But i think she is no longer working there. You can give it a try.
Blue... I went to Dr Feng Yang too before IVF as TCM doesn't work for me other than reducing my $ in bank account. ha ha..

Jamp i didn't do accu for IVF prep.
Blue - naughty you, we would hv known each other if you let me know who u r. I can also recognise you. Yah, i remember I saw you sitting alone waiting for the jab when I was waiting to do blood test before my d & c last thurs (6 Oct).

I saw prof also on thurs (13 Oct) for post surgical review, but at 10plus, your appt shld be earlier than mine.

Thank you sistas for answering my questions.

Dr Zou is abit far for me lor, i'm in the west, see whether hubby willing to send me or not

The best is to do without and succeed, like Vi :p

Su, how many times a week is the accu? Glad to hear that we can choose not to take the TCM med. I'm always willing to give up my career for family, it's just that hubby always feels dual income safer for families in S'pore. But i do feel ironical that I resigned after my precious son is no longer with me lor. He actually did express he wanted me to be a stay at home mum for him. :'(

Goodgrl - when you going for your nx cycle? fresh or frozen?

Su, you suceeded on your 3rd fresh and Blue, yours 2nd fresh, is it?

Sadly, I do not have any frozen embbie.
Hi jamp jamp

Just happened to drop in. If u staying at west you may want to check out this male TCM Dr. Heard from others. He prefer to see both DH and wife. Call b4 going down.

Dr Tan Kian Sing
Blk 433 Clementi Ave 3 #01-266 S(120433)
Tel: 6872 3237
Only rem that they're closed on Public hols, Sun and Wed.
Jamp, I bfp for my first cycle but miscarried at 7wks.
I did not do accupuncture, no frozen.
2nd cycle, I did Accupuncture but bfn, had one frozen embryo.
3rd cycle bfp, did Accupuncture, no frozen.
I will say 3rd was my worse. If not wrong I only had 4/5 follicles n only 2 fertilized. One good grade the other average(can't remember the term used) I was so upset that it spoil my weekend. Was afraid no embryo to transfer on Monday. But glad still manage to trx both n was a success.

Accupuncture was done once a week. Nearer to er/er it's about twice a week.
Thanks, Piglet - will check it out but i prefer female physician leh. It took me a lot of courage to see prof wong. All my previous 3 gynaes are ladies in pte practice.

Su - from your case it shows that it takes just 1 good embryo to attain our goal, thanks for sharing, it's encouraging to me. In this cycle I hv 7 follicles retrieved, 3 fertilised, on that day the embryologist called me to confirm transfer, they were all 2-celled embryos. The 3rd didnt make it in the end. 2-cell is considered low grade rite? I suspect the miscarriage is due to my poor quality egg.
jamp - i do consult tcm but not for fertility issues. i started seeing tcm more than 3 yrs ago cos my general health has not been gd. still seeing tcm now but also not for fertility matter. i also did acc. i've seen dr feng jia yang b4. price reasonable but always hv to wait a long time though appt has been made in adv. i've stopped seeing him n now gg to eu yan sheng which is definitely more exp.

still hv the 'scary' feeling towards HSG but think i shld be gg dw this wk since my AF came today. just afraid that i may run off mid way the HSG if I can't endure the pain
Jamp, i do hope I had given you hope about just having one embryo to make it a success.
At first I was aprehensive, cant help to have that feeling. But I keep on having positive thoughts that at least one will make it. I tried not to stress myself out during 2ww. All paid off and I am thankful.
Jamp - I too don't have any embies to freeze. But we just need one to get a positive sign. I only have 2 best embies for the transfer.
All the best for your transfer yeah. *hugs*
Thanks, Su & Andreanie.

I'm very down today, dunno whether i'll have the courage to go through another cycle all over again...the anguish during the 2ww, the uncertainties after bfp...truly heartrending.

It didnt help when people start to say thingy like it's 'human intervention', as if I'm going against nature's law for going for ivf :'(
That Dr Feng (TCM) full name is not Feng Yang ah.
Then I can't remember his full name already. But it was him at Sin Chong Chinatown that I saw before loh. Should be the same Dr right?

Jamp Jamp, to me, i don't really care what other said about how I conceived. Even with IVF, if not God's wish for us to conceive, you think we can get positive? Human can only do so much.
Most importantly is we tried our best to have a baby and if God granted us then Thank's God. If not, then at least I can tell myself that I have done my very best.
Jamp - I agree wth Vi4n. I don't care what people said abt how I conceived my child. Important thing is I conceived my very own fresh and blood, which method is not important. God would not give humans the brains to start on smtg like IVF if it is against God's wishes. As humans we can only do so much. At least we tried our best to conceive our very own child. Don't be dishearten ok, think positively.
Gals - Dr Feng's full name is Feng Jia Yang. Clinic is at People Park's Centre Level 2, Sin Chong

Jamp - Don't be dishearten. perhaps take a break 1st, then continue with the next cycle. Be positive
Good morning ladies...

