IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Pink, it's ok to be kiasu. We've got no choice.
I was at Nuh for my check up. While waiting for
my turn, saw Prof Wong walking out from his room.
He waved his hand at us and asked "everthing ok?"
we waved back at him. So touch that he still
remember us
. I will definitely remember him as one of the
ppl that helped me to have my baby in me now

I'm so happy for you too..
I read about your HPT test but i don't wanna comment as I'm waiting for BT confirmation. =)
Take care and you will see a higher number tomorrow.
They did not ask me to go for another beta test. I was straight away given two jabs for support and duphaston. Until now I am having injection twice a week. I think this is the std procedure for IVF patients in NUH. And the nurse also told me about a patient who also had low hormone level (around 25) and she is now in her 2nd trimester already. So don't worry. Everything will be alright.
Pink-Better to be kiasu. Since the journey for us is diffcult & different from the usual pregnancy.
U know what I mean.
Su-Actually I was seeing one of the gyne Dr in NUH before seeing Prof.
The gyne Dr really is not sincere as I felt he is out for $ only.
Till I saw Prof, I felt that he treat us so sincere & truth, though he is a man with few words.
If I'm in yr shoes, sure very touch.
ladies - those who already have a BFP, can i check if you still need to be on Crinone after getting the BFP? Cos I thought I want to stop Crinone once I know my BT results this Monday. Cannot take the horrible stomach cramps and stomach aches any longer. And this coming from me who is having a very high pain threshold.

I have been waking up in the middle of the night, having stomach aches. Or when I fell asleep in the day, I'll wake up suddenly with stomach aches too. Wonder if anyone has that too?
For my first cycle, after bfp no more crinone. I mc at 7 weeks.
For my 3rd cycle, aftr bfp when i met Prof the same day of BT, he gave me i think about 5 or 7 more days of crinone.
Su - is there an alternative to Crinone? I hope theres an alternative instead of Crinone. I don't mind using others or even the butt jab.
Not sure abt that. But I know after bfp, you need jab 2x weekly. Oil based n progesterone I think it's pregnyl.
You can bring this issue to prof. Maybe they do have other option for you.

You may want to call Chr nurse to tell them your condition?
Su, August.. I only have 2 embbies left.

Blue, no lah.. i meant for Andreanie to do her BT on Monday.

Still no one answering me, FET got given HL or not?
Vi, not sure about the duration of FET.
But I am sure Prof can follow your preference if you ask for longer HL if he happens to give only a short period of time

I remember him saying something like, "since you've go through alot, take more time to rest if need be"..
Just came back from my sis' commencement. Sadly my Hcg level dropped to 15 this morning, so it is a non-viable pregnancy. I am wondering if one could term that one day as a 'pregnancy'?? Probably it's due to the remaining HCG from the support jab I would think. Will wait for AF to come and try again 2-3 months later.
Hope to get some good news from andreanie on Monday. Do you have any symptoms, andreanie?
Pink: dont worry we will be all mothers soon! will be praying for you

andreanie/ serene and others on 2ww how are you sisters? how are you all coping i am getting bored and sometimes I walk to a nearby grocery just to look around.

what other activities did you do? as for me I look for some recipes online and try it at home hehe
Pink: I am speechless. You must feel very tired after being in the emotional roller coaster for 2 days. Please take a good rest and tomorrow will be a whole new day.
dear Pink, so unhappy to read your last post... I'm crying with you. Yes, of course, I belived that we will be mothers, sooner or later.
But why, why such common things is so difficult for us??? Please accept my hugs to you...
Pink, sincere hugs from me.
I can understand your feeling rite now. I had been thru this
failure too last year. Just imagine my BT was done on my birthday n the present I got was the news from Chr.
By then, I was quite emotionally n physically tired n at that pt, that was suppose to be my last attempt. During consultation with Prof Wong, he encouraged for last try. We were not ready. Hubby n I did not talk abt it till few mths later.
I had somehow made up my mind to do again. He was the opp. He did not want me to go thru another round.
A friend of mine suggested to try for one last time n do whatever I think its necessary like Accupuncture, vits etc. If it still did not work I do not have to regret coz I've done my very best.
I did what j think shd be done n I'm happy with the outcome.
We will be mother someday. Don't give up your dreams
Pink - So sorry to hear abt your news. *Hugs* One day we will definitely be a mother, only God knows when. You must know that you have done your best.

