Indonesian Mommies?

hi muj muj..welcome back. holidays are always so fast huh!

talking about cooking, i cooked more frequently now. Juz simple dishes. Don't know like you said is the pregnancy hormones or the craving to eat home-cooked food. Coz sometimes so tired of eating out..

Hi Oleander...yup...i think it is the hormone. And surprisingly it continues even after i gave birth...but too busy to cook. let alone cooking...sometime can't even go toilet.sigh...

are you still in first semester? do u feel tired?
Mujmuj, ya i'm in my 12wks now. sometimes feel very tired. experience some backaches even though my tummy is not big yet.. luckily my hubby helps with the housework like washing the dishes and ironing when he is free hehe..

Ya i can imagine with many mths is your younger one now? You have anyone to help you at home? your mum-in-law still with you?
Oleander...nope my MIL has gone home far my sister is here ..but she will be going back tomorrow..and i;ll be totally aloneeee....hope i will be ok...

hei...u guys can add me into the is [email protected]
Hi all Indo mummies,

I have a piece of sarong, it's sewn at 2 edges to form a tube measures 28" x 46". Given by my aunt who claims that good to wear during confinement (more convenient than pants), and can also drape over the head and across a shoulder for slinging the baby next time cos it's like a loop already. But I find that when drap across, the sarong is too low (hanging at hip level) to hold the baby leh.

I found out from some website that Indonesians actually use salendang and not a sarong. Can anyone advice how long is this salendang, and if I wanna sling my baby, I should use a salendang and not the sarong? If can use the sarong, how to shorten and secure it since it hangs too low?
Hi chenoa...many indonesian are using selendang..but it takes a while to practice and to be honest...ehmmm..not so fashionable...

I'm currently using the moms in mind sling...and will never leave home without it. my both babies like it and although it does take a while to master..once you are used to is very easy to use.

Glad to find a thread of Indonesian mums in this forum...

I'm also Indonesian, from Jakarta.Married to S'porean, Hving 22 mths boy. Currently , I'm working here...
hi all,

i m a new mommy to a 7month old baby boy.
been here for 4years to come.married to also indonesian. stay in sengkang.

this thread gone silent a month already ya?where does everybody going?hehe
Hi everyone, I'm also Indonesian, I'm 19 weeks now. My hubby is Singaporean and working here.
Not sure what I'm gonna do after giving birth.
Anyone can recommend a good after birth massage lady??? and I am also planning to get a maid next year.
Oleander, I read that your uncle is an agent?
Can you give more information on how to proceed for getting a maid please???
this forum is a life saver!
hi all,
new here .. i am indonesian (husband) and malaysian (wife), both PR in sg. My wife preggie 6 weeks liao .. but dunno later which citizenship will the baby? wanted the baby to be msian, but dunno can .. anyone have this problem?
yo siau ling ....havent heard from you for a long time! No more emails fr you
Hi Jnn,

If u want your child to become a M'sian citizen without any hassle, then your wife will have to give birth in Malaysia.
hi xiau ling,
Thanks. u stay in sg too? ur kids born here?

Hi spring,
We asked during conversation of marriage cert from sg to m'sia. They said the baby can become m'sian, so we took the form. How true will it be?
Hi jnn,

As far as I know, you can apply M'sia citizenship for your child b4 the age of 21 as long as one of the parents is M'sian and child is born in SINGAPORE (not other foreign countries). I suggest you email M'sia High Comm in SG regarding this issue and keep their reply in case of future complications.

Since both u & ur wife are not Singaporean, u'll have to apply for your child M'sia citizenship then apply SPR status for your child all within 1 mth (I think) from your child birth date, hence you cld not afford complications of any sort.
thanks spring blossom for your advice. ya i should email them about it at least got black and white.

are u m'sian?
Hi Jnn,
You are welcome. I'm Indonesian not Malaysian. My cousin (an Indonesian) married a Malaysian girl too, and he tells me a lot about getting M'sia citizenship for his child. He was told that if his wife were to give birth in country other than Malaysia / Singapore, his child would not be granted M'sia citizenship under any circumstances. In the end his wife choose to give birth in Malaysia so as to avoid any hassle.
Hi Xiau,
I am from medan. If your son born in sg and ur hubby is sg, automatically become sg liao. got baby bonus also. too bad, both of us not applicable.

Hi spring,
Like that, terrible. I got the info from embassy another diff story. What should i do? Yesterday we just visit gynae, already 7 weeks.
apo, your child will have a high chance to get dual citizenship if I am not wrong although u may have to wait for some time
Speak to an agent from indon. He or she will know better and can advise too. You want any recommendation? You can talk to mine.
Hi missk,
Thanks for your offer. My baby will be born in sg, cos i can't be stay long in m'sia, work commitment. Will apply for m'sia citizen and get sg PR. Dunno how it will succeed. *Finger cross*

Sorry, maybe I'm not very clear in the way I've phrased my sentences. What I meant is that if your child is born in M'sia or S'pore, then M'sia citizenship for your child should not be a problem. However, if your child is born in Indonesia, for example, then M'sia citizenship wld not be granted. Do take note that this was the rules & regulations 2 yrs ago, I'm not sure if there are any recent changes.


Your child has dual citizenship? Singapore passport?
Hi missk,
I am indon, dun wan let my baby born in indo and also my wife not allow. Wanna the baby become msian only. U leh? How long here liao?

Hi Spring,
I am sure the baby will born in sg. Based on what u mentioned, hopefully baby can become msian. Thanks yah.
spring, no my son is a Singaporean. We live in Jkt. It's really ex for a Singaporean to live here. I am hoping that the govt would pass the dual citizenship law asap!

Apo, I am living in jkt. I do hope that my son will hold dual citizenship.
Hi Missk,
How your son stay there? visa or permanent? How to? I dun think sg, m'sia and indo can hold dual citizen currently.

I thought the current Indonesia citizenship law gives children of transnational marriages the right to dual citizenship until they are 18 years old. Or do the law discriminate against children with Indonesia father?
yah ..currently it is like this. However, it seems that it is not legalised yet. And I also heard that the law discrimates against indon father. Sob!

My son is on social visa which expires every month. So every month, we have to do a new visa for him. And that costs money!
then better do permament rather than renew every month. Rp 3,000,000 per year? Sorry i asked first, cos maybe my baby will do that too
apo, oic. Where are u based actually? My son is born in sg and he's Singaporean. There's an agent who takes care of the visa. Are you living in Indon ?
missk, i am staying in sg for 6 years liao ... good to be in singaporean yeah ... i mean for ur kid. how many kids u have? live in jkt better?

yah's good to be Singaporean. We almost gave up his nationality actually. I have one now. How abt u?

Hm..well, I am still adapting to life in jkt. We will be here for some time I guess.

How abt you? Do u visit jkt often?
I went to jkt twice .. very happening ... jam all the time
... most of the time stuck in the car. u like there? u full time housewife?
haha..yah ...i dun like the traffic so much. Yah, me a SAHM. WEll, now getting used to jkt lah. U like it in sgp?
