Indonesian Mommies?

Hi Star,
No problem. Maybe we can make appointment, then we can meet up at IMM. Will email you when I'm free. Nice to know you.
hi all,
i'm back
hope to liven this thread again.
can anyone enlighten me, all baby girls in indo will have their ear pierced at the hospital (soon after birth) right, how about here? Is it a common practice here? If not in hospital, then where did you do it?
thanks, Star.
I found Neptune clinic, not nepturn. I guess this should be the one?
May i know which thread discuss this ear piercing?
do you know commonly how old the baby is for ear piercing?
Sorry Mum2B. No idea about the age of the baby got ear pierced done at that clinic. My sister who is staying at Jakarta gave birth last year, and her daughter got ear pierced done at the hospital on the 2nd day.
Hi All,

May I join you all. I am also indonesian. Just found out that i am expecting. I am staying in jurong west. Hv anyone here got the help of confinement lady after giving birth? Please share your experience and cost, thank you.
hi, can i join this thread too. i'm indonesian, SAHM to a 9mth old daughter.

Mum2B - i got my daughter's ear pierced at B Dazzled at Wisma Atria. They are experienced in handling babies. I brought my bb at 3mths to pierce. Actually, the younger the bb, the less painful will it be for them. My bb juz cried a while after the piercing, after that it's fine. Got a fren who brought her bb when she's 1mth. hope this helps.
hi josephine,
i'm also expecting my 1st child, due in june. when is your EDD? sorry can't help on the confinement lady, coz my mum will be coming to help me during 1st month here.

hi oleander,
thanks alot for the info. did ur friend also brought her dd to B Dazzled? may i know their unit no or tel number? btw, i'm staying in clementi area. where r u staying?
Congrats on ur preggie Josephine & Hi mum2B!

Mum2B - the store is located near U2, juz beside the aquarium in the basement. Sorry, i do not have their number. Yes, my ffiend brought her dd there too. Know a few friends who brought their dd for piercing there too. i'm staying in the east.

Josephine - i did use a confinement lady. but it was kind of introduce to me by my relative. Frm indo. she's not a proffesional. so was not very satisfied. I suggest that u find a professional one, those good ones - usually popular by word-of-mouth, think more reliable although cost is higher. and consider about the confinement food too. for me, my mum did the cooking. coz different dialect grp did different types of confinement dish - u may want to consider that.
Hi Mum2b,

Thank's, My EDD is 4 oct 05, still a long way to go, but it doesn't hurt to prepare earlier:p. Are you currently working? It's nice that your mum will be coming during your confinement. I can't expect the same though. I am not sure I can cope alone so am thinking of hiring CL to help me out.

Hi Oleander,

When you found out that she's not up to your expectation, what did you do? can you send her back:p Did you have to pay levy etc for your CL?
Josephine - i did not send her back, juz close one eye..what to do..anyway its juz for 1mth. Send her back then will not be able to get replacement. Somemore she's my relative's distant relative also. So better pick frm the cream of the crops hehe..

I think its better for you to get help if you are alone. You will be busy with the baby esp. if you are breastfeeding. and one thing for sure is the lack of sleep as the bb will be waking up for night feeds. so it will be ideal if someone could help around. you must have enough rest too.

Must be very exciting for you now! Enjoy every moment of the pregnancy!
Hi Oleander,

Thank's a lot for the advise. I do feel that I would not be able to cope alone. I don't want to end up getting baby blues and depressed hehe.. Are you taking care of your baby girl by yourself now?