At the moment I do not have any symptoms except the cramps, backache, dizziness, sore boobs and the v irritation.

I'll take whatever results on Monday, afterall its God's decision should this be successful or not and I know I've tried my best. Quitters never win and Winners never quit. That's my life motto for now. So yeah, I do not even have the urge to check on HPT unlike the normal clomid cycles. Will just wait for Monday.
goodgrl - Most times I'm at home. Or else i will wait for hub to come back from work and he will bring me to the nearest mall for a short walk. Or I'll follow my mum to the supermarket nearby. Haven't really go out like per normal, maybe cos I always have cramping from the Crinone gel so I am abit uncomfortable whenever the cramps starts to come.

Other than that, I have been watching alot of tv, surfing and read my mags.
Yes. we will all be a mother one day except dadwannabe, because he is a guy. This will never happen to him.

andreanie: best wish for your BT on Monday. So far your signs are quite positive.
goodgrl, andreaine, these few days i really hav hard time coping. not only day time, even nite time. every nite i will wake up sweating, feeling sharp pain in my tummy area. i turn left pain, turn right also pain. i will stay awake feeling painful for hours. tummy bloated, crampy every min of e day. therefore cant eat much. then every nite before i zzz, i will feel pressure on my gastric n vomit my diner out. i m thinking tis could b e side effect of pregnyl jab. now i cant even stand up straight to walk probably. if i stand straight, my whole tummy will b veri painful. andreaine, do u hav such symptoms as mine. i been calling chr tis morning but noone pick up e phone. i m trying my best to tolerate till e pregnyl get out of my body system. m dread of zzz every nite as i know e sharp pain will attack mi n wake mi up everynite. last nite woke up @ 3plus. feel so painful n oni zzz around 4plus. tis morning woke up 6plus due to e pain. only when i m not lying down zzz, i dun feel e sharp pain. anyone who was on pregnly hav these symptoms i mentioned?
Serene - I have been feeling the same thing as you! I have been waking up every day in the middle of the night since last Sunday right up to yesterday night! Yesterday I woke up sweating, at 3am, sharp pain in my tummy like a very bad cramp. Normally I put medicated oil and will sit down for a while (with eyes close!) and it will go away after 5-10minutes. But yesterday I went to toilet, pass motioned a bit and feels better. And after that I continue to sleep, sitting down position. If I sleep normally on my back, the pain will come again after a while. It feels so horrible, every night I will wake up around 2 or 3am because of this stomach pain. But I did not vomit though. I tried calling CHR also but no one picks up my call. I don't know if its because of Crinone that we have this tummy aches. The funny thing is, the pain will only come whenever I feel asleep, day or night!
Serene- I have the similar symptoms as yrs, but not so jiat lat as yrs.
The last pregnyl jab, make the symptoms same as yrs. Can't sit or stand, becos of the bloatedness. When I eat only k eat 2-3 mouth then has to stop.
Kept burping out gastric juice. When I saw Prof, he say is normal to have that.
But don have yr kind of tummy pain at night.
But I felt slight relief after immunocal, & I endure thr lor.
hi pink, a big hug to u. dun give up. like su, bcoz of her perservance, she has fulfilled her dream of becoming a mummy. remember u still hav a frozen embby waiting for u. rest well, build up ur body n fight e battle once again. i believe victory will b here soon.. *hug hug*
hi andreaine, shld not b crinone side effect. when is ur last pregnly jab? if more than 5days, shld hav left ur body system. just now i manage to get someone on e phone. is e indian nurse moshi. she told mi if symptoms persists, call chr early in mon morning to see prof. she said if one still remain bloated even after e pregnyl jab left ur body system which is more than5 days after e jab, high possibility of pregnancy. good luck to u
I am really happy to have found this forum and made so many friends here. The encouraging words kept me going and motivated me to continue. I also gather strength from all the wonderful ladies here who are all so strong and kept on trying until they succeed. I will be strong. Silently I weep the loss of the one day pregnancy, but I will persevere and try again. Hoping that I'll be third time lucky.

serene & andreanie, I hope the pain will go away soon so it'll be less painful for you. Did you manage to contact CHR?

