IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Take care, Goodgrl, we'll all jia you together. We'll ALL succeed SOON.

Thank you, Su, Blue & Mel for your kind advice.

Blue, where can I get immunocal? one of you mentioned OG in the earlier posts but I went to their albert branch, their promoter said they dun sell, only mustafa has it, is it true?

I'm collating the orders for gardenpicks in my office, din noe there are so many nut lovers around!

jamp_jamp, I bought mine at OG. May be the promoter you asked doesn't know? You can ask at the cashier counter. They usually keep it there.
@coolcool: yehey we will be cycle buddies. Around October maybe. Will sched appt with prof wong to discuss also. What is the est cost for fet as we need to prepare again bec don't get any govt grant. Thanks
Cool, glad to see you here again.
Take time to recover your body ok.

Andreannie, for my first few jabs, i found that it took me sometime to "heal". by the time, i do not feel the sore, it will be next round of jab. After a while, it is ok.

since i got my own gp to do the jabbing, i found that everytime he jab the proluton jab, i will have a bit of stingging sensation unlike those done in NUH. some nurses can jab without me having any pain.
jamp-I usually get from Chinatown OG. Is in the Vit level, but U must go to the cashier counter & ask for it. They kept it locked at the cashier counter.
I nowadays very lax & lazy to eat egg whites. Maybe start stimulation then I start taking.........
U tempting me leh, maybe next week then I order form gardenpicks.
Serene-rooting for U here.............
goodgirl-did U go for the BT this morning?
Su - oh i see.. it was stinging the whole day yesterday but no more pain today. thank god!

anyway im going to see Dr Chew tomorrow for my yeast infection. I think the Crinone is the culprit for this. He said it will go away by its own when i stop Crinone but its been 5 days and still having itchiness and yellow discharge. Make me so worried!

Serene, pls update us!
Su-Because no matter what nurses got more experience in jabbing, hehe.
Andreanie-must bear with it we all also waiting for these jabs.
Will be more painful compare to the daily Suprefact & Gonal as the needle is bigger also, due to the oil base med in the jabs.
Ladies, it's bfn for mi
actually I kind of expected it when I test bfn on hpt since 2 days ago. Hav a good cry jus nw. Think I need to take a break from ivf for e rest of tis year. I Oni left wif last try.
Serene- hugz. Rest & decide later on what to do.
Maybe u rest & relax well, u k conceive naturally.
Take care, felt so sad.
I very depress at wk since yesterday also. Think is pms ba.
hi serene take care and rest well. in God's time I believe we will be mothers. when will you see prof? are you going fresh again?
this is my 1st ivf too kinda hard for us as we dont get any grant and I quitted my job this year to prepare myself. Now I am thinking of applying for a job but I guess it is hard nowadays for workpass permits. Sigh, i pity my DH need to save again...

i didnt go for BT bec I have my AF 2 days ago nurses said its ok and they just sched me for prof discussion.

@andreanie if you are getting those infections coconut juice or cranberry juice will help.
Serene, big hugzzz for you.
It may be a wise idea to wait and rest for a while. Hope your next round will give you the result you hope for. I truly understand how you feel.

Andreanie, when is your next visit to nuh?
Goodgirl- Dun give up hope. U still have ur frozen. My last natural FET was $4k, no meds except crinone gel. I dunno if lab charges more for each embryo they have to thaw. I thought mine was a little more ex than what I read from other sisters(??). I had 3 blastocysts but 1 didn't survive the thaw.

Serene- Rest your body & mind for now. As long as we don't give up, we will all be mothers one day.
Serene: Try to think this way: you are a mom already. In that sense, you are more lucky than most of us. Hang in there and please don't give up. I just spent some time reading your old posts about your 1st try, and had a lot of sad feelings.
Immunocal is placed at the Cashier counter on level 2 - I saw it at OG Albert street branch. The lady cashier in specs (not v old) is v knowledgable abt it. They display the immunocal empty box at the cashier and even have brochures for it.

Btw, How soon do we need to start on protein/ immunocal? Eat b4 stimulation / jabbing stage? How much Protein to take daily? I have 1 box 30 packs - to last during stimulation stage of 14 days and 2ww another 14 days. So 1 box is enough? I don't think I wan to eat too many egg whites.
thank everyone for e comforting words. so far coping quite ok. tomolo going bk to work after a long rest. lots of work piling up for mi to b completed

hi coolcool, i m sorry abt ur incident. but veri glad tat u hav pull urself up n planning for ur fet. in e meantime, build up ur body n wish u e best for ur fet

hi goodgrl, all e best in ur fet in 3 mths time.

blue, my old buddy, i wish u e best in ur coming ivf too. may u bfp tis time n smoothy pregnancy.
Serene- great that u are coping well.
Even I bfp, I be rooting for u.
Wish that u k bfp naturally, when u are busy & don think of bfp, u never know, miracle do happen.
Spend more time with yr boy & hubby.
Wish u all the best, buddy
I found the immunocal, thanks Blue!