Btw anybody knows where to get cheap and nice maternity clothes? do share. Thank you.
Josephine - no prob. i'm a SAHM to my baby girl. enjoying it although sometimes very tiring. but very fulfilling.

maternity clothes..actually i find they are really not cheap here. I wore non-maternity clothes till about 4mths. find that places like OG/Isetan/kiddy palace - price quite ok. how about buying frm indo? definately more economical.

anyway any cravings for indo food? i carved for lots of indo food which cannot be found here..some not fulfilled, had my bb drooling!
are you working now?
hi josephine,
i resigned from my full time job recently, and now doing some freelance from home. agree that you should probs hire a CL, or at least can ask your hubby to take 2 weeks leave to accompany u.

for maternity clothes, i stock up when i was in jkt last dec
stock too many actually, now have 1 excess for sale, still brand new. if u r interested, i can pm u the link.

hi oleander,
actually for the 1st trisemester, i can't eat anything other than indo or at least malay food. couldn't stand the smell of chinese food during that period. then everything got satisfied when i went back indo last dec
now i can take chinese food, but cook indo food at home mostly. where's ur favorite place for indo food here?
Hi Mum2b - actually my fav place for indo food is my mum's kitchen, hehe. she's here, a great cook! but i did not inherit this skill..still got lots of learning to do about cooking indo food! you got any recipes to share? how about yours? where do u usually eat out for indo food?
Hi Oleander,

I am sure taking bb alone will be very tiring..but glad to know that you are enjoying it find it fulfiling too
No cravings for any food now. I get full easily and don't eat much, but other than that, no morning sickness or any food to avoid. My favourite place for indo food here is nasi padang in river valley. A bit pricey but closest to indo version, hehe. My mum sometimes brought me food from indo once a week (she lives in batam).

Btw, for Indo recipes, there are lotz here:
but, have to register to get the recipes.

Hi Mum2B,
What kind of maternity clothes do you want to sell? You can pm me the link. I am in my 6th week now and I already feel my waist is growing, btw is this normal? I think I better start looking for pants..
hi Oleander,
I'm also a very beginner cook! haha.. don't have confident to cook for others, just enough for me and my dh only. actually my mum can't cook either, so i practise by myself with recipe books and recipe from the net. I like recipes from detikfood
my mil is a great cook, but don't dare to bother her too much though

Eating out, I like to go to ayam penyet in lucky plaza. the ones in rice table and riverview bbq in clarke quay are also not bad, but it's more pricey coz restaurant.

hi Josephine,
Can u enable your PM? I can't PM u coz it's not been enable. Anyway, I might just share the link here, it's a maternity top.

btw, does anybody know where to buy maternity book and baby development books? hehe not sure what they called, but the first is supposed to be a book which we can record our feelings, development of fetus, attached scanned pictures etc during pregnancy. and the second one is to record the milestones and pictures of bb since birth, like when 1st crawling, grow tooth, etc. anybody know?
Hi Mum2B,

I also like ayam penyet in lucky plz.. heard that there is an indo restaurant selling ayam goreng etc in lucky plz which is quite nice, but haven't got the time to try.

I will think about the maternity top you are selling, will PM you if I am interested, thank's.

About the book, I think I saw it somewhere... Maybe border. Anyway I will look for it when I pass by popular.
hi, thks for the recipe links. will go n take a look.

mum2b - i saw the books at MPH yesterday. you can try looking there.

u guys reading any book now? reccommend "what to expect the first year" - quite comprehensive.
hi oleander,
thanks, will check out mph. btw which mph store did u visit?
i also like what to expect series, been reading what to expect when you are expecting, and try to start on what to expect the first year also.
mum2b - i was at parkway branch yesterday. think other branches should carry them too.

Anyway, may i know what feelance work u doing frm home?
ic. that's good, you can work frm home - the flexibility. and can rest while u are tired. i was so sleepy esp after lunch everyday in the office. i'm was in logistics then. resigned after the birth of my girl. you are into how many mths? you know the sex of your bb already?
i'm 21 wks now, expecting a baby girl

u resigned after birth, so forgoing your maternity leave then? hehe..
if u don't mind me asking, was it not hard to live on one income for a family of three in sgp? i might have to stop work completely after labor, so kinda worried about finance. btw do u have a maid?
after my maternity leave, i went back to tender my resignation. i did not serve the 1mth notice so have to compensate the co.

ya i thought about the finance also. But thank God that until now, we are sufficiently provided. of course, have to watch our spending now that there is only one income. not like in those days where there is double income n no kid. hubby's support of us staying home also very important. if not they might feel we are "squeezing" them hehe.. for my hubby, he always wanted me to stay home to care for the kid until at least they are a bit older.
i do not have a maid. now can still cope with 1 bb.
Hi happy to meet indo mommies here. I'm from indo too...been here for 6 yrs, have 2 kids already...28mths boy and 3 mths girl. hope can join in here to chat.
Hi ladies...
Good to see this thread! I'm from Jkt, and have been in spore for 13 yrs. I'm 11 wks preggy.

