Teh yee jin
New Member
Hi mummies,
Need some suggestions on how to establish routine for my 6 mths old boy especially his sleep routine. My LO has very bad sleeping pattern at night. Wake up almost every 3-4 hrs and cant go back to sleep and cry out for us. We tried early bedtime(7am), late bedtime (8.30pm), but his bad habits continue. I have trouble having a consistent nap timing as well. Sometimes he slp for 1 hr, sometimes he can slp for 2 hrs, thus, his subsequent nap times are pushed back. Sometimes he resist sleep especially the third nap and get overtired by the time its bedtime. Sigh..he never sleeps thru the night and i wonder when tt day will come. Even 5 hrs straight of sleep is god sent. I dont think he wakes up at night for milk because sometimes he just refuse milk or just drink abit and spit out the bottle.
Need some suggestions on how to establish routine for my 6 mths old boy especially his sleep routine. My LO has very bad sleeping pattern at night. Wake up almost every 3-4 hrs and cant go back to sleep and cry out for us. We tried early bedtime(7am), late bedtime (8.30pm), but his bad habits continue. I have trouble having a consistent nap timing as well. Sometimes he slp for 1 hr, sometimes he can slp for 2 hrs, thus, his subsequent nap times are pushed back. Sometimes he resist sleep especially the third nap and get overtired by the time its bedtime. Sigh..he never sleeps thru the night and i wonder when tt day will come. Even 5 hrs straight of sleep is god sent. I dont think he wakes up at night for milk because sometimes he just refuse milk or just drink abit and spit out the bottle.