Indonesian Mommies?

apochai, aiyoh...just click on my username. Then I think should be able to PM liao.

Life as sahm ..haha..rewarding lah. What are you working as?
ai yoh ... i tried but u dun received ah? maybe i am comp idiot ... hehehe .. maybe can share email?

yah rewarding, cos wife in indo most of them are sahm.
I would like to join in this thread for chat..
For intro...I am an indonesian married to Singaporean with 2 kids.
hi chin .. same condition with me ... my wife is malaysian .... How come ur boy become indon and not m'sian ??

Hi missk, how come never see u liao?
Hi cecelia..
How old yr baby? where u stay? i stay east area.

How yr son? He want eat solid food oredi?

R u working here?
apochai, i am here all along! How have u been?

yoan, where have you been? Your fren has been calling me!! Probably we gonna meet up soon! My son ..aiyah ..ok lah ..eating lah. But not a lot.
Apo Chai - that's an excellent question...I guess the issue is that I did not wanna give birth in Malaysia...and when I last checked, I was told that to allow my baby to become Malaysian, I must have voted at the polls for the past many years...but I never did..I have been living outside of Malaysia for the past almost 20 years! Anyway, I was also thinking since my boy is a second generation PR, he has to do NS (if he stays on)..well, if he does do his NS, then he can also opt to convert to be Singaporean later in his life. This is a decision I leave to my son.

Xiau Ling - I am working here.

Missk - how are u adapting to JKT? I go there on biz sometimes..and the traffic jams really drive me crazy..
Chin ... i wanna my baby to be m'sian and PR in sg. Which I think m'sia is still better of than indo. SO in this case, my baby will be indon ah?
chin, really? Hey...let's me up when u are here!

apo, mia? No leh here. never see u on msn

yoan, yah..she's really nice!
apo chai - sorry ah...yeah...busy at work, only log in once in a while..what do u need to know?? u can also email me at [email protected]

missk - i will let u know if i go there project has ended already! No more JKT for a while..unfortunately. which part of JKT are u in? my hubby used to stay in JKT, too.
hi all.. I am a malaysian and will be joining my hb in jkt next month. hb is malaysian too, but working in jkt. oh, my boy is nearly 7wk old now.

missk, i wanted to pm u last time but u don't accept pm le. so u in jkt now? how is life there?
ya i know dharmawangsa. Just went to Kemang today to get some organic food for my son.

Karen, you can pm me now. I think it's already activated

Hello carnellin, welcome to the thread
missk there is organic shop in jkt ah? good...i wan to buy oat milk and brown rice when i go jkt next month. will have to ask u for address later.

so how long have u been there? SAHM rite? which part of jkt?

oh, i pm you as well. if u have msn, maybe we can chat there.
hi missk,
Am from medan. Adapting to ur new life in Jkt (apart from the traffic jam

Son 5yrs, gal 6mths. Staying in sengkang. Urs? Which part of east u r staying?
karen, i already added you. Hope to chat soon! Ok, no problem. just let me know when u are here. You coming here for CNY?

Yah. u are rite. I am SAHM. I live in west JKt. You?

Cecelia,'s been not too bad.

I am wendy ,from jakarta ,tanjung priok but staying in toa payoh ,SG,any indonesian mommy staying in SG? I am first time mom,my son 6mth
born in july
hi everyone,
i'm also indonesian, long time not visiting this thread.. btw anyone wants moloko? in indo it's quite a well known supplement to increase breast milk. pm me if anyone wants

my bb was born in june 06

u r v active in this thread ya
hi xiau ling (yoan),
all i know moloko is a supplement to increase breast milk production. It has vit B in it. My SIL and aunties told me this. so i took it
r u still breast feeding?

long time don't hear from u, r u in sgp already?
hi cecelia,
I'll be going back to medan. My wife will be at m'sia, better dun travel by flight. u leh?
Apo chai,
Celebrating cny in different places?? Why ur wife cant travel by plane? Me celebratin here as immediate family all here.