Mum2b and oleander, i have also just sent in my resignation letter to my principal (i'm a kindergarten teacher). So yes, i'll be forgoing my maternity benefits. But hubby and i have made up our minds, and i'll be just happy preparing for motherhood and taking time off from work.

Mujmuj, wow 2 kids! How do you cope with the babies? You have helper?
Hi mujmuj & butterfly..ya join us here!

Mujmuj - ya how do u cope with the kids? your boy can help you out sometimes?

butterfly - congrats! must be one happy mummy-to-be!
Hi butterfly - congratulation on your pregnancy! yes..just enjoy it to the max!

Oleander, my boy can't help out fact he is more difficult to take care than my baby girl. I have no helper but currently my mil is here to help out during my confinement and first few is tough but i think somehow you will learn how to manage. she is going back soon..and i'll be going back to indo too..yipeee...homesick...haven't gone back for 2 yrs! and at least can take a break for awhile..
wow 2 kids.. where do u plan to enroll ur boy for nursery n kindergarten?
enjoy ur break time in indo, must eat lots of indo foods there..

congrats on ur pregnancy! same here, i also resigned from my full time job a few months a go. stay happy!
Hi all,

So happy to see this thread active again ! Hope can chit chat with all of you. My boy is almost 3 years now. I have sent him to child care after 2.5 years babysit him alone.
hi again star

sawur old post that u study in NUS b4? me too. which faculty? i'm from real estate.
wwhich child care does your boy go? do u plan to go back to work?

btw, anybody know where to buy a good prawn cracker (the raw one, not fried yet) here? tried one in giant but taste horrible.. i like fina small prawn cracker, easy to fry n taste ok.
Hi All,

I haven't checked this thread for a few days and suddenly can see more people.. great
I guess all of us really have to stop our full time job after giving birth. I'm also thinking of doing that when time comes.

I went to gynae last week, supposed to be my 6th/7th week but from the scan still can't see heartbeat. Can I check with you all when did you get to see bb's heartbeat? week7th/8th? Gynae said normally we could already see the heartbeat by now (week 7th), but was told not too worry much and come back again at week 8th/9th.
hi joseohine,
i went for 1st trans-v scan at 7th week n see the bb hearbeat. but if ur gynae tell u not too worry, then try to relax. did u see any sac during the scan? and did u do trans-v or abdominal scan? my gynae couldn't do abdominal scan until much later coz i had a lot of winds, was quite worried too when he couldn't find the bb, but it turns that w/ trans-v scan we can see the bb

hi butterfly,
how do u fill ur days now? now that my freelance job is lesser (coz my boss is also preggy n delivering soon), sometimes i feel bored staying at home all the time.
Hi Mum2B,

Thank's, I also did trans-v, twice already now coz the sac is too small to see for the first time and for the second time it is also quite blur from abdominal. I think I will just go two weeks from now as not to waste so much money on the scan:p. Btw did you do any exercise now? I am thinking of doing some exercise like swimming after the first trimester, to increase the chance of easy and normal delivery. But not quite comfortable to swim in public swimming pool coz itt get too crowded in weekend.
hi all...great to see more people joining in. it seems that most of us are not working....anyway i have a bunch of indonesian mommies friend who like to hang out...sometime we go to town, or to wherever we fancy. Maybe you guys would like to join in? but nowadays it is hard for me to go out with 2 kids in tow...maybe after the baby is bigger.