I have read earlier posts on a few of you experiencing hives during pregnancy. I think I might be having it now. I have welts all over my body, and they itch like crazy. More on arms and legs. It broke out on Sunday evening and got worse at night, and it still persists until today. May I know how you ladies cope with or get rid of it? Prof Wong is on leave right now. I'm 9.5 weeks pregnant, and from what I've read, hives break out usually during 2nd trimester onwards. I'm quite worried if it's serious enough to harm the baby.
Hi Soulasylum,

It wont affect the baby but the mother badly.
Go see the gynae in practice during Prof absence.
You will be given the blue solution to wash the itchy part, and it will dry up very quickly and heal.
Thank you for your reply, Vi4n
. Covering doctor for Prof is Dr Chew, but even he is unavailable today. But luckily the clinic managed to set me an appointment with Dr Anu at 4 pm today. I've lost a lot of sleep due to the itchiness. I'm not allergic to any food, so would you happen to know what causes this? I've been scratching myself like a monkey, it is so annoying....
But it's a relief to know that it won't hurt my baby.
Soulasylum - I do have hives occassionally. You can put calamine lotion over it. However for my hives, it will itch like mosquito bite but will go away within an hour. Normally on my cheeks.
I assume that you having your pregnancy support jabs right now right? That could be the reason for the hives. Cos I was itching badly on my thigh, butt area when I had my jabs.
it is hormonal.
I also have no allergy to what so ever. but I had the PUPPS so bad that you won't imagine it.
I went to GPs, given steroid and pill to stop the itch. no use. until i showed it to my gynae and she just gave me the cream and the blue solution (potassium sulfate) to wash 3 times daily and it stops itchiness and dried up quickly, within days i was ok and no re-occurence too.
I think due to the warm weather too.
It depends how bad is your rashes/hive. For me the calamine lotion no use. but i still use it for temporary relief.
I think it's quite bad. I've never had anything like this before. Even my head and face itch, and welts everywhere. So far, cold shower helped temporarily. How long did your hives last? Have you had it before pregnancy?
Hi Andreanie

Thank you for replying
. I was on support jab until 3 weeks ago. I told Prof that I don't want to take any pregnancy support anymore, including Duphaston. They make me really nauseas and I believe, being able to eat right and getting nutrients from food that I eat would be more beneficial for my baby. Nausea made me unable to stomach anything. At first I thought Prof would reject my request, but he said okay immediately, and told me to continue with the Folic acid, which is a must. So if it's not the jab, or food... I don't know what else that could've caused this. Mine itch like thousands of mosquito bites and they seem to migrate to other parts of my skin once the previous ones stop itching after a couple of hours. And that continues throughout the day and gets worse at night.

@Vi4n: I didn't see your 2nd last post. So it went away within days? How many days roughly? Even an hour with this feels like days for me already.... (sob sob)
soul- i do have hives before pregnancy. Actually once i stopped my jabs, so far i havent had any hives. But hives is also common during pregnancy because of our changing hormones. Some ppl will get it badly, some mild, some will not get it at all.
I only use calamine lotion and nothing else.
Andreanie, you mentioned you have it occasionally. Does that mean, yours recurred? And how long does an episode last? I guess like you and Vi said, it's the hormones. Wow... pregnancy can really do stuff to you, lol! It's okay as long as it doesn't harm the little one. How far along are you Andreanie? Have you felt any movements yet? I am so excited and can't wait to feel he/she moves
soul- I had more frequent hives like once a month on my cheeks before i was pregnant, I normally tot its mosquito bites but realized it wasnt when it kept on happening (cannot be mozzie like to suck blood from my face rite?? haha) . I guess its hormones as well as the aircon in the company bus. Irritates my skin. After I got pregnant, I had it once while in office. But all my hives will vanish away within an hour. Went to GP, confirmed its hives and was given cream and lotion. But I didn't use them at all and just stick to calamine lotion cos some creams cannot use if preggy.

But when I got the support jabs, my hives change their positions to my thigh and butt area. Itch really bad but nurse said that its gng to go away once you stop the jabs. Which is true, once I no need to get support jabs, all my hives are gone.

I am now in week 15th

No movements yet I think, cos I don't even know how movements will feel like haha.. Dr Chew said that we can feel movements in the 16-20th week.
I will take note on the calamine lotion. Thanks! I wish mine goes away within an hour, I'm scratching myself right now as I type these words! Tergaruk2 macam beruk! Lol! Luckily I'm not working, I'm covered in angry red welts all over. People might think I have infectious skin disease. 4 pm can't come any sooner... I can only see Dr Anu then... Sigh....

I had itching on the jab area once, but wasn't that bad and it didn't spread. Maybe I have hives because I stop the jabs???? Haha! The irony in that....

So, which means.... You will start feeling movements soon?? How exciting! And you will get to know your baby's gender then right?
soulasylum - eh ure malay ah? One thing to tell u, don't garuk the welts or hives. Will itch even worse. I didnt scratch mine and just leave it as it is and it will soon go away.

How come u already stop the support jabs? So early?

Yup, this 1st Dec will get to go for detailed scan and will know gender I hope!
Andreanie, I'm half Chinese, and half Malay. I'm fluent in Malay but know not a single word of Chinese. My mother was Malay, and she was a stay at home mom. I speak Malay growing up

I tried so hard not to garuk the welts, but they're so gatal!!! Tak leh tahan.

I've read some articles on Proluton and Duphaston, and so far... the results were not so conclusive as to whether it will prevent miscarriage. Plus, I am so uncomfortable to have more synthetic hormone in my body, I already had to take lots during down and stimulation stage, also in 2ww. Plus the cost... $53.50 for a jab, twice a week, plus cab fare.... koyak poket!! Lol! Although it's my husband's pocket yang koyak, but his money is my money too!! LOL! But, so far I feel much better without the jabs and Duphaston. Duphaston made me really nauseous.

1st December? Wow... we have to wait that long to know? Let us know your little one's gender once you know! I'm only 9.5 weeks, but I already feel like I've been carrying this gummy bear for months. I look forward to my next scan which is on next Tuesday. Can't wait to see gummy bear again!

soul - oh i see! hey then i know more chinese words than u do! hahaha...

Actually those jabs add on more progesterone to your hormones cos its to help us to prepare for the baby as we do not have enough progesterone to support our natural hormones unlike normal pregnancies. If you don't take the jabs, the Duphaston is already good enough for you. I normally eat Duphaston after my breakfast and dinner.

Yup have to wait that long, even Dr Chew said its very long. Can't wait! 6 more weeks!
