Indonesian Mommies? lha...i think it was my hormon or what...i am not a cook one..but don' tknow why when i was pregnant with my girl...i just love to cook..anyway got to cook for my boy..i also have to eat mah..everyday tapao also very bored and better eat more nutritous food for my baby. and that time just moved to my new the kitchen is just sooo nice and favourite hang out...and my boy is easy already..could play on his own so i could cook quite easily. but now with two..don't know how...thinking to put my girl in the pram so i could keep an eye on her..or else my boy will kacau her...

my husband is not indonesian..he is singaporean (recently..)..hehe...

how old is your girl??

Mujmuj - you mean your hubby is indonesian but recently convert to singaporean? my girl is 9mths plus. got to learn a lot frm u to care for 2kids..discovered that i'm expecting today :p happy..but quite worry when thinking abt looking after 2 kids. but I believe God will make a way ;p
wow,that's a great news, Oleander, congrats!

hi Star, nice blog u have there. i see u r into a bit of graphic design too?
Hi must be very happy!!! Most of to take care of yourself ya! well..i'm still learning to be a mother of 2 as well.. but agree with you...God will definitely show us the way...
today i'm quite happy also...morning wake up, my mother in law had to go i was left on my own to tend my 2 children...who knows they are so cooperative that i even managed to cook fried rice for lunch with so much time to spare!!!
Hi Oleander, congratz ya.. happy for you too. Now your wish for small age gap come true

Hi Mum2B,
If you have any info abt prenatal yoga, let me know. I am interested to join too.

Hi Star,
Manage to peek into your blog and agree with the rest that your blog is interesting.. nice photos and design.. and interesting topics..

btw i am curious of what you guys use as first language at home. Do any of you talk in bahasa with your baby? or english? Any of you speak mandarin? I don't speak mandarin unfortunately. Thinking of what language to introduce my baby later on..
Hi all, thank you! was down with flu n gastric the last few days. felt much better today. i went to the gynae yesterday, but still can't see the preg sac yet.

Mujmuj - think time management is very important ya. i'm that can do more in 1day hehe..

josephine - my bb is exposed to bahasa, eng n mandarin. don't know if she's confused hehe..but i want her to know all three lang. maybe mujmuj can advise us?
hi josephine,
most probs i'll try out true yoga, as i receive coupon for 1 month trial from my credit card. u wanna join too? will let u know if i have contacted them.

re: languange
same here! i don't speak mandarin either, and lazy to learn.. :p and all this while use bahasa w/ my hubby. was thinking to use english mainly n bahasa too to the baby, as for mandarin maybe wait until she goes to school?
btw in what languange do u gals speak to ur hubby/at home?

Oleander, is ur hubby indonesian too?
mum2b - yes my hubby is indonesian too. how about you? I converse in bahasa with my hubby too, sometimes also in english. but he don't speak mandarin. so the mandarin part will be frm the mummy. daddy will learn while mummy speaks to baby in mandarin hehe..
Mujmuj & Oleander,

I am studying full time now. I send my son to cc.

Mom2B & Josephine,

I am not a graphic designer. Hubby bought photoshop software for me and I am do it for fun.

You ladies create your own blog too, that we can share many interesting things of our little kids.
hi mommies, my baby exposed to 4 languages, main one is english cpz thats wat we speak at home, my hubby not indo, then he knows hokkien en mandarin from my mother in law. indo knows few words..but will get him to learn more on my trip back home. dont worry too much about confusion...this is the best time to expose them to as many languages as possible...but his main language????BABY LANGUAGE!!! haha..u will surprise how observant they are...
my hubby is indonesian too. wow so u can speak mandarin? cool.. may i know from which part of indonesia r u?

hi star,
will publish my bb blog in 4 months time then

gals know that there's taka bb fair going on? good if want to stock up bb sundries n clothes.
mujmuj - ya haha..i like their baby language. if you notice, sometimes it do sounds like our language. like even answering mummy/daddy haha..

mum2b - my parents used to speak to us in indo & mandarin since young. futhermore, i took mandarin as 2nd lang in school. i'm frm palembang. you frm jkt? anyway, which gynae are you seeing?

ya the taka baby fair started a few days back i heard. have not been there. but i did much of my shopping last year for my baby there. quite good bargains as most products on discount. better to go earlier although the fair is for quite sometime. then you can pick n choose the things you want. if not may end up out of stock / limited models/colours.
Oleander..are u having all those symptoms yet? like morning sickness and etc? wonder you always have supplies of are from palembang! then you know how to make or not???

I'm going back on the 19th..can't wait....