Goodgrl, sounds like you are very relaxed and can still cook. That's good, do the things that you like and time will pass quicker.

Mel, hope you went on to OR successfully today. Keep us posted ya?
I do not feel anything at all. Seems normal everyday life except a little cramping, frequent urination ( bec drank lots of h20 too) and slight backpain nonetheless. Whatever the result we will not quit. I have been reading some symptomps and seemed I am not getting any of those. Anyway wishing good news from andreanie on mon. Pink: stay strong we are here for you on our motherhood journey!!
Pink, a big hug to you.. Don't give up.

Andreanie, I don't need to insert Crinone after BFP. Instead I need to jab twice a week. The jab is the combination of HCG (5000iu) and progesterone (500mg). So it's the same as Crinone but higher dosage. So please just bear with Crinone for two more days.

Blue, So far so good. No morning sickness and good appetite. I am now seeing Dr Chew or Dr Anu at clinic G. But my baby is a bit small according to last scan. So I am hoping my bb grows well during two weeks and looking forward to seeing him/her again on next Tuesday.
Serene - Oh! So its the Pregnyl jab after all! Yah my second jab was on last Saturday and on Sunday night was the start of the tummy pain right up to now!

Coolcool - Ah I see.. yah now have to tahan 2 more days for the Crinone.

Ladies, only today I have started to eat normally! Finished up one meal and finally got to drink my Teh O Ice! So my one day once caffeine fix is over for today hehe... So glad I feel so full now! Haha.. Have a good Saturday u all!
andreanie: does your tummy aches feel like AF coming? If yes, then it is a good sign.

Both pregnyl and ovidrel are hCG. But why CHR uses both pregnyl and ovidrel? I don't know. Maybe they want to make good friends with both companies. :D
Dadwannabe - Yes, it feels like AF cramps. I even can feel a sorethroat creeping up soon and is feeling super tired!

can't stand the cramps really, so inconvenient for me to go out cos the cramps will suddenly come and I have to tahan the pain for a minute or so then carry on with what I am doing.
andreaine, is ur tummy still bloated? any weight increase? the pregnyl jab shld hav left ur body since more than 5days from ur last jab. if tummy still bloated, higher possiblity of preggy. but some ppl no bloat also bfp.

dadwannab, did ur wife hav symptoms of sharp pain in e tummy in e middle of e nite during her 2ww? e pain can b unbearable n cant fall sleep. both mi n andreaine had it. wondering is it e effect of pregnyl?
Serene- yes still bloated, no increase in weight but my hub and my parents do noticed that my tummy is bloated.
U knw what, I'm experiencing the cramps now as we speak. Wonder why the cramps are more intense during evening till the wee hours of the morning. Sigh, so tired and lost sleep just to put medicated oil/ trip to toilet and then sit upright to sleep.
Andreanie, your tummy ache is caused by Crinone or pregnyl jab? Crinone is 8% progesterone and pregnyl is HCG. It's different mah. I also felt a bit crampy when I was on Crinone gel insert. But I don't feel anything from the jab eventhough one of the jabs is Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate 500 mg. I think it's bec of the way of drug delivery. Crinone directly goes to the uterus so more cramp. Hope you too have no side effect for the jab.
Pink, hugs....

You rest well for now and prepare yourself for another try.
Who know you will get it naturally too..
Never give up nor despair. As long we keep on trying we will have the miracle happened.

Andreanie, best of wishes for you tomorrow.
andreanie: hCG can make your tummy bloated. If you always feel bloated, even long after the hCG shot, then that means your body is producing hCG on its own. What does that mean? That means your are pregnant!

Serene: As far as I know, hCG only makes you feel bloated. Before my wife's BT, she always felt AF is coming. She also felt some pain, but not as bad as you and andreanie have experienced. Hold on to it, and BFP will be yours.