I hv same qns as Mumwannabe: Is immunocal to be taken 1 packet daily from stim stage to end of 2ww?? Instruction states to be taken with beverage, but what kind of beverage?

Vi, is the chicken esssence you mentioned Brand's & New Moon kind of off shelf brands?

I do not have time to prepare my own dinner, now abit worried, also lots of acne breakouts lately, Blue, if you see a lady with many acne on her face on Mon, that must be me...sigh...:'<
jamp-drink more water, think the weather also the culprit.
When I start Suprefact, I felt thirsty &amp; sweat easily. So drink more water to flush the medication &amp; also to replenish whatever that sweat out.
Immunocal-I will start 1 pkt during stimulation, but if I find that very bloated, have to take 2 pkts instead.
Can mix with Ribena, yakult, milk or any other frinks.
My preference is Sunkist-orange &amp; peach, I find that it mix well with the immunocal.
I had tried with milk, Ribena, ju hua tea, but find it weird.
Mix with a fork, most impt is with room temperature water, cannot be hot or warm water as it can kill the nutrients in it.
U will see lumps of it, is normal, just gulp in with the drink.
Chicken essence can be any brand.
Thanks Blue for your kind advice :>

I ate durian yesterday and woke up with sore throat this morning, shows that durian is not for me, although I love it :<

Any sister know whether black chicken soup or normal chicken soup is better for us? If we are already drinking bottled esssence, will it be like an 'overdose'?
Hi all,
How are you all doing? These days the thread is abit quiet.
Su-how are you? You will be delivering this month, right? Take care.
Serene-thanks. I am doing fine. Hope to start my FET cycle ASAP.
MelMel- you are with NUH too? 4k for natural FET? Have you got the bill? Which is the bulk of the bill? I thought FET costs about 2k.
goodgrl-when do you plan to start your FET?
Coolcool, i'm fine thank you.
My Edd is this mth. Had my check up last Monday. Will have to see dr again next Friday. I just need to wait for sign to deliver.

Hope your FET will be successful this round
Dear All, today is a sad today for me and my wife. We could not see our baby's heartbeat. My worst fear has come true. So sad. I almost fainted in the hospital.

It seems 10weeks is a critical point. Many babies cannot survive the test of time.
oh.. so sorry to hear this, dadwannbe. I can really feel for both of you and your wife since I have been through this. I also cried after the scan. So what did dr suggest? Take care of your wife.
Dadwannabe-I cannot believe it.
Any confirm scan? The scan done by Prof Wong, himself?
So sad, really loss of words................
Hugz to U &amp; yr wife.
Jamp-Maybe U are like me, that cannot take too heaty things.
Black chicken soup is very heaty, so do drink alot of water if U are drinking, maybe that day don't take chicken essence.
It all depends how yr body can take it.
Now cannot afford to fall sick.
Take Vit C and drink alot of water, if need to drink more liang drinks to reduce the heatiness.
Next week when start the stim, U might find that more heaty, as might get 'hot flushes'.
Better take care now.
Thanks, Blue, yah, I just told hubby ytd that both of us shld avoid falling sick in the next 5 weeks.

Are IVF babies more fragile than babies conceived naturally? Am really sad to hear the bad news from coolcool and dadwannabe :<
Just went to nuh earlier for post consultation with prof. He told me I can start fet by sept cycle using natural means. No injection. He asked me if I want to put all 3 frozen so I needto think abt it. Folic acid and metformin are the only meds he asked me to drink ( metformin since I'm pcos). I hope I ovulate by myself on sept so I can proceed with fet w/o injections. @ dadwannabe so sorry to hear the news. Our prayers are with you pls be strong!
coolcool: Prof offered three options 1. wait AF 2. take abortion medicine, 3. surgical procedure. Don't know what to do now.

Blue: Prof did the scan. After he found no heartbeat, he let us to go the fetal center to do another scan. It is confirmed.

Jamp: Seems IVF babies are more fragile. But today when I asked Prof, he said no difference between IVF and naturally conceived babies.

