IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Hi dorame,
I had rashes during proluton n pregnyl jab.
But recovered few days later. If I'm not wrong,
j was 8weeks pg. It was not due to the jab coz it happen after
many times of the injection.

doramee - i have itching at the injection sides with proluton. Like mosquito bites. Told the nurse and she said that is the oil, it doesn't spread to the other areas hence causing a lump and will itch. The itch will go off before your next proluton injection.
ooh.. another one birthday.
Happy birthday Andreanie.

Btw, you can buy the U pillow / body pillow at Metro. costs me only around $16.
can use for breastfeeding too next time. =)
Thanks su n an. I saw doc tan. He said very rare after injection cause the itchy. He gave me some medicine n asked me to apply some lotion.

An, happy birthday. Ur birthday same as my dad. Hehe..
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!

My greatest birthday present is definitely the lil one in me and yesterday hub presented me with the long support pillow hehehehee... so funny but I really need it.
Hi Ladies... Just saw prof for scan and BT. Sadly i only have 2 big follicles (14 and 15mm and the rest still small.. Today day 10 already.. Prof said pending on the BT result, I may have to stop the cycle for this month.. He intend to move me to the shorter protocol (cetrotide) next cycle.. a bit disappointing with today's result..

have anyone of you gone through the cetrotide protocol?
Hi sistas.
Sac & heartbeat seen in fetal care centre tis morning.
Though is 7 weeks, but scan show 6 weeks 2 day. Hope is ok.
I be waiting for chr call for when is the next appt & scan, becos Prof on leave.
So happy
Haze, How's your BT result? Do you need to stop or continue? Pls don't be diappointed. IVF journey is like that..
Blue, happy to hear the good news. Rest well.
I am waiting for my AF to come.. After that I can start taking medicine for FET in Nov.
Coolcool, my blood test for Day 10 is only 1000+.. prof said to stop the therapy for this month.. No point continuing with it. He advised me to try again this when my AF comes. he planned to use the short protocol.

Blue, am happy for you.. have plenty of rest.
Haze, did Prof explain why it is so? What dose of gonal-f were u on? Do u know ur AMH (ovarian reserves) value?

Cool, I'm oso waiting for AF to come. Think will be late and just started TCM to regulate. Not cfm if I want to start fresh this mth. Reason I'm not working, so start early no need wait wait wait.
Mel- Since it is my first time undergoing IVF, prof is afraid that I will have OHSS since I have 16 follicules on Day 5 scan. He started me with gonal F 112.5 for 6 days then increased to 150 for 3 days before advising me to stop the therapy as only 2 mature follicules... my AMH is 55.9.

Has anyone done the short protocol before?

I am only praying that it is successful this time...
Haze-I see. Cos I read ur earlier posts on 16 follicles so I was wondering why in the end only two matured size.
I was on long protocol previously so no advice for u. But I have this impression short protocol is for people who are less responsive; low yield. Short basically skips suppression stage I think. First time ivf usu just follow cos blur blur. Maybe u can ask Prof for his rationale for short? At least u will know and feel more assured.
Blue - So happy for u!!!! It's ok for the baby to look smaller than its gestational age. Mine is smaller too when I was supposed to be 6 weeks plus. Dr Chew asked me to come again 2 weeks later to have another scan. And guess what? Baby was at the correct size of 9 weeks when I went for the second scan. Babies will catch up, so don't worry. My baby is now 1 week ahead of its gestational age. My last scan when I was 12 weeks shows that the size is 13 weeks 3 days (akthough i have been loosing weight, 8kgs, during my first trimester!). So you don't worry yeah!
Blue, I'm so happy for you. As long baby is growing, it's fine.
Happen to me, first scan suppose to be 6wks but growth was around 5 weeks. Then the next scan which suppose to be 8 weeks my baby was 9weeks and everything was fine
Blue-yah i lost weight right after my egg retrieval. Without any effort, was quite shock also but was told its normal. Hope I'll gain some weight now in the 2nd trimester.
Hi Ladies

I started my Lurcin, anyone can advise on whether can i take chicken essence. Have been taking it daily

Thank you

Happy to read on your good news. =)
Your baby size will catch up.

An, I also lost weight during 1st tri, but not as much as yours. ha ha..
Hi bluenose,

It's me Tweetie.

Congrats congrats... so happy to hear good news from you.

Remember not to carry heavy things and rest as much as possible.

