IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Vi, I will try naturally while waiting for the next cycle. Maybe I'll get lucky and strike like what happened to one of the sistas here. Btw, AF is not here yet, it is now 2 days after I stop Crinone, and there is no cramping or sign that AF is coming, how Long does it take for progesterone to get out of the system?

Andreanie, did you manage to resist using HPT? Good for you if you endured. I could never resist the temptation to test early... Good luck and hope to hear some good news tmr!

Surprisingly, life is back to normal for me. I still feel sad but I didn't cry after this failure. I think I have done my best and if I'm not meant to be a mother yet, there is really nothing I can do. Just had salted egg crab at Ghim Moh, it's very good. Finally I can eat the crabs that i've been craving for!! After indulging these 2 days on cold drinks and food that I can't eat during 2ww, I'm going to resume my healthy diet once I'm back in Hk tmr.
Pink, thumbs up for you.
Yes we can't order life to be exactly how we want it to be. But we should never stop trying.
Eat and drink what you want now and just who know when you relax enough miracle happen.

I had friend who ivf cycle was cancelled as egg not growing, 3 months later she conceived naturally. Now baby girl is also going to be 1 yr old
Pink, great to know that you are resuming your normal activity.
I was like you, when i failed my 2nd cycle, I indulged in everything which i had to refrain during 2ww. To satisfy myself

NOt too sure how long progesterone will be out of your body but my failed cycle, it came only a day after i stop crinone. That also, it was not heavy flow as i expected. More like spotting on and off. Only my cycle after that my af was heavier. I felt better coz i feel everything was out from my system.

Pink, are you a singaporean working in HK?
Just being curious...anyway take care and do enjoy the rest of your stay in SG.
Pink, yes, heard quite a number of ladies conceived naturally after their failed cycles. Take heart, keep trying, you'll be a mother very soon. Think you're still young as you don't qualify for 3-embryo ET,right?

You should indulge yourself for another 3 more days with hubby in HK b4 resuming healthy diet :>
Posted on Monday, August 01, 2011 - 10:51 am:       
Pink, we will all be a mother one day as long as we dun give up. Back HK u have ur hubby with u and can eat yummy food 

My ET was still thin on Sat so no transfer. Retrieved 3 ooyctes but only 2 fertilized. So embbies are frozen for next
Cycle. Since Sat afternoon I've not been feeling well. Initially
was pain when exert pressure to pee and breathe/laugh.
Then Sun onwards till now became gastric-like and feeling of
unwell. Dunno why like that.
Hi everyone! I just came back from CHR and going back again soon!

I'm positive everyone! Bhcg is 143 as of today. Right now I'm lost for words.

Thank you all for the wishes. Will update agn when I come back later.
Congrats, Andreanie!!!! Is this your first try?

Sistas, I dun intend to let my colleagues know about my ivf treatment. May I know at which stage would there be bodily changes which are noticeable?
andreanie: Congratulation! Few days ago I already told you that your signs are very positive. No wonder you felt bloated. Now I can be a Mongolia doctor too. haha.
jamp jamp, actually during your ivf cycle, it is quite hard to notice that there is change in you.
The only noticeable change about me was that my tummy was quite bloated. However, it was not too the extend that ppl notice it. I do nto really wear tight fitting clothing so no one suspect. Even if they were to ask you, you do not have to tell the truth, you can just make up some story
Glad to hear that Su. But I hv a bunch of inquisitive young gals who are very particular about looks, they'll scrutinise almost everyone in the office, u know what I mean? ya, guess I'll just hv to make up story or try to ignore them ;>
Hi sistas, heard the meds for injections need refrigeration, must we bring a cooler box to bring them home? sorry if it's the most stupid question of the day
Andreanie, congratulation....

Happy for you... ;) take care ok

When going for 1st scan?

Btw, anyone can give me the CHR nurse on duty no.?
My AF just red again and suppose to start with second stage med. But I'm not sure start tonight? Or tomorrow since twice a day kind. My AF is like jus stop and now come again.
My post seems to be missing.

Jamp, I will still come here to give my support to you ladies.