Mum2B...when are you due?
Mujmuj - symptoms, i feel a bit nauseous now and then. have been having cramp-like symptom too. i pray that this pregnancy would not be a difficult one as i got to look after my daughter.

hehe..i don't know how to make. my mum knows and i got an aunt who is an expert. so she will make for us now and then. ya, i'm going back on the 30th, can't wait too. besides pempek, there are lots n lots to eat! hehe..i want to limit though. i put on almost 20kg in my previous preg, and my bb was only around 2.7kg. must eat smart this time.

i went to the baby fair just now. hmm not much things..its almost the same as last year's. but if for 1st time mum, got lots to buy.
my parents don't speak mandarin. i come from central java. no such option as mandarin as 2nd language there..

wow 20 kg and ur baby is 2.7 kg? i have a friend who only put on 11 kg n the bb is underweight, so she alwasy urge me to eat more n put more weight. but somehow my weight gain is so slow, even though at dinner time i already feel my tummy is stretching to maximum.. hehe..
btw, how many weeks are u in now?

my edd is 26 june 06, and we are expecting a girl

how many kg did u put on weight last pregnancy?

this weeks (10-12 march) there will be a baby care festival in Expo too! too bad i live in the west, so far away. but curious so most probs come

mommies, wd like to survey on bb items that i need to buy:
do u use desitin/drapolene/other brand for nappy rash prevention cream? which brand is good n effective? do u use bb oil/lotion/powder after every bath? anybody use cloth nappies instead of disposable?
oh, n how about more ex items like breast pump n sterilizer? if we SAHM don't think need breast pump right? except for standby only, in case bb won't latch correctly?
n sterilizer can use normal steam or pot of boiling water? hehe..
n how do u gals carry ur newborn, using sarung/sling/bb carrier (the one that looks like backpack)? or use pram? for 1st time mum, so many things to buy!
Hi All,

My gynae told me I had miscarriage. Went to another one to confirm, and he gave the same answer. Will go for dnc procedure this week.. sigh..I guess the baby is not meant to be mine.
oh dear josephine, i'm so sorry.. hugs, hugs for u.. i know it's v hard, coz i went thru the same thing on jan 05, had m/c at 5weeks+. will keep u in my prayer.
josephine - i'm so sorry to hear that..*hugz hugz* please take good care of yourself ok. hope you are feeling better now.

mum2b - i juz went to the gynae today. According to LMP, i'm supposed to be 6wks. but the scan shows that the bb is only around 4wks. It may be due to irregular menses (not sure as i my last menses is my 1st menses after del due to bf) or that the bb is not developing properly. Praying that everything would be ok.

On weight gain n bb's weight, it depends on individual actually. some put not much but the bb is 3kg/3kg+, other cases like doesn't mean that the more weight we put on, the bigger will be the bb. Most important is eat healthily.

i live in the east, most prob will drop by at the expo too.

Currently, I use drapolene. Reccommended by a colleague. find its not bad. dd's rashes dissapear quickly after application. I heard densitin is good too. but the price difference is a lot between the 2. am satisfied with drapolene so i do not want to change.

I used "minyak kayu putih" for bb after every bath. very good in expelling wind. some people says it might be hot for babies, but dd has no problems with it. i like the smell too. use powder too, but only on the armpits, back n neck. DO NOT apply on the genital area. Apply sebamed baby lotion when she's a bit older.

I used the traditional "cawet,gurita & bedong" for the 1st one-and-a-half mth. after that,used disposable only at night till dd is 5mths plus.

I think breast pump is needed. Esp. during the beginning when bb always so sleepy, suck a bit and doze off.. need to pump so that you won't have engorgement. I boil sterilize the bottle for the 1st 6mths as i only used 1 bottle now n then for plain water. The opening ceremony for the steam sterilizer is when dd is around 8mths (stopped bf). Steam sterilizer is more convenient and less messy actually.

I carry my newborn in a sling when when we go out when she is young. she feels very secure and comfy in the sling. till now she squeals in delight when she see the sling. used it now n then when go out for a short while. now use the pram more.

ya, got lots of things to buy. hope the above helps!
hi oleander,
hope ur bb is ok.. take good care of urself.
on ur dd, so after 5 months, u use cloth nappies all day n night? i heard that the amount of washing is really amazing..
how do u boil sterilize? boil a big pot of water n throw bottles, teats, pumps inside the boiling water w/ the stove flame on? for how long?
Hi josephine...sorry to hear that..take care of yourself ya! and don't give up! if you need any listening ears...we are all here..

Mum2B..ya lho...newborn requires plenty of stuff..but do your shopping gradually. For breast pump.if you want to breastfeed, you will need one esp for the first few release the engorgement...but perhaps you have to consider on the kind of investment you want to spend on this breast pump. Motorised pump are generally expensive but it is easier and less work and if you use it for few is worth the money.

cloth/disposable...this is personal choice...but yes..the amount of washing is incredible..i think the saving that you have all spent on your water bill. I used that on my first born...but now second one...i use the trouble.i'd rather use that 1/2 hour of washing every night to have relaxation. But cloth nappies is good to be used until they are around 2 mths old..that' sbecause they poo so many times in a day that using disposable is very wasteful and expensive.