Hi Mum2be, yup...looking forward to go back soon...and definitely will eat lots andlots of fooddd...i particularly miss pempek..anybody knows whether we could get it in singapore?
Hi mujmuj, you can get pempek frm es teler 77 & ayam penyet. dont knww abt the taste though. i usually prefer direct frm palembang hehe..relatives will bring when they come.
so far haven't found a nice pempek here. the one at ayam penyet is expensive n doesn't taste good
i know another indo bbq stall at S-11 near centerpoint also selling pempek, but haven't tried that one yet.
sounds fun, can i join ur indo mommies hang outs? now that my tummy is not so big, can still move around easily

me too lazy to exercize.. hehe.. even b4 preggie also the same. thinking to join yoga class for preggies, but must ask my gynae first lah. anybody do yoga? btw, i can't swim! never feel comfortable in swimsuit even b4 preggie, let alone now..
oleander, i lazy to fry the pempek...always got the oil splatter...and use so much oilll.....never mind...going home soon...will eat to my heart content...

mum2b..swimming is don't have to swim like a pro..just have a walk in the pool is good too ..but seems that yoga is very popular...but my preggie exercise??? shopping!!!
mujmuj - ya sometimes i also lazy. me going back next mth too. looking forward to eat all the stuff i've been missing since i got preggie looking after my bb, can afford to eat more even though no time to exercise

hey shopping a good exercise...hehe...get to walk so much! did it often scouting for baby's products during preggie too. but make sure the footwear is comfy. forget abt those heels.
Hi Mum2B,

Sorry for the late reply. I didn't browse this forum for a while. I am not NUS graduated, only meet hubby there while hanging out with my NUS friends.

I am planning to go back to work next year. My boy is attending full day cc at Kinderland, west coast.

It sounds like a good idea if we can arrange a hang out, eating pempek together. I miss pempek too.
Hi Star, are u planning to have the second child? i was having that plan too...quit working until my child 2 years old...then go back to work...who knows i got pregnant maybe later lhor...but when people said that it's better to have smaller you get tired at once is kind of true. with the second one..i'm so used to those sleepless night already so i don't feel so my system has adjusted. In fact. my insomnia is cured with my second child.

hmmm.talking about pempek...really makes me hungry...but so hard for me to do outing i have 2 to tag along..some more my boy is sooo naughty...
Mujmuj - i also have the same thinking. have small gap for the kids n get tired once and for all. do you have anybody to help you at home? ya, can imagine...go out with 2 kids alone.. now still ok, bring my girl everywhere I go.
Oleander...i don't have a full time help but my mother in law comes for my confinement until now...but she will be leaving soon. normally she will come and go...every trip around 1 - 2 months..not bad...but actually after a kind of settle into your own routine and schedule and it will be more manageable. like our first born..many people was in doubt whether we could take care ourselves..but it was not as fact it gets easier with time goes by. and when i get pregnant...everyone was so to handle my boy or carry him around and do fact i'm more energetic than before...i even cooked everyday! full blast meal...don't know why i enjoyed cooking when i was pregnant with the second one. now...2 of them...will update you how i cope.

of course if we are in indo it is very easy to get "suster". one for each kid. but personally, i don't like to get any nanny/maid...although no doubt life will be easier at times..esp when u see mounting laundry..sigh..
how about you oleander? do u have any help at the moment? is your hubby a singaporean?
Hi Mujmuj,

Yes...everybody is telling me to keep the small age gap. But I am keen to continue my study first, so we are postponing our plan to have no.2

I blog many things about my son. You ladies can view my blog here. Please feel free to leave comment.
Hi Star,...thanks for your blog is interesting...i think i'll start blogging too...but afraid will get addicted just like this forum..:) are very young ya...

are you planning to continue your study? wa...i'm so lazy thinking about study already...hehe...

Hi mujmuj - wow! you are great...can do cooking somemore..thumbs up! i am also alone at home taking care of my girl. managing now. but i seldom cook. i would like to cook more freq. actually. now hubby is indonesian too. but we met here. i take it yours is indo too rite.

star - ya you so hardworking, plan to continue study. i'm lazy already also hehe