Sorry, I dunno why I cant PM u, so I post here. PM me ok to see how u r doing.
Hi Looking Forward

I did take a bottle of (sometimes 2, because I like the taste
) Brands' chicken essence daily during stims and 2ww. I continued taking it after 2ww until my nausea rendered me unable to drink it anymore. I believe that it's safe to be consumed daily, just don't overdo it maybe? Hope it helps.
hi blue buddy, congrats to u again. Glad tat everything went fine. Hope u hav a smooth 9 mths ahead
Take good care and eat more nutrious food.

hi andreaine, wow u r in ur 2nd tri already. going to know gender veri soon n can start buying bb stuff : ) Remember to start using stretch mark cream to apply on ur abdomen. Hope u hav a smooth pregnancy ahead
Serene - thanks dear, hope u will catch our babydusts soon! Yes yes, already start to use stretch mark cream when I know im positive haha..kiasu!!! ;)
Hi, i am considering NUH for IVF/ICSI. Just had a failed IVF/ICSI elsewhere. I'd like to know: how long is the waiting time to start treatment, and how many sessions does one typically have with Prof PC Wong *during* each cycle? I am 34, with history of polyp and high prolactin (irregularities in ovulation). Need a gynae who cares. Thank you...
you may be able to start ivf once prof wong gives you the green light.
If the number of patients doing ivf has not reach their quota for the month, you can start your ivf.

Depend on your follicle growth progress, you may need to see him 3-4 times or slightly more.
Hi sistas, i'm back. Apologies but something happened which caused my MIA. Miss you all, sistas! Just read some mid Sep to most recent posts and my fingers couldnt wait any longer, must start to type and post, later will try to read all the older posts.

Congrats to Su on your newborn baby gal!

Congrats to my cycle buddy, Blue, really sorry for my disappearance.

I'm now on hosp leave after D & C last Thurs - Yes, I was pregnant, but for just 6 weeks...sac did not develop. Prof says I have to wait for 3 months to try again, really sad.

I'm shattered into pieces...I told you sistas before that i have a story behind my ivf journey. Yes, I faced a death last year, which tore us apart, I wouldnt be around if not for my dear hubby, who, in the midst of sorrow, picked me up....my precious 8 year old boy was called home to be with the Lord unexpectedly, 20 days short of his 8th bdae, also in Oct.

Many pple encouraged us to try for a 2nd child, it's definitely not for replacement. Deep down our heart, we know that he could not be replaced, no matter what, he is forever our dearest first born. We know that our precious son would love to have a didi or a meimei too when he was still with us, hence, we decided to give it a try, in the midst of our sorrow.

We were a contented 1-child family, didnt consider having a 2nd one due to common S'porean contraints - time & $. We tried giving him the best we could, but never had enough time for him.

To Su & all sistas out there, you should try to have more than 1 child, this is from the bottom of my heart. i really regretted not giving my precious son a sibling and spent so much time fighting the rat race.

But here I am, faced with another trauma, in Oct again, D & C day was our wedding anniversary, my world had to fall apart again, but this of course could not compare with the pain we experienced last Oct. I have no more tears...
Hi Su, thanks for ur reply. So i do get to see Prof Wong himself during the FSH phase? What a relief =) In my last IVF, i saw 2 MO (and not my gynae) on 2 occasions to review the growth of follicles. My gynae only appeared during ops.
Jamp - I am soooo sorry to hear that. My condolences to you and hubby. Hope this experience won't stop you from trying again. Baby dusts to you! :*
Su - Yesterday Dr Chew didnt do any scan, so gender still a mystery! yesterday only hear heartbeat. Like horse galloping hahaha... will update u on 1st December whether its a pink or blue team!
Thanks, Andreanie...busy grabbing your bb dust :>

Nevermind about the gender, so long as bb is healthy!

Just finished reading those posts I missed during my MIA, glad to hear from your previous posts that dr chew is a nice doctor. I'm always worried what will happen if prof is away when we are in the midst of our ivf cycle, cos used to him already.

Prof got dr biswa to scan and assess me at FTC before my d & c. I dun like dr biswa, he gave me that 'all gloom and doom' kind of spirit, not empathising at all. worst still, the sonographer was chit-chatting on the phone while probing me!! Very frustrating, this is so unlike gynae in private practice, where they'll do everything for you. But too bad i can't afford to go private for ivf

So you'll stay with dr chew for your entire pregnancy?
jamp - sorry to hear abt u. be brave & continue wif yr ivf journey. hope there'll be 1 day whereby u could catch the babydust too
recuperate yr health in the meantime & take gd care!

ladies-i'm new to this forum. tmr gg to see prof for 1st consultation. hubby & i know nuts abt ivf process so we hope to find out more abt the ivf process from prof. any qns that i should
Hey Rainy, jux saw yr post, so hv u seen prof? First consultation is more of him asking you questions, i guess. He'll then order for series of tests to be done for you & hub, followup visit in 1 month's time, thereafter decide when start cycle.
Andreanie, I believe you are a non-subsidised patient, rite? May I know what makes you choose dr chew over prof? I thought all paid patients will choose prof? just curious.
Jamp - I'm a private patient. But of course I get all the govt subsidize and can use medisave to pay part of the bill. I only need to fork out $1k for the balance.