Sling VS need both! but buy pram when your baby is out and you will need to bring her and try it out... How??? you carry your baby in your sling and then try to lift up/fold/drive the it possible? Because that's the most likely the scenario. some prams are very heavy that you will need 2 hands and tons of energy to lift it up...but some light ones are not easy to manouver.

Streliser/boiling..again personal choice. I use streliser what oleander said..easier..and boiling spoil the bottle very easily. it became murky very fast.

sorry for long reply..hope it helps ya!
mum2b - i change to disposable all day at 5mths plus as she starts to move around already. i do not really use cloth nappies actually. just let her wear shorts. for the washing part, just soak overnight and put into washing machine next morning. for those stained by her poo, have to scrub before soaking.

boil sterilize - i only use 1 bottle for the 1st few mths. so out of convenience, i don't use the steam sterilizer first. ya, just throw everything inside and boil for 5mins. make sure the water is enough. and for bottle caps, i usually put in only when i off the fire, as i find that it is not so "hardy" like the rest of the bottle parts.
hi oleander and mujmuj,
thanks a lot for the sharing! i guess each baby is different. i have friends who swear by johnson nappy rash, others by avent, the rest by desitin. the same goes for milk bottles, sterilizer, breast pump. i guess just try out one first n see how. it's just so difficult not to overspend since now there's so many bb sale n exhibition

i've got hand-me-down manual pigeon breast pump from my SIL, maybe will live w/ that 1st.
for the cloth nappies, now there're so many "modern" cloth nappies, like bumwear. convenient, but the downside is they are expensive. sigh.. all parents want the best for their children, so its kinda hard sometimes to differentiate the essentials and the luxury. not to mention about the education later on for next 20 years!

btw do u also use baby rocker, baby gym, and the fancier exersaucer/bumbo chair?
mum2b - ya every baby is different. take your time to try the different brands to find out which one is the most suitable for your baby.

My baby have an exersaucer. its safer than the walker which is banned in USA & Canada. start to let her use around 4mths plus. she enjoys it very much. we have the baby gym too. can source for different kind of stuff & brand for each thing. no need to buy branded & expensive somethings are just used for few months...
rocker...u can use those net's less than 20 bucks..
baby gym...actually those mobile..can also doubled up as the gym...

bumbo mother in law bought this wood/rattan chair from chinatown..she said in old days this is what they use for the baby. at first i was quire reluctant...but who boy love it so much..and his sitting skill improve a lot...i normally put him there while i do my household chores. i'll try to post the picture.
Hi Mum2B,

breast pump
I would suggest you to get Avent breast pump first. I need a pump at that time since my baby can't latch on properly, and I got engorged. Lucky, my mom bought for me a Mini Electric Medela pump. But personally I think Avent is sufficient for SAHM.

If you have somebody to help you to boil the bottle then no need to buy first.
If you intend to breastfeed later you don't need sterilizer at all unless if you return back to work.

sarung/sling/bb carrier (the one that looks like backpack)? or use pram? for 1st time mum, so many things to buy!
I still prefer our traditional 'cukin'. Bb carrier is too warm and might hurt baby's neck. My son loves cukin too, he sleeps all the time i cukin him.

No need to buy a stroller first, postponed till 6 months later and buy those 2 position stroller which is lighter and easy to take it along with public transportation.

For the brand of stroller I would recommend Mclaren Triumph, can be used from 7 months till 4 years old. It is quite value for money if baby loves to sit in the stroller.

If you go back to Indo, don't forget to buy a dozen of cotton shorts. They are quite expensive here. If baby is having nappy rash, just let baby wears cotton shorts.
I think Spore whether is too hot esp. during May-June, my son got nappy rashed after back from hospital. His skin is super sensitive too. Only Desitin works for him. You no need to buy Desitin first, can try to use Drapolene first, but if nappy rashes then apply Desitin and air dry baby's buttom.

Do you engaged a confinement lady? We need to drink lots of nutritious soup to maintain our supply.
If you would like to have more info, you may call me. Just pm me if you need my number.
Hi all,

I noticed that this thread is quite active recently. Maybe we should sort in a list (ID, age of kids, son/daughter, place) then we can know each other better? Start with me first.

1. Star, 2y 9m son, Clementi.
2. Mujmuj
3. Oleander
4. Mum2B, pregnant how many weeks?
5. (if I haven't stated your ID, please fill in here).

Hi Star, adding mine here

1. Star, 2y 9m son, Clementi.
2. Mujmuj , 2y5mths son, 4 mths girl, Queenstown
3. Oleander
4. Mum2B, pregnant how many weeks?
5. (if I haven't stated your ID, please fill in here).