Su: Yes. One will not understand unless he/she has been through this.

goodgrl: Thanks for your comfort.
dadwannabe, o my God!!! I very seldom writing here, but read a lot. I was so happy for you and your wife.... If it is first pregnancy, please don't do any surgical procedure. My own opinion better to take abortin medicine rather than wait... I can not believe....
I was at dc Wong today as well...
So many sad news this week.

I'm so sorry, cool and dadwannabe.
Keeping you both in my prayer.

Serene, goodgrl, the two of you too.

About chicken essense, I took EYS. Any brand no difference. I just bought which one in offer.
Dadwannabe- did u check with Prof, if AF come, will it be all cleared with the flow? If yes, then wait with AF. Think if not then opt for 2nd option- med.
Dadwannabe-Dr Anu did not give me any options. She told me waiting may cause complication. And she suggested to do D&amp;C. D&amp;C has two types. One is scraping the contents of the uterus and another is vacuum aspiration. For me they use the latter since my pregnancy is only 11 weeks. Dr Anu said by using gentler version of D&amp;C, less damage to the uterus. And I have to take 2 tablets 3 hr before surgery. And it made me bleeding and cramping. I think this is similar to abortion medicine. D&amp;C procedure is done under sedition. And I felt mild cramp after that together with bleeding. But once you are allowed to eat, cramping is subsided. I don't even need to take pain killer. I was back to normal next day. So in my opinion, by doing D&amp;C, you can recover faster and it is also a safe option.
Blue, assa: In fact, Prof mentioned that if wait for AF, there is only 40% it will come. And for options 1 &amp; 2, uterus may not be totally cleared. In that case, D&amp;C is still needed.

Coolcool: Thanks for your suggestion. My wife has decided to take D&amp;C to avoid complication. When will regular AF come after D&amp;C?

When I look back, I feel my wife's case is very similar to yours. I think our baby also grows very slowly in the beginning. At 6week+, we only see an empty sac. Therefore, we decided to check embryo's chromosome and see if there are any defects. Have you done that?
dadwannabe, i did d&amp;c too 2 years back.
But I could not remember if Prof gave me some other options beside D&amp;C. The sad news was too sudden and frankly i was not in the state of taking in any more news. However, I did go through the proceudre a week later. ON the very same day, he scanned me again to ensure there is really not heartbeat before he carried out the procedure.
Maybe what you conclude is true, baby that grows very slowly may suffer this. FOr my case, everything could be seen on the first scan including heartbeat but the size i think was not really good. Though i was not informed about it, i did suspect something was not right when i had to go back for scanning the next week. There was a lady who was with me for ET and ER had her next check up later than mine. True enough when i went for the next scan, bb had stopped growing.
oh yeah forgot to add, after my d&amp;c, i had spotting for the month on and off. I think my proper af came about 2 months later.
Dadwannabe : Yes. I am also worried about uterus may not be totally cleared if we wait or take medicine. Now I am totally fine and get back to work already. Although your wife's case and mine are similar, I think your wife's initial condition is better than mine (like higher hormone level and having ms). For me, these 11 weeks were like a roller coaster ride. At first, low hormone level. Then can only see a small sac at week six. Saw two sacs at week 7 (one was already right size and can see heart beat, the small one is just a sac only). At week 9, the small sac did not grow and the big sac size is one week smaller than it should be. At week 11 scan, we no longer see the bb's heartbeat.
I don't know about the chromosome test. You have to request or it's their routine test? I will ask about it when I see Dr today. I have follow up appointment this evening.
For regular AF, I think it will come one month later since the bleeding following D&amp;C can be considered AF? I am also not sure about it.
Take care of your wife.
Su: Yes. It came too sudden and we were totally shocked. I almost black out at the scene. Anyway, we still have to face the reality, so we decided to do D&amp;C today. Spent the whole day at NUH and felt so exhausted physically, mentally, and financially.

coolcool: I found morning sickness is totally unreliable. Ironically, after we heard about the bad news from the Prof, my wife still felt nausea. You have to request for chromosome test by yourself. However, even if you requested it, they might forgot it like what happened today. I and my wife felt really upset about this because we told them like 10 times, but the doctor still "forgot" to do it. He had to come down to apologize but that did not change anything.

I have to thank you for sharing so much information. because I read your story before, at least I know I and my wife are not alone. Otherwise it will be even more difficult to swallow.

Dadwannabe - wish u all the best for u n yr wife. really dunno how to console u. everything will be fine the next time!