Chr will give a cooler bag to keep thr injection liquid to bring home. So no need to worry.
jamp:NUH will provide a cooler box with ice when u receive your injections. dont worry bloating will not change your overall appearance. just wear comfortable clothes hehe

congrats andreanie rest well and do update us
im seeing light brown discharge but not very heavy, is it my AF already? again, not feeling anything except cramping feeling like expecting AF.. it is my 7dp my ET. should I call CHR or will I wait till my BT?
Hi everyone!

Sorry for the late reply, just got back and then rushed to break fast. It's really a blessing indeed since today is the first day of Ramadhan. But sadly, I am not allowed to fast by my parents and hub. They said I need the nutrition since the pregnancy is still new.

Jamp - Yes, this is my first try.

Su - Blessings indeed in this holy month!

Viv - My first scan will be in 2 weeks time, on the 15th.

Thank you to the other ladies and dadwannabe for the wishes and support all this while!

Anyway just now when I went for my butt jab, I was expecting it to be very painful but then it's not really painful like what Dr Chew and the nurses told me. Going to go again this Thursday for another jab. Dr Chew also gave me Duphaston and Folic Acid, both to eat twice a day.

And Dr Chew said that this month's IVF, many ladies got BFP. Its a good month indeed!
goodgrl - It is a lot or just like a dot? It could be implantation bleeding!

Cos implantation will happen a week after ET.
I am really worried bec of this brownish red discharge, dunno who to call bec chr is closed now. what should I do? anyone experience this before?
several dots of red and brownish but not heavy. my hubby is worried and sad bec he is thinking it is my AF already. i went for a walk earlier and this evening after dinner felt cramping and when I went for a pee so a brown reddish after I wipe huhuhu
Goodgirl- it might be implantation.
I don't have the emergency no of chr nurse on Hand as I'm outside.
Later I reach hme will try to search for u.
Pls try to lie down & rest
Goodgirl- I have this after office hours emergency number. Not sure who it'll reach but if really need, u try calling bah. I've PM u.
Back to HK now and saw the good news! Andreanie, i'm here to catch your babydust! Congrats! You are so lucky to strike on the first try. is this your first child?
Goodgrl, it's too early for AF le.
Rest well then call CHR ok.

Mel, thank you.
So you will do kinda a natural FET next or medicated one?

Andreanie, definitely no fasting for you please.
Goodgirl- the no will be answered by one of the chr nurse.
U try calling, see wat they suggest.
My friend had spotting on 12 dpt, went down to have earlier BT & bfp with twins
Vi- dun mention. I think will be natural provided the 2 preicious survived the freeze and thaw. In fact now I'm scared of Clomid, dun think I will agree to be on Clomid again. I think if need to do fresh again, I will go back to long protocol.
Is it ok to call them at this time? I'm thinking if I call them Tom am since I cannot do anything. Cramping n blood discharge subsided since I am now lying down. Can't sleep also huhuhu
Goodgirl- if u can go to sleep wo the desire to call then u call CHR office tmr. If otherwise, u call the after office no. Call now before 10pm better than drag until later then call.
Goodgrl: Mongolia doctor is here to speak again. Sounds to me it is the implantation bleeding. You should feel happy not worried. If you call CHR also no use. Just lie down and rest.
blue, my bhcg is this fri. Shld b e same for goodgrl.

goodgrl, hav ur brownish red discharge stop? Have u call CHR? Like blue said, if hav spotting, go for early bhcg test so tat u can get early support if bfp.
i hav insomnia these nite. Woke up in the middle of the nite due to mild cramps or to pee. then cant fall alseep . been feeling tired during the daytime. mayb i shld not take afternoon nap and see whether i can zzz well @ nite.

hi everyone, went to CHR now and had my bloodtest sadly it is negative for me at this time. they asked me to call them if blood flow become like menses.. still light blood for me like dried blood (maybe bec of crinone that is why very light menses), prof told me to continue my crinone and have blood test again this friday. I feel cramping now just like when AF is coming but when I check for blood still very light.

pink: did you get your period already? how's the flow?