Hi All,

I am back now.. Thank's a lot for your concerns and prayers and I really do hope I got another chance next time.

Hi Oleander,

Take care and don't tire yourself.. I really think my m/c is because of that. I walk and travel a lot and I carry laptop sometimes.

Btw I just noticed that almost all of us live in the west
I live in Boonlay.
Hi Star, i add mine

1. Star, 2y 9m son, Clementi.
2. Mujmuj , 2y5mths son, 4 mths girl, Queenstown
3. Oleander
4. Mum2B, pregnant 25 weeks, Clementi
5. (if I haven't stated your ID, please fill in here).

glad to hear from u again n great that u keep ur spirit high. Why don't u add ur name on the list?
let's meet up someday for a chat, shall we?
Hi's mine:

1. Star, 2y 9m son, Clementi.
2. Mujmuj , 2y5mths son, 4 mths girl, Queenstown
3. Oleander , 10mths daughter, pregnant 7wks, Marine Parade
4. Mum2B, pregnant 25 weeks, Clementi
5. (if I haven't stated your ID, please fill in here).

Josephine - ya glad to hear from you. Don't worry, you will dear. seems that most of us staying in the west...except oleander! hei...can meet up in town or something...but wait until i come back from indo first ya! counting days now! flying off this 19th...but son is down with diare...hopefully he will be ok soon.
mujmuj - really counting down to go back indo too. going back on the 30th. how long will you be in indo? now i have to think of all the stuffs to bring for dd. seems to be so many things!

Hope your son is alright now..take care
Hi frens,

I tried pempek at Indo Panggang, S11 Centrepoint yesterday. Not bad...but quite pricey. 3 pcs = $2.80 They sell krupuk palembang too, 1 pack = $1.50 The guy said that they ever won pempek competition. His boss is Indo Chinese from Palembang same with Oleander. Oleander....maybe you can try to make pempek for fun here.
Hi Yiori,

I drank Jamu Ny. Meneer during confinement. But it is not for losing weight, it is for producing more milk, body-ache, etc.
Hi are you there? I'm in Indo far have enjoyed 2 times of pempek and plenty plenty of yummy food...

But time flies when u are having fun...i only have 3 weeks left...and then i'm off again to sing...

Keep it posted ok!!
Hi all...

I'm new here..
So all here are from indonesia?
I'm also having my first child.. nice to know you all guys..
HI Santi...yup...most of us are Indonesian or married to Indonesian (I think..)..welcome! and feel free to talk about anything ya!
Maybe you could tell us about yourself

Hi Mommies...busy? in INdo now? When will you come back?

arggg..another 2 weeks time flies...really 1 month is not enough!
Hi mujmuj

I'm from jakarta and working here.. Now,I'm confused who will take care my baby after born..sigh..
Do you all guys bring the baby to child care or take care yourself?...

Btw, I'm having pain in my tummy below if I tried to move around... doctor said it's normal.., but how to overcome it? She just give me a muscle pain releaf like counterpain... anyone experience this before?
Hi gals,
me too from Indonesian.
I'm also having first child, confirmed six weeks.
To santi : How about you.????
To oleander:How's your baby now???
Hi All!

Santi & blessinglauren - welcome!

Santi - i resigned frm work after the birth of my daughter. Now still at home taking care of her. I do not have pain but i encounter cramps sometimes. Given salbutamol by my gynae to relax the uterus. Remember to have enough rest. I find that I will have cramps more frequently when I feels more tired. How many weeks are you anyway?

Blessinglauren - My daughter is 11mths now. I'm around 11weeks now i think.

Mujmuj - really envy you! I came back frm indo yesterday. you got 1mth...i only got around 1 weeek! So you enjoy now ok! My daughter was down with flu the next day after we arrive in indo. guess its due to the different weather - more dusty.
Hi All,

Any moms here engage a maid? Which agency do you use? Any rocemmendations? Anyone try to direct hire maid from Indo without going thru agent here?
Welcome xiau ling! can I add you in my msn?

Star, I am planning to have a maid later this year. Will be doing it thru my uncle who is an agent in Jakarta. They have a representative office here too. Mainly for the paperwork. A few of my relatives have hired maids thru him, so far so good. You can PM me if you are interested.
Hi Gals, I am a Singaporean married to Indonesian . I flies to Sg every 2 mths. I would like to know if there is any gd gynae in Jkt ? Thank you.

Hi are you there? I'm back in Singapore...hmm..kind of mixed I am sad as I still haven't got enough of holiday and spend time with my family..the other..well...this is my home after all..and the daddy miss his kids so much and vice versa.

How is everyone doing? seems quite active nowadays...welcome to all the new mommies in this forum.

Hope can see you all soon...
