So al of u wil be delivering at mt Alvernia? Based on my exp, it'll be beneficial if u opt for the 4 bedder. For my 1st 2 kids,I gave birth at Mt A. Hubby deposited $700 for my 2nd child aft dischg etc, 1 week later they rfd $400 via chq. Even, u choose the 4 bedder also, its very private as all the curtains will b drawn..n the ward are very spacious too....
wat babymustwear say is true, if the 4 bedder is fullm they'll upgrade u to d nxt class of ward n pay for the 4 bedder also..
Imagine if all of u gave birth at d same tym n opt for 4 bedder, then u all wil b placed in d same ward, Isn't dat gonna be fun [IMG=]
Also during ur stay at Mt A, there are a lot of free classes which u can attend. Got Postnatal exercise, Breastfeedin classes n also how to bathe the baby class...
Njoyzzzz [IMG=]