I met Dr Chew and Prof at an NUH seminar at Suntec before I even thought of IVF. We are keeping our options open at that time. And during the seminar,both of them gave a talk. Prof seems very serious with his bowtie while Dr Chew is more laid back, with jokes in between. I felt instantly comfortable with the way he talks and explain things in detail instantly. Immediately told my hub, if we are gng for IVF lets choose Dr Chew since he is also Prof's right hand man.

So when we decided to go for IVF, we made appt with Dr Chew and confirmed that we are super comfy with his presence. He is a joker but his jokes all make sense. Always will explain in detail if you have questions. He also remembers his patients which I like. And most importantly he is not as busy and most times will be around. He always thinks the best for his patients and is open for suggestions if I have any. So far he's great.
jamp - saw prof today. u r rite. he ordered a series of tests for me & hubby to do before deciding whether we shld go for IUI or IVF. However, before he did the PAP smear for me today, he actually pressed both my breasts a few times. I felt somewhat uncomfortable with this cos when I was seeing a privat gynae in the past, he didn't do that to me. so what was prof doing? checking for any lumps in my breasts???

anyway, he also recommended me to do a HSG - X-ray to check any blockages of my tubes. heard from my sis that this procedure is very painful. my endurance of pain is very low. still contemplating whether to go ahead. dilemna
Hi all..
Wow, so many updates.

Rainy, HSG is not painful. Smiliar to pap smear. They will open up your vagina and will inser a dye to check on any blockage. I ever did that, nto painful just uncomfortable only. For me anything to inser any object below is very scary..heheh

Andreanie, so you are still in guessing game the gender of your bb. It is normal for check up not to have any scan. Ithink when you are week 20/22, they will recommend you to take the package. It's worth it. That package too does nto come with monthly scan. I was already with Dr Su and visited her twice and no scan. I actually requested her that I want to do it and she willingly do it for me.

Jamp, thanks for the well wishes.
I am sorry to hear about your loss. I know it is very painful. True, even if you have a baby, it is not for replacement for the first one. Your first will always be your first child no matter what.
Thanks for advising to try for 2nd. WHen i did my last attempt, I told myself even if I am blessed with only a child, I will take it. I shold be contented that God has given me that. Hubby did jokingly said that we can try for 2nd. I am nto ready now. I want to devote my time with my daughter. To think that we took 9 years to get pg, it may not be easy for me to get pg again. But then miracle can happen,. I may not need ivf for my 2nd. Well, I keep my chances open. However if i reach age of 35 or more, I may not want to try anymore. I do not want to have a baby when I am very old and have no energy to look after. I will see how things go. Do take care of yourself yeah. We are here to give you whatever support we can thru online

To the rest of the ladies, take care
Andreanie, yep, what i meant by non-subsidised = private patient. I had to fork out another $2.5k for the IVF package, think it's due to Gonal F dosage, which means next cycle will hv to pay another $3.5k

The way you choose dr is so cute, not at all influenced by 'majority', great! & looks like you've made a good choice for yourself

It's certainly very heartwarming if your dr can remember you. Prof has so many patients we cant blame him for not remembering every one of us. Makes me groggy seeing him moving in and out from 1 room to the other while waiting for my turn.

Am sure dr chew will start to be more popular after sistas read your 'ratings' of him
Hi Rainy, I think it's a standard protocol for prof and some other gynaes. My first gynae in private pratice is the couldnt care less type, will check only if you ask her to. My 2nd one, also in pte practice, checked my breasts on my first visit too.

I feel very awkward as all gynaes I saw in the past are all female. But my hubby said prof does this check on all his female patients, so dun hv to be bothered by it. Since hubby doesnt mind, who cares? hahaha

I did HSG too, not painful at all, but i requested for a female dr to do for me :p Go ahead to do it for peace of mind.

Su, u still young lah, me over 36 liao...sigh...yep I know what u mean by devoting your time on your daughter. I had that thought too for my precious firstborn, even told my hubby 'I dun think my love can multiply'...until now...sigh...if God willing, I'll try to have more than 1 even though I'm old already.

Yah, try naturally first, you never know you'll conceive in no time!!!

Su, must keep your promise to visit this thread often, we need 'graduates' like you for advice
Jamp, I'm not that young, 33.
Btw, true we can't blame prof for not remembering us.
He just have too many patients. However I beg to differ.
Ive been with him for 3 cycles that he can remember me and
Hubby. He even acknowledged us from a distanh
at emerald clinic while I was there for my gynae
check up.

I may not go for ivf. Partly, we have used all our tries
to use medisave n there's no more grant. But then, human
may just change their plan.

I will definitely drop by here. I've been thru what
all of you ladies are going thru now. Don't give up ladies

hi ladies, thks for the advice. for nuh, their HSG is gg to be done at their diagnostic imaging dept, by their radiologist. not gg to be done by their doctor. but guess i've no chocie but to go for it unless i wan to go for surgery to check the tubes which will costs thousands!
ytd when prof did a test to insert some object below, i was like crying out for pain. like suyana, it's scary for me too so hopefully i can endure the 'torture' throughout the HSG....hehe
